2t(|? Ujigfelantyi IHacontan PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LIX-NO. 24 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944 $2.00 PER YEAR MEMBER LIST FRANKLIN C OF C The membership soliciting committee for the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, have about completed their drive, ac cording to an announcement made by Lee Guffey, secretary. The committee is composed of Frank Duncan, chairman; R. S. O'Mohundro, A. B. O'Mohundro, Vernon Frlcks, J. O. Portner, Roy Mashburn, Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, Vic Perry, Bobby Ja cobs, A. O. Cagle and B. L. Mc Olamery. Mr. Guffey requests any per son who may not have been In terviewed by the membership committee to report to him at the information booth. He announces that the Infor mation booth will be open 9 hours each day. The board of directors want to thank the members of the soliciting committee for their splendid work in this drive. The following is a list of those who have Joined In the drive. (Additional names will be pub lished at a later date). Zlckgraf Hardwood Oo., Inc. Grant Zlckgraf Wayne Falkner Charles Morton T. W. Walker Joel Adams Franklin Hardware Co. Sanders' Store Panorama Courts H. and K. Market Cagle's Cale Swaf ford's Grocery Store Franklin Amusement Parlor Crisp's Studio Sherriff Bradley Mrs. Roy G. Beshears Stiles Service Station The Variety Store Andy Reed Nantahala Creamery Western Auto Store Western Carolina Tele. Oo. Reeves Hardware Co. Addlngton Creamery Lake V. Shope Thad Bryson Lee Woods r. F. Carpenter Gene Pannell Frances' Shop Burrell Motor Co. Vernon Frick Dr. W. E. Furr Blaine's Seed Store Champion Shoe Shop Macon Theatre Refreshment Shop Angel's Drug Store J. B. Pendergrass Baldwin & Liner Grocery City Garage Duncan Motor Co. Roy F. Cunningham The Quality Shop PeaTl's Beauty Shoppe Joseph Ashear Frances' Beauty Shoppe Macon Furniture Co. Paul Carpenter Henry West Grocery Stow jo's Beauty Shoppe S. St L. Store M. Blumenthal Farmer's Federation Nantahala Power ft Light Co. Bank of Franklin Hotel Bryson Bryant Furniture Company Perry's Drug Store Albert Ramsey Ben L. McGlamery W. C. Penn C. L. Pendergrass Dr. H. T. Horsley Claude Bolton H. A. McGlamery John Archer H. H. Gnuse j. ward long Mrs. Georglana Carson Mrs. H. E. Church Mrs. Carl P. Cabe Mrs. Lena Arnold Riverside Inn The Tavern Macon County Supply Co. Standard Oil Oo. Standard Realty Co. Dixie Grill G rover Jamison, sr. Town of Franklin The Great A. ft P- ? Co. Dr. Furman Angel Out of town organizations that do business In Franklin and vicinity have given us the following memberships: Better Beer Co. Coca-Oola Bottling Co. Prentiss Food Products Co. Nehl Bottling Co. Texaco Oil Co. Cannon Brs. Oas & OH Co. W. H. Slack. Jr. Pet Dairy Products Co. American Bakeries [_*s ? ConttaMd Ob Page Ms Master Sgt. Oran H. Ray, -son of Mrs. Kate Ray of Oak Dale, of the veterinary detach ment %t Camp Carson, gives an added boost to the war effort by papering his office with war bonds. A native of Franklin, Sgt. Ray thought his monthly purchases of $200 worth of bonds was not enough, so he taought another $1,440 worth, Ray, who has been in the Army 21 years started his war bond buying in June, 1941, with a $500 bond. For a year he bought a $100 bond a month, raised the ante to $125 per month and for the last six months has been putting $150 of his monthly paycheck into bonds, out of the$165 left after deductions for ; insurance, laundry and the allotment to his mother and sister. 1 Men In Service ???????????* W. J. Mason, Seaman 2/C, who has been spending the past 12 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mason at their home on Bonny Crest, return ed to his post at Camp Peary, Va., Wednesday. Pvt. J. T. Moses is now sta tioned at Fort George O. Meade. He and his wife recently spent 10 days with his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Moses of Franklin. ?it? Cpl. R. Hoyt Led ford has re turned to Camp Crowder, Mo., after spending a furlough with his mother, Mrs. R. M. Ledford on Oak street. ? ' It? Sgt. Oscar A. Adams, son of Mrs. Lydla F. Adams of EUlJay, is stationed in the Mediterran ean theatre as a member of a searchlight coast guard crew, which is always on the alert for enemy raiders. After many hours of practice this crew can spot a tiny speck many miles above them at night, and hold that speck in the lights while the anti-aircraft guns or night fighters come in for the "kill." .1 ? ** ? " Pfc. James H. Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mason of Rt 3, has won the right to wear Wings and Boots of the United States Army Paratroops. He has completed four weeks of Jump training during which he made five Jumps from a plane In flight, the last a tactical Jump at night involving a combat problem on landing. S/Sgt. Jacob Carl Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Buran Ma son of Leatherman, is now over seas and has participated in a course designed to bridge the gap between training in the states and soldiering In active theatre of war. His next station will be one from which Ameri ca's fighting. planes take off to smash the Nazi war machine. ? ? ? Naval Aviation Cadet Clarence E. Paul, of Highlands, son of Ouy Paul, has reported to the U. 8. Navy Pre-Fllght School, Athens. Oa? for three months of intensive physical toughen ing and instruction in advanced ground school subjects. Upon successful completion of the course, he will be transferred to a Naval Air Station to begin progressive flight training prep aratory to Joining a combat unit. He graduated from High lands high school In 1041. Pvt. Paul D. Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dean, of Franklin, who has been In the service for the past year, Is now located in Hawaiian Islands. He says he likes It fine there. ?Continued On Pafft Us TO THE PEOPLE OF MACON COUNTY WHO ARE BACKING THE INVASION: I have been appointed Chm'n. of the Women's organizations for the purpose of promoting the Fifth War Loan Drive. We are buying these bonds for the benefit of our boys and girls in service, and also in honor of them. We must support them in the cause of backing the invasion. Let's go over the goal as they have done. Let's buy a bond in honor of every man and woman in service and show it by placing a star by their name, which will be posted at the Bank of Franklin. The person buying the bond may des ignate in honor of whom he is buying the bond. A bond of any denomination will place a star by his name ? a silver star for the fighting, and a gold star for the man who has given his life for his country. Get your dollars in. our boys need them. NORA MOODY, Chairman Woman's Combined Organizations. T/Sgt. George C. Gray Memorial Service An Impressive memorial ser vice for T/Sgt. George C. Gray, who was killed in action in England on April 22, was con ducted In the Franklin Presby terian church on Sunday after noon, June 3, with Dr. J. T. Gillespie, pastor, presiding. Guy L. Houk, former teacher of Sgt. Gray, spoke briefly of the youth's excellent qualities of character. All who knew him admired his honesty, his de pendability, and his ability to make friends. Dr. George Bellingrath of Ra bun Gap Industrial school de livered an address on the sub ject of liberty, and pointed out that throughout, the history of America our freedom had been preserved by those, who like Sgt. Gray, had given their lives for their country.. Dr. Gillespie made some very fitting scripturally based re marks for the encouragement of members of the family. Ap propriate scripture lessons were read and a prayer said by Rev. J. P. Marchman. A poem was read by Rev. W. Jackson Huney cutt. Several musical selections were rendered by a union choir, with Mrs. Gilmer Jones as organist. The church, where Sgt. Gray had attended Sunday school and church, was filled to over flowing with relatives and friends who had come from all sections of the county for this service. FATHER'S DAY This year Father's Day cele 1 bration will be different. Many 1 Dads are overseas; many Qthers ' are away from home. Remember I Dad on Sunday, June 18, with a | Bond and help bring him home toon. User* Warned Not To Wante City Water The motor on the