SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS W. M. I). TO MEET WEDNESDAY, FEB. tl The W. M. U. of the Frank lin Baptist church will meet next Wednesday, February 23, at 3 p.m. Circle No. 1 will meet with Mrs. Frank Hlgdon, and Circle No. 2. will meet with Mrs. Geo rge Dean. The East Franklin Circle will meet at 7:30 pjn., with Mrs. George Poindexter. The Sunbeams, G. A. S. and Junior R. A S. will meet in the church at 4 p.m. , BIBLE CLASS WITH MRS. CHURCH The F. S. Johnston Bible Class of the Franklin Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Herbert E. Church on Tcesday evening, February 29, at 8 o'clock, for the regular monthly class meeting. All members are urged to attend. PTA TO MEET NEXT MONDAY The regular meeting of the Franklin Parent-Teacher Asso ciation will be held at the school next Monday, February 21, at 3:30 o'clock. Personal Mention Mrs. Adelalne Daves of Bel lington. Wash., and R. L. Ram ey of Hamilton, Wash., arrived last week to visit relatives and on account of the illness of Joe K. Ramsey, who died last Fri day. Mrs. Daves is a sister and Mr. Ramey a son of the de ceased. Dr. J. L. Stokes. II, took a business trip to Durham last Tuesday. He was accompanied , as far as Greensboro by Mrs. Sam Rogers, who will spend the rest of the winter with her children, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hayes. H. L. Anderson, who has been very ill at his home on Harrison Hill, is reported improved. H. H. Hirsch, who has been un-ier treatment ot Angel hos pital. ~te much better. Miss Hazel Keener and Wil.. T* Hall spent last weekend In At lanta visiting friends. Mrsr Paul Bryson is spending this feek in Asheville and Way nesville. Ras Penland has been con fined to his home for the week with flu. Miss Delma Edwards is taking a business course at Cecil's Bu siness College, Asheville. ? ? ? ? I Miss Katheryn Anne Hugglns of Arlington. Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I L. Huggins. j Miss Mildred Cabe of Wash ington, D. C., is in Angel hos pital for the removal of her appendix. Mrs. F. R. Schaeffer is ill with flu at her apartment in the Gilmer Jones home on the Georgia road. The Rev. A. R. Morgan and Mrs. H. E. Freas left Tuesday to attend the Asheville Convoca tion of the Episcopal church meeting at All Soul's church, where Mr. Morgan will address the meeting. The highlight of the gathering ~ will be an ad dress by Bishop Y. Y. Tsu. a leader in modern China, and known as "the Bishop of Burma Road." He is a close friend of Generalissimo and Madam Chi ang Kai-shek. Arriving by plane from Asia, he will make a number of addresses at meet ings of the Episcopal church in the United States. Mrs. Hattie Porter Waldroop was accompanied to Asheville on Tuesday by her brother. T. W. Porter, to undergo a serious eye operation at Mission hospi tal. She is reportel to be get ting on nicely. Births Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carey Cabe, a son, Johnny Woodrow. on January 19. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Huscusson. a son, on January 16. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Myers hove announced the birth of a son. John David, on January 12. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Alice, on January 10. Born to Mr. and Mrs* Olnie Stanfield, a son, Jimmy Edgar, on January 1. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tallent. a son, Samuel Arthur, on January 9. A daughter, Mary Leona. wa? born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bates of Cartoogechaye. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cabe, a daughter, Loretta Sue, on January 31. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness shown during the sickness and death of our child and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Donaldson and family. NOTICE SEE US ? For your Certified Sequoia seed Irish potatoes. Also carry a complete line of fertilizers and seed oats. Ray Grocery ft Feed Co. BUT EXTRA BONDS is the slogan for the Fourth War Loan Drive ???????????? Can you use a Typewriter? CAN YOU DO cleric*! jpork or accounting? Have yon ertt worked in a store? Can yum drive a ear? The Army needs all kinds of skills in the Wac. There's a chance for YOU? to im prove a skill you already have, or learn one you'll find useful all your life. Today? find out abnut the opportunities that await you in the WAC ? the important Job, the inter esting life, the chance to serve your country in a vi taf way. APPLY at the nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station (your loral post office will give you the address)). Or Write: The Adjutant Gen eral, Room 4415, Munitions Building. Washington, D.C. ???????????? A GOOD PLACE TO EAT We appreciate your patronage. "What one says may be false; What a thousand say must be true." CAGLE'S CAFE A. G. CAGLE, Mgr. Auction Sale I will tell to the highest bidder next Tueaday, February 22, at Penland Brothers barn, cne extra good team. J. L. YOUNG. CLASSIFIED Advertising WANTED? Country hams. High est cash prices paid. S. H. Lyle, Jr. V tfn WANTED? We pay good prices in cash or trade for corn and wheat. Also buying onions, syrup, honey, dried fruit, hams, chickens and eggs. Ray Grocery & Feed Co. tfn FOR SALE ? One Oliver type- I writer, in good condition. One 14-in. turbine water j wheel, Please see or write W. A. Keener, Oneiss, N. C. F10-17p FOR 8ALE? 1939 Master Chev rolet DeLuxe, extra clean, one owner. City Oarage. tfn I will have some thoroughbred fine pigs at the Federation, I Sat., Feb. 19. J.. L. Young*. - ltp ' SALESBOOKS NOW IN STOCK; AT PRESS OFFICE. PERMANENT WAVE, *9c- Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment Including 40 curl ers and shampoo. Easy to do. Absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Pay McKenzie, glamerous movie star. Money refunded If not satisfied. Franklin VARIETY Store. F17? 15tp? M4 FOR Sale- Six White Rock pigs, or will swap for 12 gauge shot gun. Mrs. Dewey Corbin, Franklin, Route 4. F17 ? 2tp ? F24 WANTED- W1U pay cash for old fashioned hopper for run ning lye. Must be to A-l shape. See or write Dewey Corbin, Lenoir City. Tenn. F17 ? 2tp ? F24 LOST - License tag. 174-857, North Carolina, on Georgia highway. Finder please re turn to Horace Mann, Frank - lin, Route 2, or Press office. Up LOST? Tuesday , p.m.. In Frank ' lin, short tailed English col lie, white with black spots; answers to name, rPrissy." Reward? write or call Fred Kelly, Rabun Gap school, Ra bun Gap, Ga. ' I ltp ? SYMPATHETIC, EFFICIENT SERVICE ? It costs less to call us ? WE NEVER OVERCHARGE SOLID OAK CASKETS Ambulance Service POTTS FUNERAL HOME Phone 164 Franklki. N. C. Here We Are Again With Some Reel Bargains 4 j UNUSUALLY attractive bungalow? 8 room*, bath, modem | conveniences? zy, acres? convenient to everything? 3 miles out? good barn. This should be what you want at Mr ooo.oo. Almost in the heart of Franklin ? 6 room bungolow, good lot, conveniences, a Jam UB good house ? $3,500.00 ? well financed. 35 acres? 4*4 miles out? good farm, good buildings, $4,000. 200 acres? paved highway, 8 miles out, rich bottom land, good streams, convenient, price is right. Shown by ap pointment. ? Murphy road? 3^ miles out ? 1 acre, good buildings, con veniences?nice place and a good business location ? a buy at $1,500.00. We have other residences, farms, and business properties for sale. Yft do not list them too high. See us for your real estate needs. STANDARD REALTY COMPANY 25 Bank Bldg. { Franklin, N. C Hou? ^About IJour Dress Suit? - - - On February 23 I have a man representing old line Hopkins T ailoring Co. with a big line of samples, so you can aae how a suit will look after its tailored. It is an outstanding line of wool material, includ ing cool specialties for hot weather wear. For your best dreM-up suit get a tailored one to your measure, plus longer wear and comfort. Ladies now getting manish-tailored ? suits, because they ire economy in the long run . . . Remember ? FEBRUARY 23rd ? Come and see what you can get for your money. Jos. Ashear "We Clothe The Family" The fopUifcohgregatlbrT will meet with the Methodist at the Sunday morning aervlce as a farewell tribute to Dr. 8tokM, it was announced to-day. There will be no evening service at the Methodist church. j CONTINUE TO W ' advance as living condition* improve. In our ?' funeral home, appointments of grace and beauty, designed to relieve life'* drabness > j and gloom,, help soften the blow of bereave fil . uient. .... . ? ALTHOUGH. OUR SERVICES are of the j ? highest character known to the funeral pro fession, our efficient management and low profit policy result in prices that are no \, higher than elsewhere. t HE SERVES BEST WHO SERVES MOST PHONE lOfc ? NITE PHONE 20 SPECIALS. THIS WEEK! ; .iS1- -? . ? ? Ironing Board Covers 65 to .75 Extcbsk>n Qordt .... 55 Ironing Cord# 75 ?; 'Jl . - WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE . .I,.. ' .I.. !. it t? MACON THEATRE VHEKE WHOLESOME. .ENTERTAINMENT COSTS SO LITTLE SUNDAY MATINEE 2:36 ? NIGHT SHOW ?:M - WEEK DAYS 3:45?7 :U?>:15 IATURDAY 1:M TILL l#:3?-OWL SHOW lt:30, OUT AT U:M .Sunday 'and Monday, Feb. 20 and 21 MM- Of Ml Mil POCCfS - filORGE MURPHY ? JOAN LESLIE ? It. RONALD REMAN ttm ink nil nmi ma wmmuKAlE SMITH ^srsKsrasssai 1 I MKHIwHU I IMIIS ? M..n MM OS. StaMM FOR OtNtFIT Of MH|Y EMERGENCY RELIEF FUKD New* and Disney Cartoon v . Tuesday, Feb. 22 "Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case" With Lionel Barrymore and Van Johnston Also Popeye Comedy ' Wednesday, FA. 23 "The Mexican Spitfire's Elephant" With Leon Errol and Lupe Velez And Comedy Thursday and Friday, Feb. 24 and 25 MEN FOUGHT HIM. ..WOMEN LOVED HIM * ' \ 5AM0.KL IRONSTON mniftti TirtflTt O'SHEA- HAYWARD ? ?. r? Also News and Comedy : ' ' "i ' V ?'* ? , Saturday, Feb. 26 , DOUBLE FEATURE \ ; v "Sundown Kid" With' Don Barry and Linday Johnson "Cowboy In Manhattan" r With Robert Paige- mm! Frances Langford The Bat'Man No. S - OWL SHOW at 16:30 ? OUT at 12:00 ? f "Larceny With Music" - With Allan Jones and Kitty CarlisU BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS