THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1M PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS KlACONTAM West's Mill The Home Demonstration club met with Mrs. M. L. Rickman,ara invalid. Members brought gifts and had a special program for her entertainment. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met with Mrs. C. N. West last week with ia good at tendance and ai interesting pro gram. ''Problems Jn Critical China" was the book discussed. Refreshments were served. M rs. Thelma Edwards and fam ily spent last week with Mrs. Edwards' father, A. J. Franklin, mar Franklin. Miss Davis of Webster spent the past week with Ada Ruth West. , . "Hill" West from Utah is visit ilig relatives here. Mis Vonnie West returned from a visit to her brother and family in Utah last Friday. Mrs'. J. G. Owens .and young sun, Johnny, have returned rom Winston-Salem, where they visit ed Mrs. Owen's oldest son, Charles. The Music club met with Ada Ruth West last Monday after noon. After the business session an interesting program was given on the lives of Fanny J. Crosby, hymn composer, and John and Charles Wesley, both music and word composers. Kefresments were served. The next meeting will be with Louise Bryson. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met at the home of Mrs. C. N. West last week. A large crowd attended and an in teresting program was provided. The book studied and discussed was "The Problems In Critical ChlJty." Refreshments were served. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the hundreds of good people, both white and colored, who gave their time and strength through many weary hours of search for little Robert Alden Lawence, who wandered from the home of his grandpar ents on August 4, and whose dis appearance still remains -a mys tery. We especially thank Sher iff Slagle and Deputy Sheriff John. Dills, who untiringly directed and assisted in the search, following every clue possibe and who are still trying to discover the fate of our beloved, child and graixl child. The sympathy of the many friends and strangers is deeply appreciated. Joe Stewart and Carrfe Stewart, Clifford and Callie Lawrence. "HOLIDAY INN" with BING CROSBY and FRED ASTAIRE "EAGLE SQUADRON" with ALL-STAR CAST "PARDON MY SARONG" with ABBOTT end COSTELLO "TALK OF THE TOWN" with GARY GRANT - JEAN ARTHUR and RONALD COLEMAN "WAKE ISLAND" ALL-STAR CAST "MRS. MINIVER" with CREER CARSON and WALTER PIDGEON "ARABIAN NIGHTS" IN TECHNICOLOR JOHN HALL MARIA MONTEZ and SABU "DESPERATE JOURNEY" with ERROL FLYNN and RONALD REAGAN 53 The New We are we wish to express apptociatioa ia ad To thoes to do so. and Social Security Man To Be In Franklin A representative of the Ashe ville field office of the Social Security board will be at Room 103, Postoffice, Franklin, N. C, Thursday, September 17, 1942, 1 :00 P. M. Eastern War Time. Wage earners Iwho have worked in a job covered by the Social Security act since December 31, 1930, and have attained age 65, may be eligible to file claim for themselves, their wives, or minor children, whether they have anac cournt number or not. Surviving relatives of deceased workers, such as widows, children, or par ents, or if none of the above, persons who have paid funeral ex penses, may be eligible to file claim. Persons wo have need of social security account numbers or other information pertaining to the Act are invited to meet this represen tative at the time and place men tioned. Need Of Men Is Stressed At Showing Of War Films The showing of war films on Friday afternoon at the Macon theatre drew a large audience. First Lieut. B. E. Keisler of the Army Air Corps and Staff Sgt. Ted R Blackwell of Asheville brought the films over and gave the showing through the courtesy of Clyde Gailey, manager of the theatre; Lieut. Keisler, who gave a com mentary cm the pictures shown, depicting the air forces of the United States, stated that the U. S. Air" Force . w& fast becoming the finest in the world, manned by the finest and best-trained of aviators. He said that young men between the ages of 18 and 25 could apply for the necessary men tal and physical tests to become pilots, navigators, bombardiers and ground men. A high school edu cation is desired, but a diploma is not required, provided an appli cant can pass the tests. Parents' consent is required for men. under 21. He stated that the base pay for single men is $276 per month a,nd for a married man $327. Also young men are needed in special electric and radio service and in the signal corps and ordnance. A new branch of the service is the Amphibian&men trained for shore duty. Young women for the WAACS and the