?[()t fijigManVo Macottian if- U.I. WAR BONOS I'HOGHKSS! VF. LIBERAL lNDKFI'Mtl-.jYr vo' ' vi ii ] FRANItLIN, N C., THURSDAY, JAN 7, 1M3 $2 00 PER Y h N. C. Weekly Roundup S Lit ! |) HKKAD Ol:T After Jaii 18th, North Carolina house wives will have to slice their own bread A Food Distribution Ordei bst week prohibits bakeries from >ell?n^. sliced bread after January 18 s.. housewives had better start I ;uintiiii bread k/nve^ I ( JiABY CARRIAGES- -Uncle San. | * is taking qare of North Caro r i iu's l?aby population Although I aby carriage manufacturers have 11 Keen restricted their own produc- ' 111 t un to ^mgle-sleeper vehicles, us j ?' cig six pounds of steel per unit, j ntany appeals for larger buggies? as t< lakt care ot twins and Mi p | c|' Iris- ? ha\e been grant, ed since the) f-f r rt- strict i'>n order went into effect la it June. Since they can't over six pounds ci steel orriage and orders for the and triplet" models keep it's i^ossiblc that North ,-~ arohna twins and triplets wiU^^^F > . w ^^?Pf soon ?>e '? ictorv -North Car | v/, commercial | reminded by vehicles must be f tire inspection be J 15. After January Penal vehicle cannot Operate without an ap \ed tire insector's record o?n the vehicle's Certificate of War Necessity. Better hurry NO RADIO ALARMS? Don't dc pend upon radio for air raid alarms. Henceforth radio stations will NOT broadcast practice al arms. 'Hie reason In case of an .'ii tual ruid they'd be off the air md people who had be^en depend orn at Whit-' tier, AprH 4, 1887, where his par- ! .ejnts, Alfred Morgan tnd Mary J Siler Morgan of Macon county, were living at that tune. They re turned uj Franklin to * This landowner is not only harvesting his timber selectively but is selling poles, sawlog?, a*-id pulp wood instead of any single pro duct It is a waste of money to sell good pule stock for sawlogs, or good sawlog stock for pulpwood. Federal Income Tax Now Affects Many Citizens More Than 35 Million Will File Returns In 1943 The federal income tax is, al the name implies, u tax levied upon incomes, and it is payable ir? relation to the amount of in come. Income, for Federal income tax purposes, means in general any compensation for one's ser vices; it includes a No the net value received for the product of one's labor, as farm produce tn the case of a tanner; income from investments; profit from business operations; and other gains from sales and exchanges of goods |and property Certain limited catepori.es ot income are, exempt, and to the :h exemption arc at ' j of persons now subject to the Federal income tax, who have ' uev/er reported income before for Federal tux purposes, an under standing of the law and applica ble regulation* is <> i prime impor tance. An income tax return is a de claration on the pan of the tax j payer of his total taxible income : for the year, together with the ! various deduction^, exemptions, and 1 credits to which he is entitled. I It is in reliance upon voluntary I disclosures, and the integrity of j taxpayer* generally, that the cost I of administration of the income tax can Ue kept at a minimum, j Though the return- is a voluntary statement, any person who will fully makes a return which he does not believe to be true and Men In Service . F-.'e J Fr; J.'ir.L :? <:.it:on; p. L). ( . r < Y-.nin ? , ?. . sqp.\ ( a f ?! : ' : a . : s :n ''?nk- ! lln iLCr-n.l . _ _____ . ! t3:c jc.- .1 dm 1 the son ol ( rove Jamison, E ... o Fr.'nk in. He en 1 1 .s t e d in th army in Feb*v. of this year an:l was sent to Fo Bragg and then to Camu Crowd ei Mc . where h ? took h i s b;xsir* training in the Kiirnal corn* Prior to enlist - in#. he was em JAMISON ployed ia the S and L store of Franklin. He id & graduate of Franklin high school ?? December 31, 1942. ELGIN FIELD, FLA. (Spe cial)? Grover M Watts, whose home address is Gneiss, North Carolina, has recently been pro moted from Private First Class to the rank of Technician 5th < irade according to word received from the War Department. Technician 5th Grade Watts is on duty at the Army Air Forces Proving Ground, Elgin Field, Ma., where he is in charge of I'tility Section, (Magazine Aret). Before being called n. active duty on January 14, 1^12, he was a rancher. ? Cpl. Harold E. Enk>e spent his Christmas leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I H. Enloe of Kt. 1 He is now stationed at Camp McCain, Miss. Pvt. C. L. Potts of Fort Ben n?ng, Ga.t is home on leave on account of the death of his nio- j ther. Mrs. C. W Potts, of FrankJ DRAFT BOARDS' NEW LINEUP War Information Office Issues New List Ot Classifications Washington- The office of war in forma ti include the new category created I ?> the recent order suspendedin^ indue: i<>n ot ineo over 3*< 1 -A Ke^isti.ints available tv.i general militarv service > A () ke^iMaints who are cum scientit.us objectors .available roftr non-combatant military service when tourul 'acceptable to the larui or naval forces. 1 C Registrants who have t>een inducted into, enlisted in, or ap poyited to the .armed forces. 2- A Registrants who are neces sary or essential in their civilian activity. 2 H Registrants who are necei sary or essential to the war pro duction program, excluding agri culture. 1 C Necessary or essential men in agriculture. 3- A Registrants with dependents* engaged in less essential industry or le<"c eSse.ntial agriculture. J-B Registrants with dependents, engaged ir? an activity ^necessary to the war production program. 3-C Registrants with dependents engaged i.n essential agriculture. 4 A Registrants who before in duction have become 45 years cvr a^e. singe they registered. 4- P. Registrants who are defer red specifically by the law itself. 4-C Registrants who are aliens not acceptable , or who.w^vJ