f xmmm If t tii U.S. WAR BONDS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL IND K PENDENT VOL. LVJ1, NO. SO FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1942 $2.00 PER YEAR N. C. Weekly Roundup CEILINGS EXTENDED Tempor ary prkg ceilings on eggs, poul try anil manufactured dairy prod ucts liave been extended ur.itil Jan uary 3, the North Carolina Office of Administration announced. Prices cannot be higher than those charged during the period from September 28 to October 2. A permanent regulation is in the mak ing. IDLE TIRE TURN-INS More than 105,000 tires have been re reived by the Charlotte district of fice of the Defense Supplies Cor poration under the Idle Tire Pur chase Plan. The ratio of collections to passenger cars in the State is 7.2. AIR RAID BOOKS In coopera tion with the State Industrial Commission, the OCD lias distrib uted more thaji 2,000 books of in struction on ir raid protection to industrial plants through the state. This follows up two plant protec tion schools conducted last sum mer by the State OCD in cooper ation! with the State College Ex tension Service. DECEMBER QUOTAS North Carolina has been assigned a quota of 700 new passenger cars for December, the State OPA an nounced. The quota on adult bi cycles was fixed at 2,306. HOW TO HANDLE BOMBS In struction iii handling delayed- ac tion and unexploded bombs is be ing given sponsored of four liamston ISHl are scheduled as follows: Greens boro, December 7 and 8; Charlotte, December 10 and 1 1, and Asheville, er-14 an ah to mo one" eTarWWTI help boost war production. This was the appeal issued by Henry G. Taylor, Carolinas chief of the auto scrap processors branch of the War Production Board. He ex plained that steel mills are badly in need of scrap. TRAINED IN FIRST AID State OCD Director Ben. Douglas an nounced that 77,624 persons were trained in first aid in the coopera tive Red Cross-CCD program be tween July 1, 1941, and October 31, 1942. Nurses' Aides, needed to meet the shortage of trained nurses, are being trained ire 33 hospitals. Thus far, 534 have been certified. Nurses are enrolled through OCD and trained by the Red Cross. Geo. R. McPherson Killed By Fall from Track Rites Held Monday George Rush McPherson, 83-year-old fanner of the Union commun ity, was killed at 12:30 o'clock last Friday when he fell as he stepped irom a moving truck on Main street here. Mr. McPherson, en route to Kjanklin, misssed a bus and then dfEzged a passing truck, driven by D. Burnet te, merchant and pIBbter at Scaly, asking for a ridTto Franklin. The cab of the truck was occupied by Mr. Bur nette, his brother, Marshall S. Bur nette, and a soldier, Lake Moffitt, and Mr. McPherson rode in the truck with his back to the cab. As the truck was oing along Mam street, Mr. McPherson, it was reported, stepped out and in doing so frfl to the pavement Those in the cab of the truck said they did not mis Mr. McPherson until they had gone 200 yards along the street where one of the occu pants looked back and saw him lying in the middle of the street, in front of Perry's Drug store. Dr J. H. Fout. who was near by, rushed to Mr. McPherson's assis tance, but he died a moment or so later. Death was caused by a skull fracture. Funeral services were held at the Morrison Presbyterian church. Monday afternoon. The Rev. Geo. W BeHingrath of Rabun Gap, Ga., and the Rev. J. C Swaim. pastor of tbe Macon Methodist circuit, officiated Bryant funeral directors were in charge of arrangements. yr. McPherson. the son of the i... isvkr. p MrPherson. a Pres- hvtrfen minister, taught school as young rn and also clerked in storm. - I O jrwin a v mm-, - foses. un an .automobile irravevarn anfleT"W Men In Service HENRY CABE, JR. CALLED TO SERVICE Henry Cabe, Jr., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hemry W. Cabe, of Franklin, who enlisted in the Army air corps in the early spring, has been called to ac tive service as an aviation cadet and left last week for the classifica tion c en t e r at Nashville, Teron. Young Cabe, a junior at North Carolina State college, took CPT training last year and has 48 hours solo flying to his credit. CABS Mr. and Mrs. Cabe's other son, Kenneth, also is, in the Army air corps, training as a pilot, and is now stationed at