u ; j&b* l^igljlatrtijei Macoman PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT .<Si .?itco? PLEDGED TO WS"? keep PRICES down f VOL. UX? NO. 51 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1944 S200 PER YEAR CHAIRMAN SAYS BUY T BONDS $74,000 Series "E" Bonds Are Sold In County; Still Below Quota A total of $70,000 have been sold in. Macon county in the j "E" Series, according to to a | statement made by Henry W. Cabe, chairman of the Sixth War Loan Prlve, Friday, Ur, Cabe stated that the sales ;he "E" series were going along slow, however, they were being sold dally and will con tinue on through the remaind er of December. A total of $34, 000 In this series will have to be sold before the end of the month if Macon county meets Its quota of $104,000. The coun ty has already met and surpas sed its quota of $50,000 in the other series. 1 With the demand for war materials becoming greater each day, Mr. Cabe asks the people of Maeon county to buy bonds and more bonds until we can get our boys safely home, and j this Is one of the safest and surest ways of their returning, is to help when the help is i needed most, he said. Memorial Service For Clemson College Students Mrs. Fred Gray, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gray, and Mrs. Gus Bald Wln, attended the Third annual Olemaon Memorial service at Clemson college, Clemson, 8. C., <fti December 7. The service, in honor of the Clemson men who have given their lives for their country, was held in the col lege chapel. The impressive program be gan at noon and lasted for 30 minutes. A recording of the program was made, to bf broadcast over station WAIM, Anderson, fi. C? and WIS, Col umbia, S. C. The ministers o ? / the campus read the names of ^br-beys^oa- Mst Roil of Honor, *t'ach minister reading the names of the boys from his church. The Clemson Boll of Honor now numbers 175. Only those boys listed as killed or as missing in action since the t IMS Memorial service were read during this service. Friends and relatives of the boys honored in the service were given seats of honor in the auditorium. The wives and parents of the boys had been invited by the ministers of the several churches. Major Judson Fred Gray, husband of Mrs. Louise Blaine ' Gray, Franklin, and son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gray, route 2, Franklin, was killed in action on May 24, 1944, while leading a bombing mission over Berlin, Germany. Major Gray was graduated from Clemson college In the class of 1940, where he majored In dairying and was active 1 n student persuits. While la college he was a mem ber of the "Tiger" brotherhood, local honorary fraternity; Jun ior and Senior Platoons, Dairy Club; National Honorary Mili tary Society of "Scabbard and Blade"; Presbyterian Student Association; Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, and was a Lt. Colonel and Reg imental Executive in the R. O. T. | C. Infantry unit. Major Gray, who entered the Air Corps In September. 1940, left for Overseas duty in April, 1944, and was stationed at a base In England where he serv ed as commanding officer of a heavy bombardment squadron. He has been awarded the Pur ple Heart posthumously. PARTY FOR W. N. C. CRIPPLED CHILDREN The regular monthly clinic for crippled children will not be held as usual at Bryson City this month, as the annual Christmas party will be held at the Aahevllle Orthopedic Home in Blltmore Saturday, Decem ber 23, from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. All children who have regularly attended the clinic nr?ryeon City or Ashevllle are Invited to attend. The next clinic at Bryson I City will be held Januafy 20, | IMp, at the regular place. W * mMrfadsm Best Wishes for A Merry Christmas Pfc. Womack Wounded Slightly In France Pfc. Reid Womack was slight ly wounded in. action in France on December 3, according to a message received by his wife here on Thursday. Pfc. Womack, who entered the service in February of this year, is serving in the Infan try. He took his training at Fort McClellan, Ala., and was later sent to Fort Oeorge Mead. Md. He went overseas the later part of July and has been in France since his arrival. He had only recently left the hos pital, having sustained frozen feet several days before. Pfc. Womack operated the Reid's Esso Service station on Palmer street, prior to going Into the service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Womack of Franklin, and was married to Miss Elda Ledford of Frank lin, route 3. Pfc. Womack has a brother, Paul Womack, Who is in the service in France and on one occasion were in two miles of each other, but did not know it. They have not met. Charter Presented Boy Scout* Of West's Mill The charter for the new troop of Boy Scouts of Ameri ca at West's Mill, was present ed at a gathering there last Friday afternoon. Francis V. Smith of Ashevllle. assistant Scout executive for the Daniel Boone Council, was in charge of the meeting. The charter was presented to Mrs. Carl Bryson, secretary of the