> - I I t ?fte Iffmtfelitt if t wA ^ , ' i ? ?[J)? ISjigMaivN JRacontan I 'HOG K ESS IV K HUE HAL I.VDEl'EXDKXT^ VOL. XU? WO. ? ~ FRANKLIN. N. C? THURSDAY, FKRRUTRY 7, 1M6 ft.M PER YEAR MAPLE SPRINGS SCHOOL BURNS IN NIGHT FIRE 3-Room Building Falling In When Neighbors Discover Blaze The Maple Springs school building, in the Skeenah sec tion, was burned to the ground early Thursday morning. The three-room, one-story frame building accommodated about 90 children. It was the second time with in six years that the people of that community have lost their school building as a result of fire. The blaze was discovered about 4 a. m. by persons who live nearby, but by the time residents of the community could get to the schoolhouse, the en tire structure was in flames, they said, and when teachers and children came to school about 8 o'clock, nothing was left standing but a few smouldering uprights. i Since the building was fall ing in when the first persons arrived at the scene, it was not possible, it was said, to get any clue as to where or how the fire started. Mrs. Pauline C. Holland, prin cipal of the three-teacher school, said there were only small fires in the stoves when she and the other teachers, Mrs. Kathryn Jones and Mrs. Mildred Swafford, dismissed school about 2:15 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon, kicked the building, and left. The children of the commun ity will be sent to other schools, at least for the time being, , Supt. Ouy L. Houk said Thurs day morning, but added he had not had time to work out the details. " ! The building was fully cover ed by insurance, he said. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The familiar tone of the Episcopal church bell rang out last Sunday for the first time in many weeks. The Rev. J. A. Deal has been sick a long while and unable to conduct services, but we are glad he has suffi ciently recovered to be at his post again. The cry of "Fire" caused the Franklinites to assemble in j short order about "Uncle" D. Cunningham's residence on East ! Main street Thursday evening. A few buckets of water soon subdued the flames and a great conflagration was narrowly averted. It was a Maine preacher who rose in his pulpit recently and said: "As the choir is absent today we will sing Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow'." 25 YEARS AGO Briefs from the knowledge Hill Echo, Franklin graded school paper: Curtis and Thompson, under- ! takers, "We do our work speed- \ ly and cheer-fully", signed Speed and Cherry. School for the Brainless. William L. Crawford, founder. Mr. Thomas Porter is not as frequent a visitor at Summer Hill lately. Extra! Extra! Mr. Lonnie Crawford came out of hiberna tion on last Monday for the space of about five minutes. 10 YEARS AGO Town authorities have decided to put a stop to motorists' driv ing over fire hose, and have adopted an ordinance empower ing the mayor to fine violators up to $50 without the necessity of proving actual damage. The Franklin Methodist church was presented 150 new Metho dist Hymnals, a gift from the young people's class of the church. ? The groundhog who lives In Highlands was certainly unable to see his shadow If he ven tured out of his den Sunday. -Snow Saturday night and Sun day reached a depth of 6 % inehw. People Of County Donate $2,179 In Polio Fund Drive Macon County raised near ly a thousands dollars more than its quota in the March of Dimes campai(n, which ended last week. Contributions by organiza tions and individuals in this county to the fund to fight infantile paralysis totaled (2,179.93, J. H. Stockton, county campaign chairman, announced this week. The quota that was assigned the county was $1,215. Thus this county gave $954.83 more than was asked of it, ex ceeding its quota by nearly 79 per cent. A detailed statement of the donations will be made pub lic next week, Mr. Stockton said. BRYSON IS OUT FOR SOLICITOR Two Others Sesk Post; Announcements Due In Local Races The political put in Macon County, which has been quietly simmering for several weeks, came to a boil with the an nouncement, a few days ago, of Thad D. Bryson, Jr., that he is a candidate for solicitor of the twentieth Judicial district, sub ject to the Democratic primary. It was the first formal an nouncement here of a candi dacy, but with the primary, set for Saturday, May 