Pi fetttllitt ffr Affording Advertisers Thorough Coverage Of Macon County PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT- VOL. LVII, NO. 39 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT. 24. 1942 $2.00 PER YEAR Mica Industry In Macon Grows To Meet War Needs Many Uses For Mineral In Various Forms Described (By THAU D. BRYSON, Jr.) Macon county has long enjoyed a reputation for its mineral tie posits and is now coming into its rightful heritage as a result of the tremendous demand for mica. Here- tofpre this resource h,as been de vekned on a small and dubious scale due to the competition from foreign sources, especially India. There the famed "Bengal Ruby" mica contributed a large per cent of t-hat utilized in this country, and only the recent invasion of the Japanese forces in Singapore and other points in the Pacific stopped this source of supply. Now the domestic sources are being called upon to supply the tremen dous demand the present war has brought about. Probably the rea son foreign imports heretofore far exceeded the domestic supply was because of cheap labor, and fur ther, it was commonly supposed that the "India" mica, was of a superior grade. It has been proven, however, that the "Rum" or "Ruby" mica produced in this country is equal in quality to that produced in other parts of the world. Types Of Mic,a The types of mica produced here are classified white, ruby and black; the first two types are used in the production of prac tically all important military equip ment, such as tanks, trucks, air planes; as a matter of fact, each bomber that is sent to harass and ultimately destroy Hitler and Com pany contains approximately $500 worth of mica. Its uses in the electrical industry are almost countless. It is used in highly im portant items such as radio trans mitters, condensers, high-tension magneto condensers, which are in dispensable to the functioning of squadrons of airplanes, tanks, ships and other mobile mechanical in struments of modern warfare. Thus under present conditions it is read ily observable the great impor tance of the development of mica mines, and the recovery of this important product. Foreseeing this fact, the United States Govern ment has set up the Colonial Mica Corporation, with offices in Ashe ville, for the purpose of assisting mica miners to increase their field of operation by supplying neces sary machinery at nominal lease rentals, and also, stabilizing the market so that a reasonable price may. be obtained from the sale of their product. This is an important .. t I .1 Ml Mep iiurwaru anu win exert a tremendous influence upon the de velopment of this industry in Ma con county. The prices now being paid for mica are practically double that paid in the latter part of 1940. Punch then selling at an average of eight to ten cents per pound, now brings twenty-two cents; one and one-half by two then bringing forty-five cents to sixty cents per pound, now is quoted at one dollar and ten cents, and all sizes liave increased pro portionately. Six by eight formerly quoted at four dollars and twenty five cents, now is eight dollars. Thus the facilities for mining are available and the market a guar antee of a reasonable return for labor expended. P. T. A. GREETS NEW TEACHERS Mrs. Carl Slagle And J. F. Pugh Address Gathering (Coutinued On Page Six) The first meeting of the Frank lin Parent-Teacher's association last Monday afternoon was well attended. J. F. Pugh, new principal, addressed the gathering, welcoming their cooperation and pledging his every efifort to sustain a high standard for the school in the dif ficult days ahead. "The task will be heavier for all of us, and there will be hard problems to solve," said the speak er, "and we will have to learn to do more with less under the re strictions of war. The organization which always helps to maintain standards is the P. T. A." Mrs. Carl Slagle, the new pres ident, read the P. T. A. objectives for the year and appealed for united interest of parents and teachers to uphold the standards of home and school for the young people whose lives are bound to be disrupted by war conditions Mrs. Lola Barrington, chairman of the program, led in the pledge to the flag. She paid high tribute to Mrs. John Wasilik, whose effi cient administration through sev eral terms as president has laid the foundation for the strong or ganization which exists today. Rev. J. L. Stokes welcomed the new principal and the teachers, and Mr. Pugh responded. Rev. Philip Green led in prayer arid in the signing of the National Anthem and "God Bless America," and Rev. Hubert Wardiaw sang a solo. New teachers were introduced; Miss Mildred Cable B.S. from Ken tucky State Teachers College, mathematics teacher; Miss Mary Griggs from Uemorest, Ga., who holds an M.A. degree from the University of Georgia, is teaching mathematics in Mr. Hawkin's place. Miss Naomi Derrick holds an A.B. degree from the Univer sity of South Carolina and a cer tificate in Library science, and is teaching English and faculty ad visor for the Journalism club. Mrs. Boesser and Mrs. Gilmer Crawford are new teachers in the elementary school. Mrs. Cantey Johnson presented the War Information center now maintained in the Franklin Library as a WPA project. Mrs. Carl Ty singer, the new sec retary, announced that Mrs. Hen derson Calloway had consented to serve as treasurer. The' following committees were appointed : Membership Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., chairman; Mrs. Lester Hen derson, Mrs. Thad Bryson, Mrs. Charles Bradley, Mrs. Tom Mc Collumn, Mrs. Joe Setser, Car toogechaye; Mrs. Will Parrish, Otto; Mrs. Jim Gray, Hickory Knool. Ways and Means Mrs. John Wasilik, chairman; Mr. Horner Stockton, Mrs. Thad Bryson, Mrs. Henderson Calloway, Mrs. Albert Ramsey. Education and Health Dr. J. L. Stokes, chairman; Mr. Pugh, Mrs. Clyde West, Cowee; Mrs. John (Continued To P Six) High School Principal -MM 1 'ft Statewide Blackout Will Be Held Tuesday Night 33 MACON MEN LEAVE ON 29TH Order Of Eastern Star To Give Sendoff To Group Jesse Forbes Pugh, of Camden county, who succeeds W. H. Finley. Mr. Pugh is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and Columbia University, New York, with M. A. degree. He has taught four years at Central High School, Charlotte; principal of Craven County High School for four years; superintendent of Red Springs City Schools and supervisor of practise teaching of Flora MacDonald College for ten years until coming to Franklin. Gigantic Scrap Metal Statewide Campaign ATTENTION, people of Macon County! There will be important news for you in next week's issue regarding a gigantic statewide scrap metal campaign. This patriotic drive, requested by the United States government, will start October 1 and run for three intensive weeks. This campaign will require the best effort and cooperation of every man, woman, boy, girl, civic organization, business institution and industrial plant in this region. There will be a great statewide contest in con nection with this campaign with many fine prizes offered. There will be special awards for counties, business firms, individuals and units of junior boy and girl organizations. The prizes for the coun ties will be based on the amount of scrap metal collected per capita population. The county salvage committee in each county Will be in charge of this program. Full details about this campaign will be pub lished by all newspapers throughout North Caro lina next week. Watch for the news of this cam paign and be getting ready now to play the fullest possible part in it. Thirty-three of the group of Ma con men who were examined re cently for induction ut Camp Croft, S. C. will leave for Fort Bragg on Tuesday morning, September 29. The Nequassa Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star have prepared going-away gifts for the group and will be present to give them a send-off. The following volunteered for service : Robert Howard Shook, Harvey Cabe, Rufus Lee Holland, Chahners Hill Mashburn, Judson Charles Cunningham, Otto Gibson, John Richard Tyler, Robert Lee Dillard. Selectees were as follows; Jesse Lee Morgan, Furman Daniel Hol land, William Nelson Cabe, Char lie Wilburn Franks, Arvin Lin coln Duvatl, John Robert Jones, Thomas Logan Scroggs, Robert To JLast 45 Minutes; All Asked To Stay Off Streets Final arrangements are complete for the test blackout ordered v be held on Tuesday night through out North Carolina by the Army through the state organization of Civilian Defense. Guy L. Houk, county chairman, attended the meeting of Civilian Defense offi cials in Raleigh last week, called to receive final and detailed in structions for the blackout and for civilian protection. Mr. Houk states that the black out will be observed on Tuesday night, September 29, the town siren sounding the alarm and the all clear sometime between the hours of seven and twelve, midnight. He took a trip to Highlands Tuesday afternoon to arrange with tit town authorities for the blackout there. Air Raid Warden On Duty Auxiliary policemen and the fire department will be on duty to as sist the regular law enforcement officers in traffic control and any other duties ; also 24 air raid war dens will have special patrol duties throughout the municipal area. All ( :r. ,.,il.. IT.. 1.1..., I T .. f Rass Justice, John Cheek, Thur- a b " WIth'n .sound of th mora Henry, Joe Brown Jones, Rus sell Thomas Ramey, Dennis Vertel Amnions, Oscar Glen Stiwinter, Jerry Carson Gibson, Olan J. Brad ley, Elbert Houston, Thomas Mar tin Jones, Andrew Evans, James Crawford McCoy, Elwood Bailey, Chne Roane, and Franklin Donan Dowdle. Transferred to other Local Boards were : John Joseph Whitesides, and Ernest Benjamin Beck, Jr. The following men enlisted in the Navy, prior to induction i Robert Woodrow Wild. David Lawrence Griggs, aird John Frank Shope. Blackout Siren Signal Will Be Tested At Noon Saturday Legion Demands Drafting Manpower And Industry Goes On Record In Favor Of All-Out Support Of War Effort The American Legion at its three-day weekend national con vention held in Kansas City de manded that both capital and la bor be drafted and the lowering of the draft age to 18. Koane Waring, Memphis utility executive, chosen national com mander by acclimation, in a blist ering speech, assailed those ham pering the war effort as saboteurs and traitors, pledging the legion's fullest support to the president in the war effort. Almost as one voice the 1,500 delegates passed resolutions em bodying the following demands : Conscription of both manpower and industry for war production. Lowering of the military draft age to 18. Compulsory military treuoiof for youth after the war. . Job security for returning vet erans. Fewer deferments from the arm ed forces for young mem whose jobs in vital industries might be filled by older men and women. A navy and an air force strong enough to meet successfully any foe or possible combination of foes. Continuation of enlistments in the navy, marines and coast guard. Full utilization of elementary training facilities of the civilian aeronautics administration's civilian pilot training program. A superior merchant air fleet for all forms of transport in both peace and war-time. Re-establishment of civilian con servation corps for veterans of both world wars with vocational training offered. All-out support of the president e the war effort. Franklin will hear the siren signal for a blackout test on next Saturday, September 26, at 12 o'clock, noon, according to an announcement made by Chief Carl Tysinger, of the Fire Department. The town siren, located on top of the jail, will sound five blasts, with an interval between each blast. Five minutes later the all clear signal will be sounded, which is one blast lasting two minutes. The same signals will be given when the state-wide blackout is observed on Tuesday night. Chief Tysinger states that fire fighting training is being given every Wednesday evening at the fire station at 7 o'clock. This course requires five hours for the com plete course. All citizens interested in this vital training for home de fense are urged to avail them selves of this opportunity. C Of C Dinner To Be Postponed On Account State Wide Blackout The Chamber of Commerce din ner announced to take place next Tuesday evening, September 29, has been postponed to a date to to be announced later. The reason for this postponement is that the state-wide blackout is ordered to take place on that night, said Lee Guffey, secretary. Mr. Guffey reported that Sep tember has bean a much better REPUBLICANS SELECT TICKET Paul Potts, Chairman, Announces List Of Candidates John Dills Arrests Graham Robbery Suspect Deputy Sheriff John Dills re ported the arrest by him of "Dock" Kruknel, one of the three men wanted in connection with the rob bery of a store in Robbinsville several weeks ago, and who has been reported as dodging the saw ever since. Kruknel was arrested near Sam Waters' wood camp in the Nantahala section of Macon county last Monday night accord ing to Sheriff Dills. siren are requested to turn off their lights and pull in on the side of the highways and streets. State highway patrolmen will also be on duty, receiving their orders and warning directly by short wave radio in their cars from iolice stations. Mr. Houk states that the black out will last 45 minutes after the alert has sounded. He stated also that it is probable that there will be blackouts from time to time. These alarms will be given by the Army and will be unannounced from now on. "Stay Off Street" All persons are urgently request ed to stay off streets except air