?11 )t ^tghlati^ IHaconian MMjml/dk %wm WAR BONDS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL JXDEPEJVDEXT VOL. UX? NO. 30 FRANKLIN, N. C? THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1944 $2.00 PER YEAH NINE MACON MEN WAR CASUALTIES Two Missing, One Killed, Nine Wounded Overseas Nine Macon service men have been reported as casualties since last Wednesday in tele grams and letters to relatives here. Two men, Harry S. Hlggins and Wayne R. Vanhook, have been reported missing in action overseas. George W. Hayes, ne gro, was killed in an explosion on the West coast. The follow ing six men have been wounded in action: John D. Dowdle, George Norman Cabe, Joe W. Anderson, Jasper L. Norton, Harry J. Duvall, Elwood Cabe. Sgt. Harry Siler Hlggins, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hlggins of Harrison Ave., was reported missing as of June 6. Sgt. Higgins entered the serv ice in October 1942 and is a member of the U. 8. paratroop ers. He attended Clemson Col lege and Brevard College prior to his entering the service. He received his basic training at Camp Blanding, Fla. and re ceived his wings and boots at Ft. Be nning, Ga. Sgt. Hlggins was stationed at Camp Mackall before going overseas in De cember. Sgt. Hlggins is the brother in-law of Lt. Frank Higdonnow stationed with the U. S. Air Forces In Italy. Wayne R. Vanhook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vanhook, of Prentiss has been reported missing in action according to word received here from the War Department. No details are available. Sl/c George W. Hayes, negro, U.S. Navy, son of Mrs. Mary Hayes, was killed in an explos ion which took place last week In San Francisco harbor, Cali fornia. Seaman Hayes is a graduate of the negro high school and attended a welding school in eastern Carolina. Before enter ing the service he worked in a shipyard at Smlthport, Va. He was 20 years old. He is survived by his mother, a sister, Virginia Bryaon of Franklin, grandparents, Jenny and George Hayes, and uncle, Wiley Hayes. Pvt. John D. Dowdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Dowdle of route 2, was slightly wounded in Italy. He had been previous ly slightly wounded on May 25, also in Italy. Pvt. Dowdle entered service in September, 1943 and was sta tioned at Camp Blanding, Fla. He has been overseas with an infantry division since March 1944. Mrs. Dowdle is the former Mary Louise Vanhook. Pic. George Norman Cabe, son of D. P. Cabe of Otto "has been reported seriously wound ed in France on June 19. Pfc. Cabe was in the airborne in fantry and has been in service since January, 1942. Pfc. Joe W. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Anderson of Otto, has been reported wound ed according to a War Depart ment message received here. Pfc. Anderson was wounded In France where he served with the airborne Infantry. Pfc. Jasper L. Norton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norton of Otto, was seriously wounded in action July 4 in France. Pfc. Norton entered service in October, 1942 and has been overseas with the Army combat engineers for three months. He Is now recuperating in a hos pital In France. Pfc. Harry J. Duvall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carle Duvall of Stiles has been reported ser iously wounded in action In France on June 22. First Sgt. Elwood Cabe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Cabe of route 4, was wounded In action on June 15, somewhere In the Pacific area. 8gt. Cabe Joined the Marine corps In Portland, Ore., In May, 1936. He served two years in Shanghai, China prior to the Japanese occupation. He was sent overseas immediately after Pearl Harbor and saw action on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, and the Marshall and Gilbert islands. His whereabouts at the time he was wounded are not definitely known and have not been re leased by Marine headquarters at preterit Classifications Local Board Announces Decisions On 72 Macon Men The following classifications are announced by the local Se lective Service Board: In 1-A:; James Edward Brook shire, Jr., Oscar Logan Hedden, Hunter Woodrow Young. In 1-A-L: Dorman Dale Gib son. In 2-A: Orady Ranford Stock ton, Clarence Judson Icenhower. In 2-B: J. D. Ledford, (col.). In 1-C: Albert Wilson, James Edward Perry, John Marvin Vanhook, Lemmle Webb, Robert Haven Anderson. In 4-F: Clyde Henderson Pen nington, Samuel Ebenezer Ram sey, Garland Wilton Evans, Wil liam Pherson. Stamey, Fred Tay lor Bryson, Jr., Earnest Standi Webb, Leroy Sylvester Smith, Clayton Higdon Ramsey, Glenn William Hastings, Paul Blaine Crawford, William Roy Potts, Jesse Samuel Cunningham, Bob by Fouts Sutton, Edward Wal droop. In 2-A-H: Paul Earl Ross, Paul Judsan Klnsland. In 2-B-Hr Phillip H. Kline. In 1-A-H: Charles Ernest Vin son, Fred Leon Hannah, Lester Loyd Mlncey, Joseph Garland 8hepherd, Canara Joseph Stew art, Sr. (col.), Edward LeeWhlt tln.ston. Robert Alex Arrant. Jeff Harrison Green, Samuel Richmond McCall, James Ervin 8mith, Lorenz Moses, Carl Dwite Green, Dewey Hobson Russell, Carson William Medford. Mon roe Stanley. Lax Colman Dills. James Albert McCall. Sr.. Her man Hughes Plemmons: Lawrence Carl Howard, Prince Quarry Curtis, Richard Sloan Jones, Bruce Alfred Smith, Jake Passmore, Thomas Burton Si mons, William Floyd Nichols, Raymond Jerone Price, Robert Kibby Womack, Clyde Hedric Phillips, Sherill Thomas Tram ell, Grady Henry Clark, Jack Wilburn, Jesse Karr Conley, Lu ther Henry Jacobs, William Os car Green; Frank Roosevelt Raby, John Newton Conley, Dewey Cun ningham, Lee Roy Dills, Phillip Albert Crane, Fred Hampton Vinson, Mann John Ray, George Harold Brown, Marion Elkins, Burr Allen Chllders. George Milton Dills. Donald Judson Baldwin, Ervln Patton Stockton. Health Department And Lions Club Sponsor Blind Clinic The Franklin Lions Club, to gether with the Macon County Health Department and the Ma con County Welfare Depart ment, will sponsor an Aid to the blind Clinic for those in need of such service Monday, August 21, 1944. Dr. Broun of Roanoke RaDids will be the ophthalmologist in charge. This clinic is free to those people who are in need of such assistance. The glasses, if need - ed, may be procured at mini mum cost or in some few cases, free. The local Lions Club Is especially anxious that all school children in. such need at tend the clinic. It will be necessary for those wishing the service to contact the Macon County Welfare De partment prior to the clinic in order that they may be certi fied, If found in need, for the service. It will then be neces sary for them to visit the Ma count County Health Depart ment for preliminary eye ex amination which the nurse in charge, Mrs. Josephine Gaines, is prepared to give any Satur day morning. As the clinic will serve only thirty-five people. It Is very im portant that school children call at once, together with any others who feel that they quali fy for this service. MRS. ELOISE O. FRANKS, Superintendent. Department of Public Welfare, Macon County. Franklin, N. C. Sgt. Cabe has two brothers in service overseas: Sgt. Harvey Cabe, Jr., with the Army Air Forces In England and Pfc. Har i old Cabe stationed somewhere In Italy. War Finance Committee Reports On Fifth Loan I Macon Exceeds Quota; County Chairmen Report Although the 5th War Loan Drive got off to somewhat of a late start, we take pleasure In announcing to the public that Macon county, as usual, exceed ed Its quota, this time by more than doubling It. The overall quota for Macon county was $188,000. The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond reported that $420,469 had been accredit ed to this county on July 14. These amounts represent the present cash value of the bonds. While something over 50,000 of this amount was accredited to us by the purchase of bonds by the State of North Caro lina, still Macon county's record is outstanding in its overall sale. More than ever is the credit for this splendid record due to the people as a whole. The work, done by Highlands was particu larly outstanding under the leadership of Mr. C. J. Ander-. son, chairman of that com munity, and Miss Ruth Carter, chairman of the women's divis ion at Highlands. This com munity exceeded its quota in the first few days of the drive, but did not relax its efforts after its quota had been reach ed. Especially outstanding was the excellent work of Paul Price who, being too young to wear a uniform himself, did his part, toward providing munitions to his older comrades through the sale of bonds. Judging from the amount of bonds purchased by the rural sections of the county, the county-wide committee, consist ing of Sam Mendenhall, Mrs. Florence Sherrill and J. H. Stockton, with their sub com mittees, did excellent work. The appointment of a county-wide chairman for the women's di vision was not made until well after the drive had begun, when Miss Nora Moody was assigned to this post. Her work was par ticularly outstanding. Within a few days after her appointment the different women's organiza tions had been organized and were hard at work. Her pro