VOL. LVIII ? NO. 31 Qibt Maconiati HKOGMCSSIVK LI HERA L IA'DK PEXDEXT FRANKLIN. N. C.. THURSDAY. AUGUST S, 1M3 bac:c UP YOUR BOY l??nil ytm Mr'*" i0v/i|i f r- ' f?Hr Umh %ZM PER YEAR Legion Auxiliary To Sell Bonds Molly Pitcher Day Junior Commandos And Young Girls To Help On Saturday Molly Pitcher, the gal who car ried water to thirsty soidiers dur ing the blistering Revolutionary battle of Monmouth, and took over > her husband's cannon -when he was wounded, steps out of the pages of history on Saturday, August 7, to serve as leading lady in a na tion-wide Bond and Stamp Tag Day. In her honor, brigades of mod ern Molly Pitchers will take tlveir stands all over the country on Saturday, August 7, to sell war bonds and stamps. In Franklin, American Legion Auxiliary women will bie in booths at the postftffice, bank, and court house during the day, and in the theatre irf the *? evening. Young girls of the com munity will segin Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock, it the Tabernacle. Mr. Johnson will be the preach ;r at the 11 o'clock service at the Methodist church, "hext Sunctey norning and he wishes also to risit the Sunday schools in session it the four town churches. On the ollowing Sunday morning he will >reach at th,e Baptist church. Posters with full schedules of lervice* have been displayed in ill places of business in Franklin ind all over the county hand bills lave been distributed. Mrs. J. A. Flanagan, chairman >f transportation, requests that all >ersons who have no transporta :ion to gather on the town square n front of the court house wherje cars in the motor corps will pick jp those who desire to go to the nestings. Fine, spirited music, will be a feature of all the services; Mr. ind Mrs. Johnson bieinjg accom plished musicians themselves and liaving as their assistant. Miss Roberta Hall. There is much in terest being shown throughout the county and a large attendance is Expected in spite of the difficul ties of transportation. Siler Clan Gathers For Annual Reunion A large number of out-of-town members of the Siler family have irrived in Franklin to attend the annual family reunion which has been held for the past 92 years in Macon county. For many years the time of meeting has been on the first Thursday in August, when more than 200 usually attend. The meeting this year will be with the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan and his sister, Mrs. H. E. Freas. Carl Slagle of Cartoogechaye is presi dent of the clan. ? X? A/C Jack Tcssier was recently enrolled in the preflight school at the San Antonio Aviation Cadet center, and is now under going rigorous scholastic, physical and military training. N,*ws has been received by Mrs. T. W. C Johnson that her son, Cpl. William S. Johnson, who has been stationed In Pueblo, Colorado, has been sent