CLASSIFIED Advertising JOIN? Potts Mutual Burial As sociation. Safe, strong, sound. Office at Potts Funeral Home. Phones 173 and 164, Franklin, N. C. (Oct. 12-tfn) FOR SALE ? One Remington typewriter, 22-in. carriage. In good condition. .See Mrs. J. L. West, Sr.. West's Mill, N. C. J7 ? 3tp ? J21 FOR SALE ? White enamel Knox Meal Master cook stove. Used six months. Call at Press Of fice. J14 ? ltp FOR SALE -90 acre farm, on Highway No. 3, 5 miles south of Franklin. Good 8-room house and barn, over 40 acres good level land, and good orchard. See Orady Dayton at Clayton Dry Cleaners, Clayton, Ga. J7 ? 2tc ? J 14 LOST? Ration Book No. 4, be longing to Kathale^n Cabe, Route 4, Franklin, N. C. J7 ? 2tp ? J 14 FOR SALE ? Good two-horse wagon for $50.00. L. A. Berry, Franklin Route 4. J7-^2tp ? J 14 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will not be lia ble for any debts, obligations or contracts made by his wife, Delena P. Rice, after this date. This June 5, 1945. Lewis C. Rice Highlands, N. C. j J7 ? 2tp ? J 14 FOR SALE ? Home Comfort coal or wood range with or without hot water attachment, almost like new, will sell at half price. E. M. Teague, Printiss, N. C, J 14 ? 3tp ? J 28 WILL PAY 10c POUND FOR clean cotton garments, 'or rags, any color, but no overall, or heavy suiting material want ed. Bring to Press Office and collect the cash. 7 x anijjUihty The comforting beauty of a reverently con ducted service helps to bring tranquility to troubled minds. Our professional com petence and thoughtful personal service, together with our superior facili ties, bring to the ceremony a memorable quality of impressive dignity, people have learned to ex pect of every funeral we direct.. Practical counsel on) funeral mailers ill an important part, of our service to Ibt, living. I BRYAN li (Tiuasudt. Thnu HE SERVES BEST WHO SERVES MOST PMNE 106 ? NITE PHONE 20 CASH for small car or pickup truck. Address Box 164, Franklin, N. C. LOST ? Ration Book No. 4, be longing to Jim Stewart, Jr. Franklin route 3. J 14 ? 2tp ? J21 FOR RENT ? Two apartments, furnished or unfurnished, with electric range and refrigerator. Call 199. J 14 ? ltp LOST ? Ration Book No. 4, be longing to Orville Moses, El lijay, N. C. J 14 ? 2tp ? J21 HARDER THINGS TO GET at Franklin Hdw. Co. ? Sickle grinders, hand bench- grinders, J grind stone, carborundum files, steel . tajies, squares, fibre gauges, wrenches, axe stones, apple and peach peelers, Hot Shot batteries, garden hose, electric lamps, and churns. Bright Flame burners, carbide for miner's lamps. Rigid pipe cutters. M14 ? ltc 1 FOR SALE ? Good ladies' bicycle with extra pre-war tire. Also electric fan. Mrs. M. Franks. I J14? ltp ATTENTION TRUCKERS ? 50 acres Hiley Belle peaches, large size, orchard run, ready last week in June and first week in July. Dr. E. B. Gray, Telephone 3161, Laurens, S. C. J 14 ? 3tp ? J 28 LOST ? Two ration books, No. 4, belonging to Henry L. Reed and Edgar Henry Reed. Frank lin, N. C. J 14? 2tp ? J2 1 WANTED ? Small farm with building, any section; must have electricity, good road and water. Name price and give de tails. Address Box 164, Franklin. ; n. c. ATTENTION EMPLOYERS Payroll Audit & Accounting WE FIGURE your N. C. Unem ployment Insurance, Contri butions. Federal Old Age Bene fits and Income Tax Withhold ings, Withdrawals and keep the individual employee records up to date. We post your books weekly, give you a monthly statement, prepare and file your payroll and Income tax returns. We also prepare income tax re turns and estimates for indi viduals. For appointment or In formation address Box 285, Sylva, N. C. J7 ? 