K THURSDAY, MAY j&W THE FRANKLIN FRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONiAlN PAGE THREE i ;;-.". " Highlands Highlights MRS. H. G. STORY NOTICE TO HIGHLANDS RESIDENTS Mrs. H. G. Story is the news reporter and representative of The Franklin Press and The Highlands Maconian in Highlands and vicinity. She is prepared to receive advertisements and subscrip tions as well as news items. We refer you to Mrs. Story for any service that this newspaper may render you or your community. The Editor. CHURCH NOTES Highland Methodic Church Rev. J. S. Higgine, PHtar 10 a. m. Sunday school. Horse Cove: 10 a. m. Preaching. Highlands: 11 a. m. Preaching. Clear Creek: 2:30 p. m. Preaching. Highland Baptist Church Rev. J. G. Benfield, Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday school 11 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m. B. T. U. 8 p. m. Sermon. Church Of The Incarnation Rev. A. Rufua Morgan, Rector 10 a. m. Church School. 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon. Highland Presbyterian Church Rev. H. T. Bridgnwn, Minuter 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Worship service and sermon. 3 p. m, Sunday School, Shortoff. 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 4:15 p. m. Wednesday, Junior Christian Endeavor at the Manse. SUMMER RESIDENTS COME HOME TO HIGHLANDS The Misses Marguerite and Clare Raversel, of Philadelphia, have op ened their summer home Wolf Ridge for the season. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodruff of Datona, Flu., are at their summer home at the Country Club for the dura tion. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cook of Palm Beach, Fla., are occupying their, home at Whiteside Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. George Strong of West Palm Beach, have opened their summer Home, "Strong Acres'' for the season. Mrs. Mary J. Crosby of San Mateo, Fla., is at her home here for the summer. Summer home owners in the Wefabmont section who have ar rived for the season are Mr. and Mrs. Wade Suttony Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lewis of West Palm Beach, Fla., and Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Shiffli and family of Clewiston, Fla. Mrs. C. A. Sisson of Atlanta is spending sometime at her summer home "Stepping-Stones" on ' Cul lasaja Drive. Mr. and Mrs. , Stan ton Therrell of Atlanta are at their new home on Whiteside Mountain. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Olds are occu pying their summer home in the Mirror Lake section, and Mrs. A. B. Micheal of Walbassa, Fla., has opened her .summer home here for the season. Members of Highlands school faculty, ofificers of the parents teachers associations and members of the school board and their wives were entertained with a tea Monday afternoon by Miss Martha Edmondson at the home ! of her brother-in-law, C. W. Rain water. The guests enjoyed the marvelous views and were shown over the new home. Included in the guest list were Prof, and Mrs. O. F. Summer, Miss Marion Afbertson, Miss Marjorie Ingle, Miss Musch, Mrs. Annie W. Pierson, Miss Ethel Calloway, Miss Sarah Thompson, Miss Nina Howard, Miss Lois Keener, Miss Veva Howard, Mrs. R. T. Abbott, Mrs. H. P. P. P Thompson, Mrs. Sidney McCarty, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brvson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Potts and IMr. and Mrs. J. R. Phillips. PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY MEETING AT MRS. EDWARDS The May meeting of the Wo man's Auxiliary of the Presbyter ian church was held at Hotel Ed wards with Mrs. W. W. Edwards as hostess, This was the annual birthday meeting of the Auxiliary and a special offering was taken, which goes this year for home mission work among the negroes in the South. Mrs. W. H. Cobb led the devotions and Miss uth Car ter had charge of the program ''An Open Doof." Refreshments were served during the social hour. Personal Mention The Wednesday Card Club met with Mrs. H. G. Story last week for dessert-bridge. Miss Sarah Gilder won high score prize and Mrs. Jack M. Hall the traveling prize. Mrs. Elsie Tarry was pre sented with the guest prize. Dog wood blossoms and pansies were used as decorations; Chamber of commerce officers elected Tuesday night are Stacy Russell, President; Mrs. Stacy Russell, 'secretary and C. E. Mitch ell, reelected treasurer, Composing the board of directors are; W. W. Edwards, W. H. Cobb, O Summer, L. G. Appley and p. B Burggess. Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Kenne left Friday to return to their home in Covington, Ky., after a two week's visit here with Mrs. Kenner parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Davis. Mrs. Mary Zachary who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M Moss, at Toxaway for the past ten days has returned to her homt here at the Potts House. John Tucker Hail, eight months old son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Tudor N Hall, was baptised in the Church of the Incarnation Sunday after noon by Rev. A. Rufus Morgan Rector of the church. The baby uncles, Harry T. Hall, and Jack and his grandmother, Mrs. E. R Gilbert, the godmother. Mrs. M. M. Hunter of Pndle ton, S. C, her nurse, Mrs. Ben F. Sloan, and the Misses Sally and Louise Hunter were Friday lunch eon guests of Mr. and Mrs. W S. Davis. Dr. and Mrs. H P. Spring and son of Winter Park, Fla., are spending the summer in their trail