She (Jfirattkiitt |lr*ss anil Cite Bfligh-Umits Jftarjmiatt Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. LVIII Number Thirty-nine Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and W. S. Johnson Publishers T t Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C.t as second class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year 4 ...... .$2.00 Six Months .$1.00 Three Months . .... .60 Single Copy ..... J .05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by In dividuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be re garded as advertising and Inserted at regular classified advertis ing rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. BIBLE THOUGHT Create ?In me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. ?Psalm 51:10. ? ? ? From our accustomed places of worship and now from un accustomed places all over the world, on land, on sea and in the air, from lofty hills and from the jungle, from the railroad car, the convoy and the jeep, from the sick bed, the convales cent hospital and from the operating room, our special prayers on the High Holidays go up to Heaven with a new meaning and with greater fervor than ever and with the hope that the oay may be near when the grim task of war is finished, when iamily reunions have taken place or are in prospect, when normal and useful life can be resumed, and when the spirit of human kindness can again become a governing force. In the Joint Distribution Committee, over a period of almost three decades, we have been allowed to see so much of that spirit oi human kindness through the services rendered by countless devoted men and women all over the world and tnrough the contributions we have received, that we may say in ail earnestness that the activities of the Joint Distribution Committee are an expression of that spirit. ?Paul Baerwald ih a Message For Rosh Hashonah (Jewish New Year) 1943. TIME EXTENDED ON E, F, AND G BONDS The following letter has been received from the North Caro lina War Finance Committee: Sales of all issues of bonds in the Third War Loan Drive will be continued through Saturday, October 2, and sales of Series E, F, and G savings bonds will be continued through October 16, according to Clarence T. Leinbach, state chairman of the War Finance Committee. "The Treasury Department in Washington has Just announc ed the extensions in order that all selling agents may have additional time in which to clear their sales," Leinbach stated. There are over 60,000 issuing agents in the United States, and tney have manpower shortages like everyone else. In many cases, sales have not cleared through the Federal Reserve Banks due to Jthe time required in contacting the prospects, making sale, processing the order, and accounting to the Fed eral Reserve. ' "After Saturday, October 2, the three marketable securities, the 2^'s, the 2's, and the 7/8's, will be withdrawn from sale. Subscriptions for these Issues and for Series C savings notes (tax notes) placed in the mail up to midnight, October 2, will be counted In the campaign totals. "Because of the great wave of current buying by individ uals, sales of Series E, F and O savings bonds will be continued through October 16. This will enable workers to complete addi tional sales and have them reported in time to be counted In the drive quotas." Leinbach announced that sales in North Carolina through Saturday, September 25, totaled $116,000,000 or 80% of the State's quota of $145,000,000. H-D Schedule OCTOBER, 1943 5? Walnut Creek, with Mrs. F. E. Mashburn, at 2 p.m. 6 ? Holly Springs, with (Mrs. Earl Justice, at 2 p.m. 7? Otto, with Mrs. Lester Nor ton, at 2 p.m. 8? Cullasaja, with Mrs. Fred Palmer, at 2 p.m. 4-H CLUBS 8? Otto, at school, at 0:15 tjn. 9 ? 