3tc ? J21 Auction Sale 50 Acres known as "Oak Hill" NOW OWNED BY W. H. GRAYBEAL Will be subdivided into residence - business lots and small farms and will be sold on the ground ? on Saturday, June 1 6 1:30 pe m. Located 2 miles west of Franklin, 2,000 feet on hard surfaced highway No. 64 leading to Murphy ? consist ing of one 10-room residence, 4 cottages, one store building, all having lights, running water, sewerage. This is some of the best property around Franklin. Also a lot of personal property will be sold same day. IF VOU HAVE PROPERTY FOR SALE, SEE US AT MONTAGUE HQTElL, FRANKLIN LOOK THIS PROPERTY OVER BEFORE DAY OF SALE C 1 WAR BOND BAND CONCERT rr"C $150.00 Cash EASY TERMS Cyclone Realty Co. FOREST CITY, N. C. / HOWARD STUDIO, with head quarters at Asheville, (same location for 25 years), will be making pictures at the Monta gue Hotel June 15, 12 noon 'till 8 p. m. One beautiful 8x10 silvertone portrait lor only $2.00. Bring this ad. J14 ? ltp LOST ? Ration Books No. 4, be longing to Glen B. Burrell and Harold Lewis Burrell, | f ranklin, N. C. I J14 ? 2tp ? J21 LOST ? Ration book No. 4, be | longing to Sarah Joyce Van I hook, Franklin, N. C. I J 14 ? 2tp ? J21 [for SALE ? Used furniture, silver, antiques, interspring mattresses, glasswear, cooking utensils, dishes, etc. Tom Porter home, Franklin, N. C. J14? ltp WANTED Immediately several good men for in side mill work. Perma nent employment, good pay. Call immediately by phone collect. Earie 'Chesterfield Mill Co. Asheville, N. C. J 14 ? itc H. D. Club Schedule Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill, home demonstration agent for Macon county has announced the following schedule for the club meetings from June 18 through June 22. On Monday, June 18, Mrs. i Claude Beeco will be hostess to the Watauga club at her home [ at 2 o'clock; The Oak Orove 1 club will meet at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ray Bradley on Tuesday, June 19; on Wednes day, June 20, at 2 o'clock the | Cartoogechaye club will be en , tertained by Mrs. Charles Nol en; the Leatherman club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ruby | Gibson on Thursday. June 21, at 2 o'clock, and Mrs. Terrell Parrlsh will be hostess to the | Burningtown club at her home on Friday, June 22, at 2 o'clock. George B. Patton Speaker George B. Patton, Franklin attorney, will speak at the Methodist church on Bunday ' morning at 11 o'clock, in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, who was called to Gold Hill on account of the death of his father, the i Rev. R. F. Huneycutt. Funeral For Charles Byrd Charles T. Byrd, 86. died at his home on Upper Cartooge chaye on Thursday morning at 5 o'clock following a serious ill ness of several months. Death was attributed to a heart ail ment. Mr. Byrd, a life-long resident of Macon county, was born on August 5, 1858, a son of the late Jonathan and Martha Byrd. He was a member of the Gillespie Methodist church on Cartooge chaye and had been superin tendent of the Sunday School and an active worker in the church for a number of years. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their sym pathy and kindness shown us during the death of our belov ed son. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark and Jacqueline. Question . . . What i? more impor tant tlhan FOOD? Answer . . . People. You will eat the best food and meet the best people at ? ? CAGLE'S CAFE FRANKLIN, N. C. 9 ? ta Passes Sunday Clark Infant John L. Clark, the three j months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark, of Franklin, were held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the SnouuHill Meth odist church. The Rev. D. r. Orant, pastor, officiated, assist ed by the Rev. J. F. Marchman, pastor of the Franklin Metho dist church, and the Rev. C. C. Welch, pastor of the Cowee Bap tist church. Interment was in the church cemetery. John L. died on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock follow ing an illness of two weeks. The pallbearers were L. H. Page, George Mallonee, T. M. Rlckman, Arnold Rogers, Lem Clark and Leo Hurst. Surviving besides the parents is one" sister, Jacqueline. Also the grandmother, Mrs. Birdell Ray, of Franklin ' route 3, and the grandfather, Dock L. Clark, also of Franklin route 3. Also a number of uncles and aunts. Mr. Byrd, a farmer, was twice married. The first marriage was to Miss Louise Nichols and fol lowing he death he was mar ried to Miss Sarah Lula Hod gins on November 22, 1899, wlio< survives. Funeral services will be held at the Gillespie Methodist church on Cartoogechaye on Friday morning at 11 o'clock, with the Rev. V. N. Allen, pas tor, officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Press Ads Pay Seaman C. N. Dowdle Discharged From Navy Seaman Second Class, C. N. Dowdle, who received a broken back, broken leg and shattered ankle when the U.S.S. Flske de stroyer escort was blown up by a Uerman submarine on Aug ust 2, 1944, and who has been in a hospital in Ashevllle since shortly after he was returned to the states, received an hon orable discharge from the gov ernment on June 6, and has re turned to his home in Frank lin. Seaman Dowdle entered the armed forces on March 27, 1944 and took his basic train ing at Camp Peary, Va., and was assigned to the U.S.S. F'iske where he remained , until it was destroyed. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received and wears two ribbons. One was for sinking a Oerman submarine off the coast I of South America and the oth er was when his ship went down off the same coast. At that time he remained in the water for five hours before he was rescued. Seaman Dowdle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dowdle, of Franklin, and was ii)arrled to Miss Margaret Hall, of Sylva. They have two children. He was salesman for the Dowdle Whole sale Company prior to going in to the navy. Cooperative wool sales are scheduled for Williamston on June 20; Asheville, June 22; and Fuquay Springs, July 11. SQUARE DANCE Friday , June 15th 8:30 ? Till ? PANORAMA COURT GOOD STRING MUSIC MACON ?THEATRE SUNDAY MATINEE t:3t ? NIGHT SHOW 9:M WEEK DAYS 3:3*? 7: IS? 9:15 SATURDAY 1:00 TILL 10 : 30 ? OWL SHOW 10:15, OUT AT 11:45 Sunday, June 17th "BOWERY TO BROADWAY" Witih Marie Monlez Monday, June 18th "TALL IN THE SADDLE" With John Wayne ? Ella Raines Tuesday, June 19th "HOTEL BERLIN" With Raymond Massey and Helmut Dantine Wednesday and Thursday, June 20th and 21st A FLYING TIGER WROTE IT TNI SCRUM rock* tftrn ^ ITS THOUSAND STAtfttNG DENNIS MORGAN r,x SMASH lata It* Msv-sfuit it rlMl MMUSTMC firWC tMM CM. MKRT i. scon DANE CLARK RAYMOND MASSEY ALAN HALS ANDREA KING ? IOHN RIOGELV ? dm by ROBERT FLORET . Scr?*n Ploy by Paler Miln* and Ab?m fi?k?l ? Mvtic by From Wo -man With Dennis Morgan ? Raymond Massey Friday, June 22nd "STORM OVER LISBON" Alto: "TIGER WOMAN", No. 10 Saturday, June 23rd Double Feature "SAN ANTONIO KID" With BUI Elliott And "NIGHT OF ADVENTURE" With Tom Conway ? Jean Brook* < Also: "BRENDA STARR REPORTER", No. 6 ? OWL SHOW 'THE MUMMY'S CURSlfe" With Lon Chaney ? Peter Coe + BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS