mt tf-o U.S. WAR BONOS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVI1, NO. 48 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1M2 $2.00 PER YEAK J Mm . r N. C. Weekly Roundup SALVAGE IN- TAKHEEL1A: Enough scrap iron and steel to make seven battle cruisers was shipped from North Carolina junk yards during October, declared Governor J. M. Brotighto,n as the vWar Production Board presented a scrap dealers' award to T. L. Silvers, head of the American Junk and Wreckage company of Raleigh. Eleven of the State's 92 scrap dealers have received the award, which is given for 100 per cent cooperation! in the WPB sal vage program. COFFEE RATIONING: Sales having beeji frozen since last Sat urday at midnight, North Caro linians are awaiting the beginning of coffee rationing on November 29. Stamps from the back of Ration Book No. 1 are to be used. SEES SHORTAGES : Drastic curtailments ifx the quantities of civilian goods to be available dur ing 1943 were predicted by Oscar Strauss, Jr., of Atlanta, regional administrator of the Office of Price Administration, during a confer ence in Raleigh with State OPA officials. More price control and rationing will be necessary to dis- 'tribute available goods equitably, he said. TIRE MEETINGS: A series of meetings for all branches of the tire business will be held in vari ous sections of the State, the. first to be held in Raleigh, December 1. The meetings will be of an edu cational .mature to keep the tire man posted on new regulations and trends. NO RATIONING PLANNED : OPA is not planning to ration used cars, declared Chreston Holoman, State commodity rationing special ist. Rumors of impending ration ing are false, he said. MARK GAS COUPONS : If you use A, B, C, D or S-l gasoline rationing coupons, you must write your State license number oji the back of each coupon used to pur chase gasoline, under a new re ' quirement which became effective November 21. WAR NECESSITY CERTIFI CATES: North Carolina truck op erators will be without gasoline after December 1 unless they have a certificate of war necessity. Cer tificates will also be needed to pur chase tires and parts. Applications may be obtained from ODT offices in Wilmington, Raleigh, Asheville, Charlotte, and Winston-Salem. SPRING-LIKEFA5HIONS : North Carolina shop windows resemble spring because lighter colors in women's wear are due to the war and not to the unpredictable whims of Dame Fashion. TIRE TURN-IN: North Caro lina owners were slow in turning in their "idle tires" according to E. H. Schellenberg, mileage spe cialist of OPA. Tires shouj have been reported by November 22. If you have not turned in your tires, do so at once. AWARDS CERTIFICATES: Over 380, war price and ration board members, representing all of North Carolina's 100 counties, were presented certificates of award in recognition of their patriotic serv ices by T. S. Johnson, state OPA director, this week. The certifi cates carried the signatures of Leon Henderson, price administra tor, and Oscar Strauss, Jr., re gional OPA administrator. HOLIDAYS: In all parts of North Carolina, large employers are cooperating with the ODT pro gram of travel conservation and refusing to allow Christmas holi day leave for employees if it in volves travel. State OPA employees will not be granted leave if such eave would involve travey by com mon carrier, T. S. Johnston, state director, said. Tommy Scott's Big Show Coming The Franklin Fire Department is sponsoring Tommy Scott's Big Radio Show, featuring the little wisecracker, Luke McLuke, Little Miss Frankie, "Horsefly" Charlie and many more. Good music and singing. The show will be at the courthouse, beginning at 8 p. m. and the admission is 15 cents for children and 25 cents for grown ups. Everybody ought to see this show, and, incidentally support then votasvtwr firemen. J. A. TALLEY MEETS DEATH While Hunting From Gun Discharge Near Highlands The body of John Andrew Tal ley, .28, a, farmer living on the Highlands-Dillard road, was found by his brother about , 400 yards from the house, where he had gone, hunting the afternoon before. The right side of his head was blown off by a discharge from the shot gun he was carrying. He had ap parently stopped to reload the gun after one shell fell from it. When he did not come home Monday night his family concluded he was spending the night with an uncle. A search was instituted the next morning. Coroner Zeb Shope and Deputy Sheriff John Dills, who investigat ed, said death apparently was due to the accidental discharge of the shotgun. Mr. Talley was the sorti of Mrs. Delia Talley and of the late Evans Talley. Surviving are the mother; two brothers, Ebbey N., and Walter, of Highlands, and two sisters. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Wednesday after.noon at Scaly Methodist church. Rev. A. R. Morgan To Head Macon Red Cross War Drive Macon Bonds Sold Tuesday In Raleigh Will Reduce Interest Macon county bonds in the amount of $724,000 were sold in Raleigh, on Tuesday, November 24, by the Local Government Commis sion of North Carolina. They brought a yield of cent on all but those maturing in 1966 and 1967, which were sold at i per ce,rot yield, according to Henry Cabe, cashier of The Bank of Franklin. Some of the bonds were bought locally. Garden Club Buys First Bond Sold In Women-At-War Drive Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., announc ed Monday that the first bond sold in the Women-at-War drive in Franklin was purchased by the Garden club at the Bank of Franklin as soon as its doors were opened. The club gave a bunco party at the Agricultural building on Saturday evening to complete the raising of $100 for the purchase of the bond. The committee in charge of the entertainment were Mrs. R. M. Rimmer, chairman, Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. W. C Perai, Mrs. Zeb Conley, Mrs. Lester Conley and Mrs. Frank Higdon. Employment Service To Hold Important Meeting In Rryson City Nov. 27 A meeting of vital interest to all employers of labor will be held in Bryson City on Friday, No vember 27 at 7:30 p. m. in the courthouse under the United States Employment Service, according to an announcement made by R. T. McKeith, manager of the Bryson City Employment office. Mr. McKeith and his assistant Johi M. Bennett, who are in Franklin every Monday and Tues day, visited many of the larger employers in regard to the meet ing. .A number of Franklin people are expected to attend. This meeting will explain and Interpret the Employment Service functions in relation to the local problems of labor supply under war conditions, including essential and non-essential activities. Mr. McKeith made it clear that the Employment Service is inter ested in supplying local labor shortages due to the demand made upon manpower for war industry and the armed services. Matters of interest to worker and employer alike will be ex plained by state officials from Raleigh. The public is invited to attend. BAPTIST PASTORS TO MEET DECEMBER 7 The pastors conference will meet at the Franklin Baptist church December 7. AD pastors are in vited to coast, B Bui''' . 1 'aBi ' '' By Bureau of Public Relation. U. S. War Dept., Waab D C ALCAN HIGHWAY UNDER CONSTRUCTION In the fast nesses of Alaska's mountains the "carry-all" puts the finishing touches on the gravel surface of the great rop ' Mrs. McCombs Chairman Of First Aid Work In County Announcement was made Tues day by the Rev. Philip L. Green, chairman of the Macon county chapter of the American Red Cross, that the Rev. A. Rufus 1 iricin ll '1 e 1 4'rt t t fj til f 1Q 1 V - mr-Wm' will be held in March. Mr. Mor gan, who is first vice-chairman of the chapter, was elected at a meeting of the executive commit tee on Monday night. This drive will include the roll call which is usually held in No vember, the chairman explained, the date being set later for the national War Drive to meet the demands for a greatly increased quota on account of the needs of the armed forces on the battle field and in the camps. Mrs. Hall Head. Highland. Drive Mr. Green announced that Mrs. Tudor Hall has been elected by the Highlands unit of the chapter as War Drive chairman. It was suggested that other communities be organized into units like High lands. The committee accepted the res ignation of Mrs. Thomas J. O'Neil, who has served the chapter so efficiently as chairman of First Aid. Mrs. O'Neil, teacher of home economics in the Franklin high school, has just completed the training of a. class of 40 students who will receive their certificates. A first aid room is being equpped under . Mrs. O'Neil's direction in the school building to care for cases of illness or accident. Mrs. Tempie McCombs, county health nurse, was elected to suc ceed Mrs. O'Neil in this work. War conditions and scarcity of doctors has greatly increased the need for this work. WILTON COBB SEAL CHAIRMAN Xmas Seal Sale Begins; J. H. Pugh Franklin Chairman Wilton H. Cobb of Highlands will head the Christmas seal sale in Macon county and he has ap pointed J. H. Pugh as chairman for Franklin. The seals will be on sale at convenient places in both towns and will be sold by school children, who have rendered this service so successfully in the past. The money raised in the county is devoted to the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. Many persons suffering from this dread, contagious disease are helped through this fund each year, disbursed largely through the county nurse. Ninety-five per cent of the money raised remains ia the cotnrry. Five per cent goes to the national Men In Service . aFMwSJaw 'athHHniHiiirciffriU . assssr aaBSaSSSSSBSSHSKasB? a! flanf! BBsVjafet- EDGAR ELLIOTT Who is stationed with the U. S. Army at Fort Bragg, recently spent a furlough at home. -- J. D. Sutton, who is stationed with the U. S. Army at Camp Forrest, Tenn., recently spent a furlough here. -- Cpl. John H. