t: P je IjigManbjS JUacottian 1tfa2tftutPdt?u/fte DOUBLE DUTY ?DOLLARS? PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL 'INDEPENDENT VOL. UX-NO. 18 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1944 $2.00 PER YEAR E. W. Long Is Re-elected Chairman Macon Democrats Party Nominees To Be Named On Saturday, July 8 The Macon County Democrat ic convention meeting last Sat urday afternoon, re-elected E. W. Long as chairman of the county Democratic committee, Miss Lassie Kelly as vice-chair man and Mrs. Lola P. Barring ton as secretary. The executive committee set Saturday, July 8, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of naming nom inees for representative to the general assembly; the Macon county school board, and coun ty surveyor. At this meeting delegates will also be appointed to attend the county Democrat convention to be held In Ma con county courthouse at 2:00 o'clock, July 15. Talks were made by Thad D. Bryson and Albert L. Ramsey, emphasizing the Importance of attending the convention and all other meetings. The plan of absentee voting for the boys In service was explained. Absentee appUcation forms should be ob tained from the board of elec tions. No one from this county was able to attend the State Demo cratic convention held in Ral eigh on May 4. Council Meeting Of 4-H Clubs, May 6 Miss Violet Barnard, presi dent of the Macon County council of 4-H clubs, announces that a council meeting will be held in the Agricultural building on Saturday, May 6, at 10 a. m. The devotional will be conduct ed by the" Rev. Jackson Huney cutt, pastor of the Franklin Methodist church. A short business session will be held before the demonstra tion "Food For Freedom," is conducted by Mr. H. R. Niswon ger, in charge Horticultural Ex tension of State College, Ral eigh, N. C. Mr. Niswonger will use slides and films for his il lustrated lecture. Miss Myra Slagle, Junior club le&<-er, will discuss "Rural Life Sunday" as was carried out in her community church last year by the Cartoogechaye 4-H club. Officers of the 4-H council are as follows: President, Miss Violet Barnard, of route 3; V President, Johnny Smith, of Cullasaja, and Secretary, Mar garet Setser, of route 1. All officers of the 4-H clubs and 4-H club Neighborhood Leaders are urged to attend this council meeting. Important FBI Meeting At Fontana An Important meeting of the FBI will be held at Fontana Dam on Thursday, May IX, at 2 p. m., for all law enforcement officers of seven western coun ties. Idus J. Lynn, special agent of FBI In this section from the Charlotte office was in Frank lin Tuesday in the Interest of the meeting. He stated that the Public Safety officers of Fonta na will entertain the guests, who will be escorted on a tour of jthe dam beginning at 11 a. m? and all will be entertained at luncheon. Ed Scheldt, special agent from the Charlotte field division will conduct the principal topic of the meeting, which will be a discussion of assistance the FBI can give local law enforcement officers. Other important sub jects are features of the pro gram. It was learned Tuesday that Macon county officers expect to attend. FIRST SUNDAY SINGING AT ASBURY CHURCH The Tegular First Sunday singing will be held May 7, at the Asbury Methodist church at Otto, beginning at 2 p. m. Sing ers from Georgia are expected to attend, along with singers from various sections of Macon county. J. M. HOLT, President. U. D. C. TO MEET ~ NEXT MONDAY The United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet next Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oeorge Slagle at S:00 o'clock. Bishop Gribbin To Pay Visit Episcopal Churches Sunday The Rt. Rev. Robert E. Grib bin, Bishop of Western North Carolina, will visit the Episcopal churches in Macon county next Sunday, May 7. He will preach and administer Confirmation at St. Agnes' Church, Franklin, at 11 o'clock. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon he will preach and confirm a class at', St. Cyprian's Church. At 4 o'clock he will be at the Church of the Incarna tion, Highlands, for Confirma tion. This will be Bishop Gribbin's first visitation to this field since his recent return to the dioeese afteh being In Florida during the winter for his health. A cor dial invitation is extended to all to join with these churches in their welcome to Bishop Grib bin. - Bryson Hotel Under New Management On May 1 The management of the Bry son hotel, which was recently sold to Gilmer A. Jones, R. S. Jones and Horner Stock ton, recently, was taken over on May 1 by Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones. At present, no meals are beiiig served, but Mrs. Jones expects to open the dining room for the season a little later on. The hotel will retain the name of Bryson Hotel. Frances' Shop Move* Into Fine New Store When the Frances' Shop holds its grand opening next week. Franklin people will be proud or tne "beautiful new store which adds attraction to the entire shopping district. More than twice the size of the present quarters, Mrs. Hlgdon says that she expects to carry a full line of the same quality of high class goods that has made the reputation for her smaller shop. "But the women of Franklin, who desire style and freshness to characterize their wardrobes, will no longer have to go to the big cities for selection or qual ity,'' said Mrs. Higdon. "I am trying to bring to our town all the advantages of city shopping right here without the expendi ture of time and gas? both so scarce these days." The new store is light and spacious, fitted with large sta tionary mirrors and the latest glass showcases and other mod ern fittings. The color scheme of decoration is in rose and pale green and the large plate glass show windows will enhance the beauty of the entire street. A new store like this brings more shoppers to town and thus ben efits all the merchants. Health Department Typhoid Clinic Schedule SCHEDULE FOR MAY May 2? Mash burn Branch, 9:30 a. m. Clark's Chapel, 10:30 a. m. May 3 ? Hlgdonvllle, 9:30 a. m. Salem, 10:30 a. m. Highlands, 1 p. m. Scaly, 3 p. m. May 4? Walnut Creek, 9:30 a. m. Buck Creek, 10:30 a m. Pine Grove, 1 p. m. Goldmine, 3 p. m. May 5? Burnlngtown, 9:30 a. m. Oakdale, 10:30 a. m. Cowee, 1 p. m. Iotla, 3 p. m. May 9? Franklin school, 9 a. m. May 10? Mountain Grave, 9:30 a. m. Holly Springs, 10:30 a. m. Watauga, 1 p. m. Oak Ridge, 2:30 p. m. May 11 ? Allison Watts, 10 a m. Slagle, 1 p. pi. Chapel, colored, 3 p. m. May 16 ? Union, 9:30 a. m. Maple Springs, 10:30 a. m. Otto, 1:30 p. m. May 17? Kyle, 10 a. m. Otter Creek, 1 p. m. Camp Branch, 2:30 p. m. Public, please note that one shot of typhoid vaccine given each year will keep up their Immunity. Do not miss this one chance each year. Smallpox and dlptherla lnnoculatlons will also be given to the younger child ran. NEWS OF OUR MENw WOMEN IN UNIFORM Pfc. Newell Noah Pendergrass, son of Mrs. Cora Pendergrass, has landed safely overseas. He has been In service since 1942! Cpl. Perry Palmer Pender grass, son of Mrs. Oora Pender - grass, is serving in the medical urrps and is now stationed in the South Pacific area. AMM 3/C Wayne Avery Pen dergrass, son of Mrs. Cora Pen dergrass. He is now stationed at DeLand, Fla. ? ? ? Miss Ruby Teem of U. S. Navy, who Is now employed In Akron, Ohio, was recently visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Teem of Cullasaja. She Is a radio Inspector. ? ? it Robert GleniOtay, Sr., is sta tioned at OreCT Lakes, 111., in i tho U. 4. Navy. Pfc. Samuel H. Shepherd, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Shepherd, is now stationed at Camp Cam pbell, Ky. He recently spent a 12-day furlough at home. 8 2/C Grover D. Shepherd, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Shep herd, is stationed at Jackson ville, Fla. Before entering the service he was employed by the Alley Construction. Co. Sgt. Roy L. Shepherd, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Shepherd, of Leatherman. He is now sta tioned at Camp Polk, 1a. Be fore entering the service he was employed by the Asheville Mica Company. A/S Skyler Ledford has been called home because of the ser ious illness of his baby, but hopes to return to duty soon. Sgt H. O. Ray is a patient in a base hospital in New Zea land. He has been in the South West Pacific for 18 months. ? ? ? Lt. David P. Calloway, Lt. O. H. Dills and Pvt. Tom Crocker of Dallas. Texas, now stationed at Greenville, S. C., were Sun day guests of Lt. Calloway's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McCollum on Palmer street. ? + ? Pvt. Samuel P. Tallent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Tallent, spent a 10-day furlough with his wife and babies and parents. He is now stationed at Port Mead, Maryland. Pvt. Tallent's family are visiting Mrs. Tallent's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hug gins in Burningtown. ?Continued On Par* Bta Ralph McDonald To Speak Monday At Court House WAC CARAVAN HEREJAY ID Recruiting Of Women Between 20 and 50 For Army Service First team of Its kind to tour Western North Carolina in the interest of recruiting eligible women for the Women's Army .Corps, a caravan of recruiting personnel from Ashevllle will arrive in Franklin, Wednesday, May 10, for a two day stay. The team, which includes Lt. Lucy Q. Page, Sgt. H. Lloyd Golson, and Private First Class Wilma E. Hartung, is now on an extended tour through the towns of Western North Caroli na. After the caravan leaves Franklin, further information may _ be obtained from Mrs. Frances Higdon, civilian recruit er, who will also fill out appli cations for prospective enlist ees. Requirements for the corps state that the applicant must be between the ages of 20 and 50, a citizen of the United States, of good health and character, and must have com pleted two years of high school or equivalent training, such