Muskegee, Okla. -- Pvt Virgil P. McDowell, son of H. H. McDowell and the late Mrs. McDowell of Otto, is stationed at Camp Campbell, Ky. Pvt. Mc Dowell entered service in Oc tober. -- Cpl. Bob Sanders, who is sta tioned at Camp BVanding, Fla., spent last) weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Franklin, Route 4. -- Pvt. Everett O. Smith, of the U. S. Army, who has been sta tioned in Alabama, is now at Rob ins Field, Ga. -- Henry W. Cabe, Jr., who enlisted in the Air Corps Reserve last ring while a junior at State Pfc. Lewis Holland rece a nine-dav furloueh with his oar ent$, Air. and Mrs. Luther Holland id is row sta- Mass. of Mr. and Mrs. LorenSe Moles of Elliiay left this weekend for AsheviHe, where he plans to enlist in the Navy. -- George Brendle, U. S. Army, stationed at Langley Field, Va., is spending a seven-day furlough at home visiting his mother, Mrs. Eva Brendle, Franklin, Route 4. Pvt. H. C. Norton, who is in the U. S. Army stationed at Fort Mc Clelkan, Ala., is home on furlough, visiting relatives and friends at Otto. Great Lakes, 111. Marcus Bruce Daves, 19, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Daves, Franklin, N. C, re cently enlisted in the U. S. Navy and last week reported to the U. S. Naval Training Station here to undergo a period of recruit train ing. After graduation from re cruit training, he will be granted a nine-day leave. Pvt. Joe C. Bradley, son of Mrs. Bettie Bradley bf Otto, N. C, has been transferred from Gamp Wheeler, Ga., to Fort Screven, Ga., near Savannah, Ga. -- Pvt. Walter I. Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carpenter of Franklire, is now stationed at Lamp Blanding. Fla. His service as teach er and singing instructor is great ly missed at the Nantahala high school. -- Pvt. Tarbert Gay Roper, son of Mr and Mrs. WH1 Roper, of Flats, is now stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. - CA Paid Mash burn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louise Henry Mashburn of Fainriew, is now stationed in the Panama Canal one. Kt Ralnh Cochran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weyiner Cochran of Kt i now stationed at Austin, Texas. He graduated from the Nantahala high school last spring, and enlisted in the Air Corps im mediately after school closed. Pvt Charlie Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ttom Wilson, of Flats, is now stationed somewhere in Ohio. (Continued Om Tmf Six) Surviving are eight children. Turner, of the Army, stationed at Camp Lee, Va; John. Eugene. Wade, Job, Fred. Mrs. Paul Wil liamson, and Mrs. F. H. Bailey, and 16 grandchildren. Pallbearers were bis sons, John, Turner, Job and Eugene, and sons ia saw. Frank H. Bailey, and Paul Williamson. New County Officials J. P. BRADLEY Newly Elected Sheriff of Macon County "PP HH 1 1 H -St mm M A. R. HIGDON Clerk of Superior Court New County Of ficers Began Their Duties December 7th County officers who won out in the November general electvor.i be gan their duties, as is the custom, on the first Monday in December. J. Perry Bradley who succeeds the incumbent, A. B. Slagle, to the office of sheriff, states that, at present, he will have personal over sight of the jail. He and his fam ily have moved into the apartment on the . first floor, and Mr. Bradley has appointed Walter Dean as his office deputy: Mr. Bradley states that he intends to give his best efforts to discharging his duties to the interests of all the people. A. R. (Alf) Higdon who suc ceeds Harley Cabe of the U. S. Navy, has assumed the duties of clerk of court, and also of juvenile court judge which attaches to his W. W. EDWARDS Of Hifrhlandi. Newly Elected County Commissioner, Who Took Office Monday County Officials In Raleigh To Sign Bonds Gus Leach, chairman of the board of county commissioners. Lake Shope, clerk of the board and Guy L. Houk, county attorney, left Wednesday for Raleigh to sign, seal and deliver the $724,000 issue of refunding bonds sold last week. When this transaction is completed these bonds will be ne negotiable, which makes them equivalent to United States cur rency, said Mr. Houk. mmwM Br 1 LAKE SHOPE Register of Deeds office. Miss Edith Cabe is his sec retary. Lake V. Shope, nominated ire the primary and elected in the gen eral election, becomes