VQ^X-NO. 5 fi&nkliti anb J&ht IjigblanVa Baconian /'/. OGBKSS1YK LIBER. IL IMiKVFXDEXT FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1945 $2.00 PER YEAR CAP OUTLINE CLASS PLANS Col. Dawson Addresses Formal Meetings He!c Last Thursday At the first formal meeting of tht Macon. County 8quadron of the Civil Air Patrol, held_ Thursday evening, January 25, Lt. Col. Prank E. Dawson, of Charlotte, Commanding Offi cer of the North Carolina Wing, gave an Interesting and informative address on the his tory of the CAP organization. JHiy L. Houk, Acting Executive and Training Officer of the. newly organized local squadron outlined plans for the train ing course. More than one hun dred Macon county persons at tended. During the afternoon a simi lar meeting attended by pros pective cadet members was held at Franklin School. Col. Dawson addressed this meeting also. Oeorge Hill, Principal of Franklin School, will direct the training of cadets. Lt. Walter Holden, Command er of the Canton Squadron, was present and spoke to the squad ron meeting of the activities of his command. Training Officer Houk an nounced that training classes in all senior courses will be held Thursday evening of each week at the Agriculture Build ing. All classes will start promptly 7:30 o'clock. Lt. Grant L. Zlckgraf, local Squadron Commander, urges that all interested persons who have not already completed and filed their applications for membership in the squadron do ' so at once. These applications must include passport photo .^graphs and fingerprints. Com ' plete supplies and training' equipment for the squadron will not be available until all applications are forwarded to Mn t ijm n l i !*? fi rt nauonni ncnaijiieiricrB. Health Clink Here Monday, February 5 The regular Health Clinic for Franklin and vicinity will be held the first Monday, Febru ary 5, 10 to 12 a. m., and 1 to 3:30 p. m., at the Macon Coun ty Health Department Office. Services offered Include infant and maternal welfare, pre school children, maternal hy giene, and immunizations. Baptist Ministers To Meet Monday, Feb. 5 The Baptist Ministerial As sociation of the Baptist minis ters In Macon county, will meet at the Franklin Baptist church on Monday morning at U o'clock, it has been announced by the Rev. J. F. Marchman, pastor of the church. All min isters of this denomination in the county are urged to be present. School Board For Mkcon Appointed Wayne R- McCracken, Repre sentative td the General As sembly; spent the weekend with JM family at their home on ?Ttanklln route 4. Among one of Representa tive McCracken's appointments during the past week's session was that of the county board of education. The following members were re-appolnted : C. Gordon Moore, Franklin; J. E. Cabe, Otto; Ed B. Byrd, Stiles; Frank Browning, Etna, and Roy Phillips, Highlands. Work Stock Clinics , On Wednesday and Thursday, February 7 and 8, six workstock clinics will be held for the pur pose of examining and treat ing horses and mules for bots, worms, and dental work, it was announced by Sam W, Menden hall, county farm agent. No charge Is made tor any ex amination. If It is found that treatment Is necessary a small charge will be made. The clinics will be held at ?fee following places: ^WstfnsJday. February 7? John ? W. Roan*, at 10 o'clock. A. O. f Kinsland. at K o'clock. WUsy I Clark's Berries Station at I I o'clock. I Thursday, Fsbruary 8? J. t. ^Oray, at 10 o'clock, t. W. Ad ssr? rsLz**- dal backing of the State. Henry W. Cabe, president of the Club, presided over the meeting. Q. A. CORPENING THREE YEAR8 OVERSEAS Mrs. Henry Christy, of Frank lin, has received a letter from James L. McLean, the Chaplin Signal Corps in Belgium, stat ing that the company in which her brother. Quince A. Corpen lng is serving, will spend its third year overseas? through Iceland, England and now Con tinental Europe. "The men of the company have done a great Job, and you can be justly proud of the part Qulncy has played in bringing about the approaching allied victory", stated Chaplain Mc Lean. ? ? ? PVT. ERNEST L. HOLLAND Pvt. Ernest L. Holland, for merly of Franklin, has recent ly arrived at Welch Convales cent hospital In Daytona Beach, Fla., the Army's new recondi tioning center. The carefully planned reconditioning program there will speed his convales cence and assist his return to the best of health. The son of Mrs. F. W. Hol land, entered the Army In Aug ust IMS and baa since served 15 months In the European theatre of operations. treatment more eifectlve no feed should be given tor at least II hours before time (or the clinic. It U important that Brother* in Service Sgt. Jay 3. Matlock and Pvt. W. Perry Matlock, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Matlock of West's Mill, who are serving in over seas duties met in a hospital in ftaly on December 12. Pvt. Matlock*, who was hospitalized in Italy, was visited by his brother, Sgt. Jay B. Matlock, which was the first time they had met in more than two years. Sgt. Matlock in the Air Corps, h had been overseas more than two years, and Pvt. Perry Mat- I lock landed in early June. Memorial Service# To Be Held For Pfc. Potts A memorial service for Pfc. I. D. Potts, U.S.M.C.R., who was killed on Pelelui Island, Palau Island, Oct. 3, and bur ied in the United States Armed Force Cemetery, Pelelui Island, will be held at the East Sylva Baptist church Sunday after noon , February 11, at 2:30 o'clock. Pfc. Potts was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potts of Sylva, formerly of Franklin. He attended Franklin high school before volunteering for service in January, 1942. He re ceived basic training at Parris Island, S. C., and had been overseas since April of 1942. He served on Wake Island, Quam, Samoa, New Britain, and participated in the campaign of Guadalcanal, later going to Australia and to Palau Island. At the time of his death, he was serving as a member of a self propelled gun crew. The area In which his gun was sta tioned was under continuous ( shell fire. When the gun was being withdrawn late In the afternoon a Japanese shell ex ploded In the vehicle and kill- . ed him instantly. He is survived by the par- j : ents and seven sisters, Mrs. | Henry Hastings of Arlington, Waph.. Mrs. Clyde Morgan, of Datfrington. Wash., Mrs. Porter Lofell of Clarkesville, Ga.. Mrs. Vemon Holland of Sylva. Mrs. Don Estes of Norfolk, Va., and Misses Esther and Alice Potts of Sylva. President C. 8. Bunn of N. C. Swine Breeders Association an nounces that this organization will hold its annual meeting the first week in February in Raleigh during the Farm Bu I reau Convention. ENSIGN HAROLD E. STEWART Ensign Harold E. Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stewart, ol Otto, spent a leave at home recently. He enlisted In the Navy In 1935 and has been in overseas duty both in the At lantic and Pacific. Ensign Stewart is stationed at Norfolk, Va., now waiting to return to overseas duty. PVT. HENSON KILLED Pvt. John H. Hinion, II, killed In fcction to curmany on Oteimbir tt. Hi wm thi ion of WN Ortdy Hlnion and thi l?H ttr. Minion. $t One PFC. DILLS MISSING ffc. Frank Dills was rported to be missing in action on De cember 22, in Luxembourg, Ger many. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Dills, of Pren tiss. ?IT BERLIN WELCH PROMOTED TO S/SGT. Prom the 15th AAF in Italy Lawrence Berlin Welch, 22, of Glenville, formerly Franklin route 3, recently has been pro moted to the grade of Staff Sergeant, according to an an nouncement from the head quarters of his Liberator Bom bardment Group. Sgt. Welch, an engineer-gun ner with his heavy bomber group, has flown more than 15 combat missions against Ger man held targets. Prior to entering the Army he was a student at Brevard Junior College, Brevard. He Is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Welch, of Glenville. ? *? BROTHERS VISIT TOGETHER DURING CHRISTMAS Pfc. Ural McConnell and Cpl. Buel L. McConnell, sons of Mr. ind Mrs. Arthur McConnell, of the Cullaeaja community, who \n In the armed forces serv ing in England, had a three day vlilt together during the Chrietmae holidays. They have been together before and are iltuatM ee they rapeet to be wjethir about oMe a mentfc, Macon County Passes Quota In Polio Fund Campaign Pfc. Garrison Receives Head Injuria* Pfc. Ezra Garrison received a wound in his head in Decem ber. while in action in England according to a message received by his wife last week. Mrs. Garrison is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brogdon, of the West's Mill community, while Pfc. Garrison Is a resi ient of Gnstor, county. Pfc. Holland Wounded Ir> Leyte Battle Pfc. Roy Holland has been slightly wounded in action on November 19, on Leyte, accord ing to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Holland, of the Cullasaja community. Pfc. Holland entered the forces in September 1942 and was placed in the Infantry. He took his basic training at Fort McClellan, Ala., and at Camp Butner. Pfc. Holland has two broth ers in the service. Pfc. William Holland, is on the Military Police force in Italy and Pvt. Claude Holland is on the Mili tary Police force in Australia. Burning Permits Are Necessary J. Fred Bryson, warden for Macon county, has announced that beginning with Thursday. February 1, anyone who burn brush or other debris of any kind within 500 feet of wood- | land, must secure a burning permit. However, a person may j burn within 300 feet of his own dwelling house without a permit. Mr. Bryson urges the people in burning brush to be sure and pile it in small plies and burn it when it can be con trolled. and be sure that the fire Is all out before leaving. Most fires are the results of leaving it before all the fire is out, and all danger seemingly t over. When burning broom sedge or pastures, be sure you have a good line plowed around it it raked clean to mineral soil. Always burn toward the wind, or down hill. Never put out more fire than you can control. Apply to Forest Ranger. Coun