gram of purchasing at least one bond in honor of each man and woman who had entered the service from Macon county deserves, and is receiving, the praise of everyone. The drug gists organization, under the leadership of Dr. R. H. Rimmer deserves commendation for out standing work. Prtictically ev ery organization of the county put its shoulder to the wheel. The colored section, with An drew Ray as chairman, as usual, did their full share in uphold ing the record of Macon coun ty in its bond sales. While patting ourselves on the back, we should remember that our E Bond quota has not been reached in this drive. Out of and E Bond quota of $144,000, we are still $31,000 short. While it may be that our E Bond quota may be that our E Bond quota was higher in proportion than most other counties of the State and that very few, if any, counties have reached their quota in the sale of E Bonds, it is hoped that the quota as signed us for the sale of E Bonds ; will _yet be reached. The time ; for reaching this quota has ] been extended to July 31st. i H. W. CABE, Chmn, GILMER A. JONES, Co-Chmn. War Finance Committee Autmobolle owners are warn ed that the Federal Auto stamp is due August 1 and must be displayed on the windshield of every car and truck. NEWS OF OUR i M EN w WOMEN IN UNIFORM Cpl. G rover Quenton ' Waldrop Cpl. Grover Quenton Waldrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orady Wal drop of Franklin, R-l, is now stationed overseas. He has been in service for 25 months. Prior to entering service he was em ployed with the Forest Service. Sgt. Weaver Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Fox, has return ed to Fort Benning, Ga., after spending a 13-day furlough with his parents. Pfc. Robt. J. Hunter, son. of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hunter of Franklin, was wounded In ac tion in France about the middle of June. Pfc. Hunter writing on July 4 told his parents that he was convalsecing In a hospital in England. He entered service in October, 1942 and has been overseas four months in the in fantry. An army release received here recently reports that Pfc. George F. Waldrop is serving at an Army Air Service Com mand Depot somewhere in Eng land. Before entering the serv ice Pfc. Waldrop was employed by W. R. Wallace at mill work In Daytona Beach, Fla. He is i the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Waldrop. S 3/C Glenn Hunter Waldrop S 3/C Glenn Hunter Waldrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wal drop is stationed overseas. Prior to entering service he was em ployed for the General Motors Co. in Maryland. Pvt. Titus H. Parrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parrish, of R-3, has returned to Camp Sutton after spending a fifteen day furlough with his parents and his wife and brothers in Detroit, Mich. ? ? ? Schyler Ledford is spending a short leave with his wife and young son. He will return to Williamsburg, Va., this week. Clell T. Bryant, son of O. C. Bryant and Jack Angel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Angel who have recently entered the serv ice are now stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. Pvt. Titus H. Parrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parrish, who has spent a short furlough on route 3 with his parents and his wifer ofDetroit, Mich, has re turned to Camp Sutton, N. C. Pvt. Parrish has been critic ally ill In the hospital at Camp DavU for tlw put tour fonthi. Commissioners Announce Macon County Jury List i Nine Macon Men Leave For Induction The following registrants were sent by this board to Camp Croft, South Carolina for Induc tion on July 20, 1944: Arthur Noal Dowdle, Norval Woodrow Norton, Albert Wil sno, James Edward Perry, Ver les Clinton Wishon, John Mar vin Vanhook, Lemmie Webb, T. J. Sorrells, Robert Haven Ander son. The following men were transferred to this board from other boards for induction and were sen.t with the above group: William Simon Richardson, Jr., Frank Harrison Seay, Jay Donald Meadows. Nephew of W. T. Tippett Killed In Action W.'T. Tippett of route 3 learn ed last week of the death of his nephew, Lt. Ernest Hyde of Atlanta. Ga., who was killed on his first mission over France. Lt. Tippett had visited his uncle here before the war and those who met him will learn with regret of the death of this fine young man. Paratrooper Husband Of Franklin Girl Mi&sing Since June 11th Mrs. Harold Richards, the for mer Miss Dorothy Penland, has received notice from the War Department that her husband, Capt. Haroldl Richards, U.S. Paratroopers, has been missing in action since June 11. Capt. Richards has been In Europe since January, 1944 and was stationed In England. Mrs. Richards is with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas C. Justice, In Washington, D. C. Stamp must be displayed on windshield of automobile if lt Is to be valid. Failure to have stamp subjects owner to $50 'ine and thirty days in Jail. Fifty-four Are Named For Jury Service In Aug. Court i ? ~ The Macon pounty Board of Commissioners meeting last week elected the following jury list for the August term of court J. R. Norton, route 1, Dillard, Ga.; W. B. Benfiett, route 3; Steve D. Duvall, Stiles; Arthur Shepherd, Leatherman; Dwight Rowland, route 3; Ray Dryman, Scaly; N. F. Rogers, Highlands; Ralph Stiles, route 2; Dewey McConnell, Prentiss; George E. Brown, city; J. Roper, Flats; N. L. Henry, route 2; G. L. Gar land, route 2; Joe Morrison, route 4; Austin Welch, routeS; George Dean, city; Oscar Led ford, Prentiss; Frank Fleming, Sr., route 2. Fred Blaine, Cullassaja; A. F. Roper, route 3; Bob Southards, route 1; Elbert F. Anderson, route 2; M. E. Bennett, route 3; H. C. Miller. Scaly; J. F. Vinson, . route 1, Dillard, Ga.; Truie Mc Call. Highlands: Greely Shep herd, West's Mill; Zeb Sanders, Prentiss; D. A. Gregory, Gneiss; Carl Donaldson, Prentiss; Fred D. Bryson, Cullasaja; Freeman Hastings, route 2; C. W. Hen derson, Gneiss; W. R. Cochran, Flats; J. Frank Browning, Etna; O. A. Shuler, Highlands. E. L. Whittington, city; Hil lard Solesbee, route 3; J. D. Gibson, route 1; R. L. Ammons, Elliiav; Zeb Cansler, route 3; Bill Drvman, route 2; W.J. Til son. Gneiss; T. A. OHdwell, route 1, Dillard Ga.; Frank B. Norton. Highlands; W. M. Bry son, Cullasaja; Sloan Holbrooks, route 3; Jesse Tyler, Cullasaja; C. N. Dills, route 1; L. B. Liner, city; T. M. Moss, Franklin; G. W. Marrett, Highlands; John C. Dills, Gneiss; T. L. Williamson, route 1. The commissioners adjourned to July 21. Republicans Nominate Fulton For Representative FIFTH SUNDAY SINGING POSTPONED The regular Fifth Sunday 31nging Convention will not be held this Sunday due to the in antile paralysis epidemic. This announcement made to , rhe Press by Mr. J. M. Raby, i president of the convention. , DEAN RETURNS FROM OVERSEAS Receives Air Medal, Dis- ^ tinguished Flying Cross And Oak Leaf Cluster Lieut. Davis L. Dean, son of , Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dean, 1 has returned home from the I European theatre of action aft- ' er completing his thirty mis sions as a pilot of a B-24 Lib erator bomber. Lieut. Dean entered the serv-' ice in February, 1941. He re ceived his wings at Luke Field, Arizona and was stationed at Larry Field, Colo, just before he went overseas. Lt. Dean has received the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, Three Oak Leaf Clusters and the European thea tre Oold Bar with a Gold Star. LIEUT, DAV1I I* DEAN J. L. Sanders Nominated For Surveyor at County Convention The Macon County Republican Convention meeting last Satur day afternoon at the county court house nominated Robert Fulton, farmer of Cullasaja, for candidate for Macon county representative to the general assembly in the November gen eral election. L. C. Higdon, T. O. Dean, T. C. Harbison, John Wishon, and Claude Patterson were nominat ed as candidates for the Macon county board of edu!,Lh-TAO County Board of Education. J. L. Sanders was the con vention's nominee for county surveyor. Lewis P. Hamlia, candidate for representative to Congress from the Twelfth District, spoke briefly to the delegates before the convention was convened. Mr. Hamlia told delegates that we In the United States are for tunate that we can still nomi nate and vote for the men we want for public office. He also spoke on the differences be tween balloting now and when he was a child. Mr. Hamlia told delegates why the present administration must be changed and reminded them that ballots to soldiers overseas must be in the malls before August 1 if they are to be returned in time for the No vember (lections. Walter Dean was chairman of the convention. Lester Henderson, Paul Potts and Jeter Higdon were appoint ed to the resolutions commit tee. Roy Mashburn and E . P. 8wafford were appointed as the publicity committee. W. C. Zick erraf heads the finance commit tee. Silers To Meet With T. W. Porter The Slier family will have Its 91st annual meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter. Sr., "Hall of Pines." on Thursday. August S. Miss Eliza Biler will act m co-hortMa.