the new reg ister of deeds and clerk of the Board of. county commissioners. W. W. Edwards is a new mem ber of the Board county commis sioners, consisting of Gus Leach, chairman and Charlie Blaine, who were reelected. A. B. Slagle will remain in his office in the court house to col lect the taxes for the current year. John Dills, 'who has served accept ably as deputy sheriff during the administration of Sheriff Slagle and also as jailor, has moved with his family to the Ralph Parrish house os-Bidwell street. Registration For Men 18 to Be Held December 11-31 As announced last week, the sixth registration will begin on Friday, December 11, and wiH con tinue until Thursday, December 31. Men who have become 18 years old since July 1, 1942, are requir ed to register. Notices have been posted in urn merous places throughout the coun ty as to dates and places of regis tration. These places are High lands Hardware company, High lands: residence of Mrs. O. C. Hall, at Kyle; and the Local Board Office in Franklin. Mr. W. H. Cobb will act as Chief Registrar at Highlands, Mrs. O. C. Hall at Kyle, and the registration at the Local Board Office will be handled by the office personnel. This registration is expected to be considerably smaller than any pre vious one. Rev. J. F. Marchman To Preach At Baptist Church The Rev. James F. Marchman of Dillard, Ga., will preach again at the Franklin Baptist church at 8 p. m. Sunday evening. All mem bers are especially urged to at tend and friends are cordially In vited. Cpl. J. L. McMahan, Jr., sow of xtr .nH Mr I T. McMahan of Fairview, is now stationed at Camp Roberts, v-aut. Superior Court Adjourns And Jurors Discharged s ; , , . , Classifications Announced This Week By Local Board The Local Selective Service Board announces the fallowing classifications : .iaoju.aiiuiij. . Ui i-a, uuei Lee Breecuove, Tuesday, the presiding judge, Hon. Jesse Lyle West, Jr.; in 3-A, Joe Don Phillips was taken ill with Ervin Clark, Robert Warren Led- influenza; A juror was withdrawn ford, Ralph McKinley Pickens, la and a mistrial in the Collins case 3-C, Bobby Gray McChtre. In 4-F, declared. The Collins were releas John Wiley Hayes, colored, George j ed or, $30!) bonds to appear for Wavne Faulkner. lames Alvin Garland. The following were re-classified: From 3-A to 1-A. Willard Gold- mn Passmore. Henrv Gradv Hol- brooks, Leonard Lee Bryant, Carl Herbert Owereby. From 3-A to 3-B, Woodrow Wilson Gibson. From 1-A to 3-C, Bob Lonnie Clark. From 1-A to 2-B, Thad Ervin Mason. From 1-A to 3-A, Robert Lee Mashburn. From 4-F to 1-A, Georie Mack Binnham. From 3-A to 4-F, Verlon Walker. From 1-B to 4-F. Georee Lewis Childers. From 1-A to 4-F. lohn D. Kins- land, white, and colored, Mack Ledford, Jr., James Vernon Chavis, Robert Reid Ledford, Bennie Wykle, James Clifton England, and George McDonald. Placed in l-C following induction or enlistment : White, Wade Rogers McCorenell, Charles Siler Slagle, Clarence S. Brown, Jr., Herbert Edwin Wright, Robert Lee Scott, Herman Leslie Talley, Ralph Reno West, James Blonnie Gibbs, Howe Taylor Crock ett, Robert Clingham Parker, alge Charles (,ray, Henry VVash- Cabe, Jr., James Huell William Pcnre Constance. Joseph Douglas Stewart, ford. Rov Lee Stewart, scomoe Adam Howell, George GarpCrtier, Thomas Richard Add ington, Wade Burgess, and -Eras-tus Samuel Love. Announced Later The Local Board annouitftfc the fottowiiiK classifications afttf re classifications on Wednesday, De cember 9: Classified first time, 2-C, Perry Bell Shuler: in 4-F. Ray Swufford, in l-C following enlistment, James Franklin Deal, Robert Lee Rey nolds, Robert Edward Cunning ham. The following were re-classified : From 2-A to 1-A, Ralph William Enloe, from 1-A to 2-C, James Ray Williamson, 3-A to 1-A, Jess Willard Johnston, James Buel Douthit, Wilterd Jessie Woody, Carl James Williams. From 1-A to 3-A, Howard Marshall Cunning ham; from 2-A to 2-C, John Rob ert Bingham, Jr.; from 3-A to 3-B, Phillin H. Kline. R. L. Houston. The following were placed in l-C following induction: Jay Laslie Dowdle, white, Milton Andrew Ray, colored. Group Left Monday For Camp Croft, S. C. The group of men who were to leave on Monday was reduced from 68 to 36 by instructions from State Headquarters, and the fol lowing are the