PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1944 Fourth War Loan Bonds Are NowlOn Sale Macon Citizens Urge All To Invest In War Bonds A number of citizens have responded to the re quest of the chairman, Gilmer A. Jones, to write their reasons for buying War Bonds. We are pleased to publish their letters in the interest of the 4th War Loan Drive. Let's all purchase U. 8. War Bonds, and through prayer press on to Victory. H. W. McOLAMERY. What I think about the neces" slty of buying War Bonds, and of their soundness as an invest ment, Is best expressed by the fact that I have invested practi cally one-third of everything I have in them, and expect to keep on buying them to the full limit of my ability until victory is won and our boys come back home. Yours for Victory, O. C. BRYANT. Never before in the history of this country has there been a public undertaking which so vit ally concerns every man, woman and child in America as our prosecution of this War. Not until the aggressor nations have been beaten into uncondi tional surrender and their lead ers have been dealt true Justice can we know any security for our homes, our churches, our schools, or any of the life we take for granted as being Am There can be no victory un less our armed forces receive an uninterrupted and abundant flow of q"pp^f pitttI The money for these supplies must be loaned America by you and me ? by average working Americans. We are asked to lend pur money to a cause for which our sons, fathers, and brothers are giving their lives. Buying War Bonds is invest ment in Peace, Freedom, and Justice ? an investment in Am erica. Our return on this invest ment is just as certain as is Victory. Unless there is certain Victory the very dollars we are asked to invest will have no value. Unless there Is speedy Victory, thousands of American young men will never return to enjoy the Freedom they offer their lives to protect. May every man, woman and child buy War Bonds not only during this drive but regularly until Vivtory Is ours. Dollars in Bonds today mean dollars of value tomorrow. W. C. ZICKGRAF. BUT A BOMBER! Why we should buy War Bonds: 1.? To win the war quick and save the lives of our boys in the service. 2.? War Bonds are safe,, sound, good investments even when we are not in war. Money we put in War Bonds today will come in handy ten years from now as sure as we help to bring FS A Appropriation Extended To End Of Fiscal Year The work of the Farm Secur ity Administration will continue under an appropriation by Con gress until the end of the fis cal year, July 1944, according to a statement. by Albert Ram sey supervisor for Macon coun ty. Mr. Ramsey is assisted by Miss Daisy Caldwell as home supervisor. In spite of efforts of the farm bloc and the "economy bloc" rporpsontlng large financial in terests, which lobbied to cut out this agency of the Adminis tration to assist low Income farmers to purchase farms. Con gress extended the appropriation another six months. Frank Hancock, former con gressman from North Carolina, nonr heads the national organi zation. ? this war to an end. Lets every body get behind the* 4th War Bond Drive and buy a bond to help buy a bomber and help to get our boys back home so they can enjoy the things they once enjoyed and the things we at home are enjoying today. If it were not (or the radio, news papers and a few minor restric tions, we at home would hard ly know that there Is a war on. NOW, LET'S SHOW the boys In the service that we are back ing them up by the haste with which we get this bomber! W. C. BURRELL. I'd like to express myself In regard to our Fourth War Loan drive. It is easy to talk much and do little, but with over 1,300 of our young men and women in the armed forces we must talk less and do jnore. As Mr. Thorpe said in a recent address, "We cannot sit by and say "let George do It." Each individual has a part "George" can't do it all. Our quota must be met. That la the least we can do to live up to the promises set forth In the very commendable "Ser vice Men's Edition" of the Frank' lin Press. Are we going to make those promises real? C. W. HENDERSON. I think it's the patriotic duty of every man, woman and child to take part in the Fourth War Loan drive. There are many reasons why we all should buy Bonds and Stamps. But it seems to me, the main reason is that in doing so, we are backing up our BOYS on the FAR-FLUNG BATTLE FRONTS OF THE WORLD. At the same time we are put ting our money In the safest, and strongest investment pos sible. Yours very truly, GLENN RAY. Buying bonds, beside being the safest investment we can make, is the surest and safest way to save money for the things that we are planning for the future. The new homes that we are planning for, the repairs and equipment for the farms, the many household necessities and luxuries that we are planning for the future can be provided for with the purchase of war bonds. Buying bonds is the only means by which we can guard the lives and health of our boys, who are sacrificing so much to protect our lives and liberties, and to secure our way of life. Yours very truly, OV8 LEACH. ? CditinmJ On Pif F