&i)t jSjiablanW Jttaconian 1'HOGRESSIVE LI HE HAL IXDEl'EXDEAT Keep America On Top! ? Down With Inflation! ? Pay No High Prices Far Black Market Good*! VOL. LX? NO. 46 FRANKLIN, N. C- THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1945 $2.00 PKR YEA It PROGRESS MADE IN BOND DRIVE Macon County's Quota Is Set At $159,000.00 For Final Dtrive Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe, chair man of the Woman's Division of the Macon County War Loan Drive, has reported that splen did progress has been made by the women in the different booths and also by the ones who are canvassing the various sections of Franklin. A report has not yet been turned in from any of the rural districts, Mrs. Thorpe stated, but she felt sure that the women were busy doing their share in this Victory Drive. Mrs. C. Tom Bryson will act as chairmatj of the Nequassa Chapter of the Order of East ern Star at the booth in the Bank of Franklin on Saturday, November 17. Assisting Mrs. Bryson will be Mrs. J. Ward Long and Mrs. A. R. Higdon Mrs. Meda Bryson, assisted by Mrs. John Archer, will head a group of women from the Franklin Baptist church on. Saturday, November 17, at a booth in Belk's Department store. At a meeting of the Franklin Lions Club on Monday night, the members agreed to assume the responsibility for the sale of $15,000 of Victory Bonds to help the Woman's Division, of Macon county sell their quota of $159,000.00. Henry W. Cabe, chairman of the Macon county Victory Drive, stated Thursday that, a total of $34,000 in bonds had been sold and that of this amount there had been $30,000 of this sold in the "E" series. The overall quota in the "E" series is $101, 000.00. Demonstration Clubs To Celebrate Tenth Anniversary Nov. 16th The home demonstration clubs I of Macon county will celebrate the tenth anniversary of club ! work at the Annual Achieve ment Day to be held in the j Agricultural Building Friday, November 16 at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Robert Parish, president of the County Council, will have charge of the meeting. Mrs. ; Frank Gibson, secretary of the County Council, will report on the program carried out the past year. - Mrs. Virginia S. Swain, Ex tension Specialist in Family Re lations of N. C. State College, will be the guest speaker of the day. Mrs. Swain will dis cuss "How Can Family Life Strengthen World Peace." Mrs. Swain has. held group discus sions with young parents as a part of the Family Relationship program. Club members will serve a picnic lunch. Motion films re lative to rural electrification will be shown in the afternoon through the oourtesy of the Nantahala Power and Light company and Mr. George Far thing, Western District Agent At-Iarge. Mrs. Fred Hlagle, of the Car toogechaye Club, will give a short history of club work in the county as a part of observ ance of the tenth anniversary, i Mrs. Amos Harris, of Watauga Club will conduct the devo- ! tional. Awards will be given to the home demonstration club hav ing the best record for the past year, to the club members hav ing the best attendance record, and to the club members hav ing the best contribution for the exhibit to be held at Achievement Day. CPL. OSCAR STIWINTER RETURNED TO' STATES Cpl. Oscar O. Stlwlnter, who has been In the armed forces serving in the Pacific for the past 35 months, has been re turned to the 8tates and has received an honorable discharge. Ha-jyrved as a mechanic while Wttie service. He is the son of ;v Mrs. Clara Alexander, of Shook vllle Route, Highlands. P. T. A. To - Meet Monday Evening The Franklin Parent-Teachers Association will hold their reg ular monthly meeting In. the k" * high school auditorium on Mon day evening at 7:16 o'clock. AU memberi are urged fro attend. Memorial Services Well Attended By Macon County Citizens More than 500 people from various sections of Macon coun ty attended the Memorial serv ices held on. Rankin Square 'Sunday, honoring the boys of Macon county who* gave their lives In the past two wars. This program was sponsored by members of the American Legion Post 108 and- the Amer ican Legion Auxiliary. Post com mander, C. N. Dowdle, presided over the meeting, and the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, pastor of the Franklin Methodist church gave a short talk of tri bute to the boys and the bene diction was given by the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, rector of St. Agnes Episcopal church. Major Jones, of Moore Gen eral Hospital, was present and presented posthumously the Air Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster for Lieut. George H. Setser to j the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Setser, of Cartoogechaye. Major Lang, also of Moore General Hospital, presented the Stiver Star