-MUCH FOOD IS PRODUCED BY GARDENERS Every counly in North Caro lina has its boys -and girls j growing 4-H gardens and the j total number of gardens runs into many thousands, which are ! conducted under the supervis- j ion of the farm and home agents of the State College Ex tension Service and its horti cultural specialists. Rachel Sites, a member of the Balls Creek Senior 4-H Club in Catawba county, is only 14 years old but she presents a good example of what so many of her 4-H brothers and sisters in gardening are doing. This year Rachel won the victory garden contest in Ca tawba, sponsored by the Sears Roebuck Foundation, and came second in food preservation. She produced 60 bushels of vege tables, growing 11 different types, with snap beans, lima beans, and tomatoes leading. Besides furnishing an abun dance of fresh vegetables for tpe family, Rachel canned 201 quarts of snap beans, lima beans, beets, corn, garden peas, and tomatoes. Miss Sara Smith, assistant home agent of the State Col lege Extension Service for Ca tawba, says that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sites, the parents of Rach el, encouraged her in every way possible in her gardening work and points out that this is one of the most important points in conducting successful 4-H ac tivities. i Mrs. Sites is a member of the j Balls Creek Home Demonstra tion Club and is active in all phases of its work. PRESS ADS PAYi __ ? H Merry Christmas To All Our Friends and Customers FRANKS Radio & Electric Shop State Collgee Hint* To Farm Homemaker* By Ruth Current N. C. State College Brooms washed in medium soapy water, rinsed, and thor oughly dried, will keep in good condition and the wire will not rust. Are you getting your money's worth in cleaning powder and soap? Are you putting enough soap in your washing machine to get the clothes clean and sparkling, but not more than is needed? Home management specialists say it takes about two inches of standing suds to get a load of clothes clean in the washing machine. A bit of experimenting with the mea suring cup will show you how much soap it takes to make two inches of suds. Every home laundress knows that soap makes suds more quickly if It is shaved, grated or , pulverized. If your retail store is out of soap flakes or powders, you can make your own from bars of laundry soap, which is generally easier to find. Be sure the soap is well dried, cut it into pieces and run it through the meat grinder. Let it dry well, then pulverize. You | may wish to use a grater or slaw cutter to make flakes or chips. This may also serve as a thrifty way to use up small left-over bits of bar soap. The whipping quality of cream depends on its age and its "richness" or butterfat con tent. Freshly separated cream does not whip well. It needs to stand and chill at least four hours. The whipping quality im proves if it stands 24 hours. Cream sold by dairies for whip ping will have sufficient aging when delivered. If cream is to be kept after whipping, keep it in the coldest part of the refrigerator. How much cream to whip at a time depends on the size of the whipper. The usual small household beater does the best job with not more than a pint of cream. If larger quantities are to be whipped, time will be saved by whipping in succes sive batches. Rymer W. Rogers, SF 3/C, who has been stationed . at Bainbridge, Md., has been hon orably discharged from the Navy at the separation center, and has returned to his home, Franklin, Route 2. L. H. Mielke, who has been in the Seabees for the past two years, and Mrs. Mielke and son, Charles, who have been living in Knoxville, Tenn., where Mrs. Mielke has been employed, are spending several days with Mrs. Mielke's mother, Mrs. Martin F. Jones at her home on Bonny i Crest. Put your business in high gear by using Press Ads MAKE THIS A PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS Give EYE-GLASSES for real appreciation, and comfort. The time is here for ttyose hang cold nights, when com fortable reading can turn them into real pleasure. Come early for early delivery. If impossible to call in, purchase a certificate good for one pair >of glasses to be fitted at a later date. Twenty-eight years experience examining eyes and fitting glasses. Permanently located the year round. DR. LON BURROUGHS Elliott Block CLAYJON, GEORGIA Hours, 9:30 to 5:30, closed Wednesdays. PFC. Bl'REN MORGAN Pfc. Buren Morgan, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Morgan, of Franklin, Route 3, has been in the armed forces for the past year, and the past four months in overseas service. He took his basic training at Fort Bragg, Camp Wheeler, Ga., and at Camp Rucker, Ala. He is now stationed on Luzon Island. Marchman, Now In Japan, Promoted To Technical Sergeant Charles R. Marchman, son of the Rev. and Mrs. James F. Marchman of Franklin, has been promoted from the rank of staff sergeant to that of technical sergeant, according to an army announcement receiv ed here. Sgt. Marchman