as business, vocational, or trade school. Memberships For Chamber Of Com'ce To Be Solicited At a meeting at Cagle's Cafe, 1 last Friday night, the Chamber ' of Commerce directors had as their guests the finance com- < mittee, and plans were made to have the membership drive next 1 week. Those conducting the drive are: Frank Duncan, chair- < man, R. 8. OMohundro, A. B. O'Mahundro, Vernon Frlck, Carl 1 Tysinger, J. S. Fortner, Harve 1 Bryant, Roy Mashburn, Parker i Norton, Lee Polndexter, Rev. , Jackson Huneycutt, Bobby Ja- 1 cobs, James Furr. The directors hope that suffi cient funds will be raised to keep the booth open longer hours through the season. Marine Corp* Recruiters Here Next Week A Marine Corps Recruiting party will be In. Franklin on Tuesday and Wednesday of next I week, seeking enlistment o I women for the Marine Corps of Women's Reserve and 17-year old boys for the Marine Corps reserves. Full information may be se cured from the recruiters, Lt. Sarah Coan and Sgt. Margo Schmerler, who will be at the post office on May 9 and 10. MRS. KINSLAND TO BE INSTALLED PREST P.TA. The Franklin Parent-Teacher association will hold its final meeting for the year Friday afternoon in the high school auditorium at 3:30 o'clock. In stallation of new officers will take place. Mrs. Paul Klnsland will be installed as president to succeed Mrs. Carl Slagle, whose two terms of service have been marked by great progress and benefit to the school. Tea will be served at the con clusion of the meeting and all parents are invited to attend this farewell social hour to the teachers, Democratic Candidate For Governor Will Addres* Macon Citizens Ralph McDonald, candidate for the gubernatorial nomina tion In the Democratic primar ies, will come to Franklin next Monday and address the citi zens of this county at the court house at 2 p. m. Fred Cabe, Macon county manager of Mr. McDonald's campaign, says that a large crowd is expected and cordially invites all voters to come and hear Mr. McDonald's program for the progress and develop ment of Western North Caro lina. This is Mr. McDonald's sec ond candidacy for the Democra tic nomination, having run against Clyde R. Hoey in the last campaign and piling up a sufficient pluralty to make a second run-off necessary. Mr. McDonald, who is an. educator of note is running on a broad platform for educational and economic progress. His program is fully stated in this issue in a page advertisement sponsor ed by his supporters In the county. . __ Classifications Announced By Our Local Board The following classifications are announced by the Local Se lective Board; 1-A: James Oscar Hamilton, Verles McGaha, Dwlght Lamen Waters, Roy Jackson Corbln, William Oerdlne Crawford, Wil lard Goldman Passmore, Berlin Clifford Pruett, Lonzo Woodard, Herschel Mile Cabe, Marcus Everett Raby, Albert Ammoos, Clarence "?or<r? Greenwood, Oeorge Rockingham P?lttlV\ rim McMahan, Robert Roy Cun ningham, Morgan Owenby, James Wiley Guest, Paul Buck han Higdon, Oliver Raymond Henry, Carl Carpenter. 1-A-L: Harold Wright Scott, Jack Porter Howard. 2-A: Edward Monroe Rogers, Qeorge Alex Ledford, Grady Jef ferson Ramey, CleU Robert Was son, Henry Walker McCall, Fred Allen Emory, Luther Herman Owens, Charlie Parker Moore, Marian Teague, R. L. Tallent. 2-B: William Daly Burtchaell. 2-C: Thurman Stover Mason, Wood row Wilson Gibson, John Hugh Dryman, Earl James Woods. 1-C: Perry Epps Merritt. 1-A-H: Harrison Russell. 4-F: William Ennls Scroggs, lames Cecil Montelth. The following classifications were made by the Board of Ap peal: 1-A: James Madison McCall. 2-A: Vernon Herbert Pricks. 2-B: Clyde Robert Tlppett, Fred Bell. 2-A: Frederick Slier Sloan. The Board is unable to locote Glenn Dill Mann, formerly of Highlands, N. C. Anyone know ing his present whereabouts, please contact the Local Board Office. The following classifications are announced by the Local Se lective Service Board: In 1-A: Rufus Butler Justice, John J. Jamison, Don Henry Estes, Elmer Ray Lothrldge, Ray Edwin Justice, James DQlard Southards, Edward Carpenter, Verles Clinton Wishon, John Robert Slagle, Charles William Smart, Hugh Dorsey Burrell, Fred Dills, Robt William Tay lor, Lemmie Shirley Houston, BUI Claude Williams, William Claude Leatherman, Jerry Ml las Holbrooks, Manuel Lewis Norton, Charles Leroy Downs, ?Continued On Pl|t Six Angel Hospital Receives Penicillin, Miracle Drug The Angel Hospital, Incorpor ated, has been named as one of the hospitals to receive penicil lin, the "miracle drug." The hospital will also act as a de pot for the distribution of the drug, according to Its indica tions, usage, and recommenda tions tor storage. One million Oxford Units was alloted to the hospital for May. Notification of the hospital to receive this quo ta was received yesterday thro ugh the Office of Civilian Pen icillin of the War Production Board.

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