award for Pfc. Daniel W. Garrett to the mother, Mrs. Elsie B. Clark, of Franklin, ? Route 3. Flowers were placed at all the ' crosses by members of the fam I ilies and the citizens of Ma [ con county purchased a large wreath of red, white and blue flowers and ribbon and placed it in front of the honor roll board which bears the names of all the boys from Macon coun ty that has served and is still | in the armed forces. Two Local Men Become Guardians Of Victory Ben L. Mashburn of Route 4, Franklin, and James Boston, al so of Franklin, both discharged veterans of World War II, are going back in the uniform of the beat soldiers In the world? the Urritea States Army. These two young men recently dis charged, Mr. Mashburn in July and Mr. Boston In November, are again answering a call put forth to all young men of America to Join the service of their country and be a Guard ian of Victory. A victory that cannot be counted only in dol lars and cents, but in the blood that was shed by all our boys who fought so valiantly for a peace we must now maintain. Come on, young men of Amer ica. Let's all get behind the Vic tory that is ours and keep it that way? by becoming a Guard ian of Victory. You will also receive education, obtain secur ity, and have a chance to travel. To become a Guardian of Victory all a young man need do is enlist in the Regular Army. Information may be ob tained at any recruiting station near your home. The U. S. Army Recruiting Service maintains a permanent office at Asheville. Missionary Institute In Waynesville An Evangelistic and Mission ary Institute of the Waynesville District of the Methodist church is to be held in the Waynesville Methodist church, Waynesville, next Monday, November 19, at 10 o'clock a. m. It is expected that the Insti tute will be over by 1 p. m. From each Methodist church in the District the following per sons are to attend: the minister, charge lay leader, Sunday school superintendent, chairman of committee on evangelism, presi dent of the Woman's Society of Christian Service and the chair men local Board of Missions. Dr. H. P. Powell, chairman of the Conference Board of Evan gelism, and other Conference leaders are to appear on the program. CPL. BEULON M'CONNELL DISCHARGED FROM SERVICE Cpl. Beulon L. McVonnell has recently returned from overseas service and spent a 30 day fur lough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McConnell at their home in the Cullasaja commun ity. Since returning to a camp following his furlough Cpl. Mc Connell has received an honor able discharge. He holds the Presidential citation, six battle stars and the good conduct medal. A brother, Pfc. John F. Mc Donnell serving with the 86th Division in the Philippines, and another brother, Pfc. Ural Mc Connell In England. 1 OUR DEMOCRACY- by Mat ||l. WJ'.W I'll ll'lll. ? J'' . I )) I HIHI,IJ|ll! ,?M!l".?l'|lll|i"Hi i,u , i ip THANKSGIVING, 19i5 M <3)De are nutY\\>ere d with the victors in the greatest u>ar in historij ? n>e and our allies succeed in the hardest jot in history ? ^Keepitx^ world peace. Methodist Youth Fellowship To Meet The Methodist Youth Fellow ship of the Waynesville District is to hold a special meeting in the Waynesville Methodist church next Monday night, at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Harold M. Robinson, pas tor of the Chadwick Methodist church, Charlotte, is to be the speaker of the evening. In the business session, officers for the District are to be elected. . I A Smoky Mountain Trailways bus is being chartered by the Macon county subdistrict to transport the young people from Macon county. All in excess of forty youth will travel by auto mobile. The young people are to j meet at the Franklin Methodist church, at 5:30 Monday evening. American Legion To Sponsor Barbeque The American Legion Post 108 will sponsor a barbeque on Thursday night, November 22, at 7 o'clock in the American Legion Hall on West Main street as a courtesy to all returned and visiting soldiers. The Legion is particularly anxious for all the boys who have been in the armed forces \ to be present. There will be ; plenty of brunswick stew and ' barbeque for eyeryone. MISS MILDRED SHDLER WEDS CRAWFORD SHEPHERD Mrs. Julia Shuler, of Frank lin, Route 4, has announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Mildred Shuler to Crawford Shepherd, of Sylva. The wedding ceremony was solemnized on Sunday after noon, October 21, in Clayton, Ga? with the Rev. C. C. Welch. Baptist mininster of the West's Mill section of Macon county, and pastor of the bride, offi ciating, using the ring cere mony. The bride was attired in a soldier blue suit with which she wore black accessories. Mrs. Shepherd, is a graduate of the Franklin high school in the class of 1945. Mr. Shepherd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Shepherd, of Sylva, formerly of Franklin, Route 3. He entered the armed forces in 1941 and spent several months in overseas service. He recently received an honorable discharge from the government. Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd were accompanied to Clayton by Mrs. C. C. Welch, of West's Mill. Presbyterian Services Franklin: Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Morrison: Sunday School, 2:15 p. m. Preaching 2nd, and 4th Sun day*, 3:15 p. m. Correction Macon County Superior court which was announced in The Franklin Press last week to open on Monday. December 10, will open on Monday, December 3, instead. The Press regrets this error. P. T. A. Organized At Cowee The Cowee branch of the Chapel School P. T. A. was or ganized November 14. electing the following officers: President, Rev. G. L. Conley; Vice-president, Odell Hall; sec retary, Miss Lucille Deal; treas-f urer, Mrs. Coleman Gibson. The first project of the asso ciation is to build a shelter for the bus students. Order Of Eastern Star To Sponsor Food Sale Members of Nequassa Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, will hold a food sale on Wed nesday, November 21, at 10 o'clock in the office of the Nan tahala Power and Light com- j pany. A variety of good food will be on sale. Come early. CPL. J. B. F. ANDERSON PROMOTED TO SGT. The promotion of Cpl. J. B. F. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Anderson, of Franklin, to the rank of Sergeant has been announced by Col. Algene Key, commanding officer of Pyote Army Air Field Sgt. Anderson is married to1 the former Miss Dorothy M. Thompson, formerly of Douglas ville, Ga. Prior to his entrance into the Air Forces Sgt. Ander son attended school in Frank lin. He is now stationed at the Pyote, Texas, B-29 training field where he is serving in the ca pacity of aircraft mechanic. RELEASED FROM SERVICE E. J. Whitaker, carpenters mate 2/c, who has been in the Seebeas for the past three years, has received an honorable dis charge and is now at home. He has been serving in Iwo Jima recently. He was former man ager of the A & P store here prior to joining the navy. He, with Mrs. Whitaker, have been visiting his mother in Andrews and relatives in Asheville. Henry W. Cabe, Cashier of The Bank of Franklin, has re turned from Raleigh, where he attended an executive commit tee meeting of the North Caro lina Bankers Association. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Chap man announce the birth of a son, Emyrs Gilbert, at the Saint Joseph Hospital In Stockton. Calif., on November 3. Mrs. Chapman Is the former Miss ' Burdtll Tallent, of Franklin. Request Presented County Board For School Funds Presbyterians To Take Special Offering The Rev. C. B. McCubbins, pastor of Franklin Presbyterian church, has announced that a special offering will be taken at [ the Franklin and Morrison ,Pres byterian qhurches on Sunday, November 25, for the purpose of helping raise funds for the $20,000 improvement for the Mountain Orphanage near Black Mountain. Many improvements on the home were made during the past year, including extensive repairs to main dormitory, ad ditional baths, closets, exten sion on the heating system to include all dormitory rooms, and various other improvements. Coast Guard Raises Age Limit For Recruits Age limit for recruits for the Regular Coast Guard has been raised to include men from 17 to 25 years of age, Lieut. Com mander L. H. Hines, district re cruiting officer, announced in Charleston recently. Also, the enlistment period has been reduced from three to two years. Previous recruits have beep 17-year-olds signing up for three years of service. Now, all men enlisting can enter the Coast Guard for either two or three year period. Physical and educational re quirements remain the same. Men with previous military service are not eligible unless that service was in the Coast Guard Reserve. For complete information per taining to the requirements for entering the Coast Guard, and the sound career offered to you upon enlisting, an invitation is extended to write or visit the Coast Guard Recruiting Office, 34 Smith Street, Charleston, S. C. DISCHARGED FROM ARMY S/Sgt. Joe Gibbs. son of Mrs. Florence Gibbs, of Franklin, Route 3, has recently received an honorable discharge from the Army Air Force at Las Vegas Army Air Field, Las Vegas, Nevada. S/Sgt. Gibbs entered the arm ed forces at Fort McPherson, Ga., on July 24, 1941, and re- i ceived his training as an air craft mechanic. He was among j the few men chosen to attend j school at' Willow Run to make changes on B-24 bombers. He was an Air Inspector at Las Vegas AAF and Kirkland AAF for two years. S/SGT. JOE GIBBS S/SGT. WALTER THOMAS RELEASED FROM