is with the 25th Infantry (Tropic Light ning) division of the Sixth army in Japan. T/Sgt. Marchman, a veteran of 22 months' overseas service, entered the army in June, 1942. at Fort McPherson, Ga., and took his basic training at Camp Crowder, Mo. He Joined the 25th division in New Caledonia and landed with the liberating forces on Luzon last January, where the Division saw 165 consecutive days of action against the Japanese forces. Sgt. Marchman is entitled to wear the Asiatic-Pacific theater ribbon with one battle star and the Philippine Liberation ribbon with one star. Farmers may soon be able to , get telephone service over rural electric lines, if tests are satis factorily worked out. SKIRT-TUGGER ? It your child irritable, fret ful ? tugging at your skirt*? This croisness is often the sign a laxative is needed. 1 /fy Triena FOR CHILDREN Most children have times when faulty elimination makes them tiredr~Iluggish, | with ? coated tongue. When this happens, remember the quick relief Triena brings. Made with famous senna, it's effective, gentle. TRIENA won't upset your child. It tastes good because it's flavored with pure prune iuice. 30c, arge siie SOc. Use at directed on label. YOUR NEW ESSO CALENDAR FOR 1946 IS READY! Drive in to our station toon for your free copy of this famous calendar... with 12 entertaining color illustra tions by a well-known artitt, large easy-to-read numeral!, with holidays shown. Prac tical household size, ready for hanging. REID WOMACK Franklin, N. C. Get Right Kind Of Poultry Feed Feed manufacturers make poultry feed mixtures to give certain definite results and these feeds must be used ac cordingly, says Prof. Roy S. Dearstyne, head of the Poultry Department at State College. Recently some growers of , broilers have been using starter and growing mash rather than the specific mash for broiler production. "The most econoin- i ical gains and quick growth cannot be obtained by this prac- ! tice," Prof. Dearstyne says. "The starting and growing mashes are t developed for the specific purpose of carrying the birds from chick s(ize up until they reach sexual maturity. "Broiler mashes are made to give the rapid, intensive growth expected in this class of birds. While the feed situation is very tight at the present time, still broiler producers should make every effort to get the right kind of feed needed for their birds. "All small flock owners can have supplemental grazing crops for their pullets at this time of year. Feed costs must be re duced and one of the best ways of doing this is through green crops. As in providing grazing ! for dairy cows, beef animals, workstock, and hogs, the graz ing crop should be sown abiut the last of August, with a rela tively heavy seeding of grains and legumes and plenty of fer tilizer on real good land." The champion 4-H dairy food preparation team for 1945 in North Carolina was composed of Jean Hackney and Olenna Duncan of Chatham county. Press Ads Pay Relief At Last ForYour Cough Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Lt. Davit L. Dean Now On. Duty At Ft. Benning First Lt. Davis L. Dean, of Franklin, a member of the Army Air Forces, has recently reported for duty at Lawson Field, Ft. Benning. Qa.. the base of the IX Troop Carrier Com mand. lt has been learned here. Lt. Dean returned from the European Theater of Operations, where he served with the 446th Bomb group of the 8th Air Force. He is the wearer of the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters. He has attended AAF's Engineering and Air In spectioil Illinois, bases ha! Texas, Lai Lowery Fief A graduai high school, son of Mr. Dean of this The Troop Cal is that branch of Forces charged troops, hauling towing gliders. Press Ads pa # Better check your spark plugs ! % Get your radiator filled with Anti-Freezs 9 Buy Motor Tune-up today. WE HAVE ALL THESE ITEMS IN STOCK Western Auto Associate Store Farmers and Woodmen The prices on Dogwood for shuttles has been raised for this season. Anyone having Dogwood to cut should contact W. H. Waldroop or Gilmer Setser at the mill for speci fications before cutting. We have several boundaries of Dog wood stumpage bought. If inter ested in contract-cutting, see us. We are also buying good grade Persimmon wood for shuttles at top prices. Highlands Briar, Inc. Phone 1303 ? 1305 Christmas ORANGES : : GRAPEFRUIT : : TANGERINES Direct from the Florida groves to your Hometown Stores ? - "* ' ' We are proud be say we have connections for your Christmas Oranges and other Florida Fruit this Christmas, and can furnish you FRESH Oranges that have not been on cold storage, or in storage anywhere. t " ? Your Hometown Grocery Stores and Markets will have these Oranges throughout the year, so keep a fresh bag on hand all the time. TO KEEP THE DOCTOR AWAY FROM YOUR DOOR EAT MORE FLORIDA FRUIT this winter i ? ? ? 4 I WISH ALL MY FRIENDS IN MACON COUNTY A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENRY E. DILLARD ? Rabun Produce Co.