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wood, of Buck Creek Route, who has been sta tioned with the U. S. Army in California, is now at home on furlough. -- Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. James B. Roland, Route 3, Franklin, who recently entered military service, has arrived at the Engineer Re placement Training Center here for an intensive training program vi preparation for combat engi neer duty. -- Bainbridge, Ga., November 17. Charles M. Hunter, son of Mrs. Pearl Hunter, Franklin, N. C, has been promoted from corporal to sergeant, it was announced by Col onel R. E. Choate, commanding officer of the Bainbridge Army Air Field. Sgt. Hunter, who enlisted in the Air Forces last January, is a mem ber of the ground forces at the Bainbridge Armv Ah Field a unit of the vast Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center. -- Howard E. Barnard, who has been stationed in California, has been promoted from Corporal to Sergeant. -- R. L. Crawford and W. P. Con stance left Tuesday for Asheville to enlist in the U. S. Army. -- Wilburn McDowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDowell, is now at home on furlough. He joined the U. S. Navy a few months ago and was sent to Norfolk, Va., where he received his basic training. He is being transferred to the Great Lakes region for further instruct ions. -- Mrs. T. B. Higdon has received word from her son, Grayson, who is now stationed at Camp Dix, N. J. -- John D Wells, Sea. 2c of Camp Bradford, Va. spent spent a short furlough at home last week with his wife, the former Miss Olatta Baldwin, and parents Mr. and Mrs. R. D. WeUs of Franklin, Mr. Wells joined the Naval Seabees in July, 1942. and was called to active duty in August. (Ciall si Oa Pas Ms) "Successful Beginning" For Women-At-War Week Message From Donald Nelson The following telegram wn received by editor of thi. paper from Donald M. Nelaon, chair men of WPB, Wednesday morn ing, dated November 24: The Government is tasking the American farmer to dedicate the remaining weeks of 1942 ba an intensified scrap hunt. Steel mill need more heavy scrap atnd the farms are one of the best sources of this type of metal. We need your further help. In this farm drive amd in aiding oar salvage committees to continue this effort through out the next few weeks, mats and other material to help you are being prepared and will be mailed soon. All salvage com mittees are being instructed to continue to make available to the fanner sdl their train .por ta tion facilities and manpower, and to cooperate with you in every possible way. The nation is looking to the American farmer. I am sure, with your help, he will came through. Donald M. Nelson, Chairman. Mail Christmas Packages And Cards By December 1 The Post Office Department has issued a statement that Christmas mail of all kinds must be in the post offices by December 1 if they are to be delivered on time. "It is physically impossible for the railroads and air lines, burden ed with vitally important w" ma terials, to handle Christmas mail ings as rapidly as in normal times. If the bulk of parcels and greet ing cards ore held back until the usual time the period of about December 15 to 23 they simply cannot be distributed in time, and thousands of gifts will reach their destinations after Christmas," it is stated. The postal service usually bor rows about 2,500 trucks from the Army and other Government agen cies, and rents about 10,000 from private owners, to handle the Christmas mails. This year, it will be ertremely difficult to obtain enough of these vehicles to meet even a substantial part of the need. The Army needs its own trucks and private owners are reluctant to let someone else use their tires. Dr. Yates, Of S. C, At Baptist Church Sunday Dr. W. B. Yates of Winnsboro, S. C, will hold morning and eve ning services at the Franklin Bap tist church Sunday, November 29. Outdoor Christmas Lights To Be Omitted This Year DEAN TRIMBLE HERE SUNDAY Will Speak To Methodists Of The County At Franklin Church The