FDR itufts Every worker ?bould increase ibe amount of bond* he or ?be U buying. UN PER YEAR VOL LVIU? NO. M flje ?acotrian PROGRESSIVE ? LIBERAL ? INDEPENDEN 1 ' FRANKLIN. It. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2*, IMS Sentences Pasted In Criminal Court; Prisoner Escapes The criminal docket of Macon county Superior court was finished on Wednesday, ? number of cases having been disposed of without trial. Th* Hon. C. E. Blackstock of Asheville is the presiding judge. Some civil cases were also disposed of. The remainder of the civil cal ender wilt be taken up next Mon day morning. Howard Cruse, who was arrested last week near Rainbow Springs by Sheriff J. P. Bradley and Dep uty Oscar Dills (reported erronous ly as John DiHs in last week's pa per), pleaded guilty to the charge of manufacturing intoxicating liq uor. He was given a suspended sentence of four months for two years on conditions of paying costs, paying a cash fine of $75.00 and good behavior. * . ' Lloyd Cunningham, route 2, who was already under a suspended sen tence of six months, plead guilty to 'transporting and possession of liquor. The judgment of the court was that defendant be confined in the Macon county jail for eight months and assigned to work un der the supervision and control of ; tihe State Highway department, 'serving both sentences concurrent- . *y Elaine Jenkins, 34-, of Highlands, , plead guilty to the charges ol an attempt to criminally assault his { 11 -year old daughter and intent , to commit incest. He plead guilty , and was sentenced 15 years on each count, wrtTl the second sen tence to begin at the termination of the first 15 years sentence. It rcas the judgment of the court that he be confined in the State prison, Raleigh, at hard labor under the supervision and control of the State Highway aiM Public Works com mission. The five WA Vrnli nl ? .1. jjj" - 4 OX flf^HplluS ijWCHPIu yCTa " a summer resident. A verdict of i guilty was found against aU the boys except Grover, who was judg- 1 ed not guilty.- Aionso and Lester received a sentence of 24 months , and Truey and Lewis were given ' 18 months each. Aloaas Webb Emp? J-fl On Wednesday night, Atonzo j Webb escaped from the county ( jail in Franklin by jawing through j a bar of his cell window and up j to Thursday noon he bad not httn ( apprehended. Sheriffs m neighbor ing Georgia and North Carolina j counties were notified. " j Dimkm Granted ' Divorce* were granted to Alfred j Leopard from Dorothy Amnions 4 Leopard; to Myrtle Hedden Morri- , son from W. P. Morrison; 'Margie , Fay Green from Nelson Green; , Ellen Angel Ma?? J, with larvdetl each tvfniag Macon's Third Quota S MEN ACCEPTED F0RSERV1CE To Report For Duty After 21-Day Furlough The following men were accept ed for service in the Army and wjH report for duty after a 21 -day furlough : Roy LaFeyette Rhodes, Harold Preston Norman, Sam L Holland, James Robert Brendle, RoUert Lee Mashburn, Samuel Dee Reeoe, Ed win Lawrence Blaine, Robert Rey nolds Gaines, Bernice Oscar Mc CaH, Thomas Henry Fagg, William Washington Stewman, Dagald Wil liam Byrd. Wallace Adam Morgan, Jewel Gyde Turner, Emerson Germarion Crawford, James Sherrill Henson, Atonzo Franklin Knight, Horace Thomas Nolen. Leon Thomas Sloan, B. L Sher rill, Harold Wilson McQure, John Dearld Dowdle, Lawson Haskel Owenby, William Shope, Herman Rogers, Lloyd Henry Donaldson, Thomas Robert Hunt, Jr., William LeRoy Hamby, Herbert Delois Houston, John Wiley Angel, Ver non Davis Stiles, Howard Rush Lambert, Gieorge Edgar Oliver and Garland James Jones. The following were accepted by tfvc Navy and are to report on August 23rd. Curt Allison Roane, San ford Coleman Dills, Delius Boyd Cog gins, Jeff Hailen Enloe, Coleman Thomas Shepherd, John Leslie Reese, Ayk>r Sloan Chastain, Ver lon Edward Strafford, Robert Nat Davis, Herman Mason, Colonel Perry Howard, Edgar Napoleon Guffey, Elcaney Jenkins, Erwin Patton Dowdle, Lewis Eugene Potts, ^i-mi Uiltoa Wallace. Ed ward Elbert Sheffield, R. L. Cas tle, Roy Franklin Potts. BiH Reeves, Tornxme Lee Rogers, Geo rge Moah McPherson, Janes Ro hrrt Bailey, X- G. Ledford, Robert Lee Leach, fhat Mrancis Scott. Junes Leslie -Henson, Jr., Hcaner Grcrn McCoy and James Louis Brown were inducted into the Mar ine Aarps and will report for ac tive duty on August 30. Employers Notified Of Now Provision Of ' War Mu Power Com. Simon P. Davis, manager of the Bryson Qty office of the U. S. Employment Service announces the foHowing provision of the Wax Manpower Commission, which be comes effective at once : No employer shaft hire or so licit any worker last employ ? ed in a critical occupation or for woric in at critical occupation except upon referral by the Uuited States Employment Ser vice, or in accordance witth ar rangements with the United States Employment service * This provision extends eau+ier provisions and means that workers engaged in critical occupations may not be hired or solicited by em ployers, even though they are themselves engaged in critical ac tivities, without first clearing with the U. S. Employment Service ? that is, without a Statement of Availa bility from the Employment Ser vice. In case of any question, Manager Davis advises employers to contact the Bryson City Employment offi ce, located at Bryson Gty, N. C. Rer. C W. Judy, Pastor Of Franklin Circuit The Rev. Carl Wesley Judy of Charleston, West Virginia, has ar rived to take over I He Franklin Methodist circuit, succeeding the Rev. Philip Gr.ee, now a chaplain in the Army. Mr. Judy rtceived his education in Charleston public schools and Morris Harvey coHege in Charleston, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1940. In 1943 he was awarded a Bachelor of Divinity degree at the Divinity -school at Duke University. Mr. Judy is a member of Zeda Kappa fraternity and has been list ed in "Who* Who in American Universities and Colleges" for the years 1939 and 19b0. He is living in the parsonage on Bonny Crest. F.Vw? College is in need of 2f self-help male students. Anvotii ImcmiUiI, writ* Office nl (he F|?U Inrilfry, ?laa V. e War Bond et At $145,000 "Back THe Attack" It Slogan; Committee Making Plans Macon oounty is getting ready to raise the largest sum in its his tory. All previous campaigns are small in comparison to the amount asked for the Third War Bond drive which opens September 9. Macon's quota is $145,000, the total quota of the state of North Carolina being $145,000,000. A gen eral meeting of all committees has been catted for Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the Agricultural buikiint;. Henry W. Gabe, oounty chnrman and Mrs. John Archer, chairman of the women's commit tee, will present plans which wilt be announced next wrrk The s'logan chosen to inspire this largest of war bond drives is "Back Kh? Attack", and everyone will be urged to invest in a $100 bond in addition to what they ore doing r/egularly. Ration News The local Ration Board issued the foHowing announcements : Keroservf rations, which show September 30 as their expiration daU? do not have to be renewed until all stamps are us . of Rubber niredJMi 1 ' quota of sine* u?t