ty Warden or any lookout tow- \ er for permits. T/SGT. MASON CITED FOR EXCELLENCY I FROM THE EIGHTH AIR , FORCE BOMBER STATION, 1 England. ? The heavy bomber squadron of which Technical ; Sergeant Jacob C. Mason, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Bu- ! ren Mason, Leatherman* Is a ' member has been cited by the commanding general of Its i combat wing for maintenance and operational excellence. This Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress squadron had the low est number of mechanical fail ures resulting in Fortress turn backs short of the targets of any squadron in the wing dur ing a recent month. Sgt. Mason, a former aerial engineer and top turrent gun ner and winner of the Distingu ished Flying Cross, Is now serv ing as a mechanic on one of the bombers. His squadron, commanded by Lt. Col. Thomas F. Kenney, Jr., 24, Youngstown, Ohio, Is a part of the 385th Bombardment Oroup of the Third Bombardment Division. After reading the citation at a squadron meeting. Colonel Kenny said, "Although the greater part of the credit for getting our Forts over the tar gets belongs to the mechanics and other technicians and to the flying personnel, all other members of the unit contribute to the maintenance and opera tional efficiency of the organi zation. I wish to express my appreciation for the loyalty, interest, and teamwork of each man in making our superior record possible." Prior to entering the Army Air Forces In February, 1943, Sgt. Mason was employed In landscaping by the Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxvllle. He attended aircraft mechanic school at Amanita field, Texas, and atrial gunnery school at Kingman field, Arlaena. -eaattaoa* an Vafe lis Public Gives Generously To 1945 March Of Dimes Richard S. Jones, chairman of the Macon county Infantile Paralysis Drive, has announc ed that the quota of )1,21S had been met and that the cam paign was officially closed. However, If there is anyone who have not had an oppor tunity to contribute and would like to do so, to please send It to Mr. Jones or Claude Bolton, treasurer. Mr. Jones said that, while the quota had been met, he did not have the exact figures available as only a lew ot the commun ities in the county had given in their reports on just what they had collected. Among the sections that have reported was that of Co wee, which held a musical and cake walk on Tuesday night, and the amount turned into the treasurer was $156.63, which Is the largest contrlbuUon receiv ed from any one section ot the county, Mr. Jones stated. Nest in the lead of a nice contrlbu Uon was that of the Otto com munity. They, to date, have given approximately $125.00. Other reports from various sec tions of the county will be available for next week's pup lication. The sum of $140.00 was real ized from the dance given at Hotel Montague on Saturday evening, which was sponsored by the Franklin Lions club. Mrs. Agnes Howard, manager of the Macon Theatre, has an nounced that during the past weeks collections were taken each evening and that a sum of approximately $178.00 was realized. Classifications Announced By Local Service Board The (allowing classifications were announced by the Local Selective Service Board, on Jan uary 26 : , I -A? John Dee Tippett, Mat thew John Cole, George Carl Hurst, Ralph James Tallent, Lyman Wilson, Robert Hay ward Hoyt. II-A ? * rank Moody Wild, Ver non Herbert Fricks, Fred Bell, Milton Rowland, John Plerpont Strother, Glenn William Hast ings. II -B ? Roy Edward Gregory. II-C? William McKlnley Byrd, William Burt Gooch, Prelo James Dryman, Tearley Benson Picklesimer, Paul Lester Ortst. III-D ? Emery Houston Douth itt, Frank Wilson. IV-D? Cecil Watson. I-C ? Willard Bryant Sanders, Joseph Oscar Green. Classifications Of Ian. 34 I-A? Charles Bailey Ledford, col., Carl Edward Webb, Joe L. Fouts, Charles Thomas Moore, Wayne Cleveland Sanders, Wil liam Furman Welch, Erwln Clarence Bradley, Carl Juan McCall, Clyde William Clark, Oliver Raymond Henry, BUI Buchanan, Frank Dover Hurst, Fred Gene Guffey, Berlin Ellis Duvall, Buran J. Pruett, Sam L. Brooks. Buford Andrew Cabe, George McPherson Slagle, How ard Crawford Ledford, Jasper Benjamin Green, Earl Emory. Sam Roosevelt MeC^U, Gamett Stevens, Canton Henfy, Marcus Nathaniel Chastain, Truman Alexander Keener, Charli* Washington Wooten, William Carlos Newton, Arch Harold Dills, William Howard Denny, Charles Donald Raby, Victor Arthur Shldle, Lenard Green, Arthur Miller Hembree, Thom as Lenard Henry, Lambert Earl Talley, Cleveland Samuel Cabe, William Henry Frady, D. J. Stockton, Donald Holland. Theodore Webb, James Albert Mason, Leander Brown, Zeb Vance Guffey. Carl Samuel ? Continued On Page Six James Liner Suffer* Broken Leg In Fall Jim Liner, an employee of the Nantahala Power and Light Company, la a patient In the Angel hospital suffering from ft broken leg received on Mon day when he fell from ? light pole. HU condition wu report ed to be ifttlifftetery by hae pttal ftttendenti.