WAVES Army and Navy services are wanted. Announcing Change In Ownership of TOP-FLIGHT FILMS Macon Theatre Inaugurates With Notable List Management of the Macon Theatre ia pie of this progressive community that the Terr Presented aa won at poeaible (under war condition) after they are nel sated, aad at prices you can afford to pay. We further pledge to you that we will never phty any pictures of a ouestsooable nature or any which are not approved by the National Board of Censorship. rare that the owner it grateful who have not visited the Theatre, we est promise hnliausas recreation and entertains FREE PASS! We will giadly give a Free P... "WHERE Classified Advertisements Clarified Advertising Rate.: One and a half cents a word 30 cents minimum. FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. Apply Miss Lassie Kelly. 2tc WANTED To buy a good used typewriter. Miss Louise Simile, Route 4, Franklin, N. C S3 2tp S10 FOR TRADE Will trade 9 acres of land near Lake Emory for late model light car with good tires or for house and lot. JJ. H. Stockton. S3-2tp-S10 NOTICE! The Frank's Radio amd Electric shop left their account books with me. Also their stock of radios. Please make future pay ments to me at Western Auto store. J. D. Franks. LOST Black silk parasol with transparent curved handle. Re ward if returned to The Frank lin Press office. FOR SALE A nice young cow 24 Guernsey; good milker and good condition. See her at Frank Mashburn's on Walnut Creek. D. J. Moses. ltc THE ORIGINAL BEAUTY OF your floors can J)e inexpensively and easily restored with our H1LOO CHIEF Floor Sander. You can do the work yourself. Franklin Hardware Co. ltc FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A new shipment of "Pawn Brok er's" shoes ; also several dozens of Fall and Winter dresses in all sizes. See Lee Mason at the "Pay-and-Take-It" store. Itp MALE HELP WANTED Movie operators and managers, Frank lin district. Movie; circuit work. 1622 Rhodes Haverty Bldg., At lanta, Ga. ltp-SlO Mrs. W. R. Rowland has been spending a few days with her son, I. M. Deheart, of Burning town. Miss Hazel Childers was a week-end guest of Mrs. George Evans. Mr. amd Mrs. Glen Campbell visited Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Burrell Sunday. "ICELAND" SONJA HEN IE and JOHN PAYNE "Somewhere I'll Find You" with CLARK GABLE and LAN A TURNER "The Major And The Minor" GINGER ROGERS and RAY MILLAND "BETWEEN US GIRLS" D I ANA BARRYMOR E and ROBERT CUMMINGS "MY SISTER, EILEEN" ROSALIND RUSSELL "PANAMA HATTIE" ANN SOUTHERN and "RED" SK ELTON "Pride Of The Yankees" GARY COOPER and TERESA WRIGHT "War Against Mr.. Hadley" EDWARD ARNOLD and FAY BA INTER Franklin pledget to heat pictures urodacod will for your past to anyone as the WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT COSTS SO LITTLE" WE'LL DEMONSTRATE AND rent the dtmless H I L C O CHIEF. Re-surface your floors the rapid, .handy, inexpensive way very little hand-scraping. Franklin Hardware Co. ltc WANTED TO BUY A small home, reasonably priced; in or near Franklin. Mrs. B. Patch, Locust Hill Farm, Culkasaja. ltp-SlO SPOT CASH for Fresh Eggs for the next several months. C. T. Blaine. WANTED Will pay $1.20 per bti. in trade for corn; $1.15 per bu. in cash; wheat, $L10; rye, $1.05 per bu., and 33c per doz. for eggs. Ray Grocery and Feed Co. lfcc-S10 Mrs. "Tony" Welch left Thurs day for a two weeks' vacation in Richmond, Va., and Washington. Before returning she will viist Mr. Welcr, who is engaged in defense work in Tennessee. Holly Springs By STELLA SUE PARKER Miss (Mildred Franklin has re turned to Cecil's Business college, Asheville, after spending her va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 'Franklin. James L. Huggine, son of Mr. and Mrs L Huggins, left last week for Norfolk, Va., where he is employed in the Navy Yard. Leffertt Higdon, who has been working at Fontana, spent the week-end with his family." ' Miss Emmy Elibtt is now work ing at Fomtama. For the past two years she has been working in Asheville. Miss Ellen Kerr of Watauga community visited Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kinsland over the week end. George Crawford is now home from Norfolk. Va., where he has been employed or the past two motrths. Miss Dewell Elliott and Cecil Parker were Sunday guests of Mr. and MrsrJ. H. Dotson. A farewell party was given in honor of Nelson Howell at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Lura McCracken, Saturday night, August 28. ( Games were played and rereshmerats served. Every one had a grand time. A B.T.U. social was held by the Holly Springs B.Y.P.U. in Char lie Elliott's pasture Saturday eve ning, September 5. MACON THEATRE FOR FRANKLInT The New Movie of Fine Features "YANK AT ETON" MICKEY ROONEY "NOW VOYAGER" BETTE DAVIS "Yankee Doodle Dandy" JAMES CAGNEY 'Tales Of Manhattan" MORE STARS THAN ARE IN THE HEAVENS "For Me And My Gal" JUDY GARLAND "No Time For Love" CLAUDETTE COLBERT and FRED MacMURRAY "Springtime In The Rockies" IN TECHNICOLOR BETTY GRABLE and JOHN PAYNE "BLACK SWAN" W TECHNICOLOR TYRONE POWER and MAUREEN OHARA who hat never seen a movie or who hat not aeaa ana ia the past year. All that is necessary is to tell the cashier in the Baa Office and the will arre you a pats to aae the thaw irhtaaltd. The ssssvies have aa important rale to play at this than, while the Nation is fighting tor its very Ufa. Everyone wants ia know the latest aewa from all over tste world and to at and hear what it actually sag. This we will do through the News Fee tore, which thaw tuetory-tnhnea Patriotic themes will he satahaiitid and we are tarn that the snorale of the Nation will he thaeglfctatj hy the It it aw opinion that THE wsb error tne ruseet group it rt .a aw you will agree with aa when , ulsBCa tO aliOW, fLftfjBstf Wltml ansnUty Plant Being Made For Furnishing AAA Lime Plans now are being made by coun.ty AAA committees or furn ishing ground limestone to North Carolina farmers as a grant-of-aid mateial under the 1943 AAA pogram, according to G. T. Scott, chairman of the state AAA com mittee, with headquarters at North Carolina State college. Orders for limestone under the the 1942 program already have exceeded 300,000 tons, and orders will be accepted under this pro gram until September 15, Scott said. County AAA committees now are soliciting bids for hauling limestone from railroad points im the various counties to farmyards he said, and arrangements are expected to be completed before September 15, so that orders un der the 1943 program can be tak en by October I, Bid forms may be obtained at the county agent's office. Delivery prices of limestone under the 1942 program vary from $2.40 to $3.90 per ton, de pending on freight charges. Prices under the 1943 program will be announced as soon as arrange ments for delivery are completed, the chairman said. "With farmers engaged in their biggest production program in history, it is expected that use of AAA limestone under the 1943 program will be more-than 400,000 touts. Our production goals call for mure livestock, among other agricultural products. This means more- pastures, and limestone is needed to insure a good growth. At the. same time, it is likely that commercial nitrates will be hard to get next year. This niakes it necessary for farmers to produce as much nitrogen as possible through use o winter legume crop, and limestone will be used extensively to promote, better growth of these crops,' Scott said. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS FOR TYPISTS U. S. Civil Service Examina tions will be given for typists and stenographers in Bryson City on September 10, at 2 pm. and on September 11 at!! a.m. STOCKTON REUNION The Stockton reunion will be held at the old home place on North Skeenah Sunday, Septem ber 13 This will be the last on for the duration of the war. All who can are urged to attend and bring picnic lunch. Season "WHITE CARGO" with HEDDY LAMARR and WALTER PIDGEON "Seven Sweetheart" with KATHRYN GRAYSON VAN HEFLIN "FOREST RANGERS" with FRED MacMURRAY and PAULETTE GODDARD "Star Spangled Rhythm" A Patriotic Musicals la Technicolor With A Big Star Gael 'Geo. Washington Slept Here' with JACK BENNY aad ANN SHERIDAN "For Whom The Bell Tolls" UN TECHNICOLOR GARY COOPER "CHINA GIRL" GENE TIERNEY aad GEORGE MONTGOMERY Aad Other. To -THE MANAGEMENT. I I recranbea afforded by NEW MOVIE SEASON starthsa of pictures ever tieduttil ia Hollywood, and the films luted above, which we THE MANAGEMENT. Macon Theatre WEEK DAYS 3:30 p.m. 7:30 - 9:30 SATURDAY Continuous 1 to 1 1 p. m. FRIDAY, SEPT. 11 Virginia Brace - Dick Fioran in "BUTCH MINDS THE BABY" "GANG BUSTERS" SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 Double Feature WILLIAM BOYD ANDY CLYDE in "TWILIGHT ON THE TRAIL" -end 'THE WIFE TAKES A FLYER" with Joan Bennett Franchot Tone MON. & TUES., SEPT. 14-15 "YOU'LL NEVER GET RICH" Fred Astaire - Rita Haywtorth (Matinee Will Change To 3:45 Monday). WED. AND THURS. SEPT. 16-17 Barbara Stanwyck George Brent Geraldine Fitzgerald in THE GAY SISTERS' Carl P. Cabe, who is with the Government Printing office in Washington, D. C, is home for a short visit. . Mrs. Mysa Crawford suffered a broken arm last Sunday from a fall on the stairs at Kelly Tea Room. She is recovering satis factorily. B Come! ga hi we bah eve are scbed-