ARMY S/Sgt. Walter F. Thomas, son of Mr. and Lone Thomas, who has been in the medical corps in the Pacific for the past 15 months, has received an hon orable discharge from the gov ernment and has been visiting his parents in the Coweeta sec tion. He was accompanied by his wife and son, of High Point. S/Sgt. Thomas holds the Air Medal with Four Oak Leaf clos ters, the Philippine-Asiatic rib bon with three battle stars and the good conduct badge. CAPT. BURTON C. BOESSER CITED FOR DUTY Captain Burton C. Boesser, Franklin, Commanding Officer of the 796th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company, is now sharing another citation from the army for superior perfor mance of duty in combat dur ing the Okinawa campaign. A Gold Star has been award ed to his company for the ex cellent work done on Okinawa. This Star will be placed on the unit's first award, the Meritori ous service plaque which was awarded for similar outstanding performance on Leyte. For the latter citation, Capt. Boesser wears a golden yellow wreath on his right sleeve. The Gold Star is worn below the wreath to show that his unit has been previously cited. Prior to the award of the Gold Star, Capt. Boessers com pany received a commendation from General Joseph W. Still well, Tenth Army commander, for the excellent record estab lished on Okinawa. "Every Member, a Bond in November" Is the slogan of the more than 90,000 4-H club members of North Carolina, Order Passed Subject To Voters Approval At Coming Election At the regular meeting of the Board of Coupty Commission ers of Macon County held on Monday, November 5, the re quest of the County Board of Education was presented for funds to defray the cost of a comprehensive school building program. It was pointed out that the present buildings of the county were inadequate and obsolete and that it was impossible to meet the educational needs of" Macon county in the present buildings, most of which are more than a generation old. The Board of Education re quested the Commissioners to enact a bond ordinance for an issue of $400,000 school build ing bonds to erect school build ings ? the Highlands, Cartooge chaye, Mill Shoal, Nantahala. Franklin, Iotla - Burningtown. Union-Skeenah, ' and Ellijay-' Sugar Fork areas. , This bond order was passed by the Board of Commissioners subject to the approval of the voters at an election which will be held on Tuesday, December 18 at the usual polling places in Macon county. No new registration is re quired for this election but the registration books will be open for unregistered voters at the regular polling places beginning on November 24 and closing on December 8. Greenwood, S. C. Nurse Comes To Angel Clinic Mrs. W. R. Cullens. for many years superintendent of Green wood City Hospital, Greenwood. S. C., has resigned her pssitlon and accepted a similar one with the Angel Clinic at Franklin. Mrs. Cullens has sold her home in Greenwood and plans to make Franklin her permanent residence. On School News Staff James Stockton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Horner Stockton, Franklin, who is attending Bre vard college, Brevard, is on the business staff of the Clarion, the Brevard college newspaper. Charles Browning, %on of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Browning, of Franklin, Route 3, is circulation manager. St. Agnes Church To Hold Bazaar The women of the Auxiliary of the St. Agnes Episcopal church will hold a bazaar and bake sale on Saturday morn ing, December 1, in the office of the Nantahala Power and Light company. s Union Service At Presbyterian Church A union service of all the churches in town will be ^held on Wednesday evening, Novem ber 21, at 7:30 o'clock in the Franklin Presbyterian church with the Rev. W. Jackson Hun eycutt. pastor of the Franklin Methodist church, in charge of the preaching. All ministers in Franklin will take part on the program and the choir will be composed of singers of all the churches. The public, is invited to attend this service. SERVED ON USS MOALE - Rufus G. Ray, radioman, 2/C, Route 2 Franklin, served on the USS Moale destroyer when she entered Tokyo Bay to par ticipate in the occupation of Japan. The Moale saw action at Lu zon, Leyte. Mindro, Lingayen, Iwo Jima and Okinawa and in carried raids on Tokyo She sank a Jap destroyer and shot down two planes. W. V. C. (Top) Dalton, of Gastonia, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton at their home on Franklin, Route 3. Mrs. O. C. Bryant, Cullen Bryant and Miss Frankie Bum garner spent Sunday at Wll mot with Mrs. Bryant's mother, Mrs. R. C. Bumgarner. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schooley. of Knoxville, Term., have been here for a visit with Mr?. Schooley '? | mother, Mrs. Jask Sherrlll, Br,