Critics In Miami Blasted By Commander (From Associated Prass) Miami Beach, Fla., Feb. Sth. ? Several resident* of Miami Beach filed written complaint* recently about the early morning singing of the troops in training here. Today they received their am* wer from CoJ. Ralph M. Parker, commanding the Miami Beach air base command. Said Colonel Parker in an open letter: "The singing will continue. "Moreover ? please arise at the first sound ci military activity each morning and get "down om your knees with all the members of your household who are dis turbed thereby, and offer thanks to God almighty, with me and ail the rest of us, that those are Americans singing American songs, and nnt Germans or Japanese singing victory songs in American streets." More Poultry Needed ; Macon's Quota 130,968 Chickens Kvery farm family should have a good toying flock of poultry, anil increase production as a pat riotic duty, says Sain Memlenhall, County Agent. "Our country needs more . egg* arid more meat. This county ?has been -iskid to produce 570,408 doz en eggs. To do this 130, %8 chick ens must he raised this year. There is a shortage in all meats. This shortage can be raisyed more quick - K by an increase in poultry than in any other way", says Macon's farm agent. There are families in the county who do not have sufficient poultry meat and eggs for home us^e. That condition should mot exist in a county like ours that is so well adapted to the growing of ]x>ultry. YV-hen chickens that have laying clKiracteristics-are properly fed and cared for they wiU lay practically the year round which will supply two of our most vital foods. Chickens and e#gs arc the near est thing to cash with more profit than anything produced on the farm. ? Why Poultry Not Profitable Now there are several reoisoms why the poultry we have is not profitable. First, good chicks from high producing flocks should be secured. Much of our poultry has been inbred too long. One of the best ways of raising baby chicks is with a Hotne made lamp brood er. A higher percentage of the chicks will Jive aixie Store. F2? 2tp? Ffl WE HAVE ? Highland Special Beans, onion sets, garden and flower seeds, Lespedcza, clovers and other grasses. Much in field seeds also. I am in the market for some edible am ? To buy a double Disc side plow for Kordson tractor. If interested, write or see, Carl Morgan, Stiles, N. C. ltp. I WANTEl) TO BUY? Late model used cars, trucks and pick-ups. Duncan Motor Co., Franklin, N. C. ltc. WILL SELL OR RENT? 9-r<*>m house. Mrs. W. G. Wilkie, 1 up. mile out on Murphy Road. gardens (farden projects are being stress ed in Franklin County 4-H Clubs this year, with special emphasis being placed on thorough soil pre paration and the planting of early vegetables. CREDIT in meeting their 1W2 war pro duction goals, farmers and ranch ers used $60,000,000 more credit from production credit associations than (hiring the previous years. SOYBEANS A million and a half more acres of soybeans than were called for in the fall have now .been request ed by t'he govetmment to meet increasing oil needs. BETTER l>ehy?lrated foods now being pro duced are far better in flavor, appearamce, and nutritional value t!?an were those processed during the fast World War. addition, the flock should have available at all times water wiyh the chill taken off. Bright New SPRING Nettie Dons ! Color-bright, flower-fresh prints, stripes ami solid cot bom frocks for now through Spring ! Pretty mid practiced with soft lines, figure - flattering details ! Chooee from a large group ! 12?44. E. K. Cunningham & Co. "TO. Shoo of Quality" * Tellico B* CHRISTINE DEHART We are ulad to report that wat?r has bwn piped from K. C. Ai'ider son's spring to the Tellico Bap tist church. We are sorry to rei>ort that Mrs. John Cabe is seriously ill at her home. Mrs. Nelson 1-akey of High Point, N. C. is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mau-de Mason. Miss Byrdell Mason was visiting Miss Violet Lakey at Oak (irove, recently. % Mr. ami Mrs. Alexamder Robbins of Wesser Creek moved to this section recently. We are glad to rejwrt that Mrs. R. B. Hampton who has been ill is steadily improving. Miss Jesse Lee Morgan of Stiles, N* C, spent Sunday night with her i*areints, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. UlfHart. We are glad to report that Rev. C. C. Welch, who underwent a serious operation at Angel .Hospi tal, is steadily improving. He is the pastor of the Tellico Baptist church. Mrs. R. C. Anderson is spend a few days in Dillard, (ia., visit ing her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Furman Anderson. BUY WAR BONDS At The Theatre There is a Show lit the theatre this week to please any taste. If you like murder-mystery, see "The Glass Key." Comedy lovers and Veroniaa lake fans will attend the show Tuesday and Wednesday nights. "1 Married A Witch." Pure drama and excellent acting is the attraction for "Life Begins At Ki(jht-Thirty." Lovers of the East Side Kids will fill the benches to see the Owl Show Saturday night, "Smart Alecks." Top-rating priorities go to "Life Begins At Eight-Thirty," aiut "I Married A Witch." Tltaje first pic ture mentioned should be rated "Excellent," and the second is best described as "Entertaining." Ida Lupino and Monty Woolley arj the actors that make' "Life 'Begins At Eight-Thirty" so ab sorbing. Veronica Lake and Fred ric March, ably adopting them selves to the sophisticated non sense of the Thorn e Smith tale they depict, carry off honors in "I Married A Witc!h." "The Glass Key" is a gangster picture. And again we have Ver onica Lake; this time the male lead is played by Brian Dontevy in the role of an uncouth politi cian. It's a new brand of humor that tthe East Side Kids bring the thea tre in "Smart Alecks." The picwre is uight, entertaining, and it de finitely is not highbrow. IF THROAT IS SORE Mk IF A COLO has given you 1 a miserable aore throat, M here's how to relieve the suffering. ' DO THIS NOW? Melt a small lump of VapoRub on your tongue and feel the comforting medication slowly trickle down your throat bathing the irritated membranes ?bringing blessed relief where you want it, when you want it. DO THIS TONIGHT ? Rub throat, chest with VapoRub. Its long con tinued poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation. SSSffi: WICKS restful sleep. v Va*oRu> MACON -THEATRE WHERE WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT COSTS SO LITTLE WEEK DAYS? 3:45 - 7:15 ? ?:30 SATURDAYS? Continuous? 1:00 P. M to 12:00 Sunday and Monday, Feb. 1.4 and 15 BRIAN VERONICA DONLEl/y LAKE Set Iraqi. I She* Dfnuaite! ALAN LAPP Bet Iraqi! i. MMim mmrnrn ^ ngass&r A Paramount Picture MM i Alto News and Comedy Tuesday and Wednesday Feb. 16 and 17 Frederick March ? Veronica Lake ? In "I Married A Witch" Also Captain Midnight No. 13 and Comedy Thursday and Friday, Feb, 18 and 19 Also New* and Comedy Saturday, Feb. 20 ? Double Feature The Three Mesquiteers ? In "Riders of The Range" and Andrew Sisters ? Dick Foran ? In "Private Buckaroo" Also Jungle Girl No. 9 OWL SHOW at 10:30 ? Out at 12:00 The East Side Kids "Smart Alecks" Also Comedy BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS