^nrofclitt t#? fjraasi - ?11) e ISjigblatt^ Maconiait , ISBMBD PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL ? - INDEPENDENT ? ? VOL. LIX?NoTs . 'I "- ? ' FRANKLIN, f? C, THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1M4 ~ ^ pER yEAK . ; : i ??tsgwwwni Jep Mil ton Phillips, Alfred Joseph KJyne, end Cleveland Lafayette Cartledge. The selected were Frank Wil liam Matthew*, Boyd Henry Col lier. Harley Jones, Ooodlow Bow mas. Percy Randolph Norton, rge Nelson Sbope, Jesse Mason, Thadeus Stockton, Clyde Mil son Hopper, John Calvin -Ox, Jack Elwood Jacobs, Eugene Quinfcon Scott, Odean Sylvester Roper, Prank Wilson Hembree, John WU1 Ledford, Jack Cole man Taylor, Marshall Edward Hastings, James Edward Gibson, Turner Cleveland Anderson. Wiley B. Collier, Glenn Welch, Burte David Douthltt. Clyde Sanders, John Leo Stan fleld, MarceUe Wood, William Sheridan Olbby, El don Mont gomery Coggins, Clay Doyle Compton, Clyde Houston, Floyd Nelson Elmore, Don Franklin Watson, Wendle William Moore, Andrew Carl Bryson, Fred Wil liam Derebery, James Carey An gel, Charlie Melvln Collier, Claude Monroe Ledford, Joe Ed gar Gregory, Ralph Welch, Wal lace Gene Pannell, Frank Hen derson Dean, Fred William Bar ley, Larry William DIUs, William Howard Cable, Thomas Andrew HenaMPfftod Watsei Dills, Dex ter Cleveland Roberts. Denver Frank Morgan was transferred to another local boad for induction. Those transferred to this board for induction were: Beu lon Calvin Houston, Theodore Alvln Rogers, Barter Edward Talley, and Thomas Lafett Owenby. OTTEK CREEK WINS OVER ROBBINSVnXE The Otter Creek high school boy* eune through with Rob blnsvllle high school basket ball, Friday, by the score of 15 to 11. The Otter Creek high girls lost a hard fight to Robblns vtlle girls by the score of 18 to 17. Both boys and girls have sch eduled games with Murphy high school this week en their home court. Clint May. FATHER AMD SON IN OVERSEAS SERVICE Cpl. Robert L. Jaoobs, son of Mr*. Lucy Jacobs of Iotla, has been promoted to the rank of corporal at hit base In India. Bis aoa, Cpl. R. L Jaoobi, Jr., to stationed somiwhere In the PMffU, ? ? NEWS OF OUR MEN