Highlands HighKghts MRS. a C. STOftY Church Services BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. M. Allay, Puto 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday school. 1 1 :00 a.m.? Sermon 7:00 p. m.? B. T. U. 8:00 p. m.? Sermon PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Carl Phillips, Student Supply 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. ? Service 1st and 7:00 p. m. ? Christian Endeavor. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Leonard P. Smith, Paster. 1st and 3rd Sunday: 11:00 a.m. ? Cashiers. 4:00 p.m.? Norton, 2nd and 4th Sunday: 11:00 a.m.? Highland*. 12:15 p.m.? Horse Oove. 2nd Sunday: 3:00 p.m.? Flats. 4th Sunday: 4:00 p.m. ? Clear Creek. EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Rev. A. Rufua Morgan, Raftr 10 a. m. ? Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.? Holy Communion and Sermon ? 2nd Sunday. 4:30 p. m.? Evening Prayer and Sermon ? 4th Sunday. S/SGT. JAMES E. SEALS ENGAGED TO MISS DARE Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Percy Dare, of 216 Davison Road, Aulkland, New Zealand, have announced the engagement <qt their daughter, Miss Alma Dart, to Staff Sergeant Jame* E. Beale, of the U. 8. Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mr*. James H. Beale of Highland*, the date and place of the wed ding to be announced later. Staff Sergeant Beale write his mother that he ia In the best of health, still safe, and hopes to retcrn to the X3MA. for a visit in the near future when his two years' service overseas are completed. 2t SOLDIER8 ENJOY WEEKEND HOSPITALITY A second Home Hospitality weekend for a group of soldier* stationed at Clemson Collage was sponsored by - the- ywm people's War Worker's Club the past week, and again Hotel Ed wards was headquarters for the group. The twenty-four soldier* Hm entertained in the following homes: Mr. and Mrs. C. H.-Zoel lner, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Keen er. Mr. and Mrs. Tudor N. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Appley. Ho tel Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Root, Mr. and Mr*. Jack Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Prank H. Potts, Mrs. K. p. P. Thompson. Fairvlew Inn, and Mrs. Ehaa beth Prince. Mrs. Marion Durham wa* head of the reception wiRiitfe** and Miss Nancy PBtU was chairman of the entertainment committee at the dane* at Mi en's Barn, which was again loaned for the occasion fey Mr*, s. A. Wilson. Others on the entertainment committee with Miss Potto were: Mis* Mute Wright, Miss Lolita Holt, Sgf McDowell and Bud Thompson. ZERO WEATHrR I WITH SNOW AND ICE I Highlands experienced sera and near sero temperature* the past weekend with a four-inch snow Sunday night followed tgr a freezing rain Monday, result ing in plenty of Ice. Although the main downtown street* and sidewalks were cleared by noon Tuesday, a thick blanket of en broken snow still lay over the greater part of the village. - ? . When you buy War Bends yaw money goei into action it mm*. Where, we may never know. Maybe, ns shown above, to equip a company cf American Rangers marching up a roih-oai somewhere en the Mediter ranean, Whether they come back d* pinda upon the equipmsMt we Mai Give your dollar* Mtton: Say Liore War Beads. _ i Personal Mention Among the recent social acti vities *u the buftet supper and party given by Prof, and Mr*. W. C. Newton, when they en tertained the members of the school (acuity, included In the courtesy were the Misses Ethel Calloway. Marlon Lester, Sallle Stephens, Vera Howard, Mrs. Marlon Durham, and Mrs. Ous Baldwin. Rev. ii. M Alley, who has been vacationing in Florida for the past month, is expected home this week and will preach at the Sunday morning hour at the Baptist cburch. At th? Sun day night service,, Mr. Alley plans to tell about the many Interesting phases of his trip. Mrs. O. E. Young spent the weekend in Gainesville, Oa , vis iting her son. Cpl. Karl Young, student at Riverside Military Mrs. Fred Littie ton. Sr., and darghters, the Mimee MUdred and Patsy Littleton, and Miss Leona Norton were Sunday din Mr guests of Mrs. W. & Price. Mrs. Henry Chastain of Oas tonia. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chastain and Mrs. J. H. Bfilf ^tui daughter, at their IwBit In Tw**|*n Hills. J. H. Beak, whs has bete in Rustic, Fla, for the past several weeks la very much improved in Mrs. Louie Carr and son. Louie. Jr . of New Mexico, were recent guests of the former's niece. Mrs, P. A. Edwards and family. Mr. Carr. now president of the Carr Lumber Company in New Mexico, was called to the company's branch office at Pisgah Forest to make business adjustments and Mrs. Carr took that opportunity to visit rela tives In this section for the Ant time to a somber of years. Mrs. O. P. Schiffli and sons John sod nek of West Palm Beach. VW, Arrived Friday, and have school for the r# sinitr of the season. MR, Nicholas Schiffli. of the Oeotfta Military College, MilledgevUle, spent the weekend h*re with hit mother and bro ther*. Highlands Goes Over Top; Bond Sales Reach $30,000 Paul Price, 7 th Grader Lead* In School Sales In a total of slightly more than $30,000, Highlands went over the top In the Fourth War Loan Drive with a 50 per cent Increase over Its quota of $20,000. Much of the credit for the success of the drive goes to Highlands school for Its ex ceptional work. $10,600, or one third of the total was handled Honor Roll For HigMtnds School Honor roll* (or the third trading period at Highlands school, as released by Prof. W. B. Newton, principal, are: Pint honor roll, second grade, Clyde Oibson, Ben Edwards, Raymond Cleaveland, third trade, Margaret Zoellner, Bob by Moore, Jamie Phillips, Geo rge McDowell; fourth grade: Joyce Keener; sixth grade; Joyce Bumette, Ray Reese, Mary B. Cook; seventh grade: Mary Phillips; ninth grade: Doris Hedden. 8econd honor roll: third trade: Joe Crunkleton, Collin Wilcox; fourth grade: Hazel Crane, Arline Crunkleton; sixth {rade: Charles Ray Norton, Mary D. Anderson, Jessie M. Reed. Mack Hopper; eighth trade: Edna Norton; eleventh trade: Barbara Zoellner; twelfth trade: Nancy Potts, Maxle wr right, Loltta Holt. Attendance honor roll: third trade: Jo Ann Hicks, Robert Baty, Alvin Crow, Charles Tal ley, Eugene Houston. Olden Vin ton, Lester Reed; fourth grade, Lois Potts; fifth grade. Leon ralley. Martha Howanl. Richard Potts, Billy Bryson; sixth grade, Mbert Edwards, Phillip Vinson, L C. Howard. Amos McCall, Carl Penland, Charles Crunkleton, Kathleen Potts; seventh grade, Bernice Keener, Doris Beener, Wattle Potts, Paul Price; eighth trade. Betty Potts; ninth grade, grelyn Phillips, Allie Sue Price; Seventh grade, Eugene Ed wards, Bessie Penland, Pranda MelsiKL * * J Last Rites For Mrs. Henry, 71 Funeral services for Mrs. Mar tha Talley Henry, 71. who died early Saturday morning, were be Id at two o'clock Sunday af ternoon at the home of her laughter, Mrs. Elbert Gibson, with the Rev. John Baty offi ciating. Burial was In High land* cemetery. Pallbearers were Bdward Gibson, Lem Webb, Wallace Henry, Eugene Gibson, Lenox Webb and Car Hon Crane. Mrn. Henry had been 111 two weeks. She was a native of Rabcn Gap, Oa., but had mads her home here for the past several years. She was a mem ber of the Highlands Baptist church. Surviving are two sons, Noah Henry of Pickens, 8. C, and Oliver of Macon county; three daughters, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Addis Mlllsr of Mlfhlgsn, and Mrs. amis Allen of Lexington; thirty-two grandchildren; one great-grandchild; three bro thers, Jssk and John Talley of Franklin and Lester of High Bryant Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. by the school here with its en roUmet of 374 pupils. Particular credit goes to Paul Price, 13 year old seventh gTade student, who had sold between 30 and 40 bonds up to noon Tuesday, totaling $7200, with every evi dence of Increasing this amount by at least $500 before the close of the drive Tuesday night. This gives Paul the highest sales record In Highlands school and perhaps the highest indi idual school sales record in Ma con county. Paul also bought a $25.00 bond for himself. JOIN Bryant Mutual Burial Association ? OkUst and Strongaat fa lb* County National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Frank lin, North Carolina, up to and not later than 2:00 pjn., March 20. 1944, and opened immediate ly thereafter, (or all merchant able live and dead timber des ignated for cutting on an area embracing about 500 acres with in the High L&urel Branch Unit, Nantahala River Water shed, Macon County, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 2500 units (180 cubic feet per unit) of chestnut I'extractwood, more or less. No bid of less than $0.80 per unit [ will be considered. In addition 'to price bid for stumpage a de j'poslt of $0.10 per unit for all "wood cut will be required for sale area betterment work. $300 must accompany each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids re served- Before bids are submit ted. full information concerning the timber, the conditions of ?ftle, and submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina. F17? 2tc ? M2 jUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS Hub to EXCESS ACID IMnrHWCw IV? Mittl? a bettlaa of tl? WILLAKD r bar* bora ?old for relief ol PERRY'S DRUG STORK ADVERTISING Makes a Small Business Bigger and a Big Business Better 1ITB ALL BACK THE ATTACK" BUT EXTRA BONDS Eye* Examined ? DR. ALDEM ? Glassies Fitted C. DOWNS will examine eyes and ?it glasses in Sylva at Carolina Hotel, Friday, Feb. 25. Dr. Downs makes regular trips to Sylva every two weeks on Friday to fit glasises. This ad. is for the cdnvertience of Macon icounty people and Dr. Downs. JOIN JOIN We Invite you to immIm the merchandise, SOLID OAK CASKETS *nd others of high qual ity, oar Funeral Director fnrnlxhes oar mem ben, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, and Join now. This j Mentation to as strong as the strongest. The same hand b retained by onr state for all ?wnlatlww. and all are under the tame supervision. INVESTIGATE AND YOU WILL JOIN Potts Mutual Burial Ass'n Phot* 114 ? Franklin, N. C. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank our friends ! (or their kindness and sympa thy they have shown during our recent bereavement in the j death of our wife and mother, | and for the beautiful flowers. RICHARD BINGHAM and family. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of John D. Kins land, de ceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all per- | sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex- j hiblt them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of January, 1945, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immedi ate settlement. This the 17th day of January, 1944. Wants To Buy A Pis-ln-a-Poke? When colds strike in your home you can be mighty glad the medicine you want has a name, [t would be like buying a pig In-a-poke, if you didn't know lust what to ask for at the drug store. You don't want to lake needless chances when it ' :omes to colds...and you don't have to either! For example . . . rhe name Vlcks VapoRub is pour guide to the best-known home remedy for relieving mis eries of colds. Ask for it by Its trade-marks. S. J. KINSLAND, Administrator. Vicks VapoRub ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of Jess-WlUard Johnson, deceased, late of Macon Coun ty, N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed on or before the 31st day of December, 1944, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 31st day of December, 1943. BRUCE DUVALL, Administrator. 120 ? 6tp ? F24 cri % to ? ^ . I \ Oil ' I :? '4 BLUE RIDGE COFFEE "TOPS IN TASTE " GET OFFICE SUPPLIES AT THE PRESS OFFICE ? So that our soldiers, sailors, and marines everywbert can get their Camels frtsb? Camel* are packed to go round the world, to seal in that famous Camel flavor and mild ness anywhere; The Camel pack keeps your Camels fresh, too? pre serving for you die full flavor of Camel's costlier tobacco*. Ffxsrw 7w?~sexwce . Gti/HEC\ &s& hi ttw Anay. Nary, IUHm Carft, amd Immttt dcaratt* U CimiI (Inri mi actul uIm mifr-) You Women Who Suffer From FLASHES then CHILLY FEELIHflS I During 38 to 52 Years v of Age! If you- like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52 suffer from hot flashes, weak, tired, nervous Irritable feelings, art a bit blue at times-due to the functional middle age period peculiar to women-try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly ? Plnkham's Compound helps build up resist ance against such distress. It also has what doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! Thousands upon thousands have reported benefits. Follow label directions. Plnkham's Compound Is worth trying. Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND Wanted TOBUY Ivy and Laurel (Kalmia and Rhododendron) BURLS WILL PAY $9 to $1S per ton, According to Quality . . . Delivered at our Mill at Brevard, N. C or Warehouse, Whittier, N. C. TRANSYLVANIA PIPE CO. Ralph Fisher, Manager or see Mr. Owen, Whittier, N. C. Phone 375 Brevard, N. C

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