Rev. W. L. Hutchins, Waynsville District Superintendent, has announced that Dean H. B. Trimble of the Emory University School of Theology has accepted an invitation to speak twice at the Franklin Methodist church on Sunday, November 29. He will preach at the regular hour of worship in the morning, and again at 2:30 o'clock to a mass meeting of Methodists representing the churches of the Franklin circuit, Macon circuit and Franklin charge. Immediately following the inspira tional address a meeting open to all denominations, the first quarter ly conference of the respective charges will be held, with Mr. Hutchins presiding. Dean Trimble is well known in Methodist circles, having served in leading pulpits of the south prior to taking over his work at Emory. It is expected that a large body of Methodist, together with others of the community, will at Sffsi these soeeial services. Many Women Serving At Booths Each Day In Franklin "Women-At-War Week has hail a successful beginning" reported Mrs. John Archer, chairman, on Wednesday morning, as she check ed up the results of the first two days of the campaign. They are : -Monday, Bonds sold, $6,450; Stamps, $101.95. Tuesday, Bonds sold, $2,025; Stamps, $85.55. Monlay's sales in Highlands to taled $944, reported by Mrs. W. T. NeWton, chairman. This gives u grand total of $9jfx)6.50 for the first two days. "By the e,nd of the week, we hope to far exceed our November quota of $29,300," said Mrs. Arch er. "We urge all patriotic citizens to buy Bonds and Stamps at our booths this week." The booths are located in the Bank of Franklin and Perry's and Angel's Drug stores, open from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; and at the Macon Theatre 7 to 9:30 and Sat urday in the afternoon and eve ning, and also in the post office. List Of Workers Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe and Mrs. Allan Brooks, chairmen of the booths, have given the following list of names as workers at the various booths for the week: Monday, Mesdames T. W. Angel, Jesse Conley, H. E. Church, John Davenport, A. B. O'Mohundro, J. E. Perry, Harley Lyle, Jr., Sam MendenhalJ, W. C. Perm, Carl Ty singer, John Ray, Bill Swan. Tuesday, Mesdames W. H. Sell ers, Zeb Conley, Emory Hunni cutt, R. S. O'Mohundro, Tom Porter, John Wasililc On Wednesday the Gold Star Mothers, Mrs. Henry Slagle and Mrs. Ellen Crawford, will be hon ored at the booths, and mothers ol boys in service will be in iharge, including Mesdames Reba Tessier, Alf Higdon, Wade Cun ningham, Joe Setser, Gilmer Jones and Jim Perry. Oli Friday the farm women will have charge of the booths. These will include Mesdames Carl Slagle, Fred Palmer, Roy Mashburn, Walter fcdford, Lawrence Ramsey, assisted by Mrs. Pearl Hunter, Mrs. Herbert McGlamery, and Mrs. Marin 'Stewart. Mrs. John Bulgin and Mrs. H. H. Hirch, wjth others, will be at the booths for the final, big wind up of the drive on Saturday. A full reptrt anq complete list of names will be in next week's issue. Red Cross Exhibit Featured during Women-At-War Week is an exhibit of Red Cross surgical dressings in the show window of the less Shop, showing work being done by Macon women. Mrs. J. 9. Perry, chairman, Mrs. Allan Brooks and Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe arranged the window, and invite all interested in the work being done in the surgical dress ings room over the Tavern, td , in spect the exhibit. The War Production Board to day asked city officials, civic clubs, chambers of commerce, merchants and citizens generally to dispense with outdoor decorative lighting this Christmas. WPB pointed out that Christ mas lighting requires the use of critical materials, electricity, and manpower and is not in line with general conservation programs al ready under way. The attitude of WPB toward Christmas was announced because of numerous inquiries that have already been received from city officials, chambers of commerce and civic clubs asking what they should do this Christmas in re gard to outdoor decorative light ing. WPB is not asking that indoor Christmas lighting, whether in the home or in stores, be eliminated, but believes that outdoor lighting such as festooned store fronts and decorated streets, must be dis pensed with in war time. Although the electricity saving and the resultant fuel saving may appear small, as compared with the total annual useage, nevertheless the elimination of outdoor Christ mas lighting is estimated to save 50.000,000 kilowatt boars of elec tricity, enough to meet the lights ing and power requirements of a city of 50,000 for a year.

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