V PACE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON I AM THURSDAY, SEPT. M, 142 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of J. M. DAVES, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or beiore the 11th day pf August, 1943, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 11th day of August, 1942. J H. DAVES, Administrator. 6lp-A.B.-S-l7 NOTICE Wade Pickens, having qualified . as administrator of Joseph John Martin, deseased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to i-.otify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to he undersigned on or before the - 22nd day of August, 1943, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This 22nd day of August, 1942. WADE PICKENS, A27-6t Administrator. LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE R. S. Jones has applied for ex change under Act of March 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1215), offering 46 acres, more or iess, of land n Macon County, North Carolina, on waters of Big Branch, entirely surrounded by United States tract No. 20-3 acquired from Macon Lumber Company in exchange for stumpage worth $138, more or ' less, oil national forest land in Macon County, North Carolina on watershed of Bic Buck Creek, being tract No. 263 acquired from M. E. Cozad. Persons claiming said properties or having bona fide objections to such application must file their protests with the Regional Forester, Glenn Building, Atlanta, Georgia, before Septem ber 15, 1942. 4tc Aug. 20-Sept. 10 Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administra tor of Lelia A. Lowery, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1943, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 24th day of July, 1942. H. W. CABE, Administrator. - 6tp-S10 LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE The Whiting Manufacturing Company has applied for exchange under Act of March 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1215) offering 9.4 acres, more or less, of land in Graham county, North Carolina, om waters of Big Saruteetlah Creek, entirely surrounded by United States Unds acquired from E. B. Olm stead; Gennett Lumber Company and Will nk Wachecha, in ex change for stumpage worth $103. 40, more or less, on national for est land in Macon Couty, North Carolina, watershed of Buckeye Creek, being part of Tract No. 5f-l, acquired from Ferguson and Osborne. Persons claiming said properties or having bona fide ob jections to such application, must file their protests with the Re gional Forester, Glenn Building, Atlanta, Georgia, before October 1, 1942. A27-4tc-Sl7 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Mmcon County Under and by virtue of the power of sale vested in the un dersigned trustee by Deed of Tout executed by Clive York ant) wife, Fannie York, to the undersigned trustee, dated June 2, 1941, and recorded in the of fiat of the Register of Deeds for MtWon County, North Carolina, is Rook of Mortgages aind Deeds of Trust No! 37, Page 420, the undersigned trustee will, at 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, Sep tember 29, 1942, at the court house door in Franklin, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate Situated in Franklin Township, Macon County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows Joining lands of John Stockton, Wiley Sumey and others, BE GINNING on a white oak 2 poles S of a hickory, corner of No 105 being a part of lot Grant No 2774, also including a fractional part of Grant No. 105; runs thence a NE direction with John Stock ton's line to a hickory on top of the mountain, John Stockton and Wiley Stamey corner ; runs thence with the meanders of the top of said mountain a south di rection 51 poles to a large hick ory on top of said mountain ; runs thence down a small ridge with a straight line 55 poles to a stone, Bruce Bates SE corner of first tract ; runs thence W 28 poles to a maple, corner of first tract ; runs thence W 28 poles to a maple on east side of branch ; runs thence down meanders of branch 28 poles to a rock, John Stockton's SW corner, also in line of Zeb McClure's; thence in East direction with said Stockton's line to the beginning corner, con taining 23 acres more or less, be ing more fully described in a deed from H. H. Bates to Bruce Bates dated April 3, 1935, and January 25, 1937, to which refer ence is hereby made for a more full description of the above land; also road right-of-way described in a deed from Harve Tallent to Bruce Bates. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust This the 29th day of August 1942 J. H. STOCKTON, Trustee. S3-4tp-S24 NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MACON MACON COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs, MARY CAMPBELL; JIM HEAD, et al, (Heirs of W. P. Head) Defendants. Under and by virtue of a de cree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above entitled action on the 14th day of August, 1942, the under signed Commissioner will, on the 21st day of September, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon, iat the Court house door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on a stake in the line of No. 7203, Grant No. 3606, being a part of Tract No. 7203, Grant No. 3606, and runs N 45 E 65 poles to a stake and sourwood in the line of said number; thence N 