$Fje ijtgljlatiV JBacouian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. L VIII? NO. 37 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1943 FDR iatfA: Payroll aavitigi ii our greatent single factor in protecting ourselves againut in flation. $2.00 PER YEAR Macon Bond Sales Reach $55,000 Town and Farm In Wartime RATION REMINDER TO START USING RATION BOOK NO. 3 The first brown "point stamp" In War Ration Book 3 became valid September 12. This stamp, A, is good (or 16 points through October 2. Brown stamps will become valid on successive Sun days and will always expire on the Saturday nearest the end of a month. They will be used for rationing meats, fats, oils, canned fish, cheese, canned milk, and all other commodities now rationed with red stamps in War Ration Book 2. The small stamps bearing pictures of field guns, tanks, ships, and airplanes are not yet in use. Anyone who has not received Book 3 may obtain one by ap plying to his local ration board. Continued On Pac* Two? j MRS. MORSE OF TAMPA PASSES AT BESHEARS HOME Mrs. F. S. Morse of Tampa, Florida, who, with her husband, has been spending the summer In Franklin, passed away sud denly last Saturday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beshears. Her spirit took its flight while she sat alone on the porch writing letters. The Morses were preparing to re turn to their home the follow ing day. Mr. Morse accompanied the body to Manchester, Iowa, for Interment, where funeral ser vices were held on Tuesday at 11 a. m. He returned to Frank- j lin on Thursday. * | Mr. and Mrs. Morse endeared themselves to many during their stay in Franklin. They were ap preciative of the place and the people, writing a letter for the special edition of the Press in July, expressing their pleasure in being here. The sympathy of their numerous friends is with Mr. Morse in his sorrow. W. C. Dendy To Preach Rev. W. C. Dendy of the Ra bun Gap-Nacoochee school will preach at the Franklin Presby-. terian church, Sunday morning at the 11:00 o'clock service. LEATHERMAN REUNION ON SEPTEMBER II The Leatherman family reun ion will be held at the home of S. C. Leatherman at West's Mill on Sunday, September 19. All friends and relatives are ur ged to attend. F r anklin - Scouts Hold Court Of Nonor At a recent Court of Honor of the Smoky Mountain District of Boy Scouts, held at the Franklin Baptist church, the following Franklin boys were awarded merit badges and giv en promotions: Tenderfoot promotions were received by Cullen Bryant, Har old Baldwin, Bergan Hall, from F. V. Smith, assistant executive of Ashevllle. James Hauser made the presentation to the second class, which included Charles Baldwin and Sutton Stanley. J. D. Franks acted as chair man of the local troop and the United States flag was present ed by Morris Franks. Prayer was offered by Mrs. J. D. Franks, and Rev. J. F. March man pronounced the benedic tion. HIGDON REUNION HAS LARGE ATTENDANCE The 40th annual reunion of the Hlgdon family held last Sun day was attended by 150 de scendants of the late Major W. H. Hlgdon. The gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hlgdon, Jr., at HlgdonviUe. The program was conducted by Mrs. Albert L. Ramsey, Wil liam G. Crawford and A. R Hlgdon. Officers elected at the meet ing were James L. Hlgdon, pres ident; W. R. Hlgdon, vice-pres ident; A. R. Hlgdon, secretary and treasurer and T. B. Hlgdon hUtorlan, Classifications Announced By Our Local Board The following classifications were announced by the; Local Selective Service Board on Sept. 14: i In 1-A: Edward Brown, Max Lee King, William Lawrence Setser, Jr., Ralph Woodfln Wat son, Tommy Lee Norton, Wiley" Rogers Shope, Claude Heath Bolton, Jim Setser, Frank Jack son Hannah, Thomas Edison Oarey, Bert Ewitt Gibson, Wil