Final Rite* Held For Miss Grace Barrett, 17 Funeral services for Miss Grace Barrett, 17. were held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Bethel Methodist church. The Rev. D. P. Grant, pastor, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Frank Holland. Interment fol lowed in the church cemetery. Miss Barrett, who is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Bar rett, of Jefferson, Ga., was in stantly killed on early Saturday night when the pickup truck in which she was riding was struck by a Gainesville-Midland rail toad motor train at a crossing near Jefferson. Miss Barrett was in the pick up with Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Cagle and two children and the entire group were killed. Surviving are the parents, two sisters, Dorothy and Barbara Barrett, and four brothers, Pfc. Branson Barrett, stationed at an air base in Kentucky; Con ard. George and Willard Bar rett, all of Jefferson; the grandmother. Mrs. Andy Sorrells of Cullasaja. Also a number of uncles, aunts and cousins in Macon county. Mrs. Barrett was the former Miss Bertha Sorrells of Culla saja. _ ? Bryant funeral directors were in charge of arrangements. GUEST ON VOX-POP RADIO PROGRAM Haywood Trotter, former resi dent of Franklin, who is. City Editor of The Charlotte Observ er. Charlotte, was a guest on the Vox-Pop Program Monday night on the Columbia Broad casting System. Following his Interview he was the recipient of two lovely gifts. MACON BOYS ENLIST IN ARMY Bobby F. Phillips, of Frank lin enlisted in the regular Army November 1, 1945. Walter David Elliott of Route 4. Franklin, enlisted in the regular Army ? November 14. Miss Betty Horsley, student at Wake Forest college, spent the Thanksgiving holidays here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Horsley. Join The U. S. Navy And Learn A Trade The Nary offers training in 50 skilled trades, and with the added benefits of the new leg islation the advantages of an enlistment in the Navy should command the attention of every wide awake, young man today. The United States now has the mast powerful Navy the world has ever seen. But, the Navy's job did not end with the surrender of Japan, There's still a big job to be done. The Navy must police the seas and supply our faraway bases if we expect to win the peace. More and more men are need ed to man the peacetime Navy and replace men who have seen long war service. The local U. S. Navy Recruit ing Station is located in the Post Office building in Ashe ville. Jack Johnson, 39 Dies At Home Here Jack Johnson, 39, died at his home in East Franklin on Fri day morning, November 16, fol lowing a very short illness. Funeral services were held on Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the colored Baptist church in East Franklin, with inter ment in the Sugarfork ceme tery. Jack worked for the Macon County Supply Company for about 12 years and was well known to both white and col ored. Surviving are the widow and two children, Janie Mae and Jack Johnson, Jr., both at home. EDGAR W. CARPENTER TO BE DISCHARGED Edgar W. Carpenter, radio man, third Class, whose wife lives in Franklin, is getting ready to rejoin the ranks of civilians, together with "thous ands of others going through this Naval demobilization center at Pearl Harbor, headed for the States. Claude J. Welch, boatswain's ' mate, second class of Franklin, is on his way home to become a civilian again. CAR BATTERIES HAVE ARRIVED $8.95 Western Auto Associate Store Specialized Welding ? ON ? Motor Blocks Fenders And all Types of Metals ? PHILLIPS GARAGE LANE CEDAR CHESTS Bed Room Suites In Walnut, Oak, Maple, Mahogany 7-Pc. Walnut Dinette Suite Electric Water Heaters A Nice Selection of Living Room Suites ? YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO PAY US A VISIT ? Sossamon Furniture Co. Everything for Your Home CLASSIFIED Advertising MACK SAYS? We have A ai?d B packs. Plenty repair parts for all radios. Warm place to visit.? Mack Franks, Franks Radio & Elec. Franklin, N. C. N29 ? Xtc FOR SALE ? Old newspapers. Ten cents per bundle, ? The Franklin Press. FOR SALE ? Concrete blocks for building, houses, foundations, walls or most anything.? W. A. Hayes, below Franklin bridge. 025 ? 17tp ? F22 46 FOR SALE ? One pair work mules weighing around 1900 lbs. or one pair mares weighing around 2800 lbs. Both teams will work anywhere. See Leon ard Horn, Clark's Chapel road. N22? 2tp? N29 WANTED ? Clean rags, will pay 10c per pound. ? "Red" Stew art Filling Station back of Courthouse. N22? 2tp? N29 FRUITS ? Whether you are in jail or running loose, you should stay right on eating fruit and you won't get mean any more. Plenty of fruits and nuts at my place across the river ! bridge.? LAWSON SHOOK. N29 ? ltc FOR TRADE OR SALE? One nice pair of work horses, heavy weight, well broken. Ages 1 6 and 7. Also complete outfit of harness. See Thad Patton, Macon Furniture Company. N29? lie ? FOR SALE ? Seventeen acres of j land With house site graded and well dug and walled with tile. Land lies on Highway U. S. 23 close to power line and joins J. W. Addington farm. For in formation stop at M. B. Sanders store four miles out U. S. 23. N29 ? 2tp ? D6 . ' IF you are in need of a tile mason see Dock Stockton, Franklin. Route 2. N29? 2tp? D6 WANTED ? Four dressed hogs, heads and feet off, weighing around 200 pounds. ? Address P. O. Box 577, Highlands, N. C. WE PAY CASH for wrecked or burned cars or trucks, any make or model. ? Franklin Used Parts Co.. Gene Pannell, Mgr. N29? ltc FOR SALE? 1938 Plymouth Se dan. ? See Mrs. John R. Slagle, at Mimosa Inn, Murphy Road. Mrs. T. J. Johnston has re turned to her home on Harri son avenue after spending sev eral days in Decatur, Ga.. with her son, George Johnston, and family. While there Mr. and Mrs. Johnston attended a meet ing of the Independant Tele phone company at Southern Pines: Potatoes are being diverted into the manufacture of butyl alcohol, an ingredient of faints and lacquers, and a source of synthetic rubber. Births Mr. and Mrs. George B. Wal droop announce the birth of a daughter, Betty Sue, on October 9, at their home on Franklin, Route No. 1. A son, Lewis Hayes, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Rogers Ashe, on October 12, at their home in the Franklin town ship. Mary Frances, a daughter, was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Charles Myers at their home on Franklin, Route No. 3, on Oc tober 16. Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan San ders announce the birth of a son, Frank Donald, at their home in the Franklin town ship, on September 9. James Douglas, a son, was ! born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill i Claude Williams, at their home j in the Cartoogechaye commun- ! lty on September 15. Joyce Anne, a daughter, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mack t Owen Sanders at their home in \ the Millshoal township on Sep tember 19. A son, James David, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry James Tallent at their home in the , Franklin township on September 20. Mr. and Mrs. William Lex Gibson announce the birth of a son, Sherman Lex at their 1 home on Ellijay, on September 23. James Walter, a son, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilbur Franks on September 26 at their home in Franklin town ship. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyman Ledbet ter at their home on Cartooge chaye on September 13. PFC. BEVERIDGE SANDERS AIDS IN TROOPS RETURN Pfc. Beveridge Sanders, of Franklin, a member of the 787 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battal ion, is one .of the soldiers fa cilitating the processing of thousands of soldiers at the huge Bremerhaven Staging Area at Bremerhaven, Germany. The staging area will shortly be pro cessing 10,000 high-Qplnt troops each month for their journey to the United States. Pfc. Sanders is also aiding in the assigning of replacements arriving in Germany from the United States to relieve high pointers in the Army of Occu pation. The Franklin soldier arrived overseas during August, 1944, and has served in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Before entering the Army in May, 1943, he was a farmer. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sanders, are resi dents of Franklin. RELEASED FROM NAVY W. S. Cunningham, Aviation Machinist Mate first class, USNR, of Franklin, has been re leased from the Naval Reserve, the Personnel Officer of Squad ron VR-7 of the Naval Air Transport Service (NATS) an nounced. ? LOOK HERE ? Last chance on good 8 room dwelling ? bath ? stoker heat ? all conveniences ? desirable location ? $5,500.00. If in terested in nice home you should see this. ?> 90 acres-^-3!^ miles South of Franklin ? several hundred feet frontage on paved highway ? dwelling and other buildings ? a dandy property. 52 acres on Burningtown Creek ? .adjoining Duvall store houte lot ? bargain at $1,250.00. 47 acres? Burningtown section? 11 miles from Franklin? 15 acres cultivation ? good buildings ? water in house? a good farm and nice home ? convenient to school and church ? a real buy at $3,500.00. STANDARD REALTY COMPANY w hen Fine Quality is Imperative To reverently honor the departed and provide mental and physical comfort for family and friends, a memorial service, regardless of its cost, must be beyond private or public reproach. Our comprehensive price range meets every family's re quirements. It cost no more to call us. to mfvT as wt wou.0 k ftravta feQ BRYANTi C7UM?