Parent Teacher Association, which is the sponsoring insti tution for the troop. The Rev. A. Ruftts Morgan, newly elected chairman of the Smoky Moun tains district, made the pre sentation. Mrs. Bryson present ed the certificates of the mem bers of the Troop committee. These were received by Clyde N. West and T. M. Rlckman for the other two members: H. R. Morrison and Lee Mason. "Smoky" Smith then conduc ted the instructive and beauti ful Candlelight Investure cere mony for the ntw Scouts, lay ing emphasis upon the Scout Oath and Laws. Training Certi ficates Were presented to a ; group of interested adults who had Men present recently for a Fundamentals course on 1 scouting, NEWS OF OUR MEN./ WOMEN IN UNIFORM Mrs. Claude Beeco has receiv ed word from the Government that her son, Pvt. Willie C. Beeco, has been in the hospital in New Guinea with a nervous disorder for the past 9 weeks and is slightly improved. ? ? ? Pic. Wade R. McConnell, son Mr. and Mrs. H. O. McConnell of Prentiss is spending a 21 day furlough with his parents and his wife, the former Miss Annie Mae McDowell. He serv ed five months overseas duty. Stationed Northington Gener al hospital, Tuscalossa, Ala. ?it? Pfc. Sam L. Holland, Frank Zeb. V. Sellers, Macon Resident Passes Zeb V. Sellers, 84, died at his home, five miles South of Franklin, on Jhe Franklin-Geo rgia highway, on Thursday, morning at 11 o'clock, follow ing an illness of 10 days with bronchial pneumonia. Mr. Sellers, a farmer, was a life-long resident of Macon county. He was born on Jan uary 12, 1860, the son of the late Samuel and Avellne Sel lers. In 1890 he was married to Miss Sarah E. McDowell, who preceded him In death about two years ago. Funeral services will be held on Friday morning at eleven o'clock at the Union Methodist church. The Rev. V. N. Allen, pastor, will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. The pallbearers were Wiley Sellers. Thad Patton, Bud Mc Connell, Thad Nichols,, Jay Proctor and Thad Thompson. Surviving are two children, one son, Sam O. Sellers and one daughter, Miss Irene Sel lers, both of Franklin route 2. Also one adopted daughter, Mrs. Ila Mae Shiflds and four grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Potts Funeral Home was In charge of arrangements, lin, has been relieved of his as signment in Col. Monro's Jun gle Infantry of the Panama Mobile Force and transferred to the Parachute school at Fort Benning, Georgia, for ariborne training it is announced by Headquarters of the Mobile Force. A volunteer for his new as signment, Holland has been on duty in Panama at Jungle training areas, outposts and guard positions for the past 11 months. He entered the Army in Oct ober 1943 and arrived here for foreign service February 1944. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Holland of Gneiss. Dr. Woodard Entertains With Steak Dinner Dr. G. B. Woodard, pharma cist in Perry's Drug store, en tertained the recently elected I officers of the Junaluska Lodge No. 145, A. F. & A. M., at a steak dinner at the Tavern on Tuesday evening. Carl Tyslnger, the retiring worshipful master, headed the group, and the following offi cers were present: H. Lee Ouffey, worshipful master; Herman H. Plemmons. senior warden; Guy L. Houk. Junior warden; J. Ward Long, secretary; Henry W. Cabe, treasurer; R. S. O'Mohundro, senior deacon; B. L. McGlam ery, Junior deacon; Ebb Bul lock, senior steward; C. J. Mooney, Junior deacon; and James Dryman, tyler. The Bank Of Franklin Has Two Legal Holidays Monday, December 25, Christ mas Day, being a legal holiday, and Tuesday, December 26, having been declared a legal holiday by the Governor of North Carolina, the Bank of Franklin will be closed /or both days. It has been announced by Henry W. Cabe. cashier. Subscription rates are 12 a year; 11.00 ?ix months; *1.80 a year to men and la tho amies. Two Macon County Men Are Missing In Action Filing Dates For Estimated Tax Changed Joseph D. Nunan, Jr., Com missioner of Internal Revenue, has reminded individuals that the special income taxpayers Congress has changed from December 15, 1944, to January 15, 1945, the final date for fil ing Declarations of Estimated Income Tax, either original (as in the case of farmers > , or amended, and paying of in stallments -of estimated tax for the calendar year 1944. Among the tax payers affect ed by this change in dates are: farmers who exercised their right to defer filing declara tions last April 15; others who have already filed 1944 declar ations but desire to change their estimates by filing amen ded declarations; all persons who owe the final installment of 1944 estimated tax. If a taxpayer who would oth erwise be required to file an original or amended Declara tion of Estimated Tax by Jan uary 15. 1945. files his annual income tax return for 1944 (on Form 1040) and pays all tax due by January 15, his return will serve as both a return and declaration and he need not file the 1944 declaration. Also, if a taxpayer files his final 1944 return (on Form 1040) and pays the tax due on It by January 15, he need not pay the final Installment which otherwise would be due on his estimated tax. ?A bill from the Collector for the flsal installment of 1944 estimated tax may be ignored by a taxpayer who files his an nual return (on Form 1040 1 and pays the tax due on it by January 15. These changes will enable a taxpayer, if he desires to do so. to wind up all of his 1944 in come tax obligations by Janu ary 15, but it does not affect the filing of his 1945 declara tion which will be due March 15. Also, taxpayers who do not file their final 1944 returns by January 15 must do so by March 15. Selective Service Macon County Men Leave For Induction December 20, 1944 The following men were for warded to Camp Croft, S. C., 1 this date for induction into the Armed Forces: Pink A. Gibson, Bennie Bol den Haire, Clinton Roger Cabe, Frank Carr Dryman, Joe Neal, Winfred Gregory, Eugene Mc Call, Buren Van Morgan. Pau' Gibson Holbrook, Roy Macr. Cabe, George William Clouse. Norman Clyde Webb, who was transferred from another board for induction, was sent with this group. West's Mill Resident Passes Wednesday Levi Elijah (Dudei Mathis. 55, died at his home in the West's Mill section of Macon county on Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock following a linger ing illness of several months caused by three strokes of ap oplexy. Mr. Mathis, a life-long resi dent of Macon county, was born on October 8, 1889, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mathis. He was a farm er and had made his home In the West's Mill community for a number of years. He was married to Miss Sara Prince on August 16, 1914. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at two o'clock at the Cowee Baptist church, with the Rev. Lester Sorrells, officiating. Burial was be In the church cemetery. Surviving are the widow and eight children, James A. Ma this, of Bryson City; Mrs. Ka tie Messer. of Cole Creek; Char les L. Mathis, of Bryson City; Mrs. Mary Bradley, of Spartan burg, 8. C.; Mrs. Martha Mar tin. of Franklin route S; Miss Roberta Mathis, of Gastonla And Misses Lucy and Shirley Jane Mathis, of Franklin, routi II. Message Received Stating 7 hat Brother Are Missing Harris Jones, of near the lot la Bridge, has received a mes sage stating that his brothers, Cpl. Lloyd Jones and Sgt. Johnnie Jones, were both mis sing in action an November 14, somewhere in Belgium. Cpl. Jones is the son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Jones, of Roan Mountain, Tenn,, formerly of Macon county. He entered the armed forces in January, 1944, y and took his basic training at Camp Blanding, f'la., and was a machine gunner. He was sent overseas in early September of this year. Sgt. Johnnie Jones, who en tered the service in November, 1943, took his training and went across with his brother, Cpl. Jones, also missing on the same date. He is in the heavy field .. M artillery and took his at Fort Worth, Texas, a training center at San Diego, Calif. He was married to Miss Evelyn Hipps, of Waynesville and they have two children. A brother-in-law, Pvt. David Sorrells, who was reported to be missing in action ifi France on November 4, was later re ported to have been killed in action on the same date. Pfc. Sorrells entered the ser-j .??? vice in January of this year, was in the ground infantry. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sorrells of Skeenah, Ma con county. He was married to Miss Delia Jones and they have three children. They are Ed ward, Kenneth and Bo Sor rells. Also surviving are the fol lowing brothers and sisters, Mrs. Minnie Extine of Sylva; Mrs. Bessie McCall of Franklin; Mrs. W. Cheek, Franklin route* 2; and Mrs. Sam Hopkins of Franklin route 4; Pfc. Rogers Sorrells and Pvt. Charlie Sor rells, both in overseas service; John Sorrells of Sylva; James Sorrells of Waynesville and Ce cil Sorrells of Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have also lost anothei*feon in the service. Captain Presibn Jones was kill ed off the coast~"CFt asm-Blago^ * Calif., on the 11th day of June this year in an explosion when so many service men lost their lives. He has been in the ser vice for the past 14 years. Another son, Second Lieut. Robert Jones, is serving in the South Pacific. Midnight Service At St. Agnes, December 24 The Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, rector of St. Agnes Episcopal .hurch, has announced that on Christmas Eve there will be a Midnight service at the St. Ag nes Episcopal church, begin ning at 11:30, with the cele bration of Holy Communion. The public is invited to at tend. Special Services At Baptist Church, Sunday The Rev. J. F. Marchman, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, has announced that a special Christmas service will be held at the church on Sun day morning at 11:00 o'clock, and also at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. The public is invited to at;, tend these services.^ - " WAR l LOAM

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