OCTOBER 4-10 PHOGHESSTKE LIBERAL IJVUEFEJVDENr VOL. LVH, NO. 40 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1942 $2.00 PER YEAR FIRE PREVENTION WEEK i attb i I Women's Salvage Division Announces Drive Leaders Stations For Waste Fats Needed For Explosives Announced The Woman's Salvage Division of Macon county, is being set up as a part of the State Organiza tion . -- Mrs. Estelle T. Smith, assistant to the state home agent of State college is chairman of the N. C. woman's divisiom, Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill, home agent, is chairman for Macon county. M s. Charlie Brudley has been appointed as chairman for the Town of Franklin. Zone directors will be appointed within the next week by Mrs. Bradley. Mrs. W, .ii. Cobb is chairman for the Town of Highlands. Mrs. Frank Potts has agreed to assist Mrs. Cobb. Mrs. Henderson Calloway is sal vage representative for the Frank lin Garden Club. Mrs. Carl Slagle will be repre sentative for, the U. D. C. The rural areas will be reached through Citizenship Leaders of the fifteerb home demonstration clubs. These leaders are as follows : Walnut Creek, Mrs. Cora Mash burn; -Holly Springs, .Mrs. Frank Cabe; Otto, Mrs. Miller Norris; r ' I tL t. Lu, w - ' - J , J . 7 Mrs. Paul Grist; Burningtown, Mrs. Grady Duvall; Lotla, Mrs. Robert Bennett;" Oak Grove, Mrs. Floyd Martin; Cartoogechaye, Mrs. Carl Slagle; Patton, Mrs. R. D. Wells; Union, Mrs. Lester Hen son; Hickory Knoll, Mrs. Robert Ledbetter; West's Mill, Mrs. Bur dell Ray; Stiles-Tellico, Mrs Ros etta Mason. Women neighborhood leaders of the communities where there are no home demonstration clubs will be asked to reach the families in their localities. Waste Fat Station The following places ire Franklin are collecting stations : H & K Market, Arthur Kinsland, at A & P Store; People's Market, Bald win & Liner, and Swaf ford's Mark et. Potts Brothers is the collect ing station in Highlands. Albert M. Ramsey, Jr. Appointed Cadet-Colonel A ;i . a( A1U . I IJ ' l. . i: ..J . tr the coveted Danforth Fellowship this summer as the leading junior in agriculture. He ' is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Ramsey. Mr. Ramsey is head at Farm Se curity Administration for Macon county. Local Board Trying To Locate Four Registrants Locan Board No. 1 is unable to locate the following registrants: Robert Columbus Bowers, Walter Sylvester Miller, Charlie Tipton, James Theedore Rogers. Anyone who has any knowledge of their whereabouts will please communicate with the Local Board, as they are now considered sus pected delinquents and are sub ject to severe punishment unJess they contact the Board and com ply with its instructions. DEATH OF INFANT OF MR. AND MRS. CARL MOSES William Morris Moses, aged two years, three months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cart D. Moses at the Ellijay community, died Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock after a ten-days illness with septic sore throat. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Sugar fork Baptist church, with the Rev. J. L. Stokes officiating. Bryant Funeral Home was in charge. Interment was in the chuYch cemetery. The little boy was born June IS, 1940. Surviving are his parents, grand parents, three sisters, Annie Louise, Frances and Betty, and two broth ers, David and Jerry Randolph. Mr. Moses is a teacher at the Otter Creek school. The sympathy of many friends is with the be reaved fmUy. n,m,crl i ri iv. - L DeHart, of Franklin, has been sey if of Franklin, as cadet col-, sdected for am, enHsted one! of the State College ROTC as a nayal aviation ,)eHart reg.men.ts for the new school year , was graduated from Franklin High was announce.! last week in Ral- Schoo, m 1939 Prior t0 his e.gh by Col. Thomas W. Brown, 6nt he was employed at Vir commattdant of the college s Milt- Beach, Va. Mr. DeHart will tary department. be ordered to report to the- U. S. Ramsey, a semior in agriculture, Kavv Vrpnirrut crhrtfVi m nhv- , " ' i Men In Service V ; ' Pfc. Kay Moffett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Moffett, of Frank lin is now somewhere in the Pa cific area, in active service. Private Gordon J. Ramey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramey, formerly of Franklin, now living in Transylvania county, is station ed at Fort Jackson, S. C. Pvt. Ramey drives a jeep and a big truck in Field Artillery. He joined the armed forces in February 1942. ---! Word has been -received that Pvt. James Fraink Garland has been promoted to the rank' of Corporal. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock W. Garland of the Otto section and has been in the service since March 1942 and is stationed with the 7th, Armored Division, 48th Rgt. Camp Polk, La. Pvt. Harry Fdwards is inow stationed with Co. C, 16 Bn. at Fort McClellan, Akt. Sgt. R. L. Taller arrived Thursday night to spend his 3-day pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jule Tallent. He is stationed in Louisiana. . Tnra.r Ho Hart cnm .rvf Mrs M. r. - ---o". - r- sical conditioning, instruction in naval essentials, military drill, and ground school subjects. After com pleting his course, he will be sent to one of the navy's numerous bases for primary flight training. -- Mrs. Grady Waldroop recently received a letter from her son, Quinton Waldroop, which was writ ten in July, saying that he was well but did not mention where he was. He- is with the Foreign Service. W. L. (Red) Watkins, Boat swain's Mate and captain of an anti-aircraft gun on a battleship at -the battle of Pearl Harbor, has written his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Watkins, from somewhere in the Pacific that he is safe and well- Proposed Bus To Meet Shifts The proposed additional bus service to Bryson City to meet the two shifts working on Fon tana dam foresees more travel when a large force is added in the near future. This is seen as a benefit to Franklin, not only to transport workers who already live here, but to bring others here to live on account of the crowded conditions in Bryson City Wm. F. Carpenter Critically Injured William F. Carpenter erf Otto, is critically ill at the Angel Clinic suffering from internal injuries suffered when he fell from a truck at the U. S. Experimental Station at Coweta fast Monday. He is an employee of the U. S. Forest Service STRIKE DOWK WHIP THE RED Rules And Prizes State Salvage Contest Purpose To make North Carolina one of the first states in the Natior.' to complete an. exhaustive clean-up of scrap for war needs. Prizes, will be given by the newspapers of North Carolina to tlie North Carolina county, business firm, individual and unit s of junior boys' or girls' organizations or schools turning in the most scrap metal, according to the prize rules. It does not matter whethetthe scrap metal is given free to the government or sold to dealers. It all counts in the prize competition. The main purpose is to get all tle scrap for the government. Get a .receipt to show your County Committee. Contest runs from October 1 through October 24. Prizes Prizes given by the newspapers of North Carolina will be series E and F War Bonds as follows ; $1,000 War Bond "will beawarded to the county reporting the great est total poundage of scrap metal collection per capita. $500 War Bond to the county , reporting the second largest col lection per capita. $100 War Bond to the county in each Congressional District re porting the largest collection, per capita. (Counties winning the two prizes above not eligible.) $300 War Bond to the business firm turning in the largest pound age of scrap metal. $150 War Bond to the individual delivering the largest number of pounds. $75 War Bond to the local junior organization ot school deliver- -ing the largest poundage in the State. $50 War Bond to the local junior organization or school deliver- i ing the second largest poundage in the State. $25 War Bond to the local junior organization or school deliv ering the third largest poundage in the State. Details and rules may be secured from the county chairman, Sam Menienhall, or from Roy Mashburn, chairman of collection depots. The Contest in Macon County Sam Mendenhall, county salvage chairman, has notified all county . leaders of plans to make this an exhaustive drive, and to get in every piece of scrap collected by men, women and, children, in every nook and corner of every horrte, farm, store, field or stream. Depots for Scrap Roy Mashburn has been appointed by the state chairman of Automotive, Oil and Rubber Dealers as county chairman to djesig nate official receiving depots for scrap. Mr. Mashburn announces that he has written letters to all filling stations and garages in the county, giving instructions as to the receiving of scrap at their places as official depots. Schools to Help Guy Houk, superintendent of schools, announces that all school children in the county will share in this vital war work, instruc tions being given through their individual schools. Prizes Announced! Next Week The chairmen states that full deails of prizes to be awarded in the county contest will be announced next week. A meeting of business men of Franklin' has been called and all organizations are being requested to cooperate. Red Cross Plans Program And Appoints Leaders Mrs. Catherine M. Stewart, dis trict -field representative of the American Red Cross, met with the executive committee of the Macon chapter and chairmen of various committees on Monday and Tues 4ay, to complete plans for a war time program. Mrs. Stewart announced that all funds on hand should be budgeted for the work of the various com mittees. Plans were made to se cure a Red Cross nurse for three months courses in home nursing and care of the sick to be taught throughout the county. This is an important part of Red Cross work at this time, she explained, when so many doctors and nurses are being called into the service. Work of the Production committee on surgical dressings was reported, and activities of other committees were planned. Home service work, which U THIS MOHSTER! FIRE WOLF! and Plan service to men in service and their families at home, increases in im portance at this time, being ex plained fully at the meeting. Rev. Philip Green Elected Ch'm. The Rev. Hubert Wardlaw an nounced his resignation as chair man on account of accepting a call to another charge, and th$ Rev. Philip Green was elected chairman in his place. The Rev. A. Rufus Morgan was elected vice-chairman and the Rev. J. L. Stokes home service secre tary. Other chairmen who will serve for the coming year are, Gilmer A. Jones, disaster chair man; J. Horner Stockton, chair man faiance; Mrs. T. J. O'Neil, first aid; Mrs. Charles Melichar, publicity; Mrs. James E. Perry, production; Mrs. Florence Sher rill, home nursing; Miss Gladys Maxwell, nutritioa. Firemen Offer Services To All Property Owners : KEEP FIRES FROM FORESTS Warden F. Bryson Asks Help Of Citizens To Prevent Fires By J. FRED BRYSON County , Forest Warden H,elp defend America by keep ing fire out of our forests! Macon county is doing a pan in the defense by taking wood products to the, mills. Acid wood is beirjg cut more than ever. We must keep the trucks on the road. If we get careless and let fire get into the forests it will ruin the acid wood. They can't use blackened, fire scorched wood. . We are becoming more and more (Jependent on timber. We must have more ships and plar.ies. It takes timber to make them, so why not be more careful about your fires so the timber can be produced ? October is the beginning of our fire season. We appreciate the cooperation that has been given in fit; prevention and fire sup pression. We are still depending on the good folks of Macon county to continue their cooperation. We are going to have to be ois our toes to keep our forests greqn and growing, but Macon county folks will do that. In burning debri, please secure a burning permit, and be sure that it is safe to burn. Permits can. be secured from the county warden, or from most any loeat forest warden. MANY NAMES CLASSIFIED Selective Service Board Announces Classes Of Selectees The local Selective Service Board announces the following classifica tions and re-classifications of reg istrants, made at the last meeting of the board: The following men were placed In 1-A, fit and available for mili tary service : Frank D. Shuler, Treacy Morris Barnard, Everette Alexander Owenoy, Ellis Samuel Cotiley, Harvey Edwards, J. L). Reece, Gene Bateman, Jack Har vey Head, William Troy Shields, Johnnie Lawton Talley, Wayne, Major McDowell, Walter James Young, Tom Lee Brown, William Dewey Gunnin, Robert Olin Evans, Joseph Andrew Dills. . Placed in 3-A, man with depen dants, Carl Colbert Denny. Placed in 4-F, following physical exami nation, Buell Tippett, Claude Mc Kinley Justice, Jess Lyman Ran kin, Everette Andrew. Patterson. Placed in 1-C, after haying en listed previous to examination and induction by this board, Lester Harding Carpenter, Charles Hur shel Ledford, Doc Eldon Rogers. The following registrants were re-classified: From 1-A to "3-A, Lemmie Shirley Houston, Jesse Mason; from 3-A to 1-A, Raleigh Vernon Rowland, Harvey Harris Jones; from 4-F to 1-A, Jasper Lafayette Norton; from 1-B to 1-A, Gene Adams Taylor, C. L. Potts, Meldrum