4-H Dress Revue, at Agri cultural building. BUY IT? or? SELL IT through Classified column IF YOUR NOSE "CLOSES UP* TONIGHT Here'* mighty good new* . . . H . your non "clot? J up" tonight and makes breathing difficult, put J -pur pose Vtcka Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Va-tro-nol doe* 3 important thing* It (1) shrinks swollen membrane*. (3) soothes Irritation, (3) relieve* tran sient nasal congestion. It bring* more comfort, makes breathing easier, thus invites sleep . . . And remember, it help* prevent many colds developing If used In time, rol low directions in folder. l remcmocr, u neipf Attention - - Housewives! RENT Our H'lLLCO Sanding Machine and enjoy a new floor which is easier to keep. Your husband can operate it. EASY ? DUST LESS ? QUICK ? FRANKLIN HARDWARE CO. Classified Advertisements RATES: Om and a half crab par wan) aach inmrtioa Minimum 30 cant* par iimml Service For Prospector* TO ENCOURAGE increased War and peace time development of strategic minerals and ores 'we will be (lad to have anal yzed likely specimens of sam ples and examine the pros pects and make recommenda tions, without charge. CUSTOM RIFTING and trim ming of No. 1 and I grades of Mica on COST PLUS basis. - FLOYD E. SNOW Bank Bldg. and Main St. Mica Shop tfn ? FOR -SALE ? New Bradley Corn crusher and 3*4 H.-P. Fair banks motor. Phone High lands 15. ltp WANTED ? Small modern home and about 10 acre* of land, close in. Write to P. O. Box 134, Franklin, N. C A26 ? 4fn , FOR SALE ? A good supply of seed Rye, and Beardless Bariey, for your winter crops. Use "Crop Kicker" 4-12-4 Fertiliser to get best results. Ray Grocary and Faad Co. tfn WANTED TO BUY? Oak, pine and gum crosstles and mixed oak switches. Will pay cash for them when delivered on our yard or we will come to your saw mill and take them up, or if you have a truck load hewn and will bunch them where we can get a truck to them, we will take them up where you have them, if you haven't got a truck to haul them, see us about hauling them. Will be on our yard In Franklin three days per week from Thursday a.m. through Saturday. Bring us your ties. D. B Frampton & Co. P. T. Kell, Inspector, tfn FOR SALE ? Some young, fresh Jersey cows, also some good OXC pigs, thorobred, regis tered stock. John C. Dills, Cul lasaja, N. C. 2tp LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN .THE SUPERIOR COURT North Caroline, Macro County. ROBERT LEE McDOWELL va. matt ie Mcdowell The defendant, Mattie McDowell, wiH take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc da in the Superior Court of Ma con County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce by the plaintiff from the defendant; and The defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at tke office of the Cleric of the Superior Court of raid County, in the courthouse in Franklin, North Garoiina, on the 10th day of October, 1943 and answer or demurr to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed. in said complaint. This the 27th day of September, 1943. A. R. HIGDON, Clerk Superior Court. S9 ? 4to? S30 Hut* U no eybetitate far ? WAR BOND Kaap ?m hraf Am DOGS WANTED ? I will be In Franklin, Friday morning Oct. 8th from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. to buy good size, nice looking hounds from 1M to i years old. I do not care anything about their hunting qualities. Prices must be reasonable. Harmon Qary. 823?830 FOR SALE ? Stock, general farm machinery, feed; have sold farm; must dispose of above In 30 days ? near Panorama Court. W. M. Burch. 823? 2tp? 830 FOR SALE ? Two roan Durham cows ? fresh ? good milkers. Sam Klnsland, Franklin, Rt. No. 4. 823? 2tp? 830 WANTED? Black walnut logs lor guns toe ks. Cash on deliv ery. to Farmers Federation Pulpwood Yard, Fran kiln, N.C. tfn FOR SALJI ? Very choice Guern sey dairy heifers, $25 each and up. Non-related bull free with 5 head. Sayre Dairy Cat tle Co., Sayre, Pa. 816? 5tc? 014 WANTED ? CARETAKER TO LIVE ON GOLF CLUB PROP ERTY THIS WINTER. FOR DETAILS, SEE MAJOR J. F. CARMACK, AT ONCE. ltc WANTED ? Girl for cook and general housework. Two. in family. Steam heated room with private bath. Good wa ges. Write Mrs. George A. Townsend, Highlands, North Carolina. 830?07 LOST? Brown billfold contain ing drivers' license, "C" Gas Book, Registration and Social Security cards and some cash. If found, please return to Press office. 