er at Kanonah lake. Dr. Spring is teacher of .English at Rollins Col leee. Ernest L. M linger, son of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Munger, has ar rived safely in Australia. He is attached to the army air force and was promoted from private to priyate first class en route to Australia. Jftiss Valerie Douvall of St Augustiine, Fla., is opening her sdriimer home "Faraway" for the season and will have as her guest thip summer, Mrs. Jamie Wotton of 'Athens, Ga., olonel and Mrs. Elliott Caziarc returned to their home here Mon day after spending the several mctaths in Datona, Fla. Mrs. Helen Rucker and small son Tommy, spent the past week at the Molt tarm wun tne iorm er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Auction Sale of the TOM SANDERS' FARM Wednesday. May 27th -10 A. M. This property is located two miles from Franklin on the Highlands road. It has been subdivided into lots and tracts with a good six-room house, two barns and other out buildings and will be sold for cash re gardless of price. This is fine clay soil for grain, vegetables, fruit, etc. and your chance to secure a good home at a bargain. All farm tools, household and kitchen furniture, a fine Guernsey milk cow and nice flock of poultry, one 2 3-4 wagon, wheat drill, mowing machine, hay rake, disc plow, and harrow, cream separator, cultivators, bull tongue plows, and may other articles too numer ous to mention. Mr. Sanders is leaving for the West, and says, "Sell everything Sal Conducted by Home Realty & Auction Company R. A. PATTON, Sale Mgr. FRANKLIN, N. C C. Holt. Lieutenant and Mrs. Robert Rutledge King, Jr., whose marriage was an event of May 2nd in Augusta, Ga., have .been visiting Lieutenant King's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. IR. King, at King's Inm Mrs. Charles du Bignon who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S, T. Marett for the .past two weeks, left Sunday to return to her home in Miami. On the way dowtii ,she will visit friends in Gainsville, Summerville and Moultrie, Ga., and in Orlando, Fla. Mrs. G. B. Humphrey of Houston, Texas, who spent the past wirater in Orlando, Fla., has returned to the Potts House for the season She was accompanied on the trip by R. L. Potts of Miami, who is visiting his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. C C. Potts. . Lieutenant and Mrs. Louis A Edwards pf Fort Benning, Ga spent ten day furlough at thei home here, prior to his transfer to Fort Pickett at Blackstone, Va on May 20th. LEGAL ADVERTISING Methodist Women With Mr. Hopper The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist church held the May meeting with Mrs. M. H. Hopper at her home the Dillard Road. The inter esting program from the study book was led by Mrs. R. J. Price president. After the meeting de licious refreshments were served by Mrs. Hopper. Cooperation Of Church and State Need Of Democracy Consideration for. others, cooper ation! of the church and the state, and building life on eternal values were among the points discHssed by the Rev. J. S. Higgings, pastor of the Methodist church, in his sermon to the graduating class at the Highlands .school auditorium Sunday morning. Mr. Higgins us ed as his text the sixteenth verse of the tenth chapter of John, There shall be one fold and one hepherd.'' He spoke of the cry ing need of unity in the world to day and said "to have this unity in the fold there must be consider ation for others, and that in the union of the fold there is a de cided value upon every human be ing; that we too often think of our community as being a very small unit of the fold, but that every unit, no matter how small, has its influence upon the Sum of the world's outcome." Mr. Higgins said that the great factor we need to remember be tween totalitarianism and democ racy and cooperation with the Christain church is the word free dom, and that in the time of crises there is a tendency to close out freedom of speech; that in order to have unity there must be greater cooperation between the church and the state and that freedom" is the keynote to this end, which rightly used, produces the desired results. He said, how ever, that the results of freedom when misused or misdirected or used as a license to indulge, are called sin, and that we must change our opinion in regard to the state ment that "individuals sin and na tion can only make mistakes," cit ing the old Testament teaching that sin may rest upon one or many individuals and noting that Israel is the one exhorted to return un to the Lord that she might be saved. NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maoon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Birdie Lakey, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 30th day of April, 1942, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 1st day of June, 1942, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, Nortih Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: BEGINNING on a Spanish oak third corner of tract conveyed M. J. Barker by J. B, Lakey, and runs with its line to a Spanish oak; then to a black gum; then to a black jack on top of a ridge; then up said ridge and with the line of Will Lakey to the top of the moun tain to a black jack; then a south easterly direction down the moun tain with Vivian Lakey's line to the' BEGINNING, containing 10 acres more or less. This, the 30th day of April, 1942. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. M7-4tc M28 NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina Macon County Frenbflin Township Before C. A. Setser Ju.tice of the Peace E. B. Duvall vs. Phillip Hoyt The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 17th day of March, 1942, by C. A. Set ser, a justice of the peace of Ma con County, North Carolina, for the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars, due said plaintiff by rea son of work and labor performed for said defendant, whiah sum mons is returnable before said jus tice, at his office at Franklin, in 3aid county, and in Franklin Township on the 25th day of April, 1942, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. The defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment was is sued by said justice on the 17th day of March, 1942, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable before the said justice, at the time and place above-named for the return of the summons, and the defendant is re quired to appear before the under signed Justice of the Peace on or before the l&l day of June, 1942, and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 20th day or April, 1942. C. A. SETSER, Justice of the Peace M7 4rc M28 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Elizabeth N. Bateman, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April, 1943, er this notice will be pled in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 25th day of Afrit, 1942. T. A. BATEMAN A30-6tp J4 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. John Loomis and wife, Loornis; Margaret Cato and hus band Cato; and David Fleming, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 30th dav of April, 1942, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 1st day of June, 1942, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina sell to the highest bidder for cash the following- described real estate: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a poplar tree at the Spring, corner of the land of T. C. Loomis and Monroe Bryson, and runs a northeasterly direction with the pasture fence, about 350 feet to a locu9t; then a southeasterly direc tion about 150 feet to a red oak; then south about 150 feet to a white oak; then south about 100 feet to an ash ; then west about 200 feet to the BEGINNING corner. ' SECOND TRACT: All the land described in a deed from A. M. Bryson and wife, Amanda Bryson and Fred Bryson, to T. C. Loomis and wife, F. P. Loomis, dated June 16, 1924, and recorded in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in Deed Book K-4, page 172. This, the 30th day of April, 1942. R. S. JONES, Commissioner M7-4tc M28 Only a truly noble spirit can really enjoy another's prosperity. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina Maooa County In The Superior Court Fred Tallent vs. Lona Tallent The defendant, Lona Tallent, will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce by the plaintiff from the defendant ; And the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of said County, the Courthouse in Franklin, North Carolina, on the 16th day of June, 1942, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded said complaint. This the 16th day of May, 1942. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court. M21-4tc-411 JOIN! JOIN! JOIN BRYANT BURIAL ASSOCIATION Only costs a few pennies a month to protect the whole family. They have equipment to serve you the merchandise and well. WAKE UP AMERICA! THE CIVILIAN POPULATION HAS NOT REALIZED THAT WE ARE IN AN ALL-OUT WAR Thousands of typists, stenographers, and secretaries are needed for defense work. Urgent demands are being made on our school to fill this demand. We are rushing our students through just as rapidly as we can to meet this emergency. We are in need of many more people to train for these defense jobs. Who is willing to help his country in these perilous times ? Our prices and terms are most reasonable. Jf you want ta help your country, get in touch with us. Government jobs pay good salaries. For full information write or phone the ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE ATHENS, GA. . (Fully Accredited) NORTH CAROLINA FACTS ! NORTH CAROLINA MINES MORE HfC4TN4M ANY OTHER STATE IN THE UNION MICA IS USED IN DeCOftATKX gJ rr- TWnw'U'n..-" VeW 1tC MECKLENBUM DECLARATION Of INDEPENDENCE ( MAY ZOV 7T5 ) PRECEDED THE DECLARATION AT PHILADELPHIA BY MORE THAW A 5lNCE ffttfl WAS MAO tMSAL AOAIN IN 1933, TNE INDUSTRY MAS CON TRIBUTED I0.OOO.COO IN TAXES TO THE NORTH CAROLINA TREASURY.' Three year lio the North Carolina beer industry launched iti owe "Clean Up or doe ' fits to the ate. : Up" drive, to help preserve beer' important bane- am Today, on iu third anni versary, this Committee ha proved net Setf Refutation realty work! 205 retail beer outlet only a handful out of the ohmioanih of wholesome, kw-ebidin place inspected failed to dean Hp after ear warniruj. They were closed up! The beer industry, which work with your law officer through ttu Com mittee, here renew it pledge to keep the retail ak of beer up t North Caroline hifh standards. YOU CAN HELP! Buy your beer only in reputable, decent place. Bap art any violan'oo of the law to your local officer er to tins 0mmaae. Far Kfcrsry " Wmr AWj eW Stamp WINa INDUSTRY f OUMDATIOfl vtortA Cmoum Cbmmme a C BRYANT, Pre. VLfm.mSMc Director 80 817 (WrtriWfr !

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