James Dry man, Hardin Am nions Gribblc, Eugene Emerson Crawford, Cameron Woodipw Franklin, Joe Mitchell Henry, Arthur Noal Dowdle, Louin Mann Cabe. Orron Baldwin Hplkand, Wil liam Marshall Carpeivter ; from 3-A to 2-B, Robert Hansell Ben nett ; from 3-A too 3-B, Stonewall Jackson Cabe; from 4-H to 2-C (h), Marion Alexander Deal; from 4-H to 3-C (h) Henry Piprson Keener, Oyde Howell Downs, Frank Clinton Brown, Jphn Tho mas Brown, Jim SJagle Gray, Mar vin Harrison Garner, Steve De witot Duvall; from 3-B to 3-A, Donald Holland. From 4-H tp 1-A (h), Harvy Edwards, Cyrus Fouts, A. R. Fouts. From 4-H to 3-A (h), Mel vin Prince Keener, Franlf Dills, Prince Curtis, N. G. Davis, Daiiiel G. Edwards, John Wesley For#, J. L. Bryson, J. H. Green, I .em Cabe, Harvey Carries, Robert Car penter, W. C. Carpenter, E. D. Ghastain, Will Cheek, Curt Chas taan, J. N. ConJey, Evjerette Cqpk, Dewey Gorbin, Jess Keener, Earl Grankleton, Andy L. Howard, Leonard Holland, Don Baldwin, Earl Henson, T. L. Henson, Frank M, Brendle, W. P. Brendle, Her bi,e J. Bradley, Grady R. Bradley, T. L Ballew, N. L Henry, Oarl Henson, W. T. Holden, Roy Dills. The following classifications are announced by the Macon County Local Board : Classified first time, in I-A: Hoyt Rimmer Penland. Reclassifi ed, from I-A to I-C, Robert Lewis Addington, col., Harley West, col., and James Thomas Stewart, col. From I-A to II-A, Edwin Coch rane Guy, William Jesse Wallace, Frank Baldwin, Allan Arthur Brpoks, Jr., Frank Moody Wild. From I-A to II-B, Clyde Allison Hopiper, Robert Louis Paitillo. From I-A to 3-A, Oscar Wykle. From 3-A to I-A, Lloyd Roger Sanders, William Earl# Shields, Carl Newton Crunklfton, Donald William Byrd, Nelson Green, Rich ard Webb. From 3-A to II-C, . John J. Deal. From 3-A to 3-B, Rjoy William Garrett; from 3-A to 3-C, Fred Harrison Amnions, Abner Luther Young, Silas James Ledford, Grr Roy Donaldson, Ray Norman Cabe. From 4-F to I- A, Thomas Wooten, Glenn Ross Cole, Lonnie Wood row Evans, William Oinftrd Mincey. From I-A to 4-F, Cornaro Draton Baird, Samuel Eugene Bryson. From 4-H to 2-C ? he -was well and saf,e. Mr. ajid Mrs. Tallent have been employed in York, S. C., during the winter. James Boilard Lenoir of Frank lin has recently been advanced from Radio Man, third class, to Radio Mian, second class, in the Navy, an announcement received here states. Lenoir is now on duty in Savannah, Ga. Pvt. William Roy Shields was recently granted a 10-day fur lough to visit his parents. His sis ters, Miss Anna Lois Shields and Mrs. Jay B. Houston of Detroit, came home to see him. The Shields family enjoyed a reunion. Frankie W. Ledford, 20, son of Mrs. Ada Ledford of Franklin, has been graduated from the U. S. Naval Training School at Navy Pier in Chicago with the rating pf fireman, first class. He awaits assignment to duty with the fleet or a naval station where he will now receive further training un der experienced petty officers. Bill Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Cunningham, who is now stationed in an Air Transport Squadron of the Navy at Miami, FU., lhas been promoted to Sec ond Otit Mtchinitt M?tc. Banquet Fund To Help War Work; Theatre Makes Large Gift The Macon county Red C ross War Fund had readied $3.(>000(> mark on ith.e big thermometers on Main Street by Thursday morn ing. ' The Juniors and Seniors of the Franklin High school are respon sible for t'he biggest jump of the "mercury." The seniors sold over $200.00 worth of tickets to the Motion picture sponsored by the chapter, Tuesday and Wednes day. The Juniors sent a check for $170.00, representing their hard-\ earned money accumulated over a vear's period for th usual Junior Senior banquet, which is the sup reme social event of the sch' ol year. In -their decision to give this to the R d Cross instead of bv i in# a banquet, these young people have set an example of self sacri fice which should spur their el ders to complete the county quota of $3, ft 50 before the end of the week. These combined sums raised bv the two classes represent a gift of over $2.00 per capita of the enrollment. The equivalent in time and money from others more aide to give would *v\n *end our quota away over the top. was observed by one of the Red Cross officers. The Macon Theatre is responsi ble for anot'her big jump on the thermometer, by the contribution of the proceeds of the four sb-^ws on Tuesday and Wednesday, amounting! to over $200.00. This was an outright gift of the manaere tV>ent, Bill Collins, outer and Clyde ^ Gailev, manager, who in cluded bis salary for the two days. The young people selling the highest number of tickets were Vic Perrv.*who sold 72, Jack An gel. 50; Fred Houk, 40. Several large and a number of small contributions have come in as a result of the 1.500 letters mailed out over the weekend, from persons w*ho had already contribut ed. Liberal sums have been re ceived from the county. These amounts will be -published as soon as the list is complete. A gift of $3.24 came from a play given by Julia Hunnicutt, Ad- v ele Fort, Laura Lyle and Clel Bry ant. last Saturday afternoon. 0 The Fireman's dance will be held on Thursday night. meat rationing How Points Arc Given By A Consumer A consumer gives up points, when he acquires foods covered by Ration Ord.e.r No. 16, bv sur rendering red "stamns" taken from his War Ration Book Two. A" stamp is not good unless t>h<- bonk from which it is taken ihas a vali dation stamp properly placed on its cover, with the number of that book written across the vali dation stamp. Stamps mav he used only during fixjed periods, feaoh red stamp in War Ration Rook Two is good for a limited time only and a con sumer may use it onlv during that time. The letter printed on the stamp indicates the time when it may be used bv a consumer. Stamps lettered "A", "B". "C", and "D", may be used only during the following periods : Stamps A ? March 29, 1943 to Anril 30, W3, inclusive. Stamps B ? April 4, 1943, to April 30, 1 ? April 18, 1943 to April 30, 1943 inclusive. The other red stamps in War Ration Book Two mav be used only during periods which wilt be fixed by the Office of Price Ad ministration. Sgt. Greene P. Buchanrui, son of George Buchamn of Franklin, has just been promoted to the position of Technician Fourth Grade in t?he 30th Tnfantrv Pivis ion at Camp Blanding, Fla. Sgt. Buchanan is assigned to the tele phone ?nd telegraph tervice.