830? ltp ' WANTED? By small exclusive Hotel at Brunswick, Ga., The Anchorage, dining room girls, room girls, cook and assistant cook. On the coast. Ideal for fall and winter. Good salary, room, board and laundry. Cot tage for white help. Also want ed man for yard. If married can use wife. Address An chorage, care The Franklin Press and Highlands Macon - lan. Manager will be there to see you in a few days. UP FOR SALE ? Beagle puppies. Bee L. C. Henderson, at 10c Store. "P . ? * National Forest Timber For Sale ' Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina, up to and not later than 2 p.m., October 11, 1043, and opened immediately thereafter, for all the merchan table live and dead timber des ignated for cutting on an area embracing about 1500 acres with in the Juts Creek Unit, Cheoah River Watershed, Graham Coun ty, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 1,000 units (160 cubic feet per unit) of chestnut extractwood, more or less. No bid of less than $1.00 per unit will be considered. $200 must be deposited with each bid, to be applied on the pur chase price, refunded or retain ed in part as liquidated dam ages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted, full Information concerning the timber, the con ditions of sale, and submission of bids should be obtained from the District Forest Ranger, An drews, North Carolina, or the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina. SS0? ltc THIS WEEK'S LEADERS 215 acres, 9 miles from Franklin? paved highway? 20 acres bottom land ? pasture woodland, creek-spring, buildings fair. Bargain at $4500.00. Terms. 83 acres, 6 miles Franklin? paved highway? good farm, 7 room house, good community- -Cheap at $4500.00. 114 acres, 4 miles Franklin? paved highway? good farm and business property, good buildings? $8,000.00. Terms. 4% acres, 2ft miles Franklin, paved highway, 6 room house, electricity, spring water? $800.00. 125 acres, 8 miles Franklin, mountain farm, but worth $1500.00. Forest Avenue, Franklin, corner lot, 1 acre, 7 room house, conveniences? $3,000.00. Terms. We have customers for some small farms. If yon wish to sell, see us at once. STANDARD REALTY COMPANY 25 Rink Building Franklin, N. C ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra tjvx of Torn Dills, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C., this it to notify all persons halving claims against ithe estate of laid deceased to exhibit them to th* undersigned on or before die 7d> day of Sep tember, 1944, or this notice will be plead in bar of tlveir recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This 7th day of September, 1943. ALICE DULLS, Administratrix. S9? 6tp ? 014 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of Jim Norton, deceased, late of Macon county, N. c., this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of September, 1944, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settle ment. This 17th day o t September, 1943. JOHN M. NORTON, Administrator. 823? ?tp? 028 administrator notice Having qualified as administra tor of Emily Sheffield, deceased, loite of Maoon county, N. C., this is to notify aH persons having claims against tHe estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of August, 1944, or this notice wiH he plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate witl please make immediate settlement. This 30th day of August, 1943. R. C RICKMAN, Administrator. S2? 6tp ? 07 Wlicn Peace Comes WHEN CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION has won an unconditional victory over the pagan forces of evil, many new aids to mod- ' ern living will . be made available to the American people. Such betterments will be matched In our Service To The Living. W? will continue to add every mortuary improve ment that will mean finer funerals and more comfort for bereaved families. BRYANTi c7u*u/ia^ 7/trmi HE SERVES BEST WHO SERVES MOST PMONE 106 ? NITE PHONE 20 MACON THEATRE 1 WHERE WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT COSTS SO LITTLE SUNDAY MATINEE 2:3# ? NIGHT SHOW ?:M ? p- WEEK DAYS 3:3S? 7:3S-t:J# SATURDAY 1:M TILL 1I:3M)WL SHOW 10:30, OUT AT IZ:W Matinee, 3:45 Sunday and Monday, October 3 and 4 Turhon Bey Sidney Toltr Jhomos Gomez Den Terry ? News and Comedy ? Tuesday ?und Wednesday, October 5 and 6 flME 6Ut fajfOOBHS. AMERICA! I W/J9BK. Also, "I Escaped From The Gestapo" ? Comedy ? Thursday and Friday, October 7 and 8 thai you re as entfiusiastic ai we arc over Cory's great est performance and in you! thrilled approval of. Lovely Ursine Day1 CARY GRANT. 1 /fUiwfof, PnluaJ if Davit/ HtmprteaJ Dirtelnt by H. C. Puur Soma hevbvMWee Mel**eSAdrwii$ceh Mut mm. urn cmki-mm umt-ma stewm ? New* Saturday, October 9 ? Double Feature Program Don Berry, in "The Sombrero Kid" also "Hi Ya Chum" OWL SHOW at 10:30 ? Out 12:00 EasUide Kids, in "Ghort On The Loom" BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS

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