Raymond William son, Joseph Benson Morgan, Earl Nelson Seagle, Charles Avery Clause, Zollie Hamilton Buchanan, Willard Richardson Pendergrass ; from 1-B to 4-F, Charles Harold Morgan. The following men were reclass ified after beirjg sent to Camp Croft for final physical examin tkn. 1-A remedial, meaning reg istrants will be accepted after min or defects are remedied, James Spurgeon Wilson, David Lee Fox, John Calvin Fox, Martin Luther Wilson. In 4-F, ' George Mack Bingham, Carl Thomas Martin. The following were accepted and inducted into the Army: Jerry Carson Gibson, John Cheek, Ther mon Henry, Rass Justice, Oscar Glenn Stiwinter, Greenlee Robert Holder, Judson Charles Cunning ham, Otto Gibson, John Richard Tyler, William Nelson Cabe, Joe Brown Jones, Thomas Logan (CmtaMe On Pan Six) Chief Tysinger Teaching Course For Wardens And Firemen The Franklin Volunteer, lire Department is observing Fire Prevention Week by training their members anil an auxiliary mem bership in fire fighting, and in offering their services to all prop erty ow'ners to give individual in struction in fire prevention. Any home owner or business firm may call on the fire depart ment next week to examine their premises todisoover any fire haz ards which may exist. This in cludes flues, soot accumulations in chimneys, bad wiring, etc. The firemen will also give instructions as to what' to do in case of fire. A. modern siren with flashing light which has been purchased with funds raised by the firemen, has arrived and ha.s been installed on the new truck. This was an ordinary truck purchased by the town recently, which lias been equipped with fire fighting fea tures and converted to a fire truck by the firemen. The fire station has also been equipped with chairs, lockers and other furnish ings as a place for classes and meetings. Carl Tysinger, chief, is teaching a five-hour course to firemen and air raid wardens, meeting, on Wed nesday eveninigs. Auxiliary. firemen are: Logan Allen, Jack Angel, Allen Angel. Willard Rowland, James Furr, Robert Leach, St. Clair Anderson. Bobbie .Rochester, Dick Angel, Frank Murray, J Jr., Harold Brad ley, Bill Dean, Terrell Tallent, Billy Reece, Larry Cabe, Grady Mashburn, Bruce Rickman, James Stocktom, John Dean, W. P. Con stance, and Henderson, Dean. Firemen are : Carl Tysinger, chief; John Bulgin, assistant chief; Ed Whitaker, captain; W. C. Arvey, lieutenant; J. C. Crisp, secretary and treasurer ; C. D. Baird, W. M. Sutton, George Dean, Terrell Hoilman, Joe Dow dle, Clyde Gailey, Arthur Pannell, Paul Potts, Jim Wurst, Eb Bul lock, Willard Pendergrass, H. A. Wilhide, and Elbeft Angel. Honorary members are : Jack Sherrill. R. W. Welch, and John Cunningham. The auxiliary membership was Started September 14, when the younger men were' organized as assistants to the regular firemen, and to train them to become fire men. They have had six drills since, this time. Seven air raid wardens and one of the auxiliary policemen have also reported for training. These are Paul West, who has completed his five hours required for the course ; Frank Henry, Tom Fagg, C. G. Moore, JoInn McCollum, Roy F. Cunningham, Red Stewart, Bill Bryson. Hill Billies Next Week The Smoky Mountain Hillbillies will be presented by the fire de partment enxt week at the court house on Saturday evening, Oc tober 10. Full notice will be given next week. S. R. Pickens Dies At West's MU1 Sebren Riley Pickens, 87, a well known farmer, died at his home at West's Mill Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock after a short illness. He suffered a stroke of paralysis last Saturday. A native of Jackson county, he was the son of the late Jesse and Polly Pickens. He moved to Maoon county 65 years ago. In 1880 he married Miss Mary Catherine Mar tin, of this county. He was a member of the Cowee Baptist church. ' Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'ckick at the Cowee Baptist church. Surviving are the widow; four daughters, Mrs. John Griffin, Candler; Mrs. Clingman West, Franklin, Route 4; Mrs. Candler Barker, Alarko, ar.d Mrs. Robert Elders, Cullasaja, and a large number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Notice To Farmers! Two carloads of phosphate has just been received. Farmers who have not their allotment for the year should come at once to the county agent's office, as the cars must be unloaded by Monday, Oc tober 5, at noon. SAM MENDENHALL, County Agent.