liam Joseph Lakey, Walter Syl vester Miller, Robert Bell, Char les Fred Johnson, Herman New ell Owenby, George Vernon Passmore, Dover Dee Welch, Floyd Richard Sorrells, James Albert Cabe, Robert Carl Don aldson, Charley Porter Thomas. Ralph Welch, Samuel Dewitt Calloway, Roy Edison Stiwinter, Frank Harrison Ammons, John Samuel Arnold, James Wesley Todd, Edward Webb, Ray John Bryson, Charles Donald Raby, Marvin Edd Baty, Herman Roo sevelt McCall, Lawrence Henry Long, Claude Jacob Tilson, Har ry William Baty, Clyde Thomas Burrell, Ned Calvin Cowart, John. Dee Tippett. In S-A: Phillip H. Kline. In 2-C: Harold Eugene Enloe. In 3-C: Ernest Wilson Cabe, Jr., William Henry Peek, Jr. In 2-A: Benjamin Wilson Woodruff, Roy Lee Ramsey, Frank Moody Wild, Buster Mash burn. . In 2-B: Frank Wayne Gib son, Clyde Robert Tippett, Rob ert Loul# Pattillo, Robert Han sell Bennett. In 1-C: Virgil Lindsey Fields, T. L. Stanfleld, Garland Gilmore Woody, Kenneth Lee Welch, Raymond Robinson, Henry Clar ence Norton. In 4-F: Novle Gibson, Ernest Edgar Sanders, Pete James Mo ses, Bird Monroe Collins, LeRoy Hurst, Howard Cleveland Sta nley, Neil Bryson Childers, Geo rge Louis Webb, Thomas Earl Cabe. In 1-A H: Kay Francis Mon tague, Parks Wiley Brendle, John Bergin Wilson, Austin Dills. In 3-A H: Joel Southerland Tompkins, Lake Hudson Stiles, Theodore Gillespie. In 4-F H: Homer Lesley Mc Coy, Olenn Albert Shields, Al fred Lester Green. In 4-A: Fred Chipman Con ley. The following classifications were announced by the Local Selective Service Board on Sep tember 8: In 1-A: Adam Winfield Scott, William Jess Wallace, Frank Moody Wild, Frank Thomas Chadwick, Robert Louis Pattlllo, Terry Hall Bolick, Robert Han sell Bennett, Locke Craig Stepp, Jr., Roland Guffie. In 2- A: George Glenn Camp bell, Claire Petltt, George Tay lor, James Thomas Houston, Vernon Herbert Fricks. In 2-B: Ray Dills, Barl Jos eph Dills, Henry Grady Crisp, Homer Edison Stiwlnter, Hardin Ammons Gribble. In 3-A: Thomas Cobb Harbi son, Jerry Milas Holbrooks, John Pierpont Strother. In 1-C: Ellis Carr Rickman, Roy Lee Burton, Howard Marsh all Cunningham, Charles Scru ggs, Jr., Edward Marshall Har shaw, Charles William Chavis. In 4-F: Norman Garnell Mc Clure, Leonard George Stout, Welton Lee Cochrane, Gus L. England, Alvernon Hall, Paul Wesley Bryson, George May Scruggs, Iverson Hayes, Lee Jer ry Cochran. In 3-C: Coburn George Hol den. In 3-D: Bert Coolidge Pickel simer. In 3-A H: Ennis Renwick Tll son, Furman Walker Stewman. In 3-C H: Charles Alexander Williams. ^ In 4-F H: Blaine Buck Jen kins. i THIRD SUNDAY SINGING COWETA BAPTIST CHURCH The regular Third Sunday ? afternoon singing will be held ' at the Coweta Baptist church. - Sunday afternoon. Singing will 1 begin at 1:30. A cordial In vita - . tlon is extended to all singers, quartets, trios, etc. NEWS OF OUR i MENwWONEN IN UNIFORM SISTER AND BRO. IN SERVICE Miss Elsie Mae Brendle- is taking Airplane instruction Work in Dayton, Ohio. Pvt. George V. Brendle Is sta tioned in England. They are the son and daughter of Mrs. Eva Brendle of Franklin, Route 4. Pvt. Ural McConnell, who is stationed at Camp Edwards, Mass., with the Amphibian En gineers and brother Bulen L. McConnell in Baltimore, Md., who is in the Army Air Corps. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McConnell of Cullasaja. Pvt. James H. Brown, son of Mrs. F. E. Brown, Franklin, Rt. 1, entered Camp Campbell, Ky., in June. Bob Carpenter, who Is a Naval Aviation Cadet has been sent to Williams College, Williams town, Mass., for Preparatory Flight training. ? ? ? A/C Dean Carpenter, recently finished his Preliminary Flight training a t Oshkosh, W i Teachers' College, and has been sent to the Army Air Base at Santa Ana, Calif., for further training. After spending nine days in Franklin, Cpl. William Prloleau Angel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Angel of Rt. 1, and his wife, have returned to Klrtlap^ Field, Albuquerque, New Mexlrij, where he has been stationed for the past eighteen months with the Air Corps. Mrs. Angel IS the for mer Miss Maxlne Loyd of Al buquerque. ' Pvt. Kelly E. Houston of the U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Houston, Gneiss, Is now serving in Australia, where he has been since January. ' Pvt. Ebb Houston of Rt. 3 is home on a 30-day furlough from North Africa visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Houston. He returned as a guard for War Prisoners, who were being brought to this country. Pvt. Houston expects to return overseas after his furlough. Pvt. Dick Woodard of the Medical Corps, stationed at Camp Barkley, Texas, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. A. Wood ard. Pfc. Lawson B. Snyder, who has been stationed in the South west Pacific Area is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Snyder. He is now stationed at Camp Haan, Calif. Another Ma con county boy, Quentln Wal droop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Waldroop, was stationed with Pfc. Snyder. ? ?? Howard Shirley Dowdle, who is stationed at Bainbridge, Mary land, In the Navy, is home on leave with his mother, Mrs. Sal lie Dowdle, Route 2. Jacob C. Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Mason of Leath erman, has completed his course of studies as an aviation mech anic, Amarillo Army Air Field, I Amarillo, Texas. Among the six North Carolina WAVES to complete their basic training at the Naval Training School, Bronx, was Jessie Am anda Ramsey. Apprentice Sea man, of Franklin, who will re port to the Naval Training School, University of Indiana. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ramsey. She was last employed as a school teach er In the Asheboro City Schools. ? CONTINTSD NEXT W*WC 3rd. War Loan Drive Off To Good Start W ar Department Makes Urgent Plea For Surgical Dressings An urgent plea has just been received by the chair man of surgical) dressings from the War Department asking that the chapter fin ish up and ship Immediately all material that Is on hand. Approximately 80 million dressings per month will be needed during the four re maining months of this year and the Eastern Area, of which Macon county is a part, is still far behind in its shipments. This is a serious responsi bility and presents an emer gency which must be met. A few faithful women have car ried the work through the dif ficult summer months, but many more volunteers are needed now to complete the quotas on hand and to be ready for new shipments which will be coming in. The women of Franklin and Macon county are urged to answer this call for this vital and necessary service. Mrs. Allan Brooks, Chair man Surgical Dressings, Ma < County Chapter American Red Cross. High School Faculty Is Announced By J. F. Pugh The High school faculty has been completed this week, and has been announced by the principal, J. F. Pugh as fol ows: J. F. Pugh, principal, will teach French and Spanish un til a teacher is secured; Miss Evelyn Arlege, science; Miss Annie Bailey, commercial de partment; William O. Crawford, mathematics and physical edu cation; Miss Mary Doran, science; H. Cyrus Fouts, history; Mrs. Robert Fulton, mathema tics and science; Miss Emily Harrison, French and English; Mrs. Katherine O'Neil, home economics. E. J. Whitmire, agriculture;. Mrs. Katherine Matthews, Eng lish and history; Miss Olivia Patton, history, science and health; Mrs. Mamie Pryor, mathematics; Miss Virginia Sla gle, English and public school music; Mrs. Marie Stewart, Eng lish. The Pre** Equipped With New Type Faces The Franklin Press and The Highlands Maconian appears this week with new type faces, which replace the type used for the past 18 years. The style chosen Is one of modern and improved design, which is more easily read, and with less strain on the eyes than the older style type. Louis B. Anderson Promoted To Pisgah For est; Hdqrs. In AslheviUe Louis B. Anderson of the Nantahala National Forest head quarters here has been promot ed to the position of principal clerk of the Pisgah National Forest headquarters, Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. ^nderson will leave Franklin on Monday, Sep tember 20 for their new home. The Andersons have made many friends during their resi dence here for several years, who regret that they are leav ing the community. Mr. Anderson will be succeed ed by Frank Rimer, Jr., who will arrive next week with hi"' familv from the Kesatchle Na tional Forest. Alexanderia, La Thev will occupy the house o*? Harrison Avenue vacated by thf | Andersons. Chairmen Are Encouraged By Enthusiasm Shown The 3rd War Loan Drive Is oft to a good start," said Henry W. Cabe on Wednesday, as he re ported that over $55,000 worth of bonds had been sold to Individ uals since the start of the drive on September 9. Of this amount, Charles J. An derson, Highlands chairman, re ported on Tuesday that $10,814. had been sold there. This am ount has been considerably in creased, it was learned. erably Increased, it was learn ed. The women are active and selling with enthusiasm, but they are saying little until the reports from the various mem bers of the committees are made. The above amount is consid ered an encouraging beginning for the first seven days of the drive towards Macon County'* quota of $145,000. 21 SELECTEES ARE ACCEPTED Macon Men Enter Service In Army, Navy And Marines The following Selectees who were sent to Camp Croft, South Carolina, on September 7, were accepted by the Army: Paul John Dalrymple, George Robert Cabe, Joseph Oaither Teems, William O rover Jamison, Coolldge Marion Mason, Walter Neville Bryson* Kenneth Davis Ledford, Gaston Clark, John Woodrow Guffey, Cecil Vernon Carver and Woodrow Wilson Zimmerman. The following were accepted by the Navy: Thomas Chandler DuFour, Alex Virgil Howard, Dewltt Tal madge Thompson, Dwight Ly man McCloud, Grover Dempsey Shepherd, Donald Odell Holt, James Edward Morgan. Kenneth Lee Welch and Gar land Gllmore Woody were ac cepted by the Marine Corps and T. L. Stanfield by the Coast Guard. George W. Reid Dies At Home George Wilbur Reld, 79, far mer, died Sunday, September S, at 6:30 p. m., at his home, Franklin, Rt. 4, following an Ill ness of a year. Born on March 7, 1864, he was the son of the late W. P. and Martha Rogers Reld. He was a life-long resident of Ma con county and a member of the Rldgecrest Baptist church. Funeral services were held Monday, September 6, at 3 p. m. at the Rldgecrest church with the Rev. C. C. Welch, Franklin, Rt. 3, officiating. Burial was in the Craggy cemetery. Pallbearers were Claude San ders, Arthur Mincey, Clyde Downs, Wiley Sellers, Joe John son and Parker Raby. Surviving are four sons, Will iam of California, A. W.,?Frank lin, George W., Jr., Detroit, Mich., and Robert T., Murphy; two daughters, Misses Emma and Olille Reid, Franklin, Rt. 4; and one sister, Mrs. Morgan of Murphy. Rev. J. C. Swaim To Give Slide Lecture AT Three Churches Rev. J. C. Swaim will present a slide lecture entitled, "Every Man In His Own Tongue," at the following churches: Mount Zion, Friday, Sept 17: Patton's, Saturday, Sept. 18: Union, Sunday, Sept. 19. all at 8:00 p. m. The slides are sent out bv the American Bible 8ociet,v. There will be no admission f*h?r<?e. All our brethren from ' other churches are cordially In vited.

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