45 W 45 poles to a stake on the Southern Railroad; thence S 43 W with the said Railroad 47 poles to a stake; thence S 21 E 45 poles to the beginning, containing 15 acres more or less. Reserving the merchantable timber and minerals. SECOND TRACT: Situate in Namtahaka Town ship and on the waters of Red Marble Creek and bound ed and more particularly de scribed as follows : Being a part of Tracts Nos. 12763 and 7482, beginning on a forked white oak in a low gap near the Macon and Cherokee County line, it being the be ginning corner of 12763 and runs S 36 E 50 poles to a stake, thence S 5 E 18 poles to a stake; thence S 52J4 E 48 poles to a stake; S 79 E 16 poles to a stake; thence S 70 E 20 poles to a stake; thence S 75 E 23 poles to a stake on said County line; thence S 70 E 30 poles to a maple in the line of the Jar rett's land; thence N 45 with ROPER REUNION HELD TRe Roper reunion was held the fourth Sunday in August at the home of Mrs. Arlesa Roper on Burningtown. There were 175 persons present and a good time was enjoyed by all. The morn- i ing was spent in visiting and re- newig acquaitances, ad a picnic lunch was served at noon. Ln the afternoon, Rev. E. N. Holden preached, and the "Roper Sing ers" entertained with a few num bers. The reunion will be held next year, the fourth Sunday in August at the. home of S. L. Rop er on Burningtown. the Jarrett line 80 poles to a spruce pine on the East bank of Red Marble Creek ; thence N 45 E 106 poles to a locust, a former corner; thence N 61 'W with a former line 29J4 poles to a hickory, a former corner; thence N 69 W 40 poles to a 'black oak; thence N. 53 W 30 poles to a Span ish oak; thence N 63 W 61 poles to a Spanish oak; thence N 30 W 36 poles to a Spanish oak ; thence N 43 W 15 poles to a sourwood, thence S 45 W 65 poles to a stake in the line of No. 7203, thence S 21 E 68 poles to a Spanish oak on top of a ridge; thence S 10 E 18 poles to the beginning, con taining 128J4 acres, more or less. Reserving the merchantable timber and minerals. This, the 14th day of August, 1942. R. S." JONES, Commissioner A27-4tc-S17 PASTOR OF RAY'S CHAPEL GIVES SPECIAL SERVICES Rev. D. D. Moore, who became pastor of Ray's Chapel .Zion church on Green street after the death of Rev. E. N. McClelland in June, has announced special services every night this week. Rev. Moore rfcsides in Clayton, da., and spends some days each week in Franklin. His church will have their "Feast of the Wilder ness" on Sunday, September 6. Everyone is invited. Sale Of Real Estate For Taxes NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MACON. MACON COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN P. R1CKMAN AND KANSAS STEWART, Defendants. Under and by virtue of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above entitled ac tion on the 14th day of August, 1942, the undersigned Commission er will on the 21st day of Sep tember, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate : In Franklin Township, ad joining the lands of C. W. Dowdle and others, and being all the lands described in a Noma Stockton to John P. Rickman dated September 26, 1922, and recorded in Deed Book 1-4, at page 29, to which deed and record reference is hereby made and had for a more complete description of the lands hereby conveyed. This, the 14th day of August, 1942. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. A27-4tc-S17 'Advance Movement At Presbyterian Church A rally was held in the Frank linlin Presbyterian church Tues day night, September 1, launching the "Advance" in this portion of Asheville presbytery. The speak ers for the occasion were the Rev. James M. Carr, regional di rector of religious education in the Synod of Appalachia, and Dr. Henry) W. McLaughlin, director of Sunday school extension. Ministers attending the rally were the Rev. Charles M. Robin son of Bryson City, the Rev. Hubert Wardlaw, and the Rev. H. T. Bridgman of Highlands. Mem bers of the congregations from those churches also attended. Mr. Carr in his message said : "In the bounds of general as sembly there are 60,000,000 eonl who are not affiliated with any church or Sunday school. If all these people were in one locality they would equal the population of our southern states from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic ocean, and would be sending mis sionaries to them. As it is, they live within reach of our churches and are not receiving that which our church has to offer." Dr. McLauglin gave a program on organizing an outpost Sunday school and how to improve the quality of our own schools Mov ies were shown of the Young Peoples' conference in Asheville. The "Advance" is a movement through" 42 of the Protestant churches for meeting the spiritual needs of men, women, boys and girls as we face ever-changing conditions. Town of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina Pursuant to an order of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Franklin, I will on Monday, Septem ber 14, 1942, at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court house door in Franklin, and thereafter until said sale is completed, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law, the property hereinafter de scribed belonging to or listed in the names of the persons designated, for the Town taxes due for the year 1941,' in the amounts set forth, with cost of this advertisement and sale to be added, to-wit : "There is no brotherhood of human beings if there is not a common Fatherhood." F. W. Maurice. The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper k Truthful Constructive Unbiased Free from Sensational ism Editorial Arc Timely end Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Malta the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Homo. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price f 12.00 Yearly, or 1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $ 2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, ft Issue 25 Cents. Name , ,. , . Adores. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST WAKE UP AMERICA! THE CIVILIAN POPULATION HAS NOT REALIZED THAT WE ARE IN AN ALL-OUT WAR Thousands of typists, stenographers, and secretaries are needed for defense work. Urgent demands are being made on our schoo' to fill this demand. We are rushing our students through jusi as rapidly as we can to meet this emergency. We are in need of many more people to train for these defense jobs. Who ii willing to help his country in these perilous times? Our prices and terms are most reasonable Jf you want to help your country, get in touch with us. Government jobs pay good salaries. For full information write or phone the ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE ATHENS, GA (Fully Accredited) EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of Albertima Staub, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 3rd day of September, 1943, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 3rd day of September, 1942. RUTH V. CARTER, Executrix. S10-6tp-O15 Name Acres or Lot Angel, Ralph V., 2 lots . Angel, Zeb, 1 lot Arnold, Lester L., 1 lot .. Arrendale, John V., 1 lot.. Benbow, John, 1 lot ...... Berry, W. A., 67 acres . . Brown, Harry ti., 1 lot . . Bryson, 'Iliad J)., Jr., 1 lot Calloway, Nellie O., 1 lot . . Carper.iter, W. Roy, 5 lots.. Coffee, R. M., Est., 9 lots balance Vi Collins, Mrs. J. B., 2 lots.. Collins, J. L., 2 lots Collins, John, 1 lot Collins, Mary, Est.,- 1 lot.. Crawford, Mrs. Carrie R., 2 lots Curtis, Frank, Est., 1 lot.. Daniels, James and Hope, Evelyn, 1 lot, balance . . Daniels, James, 5 lots .... Elmore, J. C, 2 lots Enloe, S. W. & Son 1 lot Emloe, T. B, 1 lot Finley, W- H., 4 lots .... Fisher, Noel, 1 lot Fowler, Amelia, 1 lot Fletcher, Fred, 1 lot . . Graham, Mary Joe Elmore, 1 lot Green, R. C, 1 lot Higgins, Harry S., 4 lots.. Higgins, Mrs. Harry, 1 lot Holbrooks, Maggie, 1 lot Jones, Joe, 1 lot Jones, Mrs. M. F, 1 lot .. Kinsland, J. L., Est., 1 lot Kinsland, Roy, 7 lots Ledford, Howard, 2 lots.. Lenoir, W. B., Est., 1 lot.. McCollum, Phil, 4 lots ..... McCoy, D. C, 1 lot McGlamery, H. A., 1 lot Mashburn, Homer, 1 lot Mashburn, Mrs. Pearl, 1 lot Taxes $ 7.o5 18.23 1.35 .91) 4.(15 30.15 .45 2b.M 18.00 8.67 832 1.26 2.88 .68 2.25 17.55 1.35 18.00 7.20 2.25 23.40 1.85 6.08 .45 11.25 k80 .45 30.18 104.58 2.70 1.04 2.15 10.80 2.25 5.85 1.80 1.26 13.50 1.80 19.80 8.10 20.25 Name Acre or Lot Taxes May, T. A., 1 lot 7.20 Moody, C. F., Trustee, 2 lots 1.80 Moody, J. N., Est., 1 lot.. .90 Moore, Alex, 3 lots 2.40 Moore, John M ., 2 lots .. 18.00 IVarrish, Ralph, 1 lot .... 8.00 Patrick, Mrs. J. iC, 1 lot.. 9.72 1'atton, Helen, 1 lot 18.00 Peek, I. T., 1 lot 32.26 Porter, J. D., 1 lot, balance 16.55 Porter, Ruth Z., 1 lot . ... 2.70 Potts, J. E., 1 lot 19.80 Powers, Effie Love, 6 lots, 25 acres 31.50 Ray, J. Mann, 1 lot 5.85 Ray, Oliver W 1 lot .... 5.85 Reece, Chas., Est., 1 lot . . 2.25 Reece, Davis D., 1 lot .. .90 Reed, Mrs. A. W., 11 acres 61.20 Roper, Arlesie, 1 lot 90 Sherrill," Jack W., 1 lot . 9.80 Stewart, Kansas, 2 lots 36.59 Tallent, Carl, 2 lots .... 2.70 Tallulah Falls Rwv. Co., 3 lots : 18.77 West, A. J., 1 lot 2.25 Wilkes, W. C, 1 lot 8.10 Wright, Mrs. John C, 1 lot balance 15.00 Wright, W. 1 lot .... 16.20 Wurst, Janies P., 4 lots .. 16.20 COLORED Name Acre or Lot Taxes Burston, Jim, li acre $ 1.80 England, Clifton, 1 lot . . 7.65 Harper, Odessa, 1 lot 333 Hayes, Nelson, 2 lots 2.25 Moore, Mabel & Nobie, 1 lot 1.80 Porter, Mattie, 1 lot 1.80 Thomas, Lester, 1 lot 1.80 This the 12th day of August, 1942. E. W. LONG, , Tax Collector, A20-4tc-S10 Town of Franklin. I Try Your Home Town First If You Gan't Buy It. There, Come To SHIWDLLE -V ... sit?: f We Have ftp Excellent Bus and Tram Schedule Asl-viJIe Merchants Association 1 Your own judgment says it's true Bo wiso and "follow through!" HffROLET DEALERS THAN DEALER IN THE ARMY they say "BUBBLE DANCING" for dish-washing "NASH MARK" for service stripe "MICH BALL" for an extra snappy salute "CAMEL" for their favorite cigarette men in the Klmj, Nary, Marines, aod Coast Guard. rh fnr... i. r i (Based on actual sales records la Post Exduuute SERVICE OTHER ORGANIZATION MIlDf R All WAYS THAT'S ONE REASON I SMOKE CAMELS. ANO THAT PULL, ROUND FLAVOR IS REST! nmr CAMEL Headquarters for VICTORY SERVICE on ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS Because Chevrolet dealers have sold more new cars and trucks more used cars and trucks and have had broader experience in see vicing all makes and models during the last ten years than any other dealer organization. BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Franklin, N.C. J 4,'

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