Town's water pump was burned by the electrical storm late Tuesday evening. It has been shipped to Atlanta for repairs and It will probably be ten days or longer before it is again put back In service. The Board of Aldermen is forced to ask all service sta- ] tlons and the people who may i watering their gardens or lawns, \ to discontinue using water for any purpose other than that ] absolutely necessary. The authorities advise that < all spigots be shut off when ] not in actual use. 1 1 MACON COUNTY YOUTHS REACH 1STH BIRTHDAY June 1, 1944: The following boys reached their 18th birthday during the month of May, 1944, and regis tered for Selective Service: William Pierson Stamey, Carl Dewey Owenby, James D. An derson, Fred Taylor Bryson, Jr., Paul Eugene Leatherman, Ern est Standi Webb, Lloyd Edmond Cruse, Fred Wesley Saunders, Robert Gillespie, Winfred Greg ory, Leroy Sylvester Smith, Eu gene McCall, Clayton Hlgdon Ramsey, Glenn William Hast ings, B. L. Hayes, col., Buren Van Morgan, Paul Blaine Craw ford, William Roy Potts, Robert Thomas Carpenter, Paul Gibson Holbrooks, Alvis Jackson Holt, Robert Haven Anderaotn. EMOGENE LANDRUM JOINS PRESS STAFF Miss Emogene Landrum, stu dent at Woman's College, Grrensboro, has Joined the of fice staff of the Franklin Press for the summer months. Miss Landrum will assume the duties of reporter and managing ed itor. Mrs. Clara Belle Setter la office manager. / Miss Nora Moody To Head Women In Fifth War Loan Classifications Announced By Our Local Board June 8, 1944: The following classifications are announced by the Local Se lective Service Board: In 1-A: Clyde Moss, Frank Jones, Golle WUburn Passmore, Weimar Edison Young. In 1-A-L: B. T. Sanders. In 2-A: Lemar Woodrow Stew art, Orover Lee Keener. In 4-F: Fred William Penland, Jr., col., Noah Lee Rogers. June 5, 1944: The following classifications are announced by the Local Se lective Service Board: In 1-A: Robert Haven Ander son, William Dee Hodgin, Clyde Henderson Pennington, Ralph Justice, Harley William Barnes, Grady Ranford Stockton, Bob Franklin Burch, Robert William Corpening, Bennie B. Haire, John Robert Anderson, Aaron Hall Miller, William Woodrow Polndexter, Robert Columbus Bowers, HUlard Doyle Houston, Loyd Williamson, Glenn William Watts, John Boyd Long. In 2-A: Boyd Bates. In 1-C: Ray Bates, Ernest Wilson Cabe, Jr., Clyde Edmond Moses, Charles Wm. Smart, Her bert Cecil Cooper, Alex R. L. Hopkins, Elmer Geo. Dills, Lem mie Shirley Houston, Bill Claude Williams, Jerry Mllas Holbrooks, Manuel Lewis Norton, James Bills Ledford, J. B. Duvall, Harry Alex Brabson, Harold Wright Scott, Arthur Dave Rogers. In 4-F: Grady Shields Guffey. May 30, 1944: The following classifications are announced by the Local Se lective Service Board: la 1-A: Archie Lee Dlehl, col., Joseph Leon Hawks, Charles , Robert Waldroop. In 2-A: Ray Anderson, Mac ( Ray Whitaker, Troy Sylvester Rogers, James Thomas Potts. In 2-B: William Llghton Glbb, Wade Hamilton Stockton, John Franklin Smith, Blrl Isaac Nel son. In 4-F: John Wilbur McDow ell. In 1-C: James William Porter, John J. Jamison, Don Henry Estes, Elmer Ray Louthridge, Ray Edwin Justice, Clark Lewis Burrell, James Dillard South ards, Hugh Dorsey Burrell, William Sampson Wilson, Ben jamin Charles West, Charlie B. Clouse, Leonard Gary Edwards, Lawrence Henry Long, John Rabert Slagle. Fred Dills, Rob ert William Taylor, Frank rhomton Saunders, Charles Le roy Downs, Curtis Lamar Pear son, Harry Lester Tally, Verlon Wiley Poindexter, Logan Berry Ashe, Logan Alexander Adams, Oordon Elbert Greenwood, John Thomas Seay, Harvey Bell, Louie Edwin Johnson, Ned Sutton Cabe, James Franklin Furr. Jim Burch, Lewis Ellison Dendy. In 1-A-H: Lon Cook, Herman Roosevelt McCall. In 2-A-H: Roston Batty Dean, Clarence Eugene Mitchell, Har iey Rufus Browning, Archie Perlon Davis. In 1-C-H: Lake Randolph Ledford, Raleigh Lee Shook. In 2-C-H: Lyman Harry Led better, Earl Amos Justice, Wal ter Owen Swanson. In 4-F-H: Nell Bryson Chll ders. In 4-A: Frank James Wal droop. Jacob Wlmer Stockton, George Dewey Rochester, Frank Dills, John Lafayette Henson, Geo. Robt. McConnell, Harvey Pickens Evans, William Jess Ty ler, William Alexander Keener, John L. Hugglns, Thomas Jef ferson Howard, Lawrence Alex Hastings, Fred Davis Morgan, John William Ray, Carl Willi am Parrlsh, Everett Cook, John Thomas Angel, Fred Hobson Mincey, Dewey Lanford Wo mack. May 26, 1944: The following classifications are announced by the Local Se lective Service Board: In 1-A: Robert Louis Patillo. In 2-A: Robert Lee Estes, Da vid Carroll Reynolds Mack Carl Stockton, Manvers Manuel Cur tis. In 2-C: William Collier. In 2-B: William Algle Bollck. Classified by Appeal Board: In 1-A: Ralph Edgar Shelton Names Of Those To Serve On Committees Announced While it is too early to report [ results of the first few days of the Fifth War Loan Drive in Macon county, the Bank of I Franklin reports over $15,000 ' worth of bonds sold the first three days through the bank alone. Due to several complications, the committees have not yet got off to a start sufficient to make any report so early in the drive. Oilmer A. Jones, co-chairman, has announced that Miss Nora Moody has been appointed ac tive chairman in charge of the three days thrugh the bank women's organizations' part In the drive. The women are un dertaking to see that at least one bond is bought in honor of every boy and girl that Macon county has in the service. A list of men and women from the county who are in the armed forces will be posted at the Bank of Franklin, and as bonds are bought in honor of each service man or woman a star will be placed by his or her name. Mr. Jones has paid tribute to the work done by the women in preceding drives, all of which went beyond assigned quotas. For the first three drives. Mrs. John Archer was chairman, and for the Fourth Drive, Mrs. J. E. Perry served. The following women have been appointed for the Fifth Drive: Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe, Mrs. Al lan Brooks, Mrs. E. J. Carpenter, and Mrs. John Alsop, Red Cross; Mrs. Lester Conley, Mrs. Lon Campbell and Mrs. W. M. Par rish, United Daughters of Con federacy; Mrs. A. R. Hlgdon, Mrs. Herbert E. Church, Mrs. Frank I. Murray, Mrs. W. H. Sellers, Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Miss Lassie Kelly and Mrs. R. M. Rlmmer, Eastern Star. Other Workers Mrs. Carl Cabe, Mrs. Hunter Calloway, Mrs. W. O. Hall, Mrs. H. A Wilhide and Mrs. Drover Jam. .on, Jr., Wesleyan guild; Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. Roy Be shears and Mrs. L. H. Page, Methodist Bible class; Mrs. Ma rie Dean Burrus, Mrs. Frank Dean and Miss Edith Polndex ter, Baptist Young Women's auxiliary. Mrs. J. Ward Long, Mrs. Bill Swan, Mrs. John Bulgln, and Miss Alice, Presbyterian Busi ness Women's circle; Mrs. W. H. Sellers, and Mrs. Allan Brooks, Episcopal Woman's auxiliary; Mrs. Frank Hlgdon, Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., and Mrs. W. C. Penn, Franklin Garden club; Mrs. Gil mer A. Jones, American Legion auxiliary; Mrs. Herbert Mc Glamery. Baptist Home Mission classes, Mrs. Rufus Cunningham, Junior Commandos; Mrs. Carl P. Cabe, Wesleyan Service guild. Murphy Pastor To Assist In Special Evangelistic Services Rev. Ralph Taylor, pastor of the First Methodist church. Murphy, will assist In special evangelistic services which are to begin at Carson Chapel, Sun day night, June 18, at 8 o'clock. The Louisa Methodist church and Carson Chapel are holding this revival Jointly. Services will be held each evening through Friday. On Monday morning, June 19, at 9:30 q'clock, the same churches are to begin a Joint vacation church school under the leadership of Rev. J. E. Cochran. Sessions of the vaca tion school will be held each morning through Friday from 9:30 until 11:40. NATE PENNINGTON RADIO AIRCRAFT EXPERT A recent Issue of Camp Ellla (111.) News carried an article on the activities of a radio trained Aircraft Target section, with a cut of the crew mem bers, made up entirely of speci alists. One of these is Pfc. Al bert N. (Nate) Pennington, formerly of the Franklin Press staff. He is described in the article as "Motor Mechanic, Master Carpenter, Welder and Cover expert."