raid wardens and those employed in civilian protection. During the last blackout, considerable confu sion was caused in some places by the presence of people on the side walks out of curiosity. It can readily be seen that this is dan gerous and has in the past been the cause of casualties and acci dents. The full cooperation of all citizens is requested by the com mittee of civilian defense and the town authorities. AH cars coming into town will be stopped on the outskirts of the town area. Corporal Shuler's Death First Fatality Reported Soldier From West s Mill Died In Auto Accident In Puerto Rico Republicans of Macon county have selected their candidates for county offices and representatives in the general assembly, it has been announced by Paul Potts, chairman of the Republican ex ecutive committee for Macon county. The candidates and the offices they are seeking include; The Rev. George A. Cloer, a well known farmer and a minister of the Baptist denomination, for rep resentative. J. Perry Bradley, farmer and dealer in livestock, for sheriff. Alfred R. Higdon, owner and manager of the Franklin Hard ware company, for clerk of su perior court. Wiley Clark, who operates a fill ing station, for register of deeds. W. T. Tippett, N. Buford Downs, and Thomas C. Harbison for county commissioners. J. N. Dills for county surveyor. R. Glenn Ray for coronor. month for tourists than was ex pected, the booth giving in forma - I tion of various kinds to visitors who have been passing through daily and others who have spent their vacation here. He announces that the booth will close September 30. The death by automobile acci dent of Corporal Carl Shuler in the Puerto Rico area in August is the first death of a Macon county man in the armed forces that has been reported since the war began. Sam D. Shuler of the West's Mill community has received full details of his son's death from his commanding officer, and copies of the Caribbean Sentinel of San Juan, P. R., official publication of the Armed Forces in the Caribbean Area, with tribute to his service. Mr. Shuler first received a wire from the office of the War De partment, Washington, announcing the death of his son on August 7, at 7:15 p. m. Later he received a letter from the Adjutant General stating that the accident occurred on the Ponce Guayama Highway, near Postillo, one mile east of Losey Field, when the automobile in which he was a passenger over turned after striking a truck. One other soldier was killed and four injured in the accident. The letter related that military funeral services were held on Aug ust 9 in the Post chapel, and the body interred with full military honors in the National cemetery at Borinquen "Field, Puerto Rico. The letter expressed sympathy and regret concerning Corporal Shuler's death, adding "We would like for you to know that we at the head quarters and of the headquarters squadron, 36th Fighter Group, will long remember the hard working end good natured Corporal Shuler that attached himself so closely to all of us in the short time he spent with us." Signed, Major Arthur R, OeBolt, An article in The Sentinel gave a full account of the accident, which stated that the calamity left Major DeBolt's squadron "shocked and stunned for a long time after ward." It described the impressive services for the two fatalities, and said: "It is with a deep sense of loss that we part with them. Both men were very popular in the Squadron. Their conduct and char acter were beyond reproach. We offer sincere condolences to the parents of these men and wish them to know that we hold them in the highest esteem." Corporal Shuler was a member of the Ridgccrest Baptist church. Surviving are his father, Sam D. Shuler, his stepmother, three brothers; Charlie, of Hopewell, Va., Everett Lee, who was inducted into the service on September 1, Sam D., Jr., of West's Mill; one sister, Miss Inez Shuler of Hope well; five half brothers, Howard, Vance, John Weaver, LeRoy and Ray, of West's Mill. Red Cross Official To Be In Franklin On Next Monday Mrs. Katherine Stewart, district field representative of the Amer ican Red Cross has notified offi cers of the Macon county chapter that she will arrive in Franklin next Monday to assist in the or ganization of the chapter's stand ing committees and to help them plan their wartime programs for the coming year. The Rev. Hubert G. Wardlaw, newly elected chairman, has seat out notices of a meeting to be held at his home Monday, Sep tember 28, at 8 p. m. All officers and chairmen are requested to be present