FIRE PREVENTION WEEK -- OCTOBER 4-10 jffwttlitt f 1 1 3figfyUnt Baconian 0 U.S. WAR BONDS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVII, NO. 41 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1942 $2.00 PER YEAR UM. COLLECTS KEYS IN DRIVE Miss Rankin Is Chairman Bring Ktys To Office Of Franklin Press The Macon county chapter of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy will cejnter their efforts in the scrap collection on the collec tion of keys . of every kind and description, according to Mrs. H. E. Church, president, and Miss Lillian Rankin, -scrap chairman for the chapter. Miss Riankin states that while the members of her organization will round up any kind of scrap they cain lay their hands on, or bend their backs to, they will specialize on keys, as these have a high metal content, and special, emphasis has been laid in their collection. Miss, Rankin had appointted the following committee to assist in the collection of keys throughout the county: Franklin, Mrs. Lester Conley and Mrs. J. Ward Long, homes; Miss Arietta Bolick and Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson, business section Miss Nora Leach, schools; Mrs. Larl Slagle, Cartoogechaye ; Mrs. W. M. Parrish, Otto; Mrs. Clyde West ami Mrs. T. M. Rick man, West's Mill; Mrs; Earl Justice, Franklint route 4; Miss Lolita Dean, Kyle; Carl D. Moses, Otter Creek,; Mrs. C. T. Bryson, Cullasaja; Mrs. Carl S. Slagle, Cartoogechaye ; Mrs. Paul Grist, Scaly; Miss Nora Moody, Iotla; Mrs. M. P. Ray, Iotla, and Mrs, Ralph West, of Oak Grove and Stiles. A box lias been placed in the window of the Franklin Press of fice where the keys may be de posited. However, keys may be turned in at any of the depaU at, filling stations or elsewhere. NOT A SLACKER IN THE LOT . il 1 1 ' t Our Victory Scrap Starts Rolling Throughout Macon 65 Tons As A Starter Reported To Salvage Contest KINTTERS, NOTICE YOUR SERVICE NEEDED Can you knit ? Yarn for 600 winiter caps for our sailors was received by Franklin the caps to be finished by November. Only 100 have been finished. The rest are urgently neded. See Mrs. Reba Tessier in her shop on the court house square for.yarn and 'instructions. Filling Stations To Serve As Victory Scrap Depots , ; , , C. OF C. DINNER NEXT TUESDAY Bring In Your Scrap To One Of These Stations EDITORIAL We WiH Win But When? Macon's scrap is moving. That is what Roy Mashburn, Petroleum Industry chairman and Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson, editor of the Franklin Press and Highlands Maconian, witnessed on a swing around the counity filling stations on Wed nesday. Already, from back of the county highways, men, women and children are placing scrap on the side of the road. Talking te fill ing station operators and others, everybody's heart . in it, and everybody is talking scrap, haul ing scrap and hunting scrap The big collection some months back which yielded many tons now appears to have been only a start er and a scratching of the sur face. Mr. Mashburn has sent cards to all filling stations and garages in the county, and yesterday fol lowed these with personal visits, securing the cooperation of all open stations and many stores with gasoline pumps, all of whom con sented gladly to be depots for scrap. Many already had piles nearby. Mr. Mashburn's statement, which Is printed on page four, asks all to cooperate with their neigh borhood filling stations: Neighborhood Depoit The following stations are co operating 100 percent in the Vic tory scrap drive : Cullasaja Service Station, C. Tom Bryson; Clark's Esso Station, Cullasaja; O. C. Corbin, Gneiss; Highlands Auto Service, Spencer's Garage, W. G. Oilbertson, High lands; J. R. Norris, DilUrd, Ga.. route I ; Parrish's (ieneral Mer chandise, Otto; High Top Serv ice Station and Vulcanizer, Roy Sanders; Ralph Womack ; Sinclair Service Station, J. D. Gibson; Reid's Esso Station.; Franklin Service Station; IHincan Motor Co ; Poindexter's Esso Station; Barrell Motor Co.; Main Street Service Station, Thad Pat ton; Stewart's Service Station; Sides Service Station. M. L. Stile; L B. Phillips; City Garage, L. E. English and Roy Mashbum. A few nation in the county could not be reached and are therefore not listed, bat we are assured that these are also aerV mg Scrap any also be brought directly to the big scrap center pi FraakJw M Highlit Directors To Be Elected And Work To Be Discussed The annual meeting and dinner of the Franklin Chamber of Com merce will be held in Kelly's Tea Room on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:30 p. m. I At this meeting the new Board of Directors will be elected, a re port of the work this year will be given and the future work of the 'Chamber of Commerce discussed The nominating committee has nominated the following for di rectors of which seven are to be elected : Grant Zickgraf, Ben L. McCdam ery, E. W. Long, G. A. Jones, Jack Sanders, Lester Henderson J. L. Stokes II, E. J. Whitmire, Verlin Swafford, Clyde Gailey, Glen Ray. All members are urged to be present. The Rotary and Lions Clubs will meet with the Chamber of Commerce at this dinner. GILMER A. JONES, Fnanklin Chairmam of Scrap Drive QF course we will win th .is war some "day. No real American.. wwfll admit otherwise, for the imagination of the American people, elastic as it may be, is simply incapable of being stretched iW. -elM IA .Ttsgali!. our no laager being an indepsnderaE people.. ann Decoming like the hrench, Poles and Dutch, slaves under Ger man and Japanese masters. We would die first, every man, woman and child of us. We will win because we must because Ameri cans always have won. (We forget Lee and the indomitable heroes of Appomatox)1 We will win. iBut when? This question is being asked by the 40 thousand survivors of CoTregidor; half starved when captured, now living as slaves under the whip of the Jap if they live at all. It is being asked by the thousands who have already perished at Pearl Harbor, Bataan and at Coral Sea at Midway. It is being asked by the millions of young men (and women, for Macon County now has at least three young women in the service, one in active duty at some unknown foreign front) who have pledged their lives to see that we do win. who have chosen to stop an Axis bullet rather than the Axis boot It is being asked by the countless fathers, mothers, wives, sweet hearts, brothers and sisters, who are wearing stars indicating that some loved ones are in the service some wearing or.Jy one star ; some many; some wearing stars of gold. The question is being asked by the 50 million tax payers, the tax burden upon whose shoulders is increasing at the rate of over one million dollars for every hour that the war lasts We will win but when? Only the Almighty can answer this question. All the brains of the high command and of the arm chair strategist cannot answer it for us. The winning or losing of a battle in modern warfare is only a matter of hoars and of ade quate equipment. The loss of a life, or of thousands of lives, in battle, by air raid, or by torpedo explosion, is a matter of only an. instant of time. The sooner we win, the greater . the chance of your boy, your neighbor's boy or my boy coming back alive and un harmed. '. We in a small mountain county wonder what we can do to speed the war effort; to shorten the time that our boys will be away, to lengthen the chance of their safe i return. No people on earth will go to greater lengths or make greater sacrifices than our people right here at home to bring this monstrous thing to a close. There are many things wa can do and are doing. Today the production of arms is curtailed ; many steel mills only work part time, and still others are completely closed because of a shortage of scrap metal. The scrap we are having with the Hun and the Jap is mine, yours, every American's, but the boys are taking care of it for us. The scrap metal at home is ours alone and the boys can't come back and get it to fight with. Let's send it to them! Macon s first report to the North Carolina Newspaper Salvage Contest was wired on Wednesday, October 7, to Frank Daniels, chairman N. C. Salvage commit tee, Raleigh, by The Franklin Press and The Highlands Macon ian, participating newspaper, as follows : "Drive just beginning in Macon, estimated 65 tons i Franklin and Highlands scrap piles. Starting truck collection tomorrow." According to Sam Mendenhall, couaty chairman and Wilton H. Cobb, chairman in Highlands, the amounits in the scrap pile of Franklin and Highlands were esti mated to be 40 tons and 25 tons respectively. This first report does not include the many tons already reported which will be hauled in to depots throughout the county during the next few weeks. Telegrams will be sent to Ra leigh every few days as the chair men report This amount is only a starter, according to reports of heavy scrap in and around Frank lin alone. The amount will be post ed vn the window of The Press office, and the courthouse, and will be reported to The Asheville Citizen and Times. Asheville Presbytery To Meet In Franklin The fall meeting of Asheville Presbytery will be held in the Franklin Presbyteriam church Oc tober 13-14. The Rev. Malcolm R. Williamson of Waynesville, the retiring moderator, will preach the opening sermon Tuesday at 11 a. m. after which the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be cele brated. Dr. H. L Prisley of Murphy, chairman of Presbytery's commit tee on Foreign Mission announces that the Rev. Wm. F. Junkin, D.D., will deliver the foreign mis sion address Tuesday at 8 p. m. Dr. Junkin has served for many years in the North Kiangsu Mis sion at Sutsier Ku until his re cent return to America. The Rev. Charles M Robinson of Bryson City will conduct the devotional exercises Wednesday at 9 a. m. The public is cordially in vited to attend these meetings. Rev. Hubert Wardlaw Accepts Call to S. C The Rev. Hubert Wardlaw. pastor of the Franklin ard Mor rison Presbyterian churches, has announced, his acceptance of a call to Whitmire, S. C, to take effect on November 1. Mr. Wardlaw came to Franklin about a year and a half ago, soon after his graduation, and he and Mrs. Wardlaw have made many friends while here. All Business Halts, Hauls On Oct. 22, Franklin Starts Tocky A mighty wave of Victory scrap is getting ready to roll in Macon Chairman Sam Mendenhall, assist ed by Carl Slagle of Farm Se curity, is holding six meetings a day vith neighborhood leaders in every section of the county. These leaders in turn will reach every farm ii his territory down v the last man and round up the last piece of scrap to feed the hungry furnaces of the nation's war ma chine. The sole purpose of every meeting is to get the scrap. The impelling force behind all is the pressing need of our men on the battle front for weapons.' and more weapons NOW. Macon has sent, and will send her men; the folks at home will answer every call to back them up. This month it is scrap metal that it is calling for; Macon will send theirs, to the last on The goal suggested is 100 pounds per person; this makes Macon's . goal 794 tons. What To Do With Scnap Everybody is asked to get all the scrap they can to the nearest depot or to the central scrap pile in franklin or Highlands. Mr. Mendenhall has announced that on Thursday, October 22, every busi ness and individual will be asked to ' cooperate in a one-day close up to gather and haul scrap to the depots. Please notify your neighborhood depot where scrap too heavy for you to move can be locateo by the haulers. Where The Money Goes When all the scrap is collected at the depots it will' be shipped to its destination and weighed. Macon county will be paid the market price by the firms convert ing scrap into steel. The proceeds will be used to carry on the pro gram of the American Red Cross in Macon county and towards the county's war relief quota. The above questions are asked in one corner of this newspaper's advertisement on page five. We answer them here and also invite our readers to note the instruc tions given under its heading of "Mountains Of Scrap Will Save Thousands Of Lives." Franklin Collection Gilmer Jones, Franklin chair man, has sent out 300 postcards announcing collection of scrap in , Franklin and vicinity to be made Thursday and Friday, October 8 and 9. He asks that all scrap be assembled today so that it can be reached by trucks the follow ine day. Please notify Roy Mash burn of any too heavy to be moved to curb. The following dis trict committeemen are in charge : Roy Cunningham, Ras Penland, W C. Zickgraf, J. C. Crisp, Wm. Katenbrink, Manson Sanders, H. L. Bryant, Tom Franks, Walter McConnell, Lester Henderson, Paul West, L. B. Phillips and George Elliott. Franklin Fire Department Franklin Fire Department is observing Fire Prevention Week by training auxiliary firemen and assisting property owners to remove fire hazards. The above picture was taken in front of the new fire station. Left to right, standing: Carl Tysinger, chief; John Bulgin, assistant chief; Ed Whit aker captain; Wade Arvey, lieutenant; J. C. Crisp, secretary and treasurer. Lower row: Eb Bul Lvk' n,A, fiailev Willard PenderaTass. lis Wutt. Terrell Hoilmn Paul Potts Not in picture. C D. Baird, W, M. Saifon, H. A. Wilhide, Elbert Aafet George Bean,- Arthur Pmnett, Joe DowdJe. Need For Scrap Critical Says Chm. Mendenhall The situation regarding scrap metal has become critical. .There has not been sufficient scrap collected since August 1 to keep our steel mills running more than two weeks solid time. It's a known fact that all steel mills must operate full time in order to provide the munitions and equipment that are absolutely necessary to suc cessfully promote the desperate conflict in which this country is engaged. It is the duty of every patriotic citizen, men, women, boys, and girls to take sufficient time to see that all scrap metal in his or her neighborhood is gathered up and assembled along the road side where haulers can see it and bring it m. It is also necessary that all truck owners should volunteer their services in order that this scrap can be hauled in to the Agricultural Building. This is no time for us to wait or stand back with the hopes that some one else will do the job. We all have a very definite job to do. The month of October has been designated for a nation wide scrap metal drive. It is hoped that all scrap in Macon county can be gathered up by Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24, so that the volunteer haulers can bring all material in on those two days. However, any neighborhood that has its scrap collected be fore that date, there is no objection to bringing this material in at anv time. The Salvage Committee for Macon county is composed of S. W. Mendenhall, chairman; Florence S. Sherrilt, head of the women's division ; J, L Vinson, ministerial association ; Gilmer A. Jones, Town of Franklin; Roy Mashburn, the petroleum industry; Jinunie Hauser, Boy Scouts; and Wilton Cobb for Highlands and High lands township Scrap will be assembled at both Franklin and Highlands. This material will be sold and the proceeds will be turned over to the Red Cross. LES ALL GET INTO THE SCRAP BY TURNING IN OUR SCRAP! SAM MENDENHALL, Macon County Salvage Chairman