/Ui^ 7/cmU Hf SERVES BEST WHO SFiiVES MOST PHQNf IOf> NITf PHONl 'JO Angel Hospital Mrs. Dock Lovingood of Mur phy, is a patient irvthe Angel Hospital with a fractured hip. She was reportedly injured when she fell Into a hole in a sidewalk in Murphy. Mrs. Bertha Manning of Bry son City, a patient in the Angel Hospital, is reported to be in good condition after having sus tained a fracture of the hip from a fall down a stairway. MR. AND MRS HAWLEY ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hawley, who will leave Franklin soon for Charleston, S. C.,. were en tertained by the employees of the Nantahala National Forest Service at the Agriculture build ing on Saturday evening, No vember 17. Mr. Hawley' is being transfer red to the Santee Experiment station with headquarters in Charleston. Refreshments were ? served during the evening and approx imately thirty employees were present. The Hawleys received good I wishes and an attractive table j lamp from the Forest Service i employees. TO BE DISCHARGED Pvt. Woodrow W. Zimmerman, son of Fred Zimmerman, Frank lin, has been transferred from the First Air Force to a Sepa ration center to receive an hon orable discharge from the Army Air Forces. Southern Railway Looks Ahead For Big Business The Southern Railway System has announced that it has plac ed an order for one thousand 50-ton steel-sheathed automo bile boxcars, to be built at the Bessemer. Ala., plant of the Pullman-Standard Car Manu facturing Company. The new cars, fifty feet six inches long and ten feet six inches high, will be equipped with automo bile loading devices. The aggre gate cost will be in the neigh borhood of $4,900,000. Delivery of the cars is expected to begin during April, 1946. The Hon. John G. Winant And The Bible The Hon. John G. Winant, Ambassador to Great Britian, and a member of the Laymen's National Sponsoring Committee of the Worldwide Bible Reading program, declares the Bible is the source for material known and understood by people in all countries. From London he has written .to the American Bible Society: "On Thanksgiv ing Day, 1944, we had a service at Westminster Abbey in which I was asked to read President Roosevelt's Thanksgiving Proc lamation. "On three Thanksgiving Days now the British have invited the Americans to hold their service in the Abbey. In the past British people probably have not thought much about this American holiday. Now there are many Americans here who have told them of the origin of Thanksgiving and the customs which have grown up around it. But through our re ligious observance of the day they have gained some under standing of its real significance. "Today we are trying to find a basis for international under standing. We know that the human problems facing the many nations are not different, but variety in the ways we earn our living, in the languages we speak, in the schools we go to, and in the books we read, and in the manner of our thinking, sometimes makes it hard for us to speak a common language and to agree on a common de nominator. If we read carefully and ponder well, we can find in the Scriptures strength and understanding to help us in our great task." James Wayne Hicks, of High lands, enlisted into the regular army on November 16. Spraying the bed mattress with a suitable DDT prepara tion is all that is needed for the control of bedbugs, although a more general treatment of in fested rooms will eliminate the bugs sooner. Eleven counties in North Car olina have a farm income of, more than a million dollars a year from dairying. PEEK & BRYSON Feeds and Groceries We have bought the Zeke Dowdle store at the foot of the town hill and 'will carry a complete line of Feeds and Groceries. We appreciate your business. I. T. PEEK BILL BRYSON MACON -THEATRE SUNDAY MATINEE 2:3* -NIGHT SHOW 9:M WEEK DAYS 3:45?7:15?9:15 SATURDAY 1:00 TILL 1S:30 ? OWL SHOW 1(:15, OUT AT 11:45 Sunday, December 2nd "THE HORN BLOWS AT MIDNIGHT" With Jack Benny ? Alex Smith ? ? ^ ' Monday and Tuesday, December 3rd and 4th "CONFLICT" With Humphrey Bogart ? Sydney Greenstreet j Wednesday and Thursday, December j>th and 6th ? "OVER 21" With Irene Dunn ? Charles Coburn Friday, December 7th "BARBARY COAST" With Edward G. Robinson Also: "BLACK ARROW", No. 9 Saturday, December 8th ? Double Feature ? "CORPUS CHRISTI BANDITS" With Helen Talbot ? Allan Lane And "I'LL REMEMBER APRIL" ^ - With Glonria Jean ? Kirby Grant Also: "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP", No. 5 And Three Stooge ? Gents Without Cents ? OWL SHOW ? TEN CE^NTS A DANCE" With Jane F razee ? Jimmy Lloyd ? BUY W*R BONDS AND STAMPS

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