ones who were sent to Camp Croft, S. G. for physical examination and induction of re jection: Thomas Louis Crunkleton, Wood row Willard Dillard, John Mark Ledbetter, Samuel Cee Ferguson, James Oliver Beale, Allay Roland Peek, James Henry McKiraney, Grady Montgomery Holland, Ever ette G. Mason, William David Mc Clure, George Belton Waldroop, Robert Woodrow Wild, Ed Green, Spencer Hall Bryson, Luther Wil liams, Robert Bell, Edward Pat- Macon Will Gather Scrap For Duration Of The War Ch'm. Mendenhall Appeals For Continuation Of Effort Sam Mendenhall, county chair man of the Scrap Metal Drive, in discussing Donald M. Nelson's ap peal to the country last week that there be no let-up in the scrap hunt, says he knows Macon people will keep right on as long as the war lasts. Tbe WPB head sent tele grams to every newspaper in the country which participated in the nationwide scrap drive, especially the farmers, urging that they dedi cate the remaining days of 12 ifi an even more intensified hunt, and urged aH salvage committees to Continue their efforts. The percapita of 180 pound T Judge Phillips Has Flu; Some Civil Cases Next Week i While the case of tlir St:irc against the Collins brothers for criminal assault on the late Tom Leach, with intent to kill, was he i : . ' f . lng men in superior court ov trial nt the nril ur,n ,if rnnrl Other cases were continued and the jury discharged. 2nd Week Jurors Notified Second week jurrs have been notified not to report for duty. Next week's court, will convene for the purpose of hearing motions in some civil matters, but no jury trials will take place, it was an nounced Thursday. Judge Phillips is reported to be much improved at Angel hospital and expects to be out again in a few days. VICTORY LOAN DRIVE IS ON 9 Billion Must Be Raised "Under Spur Of War s Necessity" Henry W. Cabe, chairman of the Victory Loan Drive in Macon county, explained this week that this drive for 9 Billion dollars by the U. S. Treasury must nfrt be confused with the drive for the sale of War Savings Bonds. "The War Savings drives which we have beard so'mucii about and which reflect trejusndous Wld upon the volunteer workers in- thv sale of sj3jnps and "E -Seria1 Tjot:ds have been aimed at the smaller purchaser, whereas the Victory Loan Campaign is design ed for a vastly enlarged treasury program," says John Paul Lucas, jr., director of information. "In case the 9 Billion dollar murk floors you and who doesn't it floor? the simplest way ot ex plaining it is that this is the amouret of monev required to keep the United States of America in the war and in business until Feb ruary." Mr. Lucas explains, "This must be done under spur of nec essity." terson, Elm'as H. Henson, William Douglas Holsenback, Isaac Notton Keener, Dewey Watsel Holland, Joseph Andrew Dills, J. D. Reece, Harvey Edwards, Dewey Vinson Liner, Walter James Young, John Harry Potts, Frank L. Crisp, Everette Alexander Owen by, Char les Edwin Johnson, William Hunt er McGuire, Tom Lee Browre, John Wiley Lenoir, Claude Frank Dills, Lyman Frederick Emory, Henry Herman Wilkes. Transferred to other boards for induction were, John Joseph White sides, to Bryson City, and Claud B. Burrell, to Washington, D. C. Also delivered by this Board were the following transferred regis trants: Samuel Willard Higdon, From Spencer, Mass., Thomas Bates, from Walhalla, S. C, Thom as Edwin Stiles from Clayton, Ga., and Harold Arthur Cook from Mount Vernon, Washington. Write to Santa Claus so that he can read your let ter in next week's paper. Macon placed this courety near the top for all counties in the nation and exceeded the national goal of 100 pounds per period. "There is still scrap in Macon county," said Mr. Mendenhall, "and I am sure the farmers will con tinue to bring it in. I wish to thank the people again for their wonderful cooperation and work resulting in Macon's leading the state in this war effort." Truck Driver. Please Note All truck drivers who pass piles are urged by the chairman to pick it up and dump it on the scrap pile in Franklin."' "Don't be discouraged if the big pile is slow in moving We will need that and more too before this war is over. It will get o, the mills in due time, don't worry."

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