25, less than four months away, announce ments for county offices are expected to follow rapidly. The Franklin attorney seeks the post held for the past 16 years by John M. Queen, of Waynesville. Solicitor Jueen has made no announcement so far of his plans. The district com prises the seven southwestern counties of the state, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Clay, Graham, and Cherokee. Meanwhile, two other candi dates for the Democratic nom ination for solicitor announced this week. They are Dan K. Moore, of Sylva, and W. Roy Francis, of Weaverville. Mr. Bryson, a native of Bry son City, moved to Franklin in 1939, and has practiced law here since that time. He is the eldest son of Judge Thad D. Bryson. who was on the super ior court bench in this state for seven years, and who since 1926, has been legal adviser and professor of law at Duke uni versity. T. D. Bryson, Jr., was born In Bryson City, October 15, 1903, attended grammar and high school in Bryson City, and was graduated from the University of North Carolina. Admitted to the bar in 1925, he practiced in Bryson City until 1939. when he removed to Franklin. He has had an extensive practice in the courts of this region. He was married to Miss Caro lyn Forbell, of Rockville Center, N. Y., in 1928, and he and Mrs. Bryson have four children, Gail, Anne, Thaddeus Dillard, IV, and Frederick Edgar, who live in Bryson City. Mr. Bryson, in making his an nouncement, praised Mr. Queen for his long and efficient serv ice as solicitor. New Operators Take Over 2 Gulf Service Stations Two Oulf service stations here changed hands in a double deal announced this week. Erwln Patton, recently return ed from service in the armed forces, bought the Franklin Fill ing station, on Palmer street, from Frank Reece, and Mr. Reece, in turn, bought the sta tion at the foot of the Town Hill, East Main and Palmer streets, from O. B. Burrell. Mr. Patton and Mr. Reece have taken active charge of their new businesses. In Mr. Patton's case, It was a return to his old Job, since he owned and operated the Franklin sta tion before entering the service. The station at the foot of the Town HU1 Is being enlarged and on the upper floor, Mr Burrell plans to operate a fend ?r and tody repair business. CLOTHING PILE AT COURTHOUSE STILL GROWING Donations For Relief Pour In; Drive Here Will End Feb. 23 I The pile of boxes and bun j dies of old clothes, in the courtroom on the second floor of the courthouse, this week continued to grow larger and higher, as Macon County people contributed garments to the Victory Clothing Collection for overseas relief. Meanwhile, Jos. Ashear, coun ty chairman of the campaign, announced that he had received authorization by telephone from Atlanta and Washington, to continue the collection through J February 23. The drive over the county ended January 31, but additional time was given this country, since the campaign here | was late starting. The contributions are coming from all over the county, Mr. Ashear said, explaining that he is receiving telephone calls and t mail from various sections, ask ing where donations may be left. He explained that the courthouse is the central depot, but that most community stores have agreed to act as collec .tion centers, and that the clothes will be picked up from these stores. In many cases, he added, a : single family has sent in a box j of clothing, and later, on find | ing other garments that could j be spared, have sent second, ! and even third, packages. The Boy Scouts continue to i assist in the drive. One group Den No. 2, Cub Scouts? already I has collected more than 300 garments and carried them to the courthouse. Fornrfr F ranklin Man Is Awarded Bronze Star Medal Edwin J. Bradley, of Black Mountain, has been awarded the Bronze Star for "meritor- j ious achievement in connection ! with military operations against the enemy on Luzon, Philip pine Islands, from 9 January 1945 to April 1945". Mr. Bradley, now a civilian i employed in the transportation | corps at Moore General hos pital formerly was a first ser geant in the army. He was re leased on points in July, 1945, after five and a half years serv ice. He is a former resident of Franklin, and attended high school there prior to entering | military service. # Icenhower Infant Dies After Brief Illness Jimmy Floyd Icenhower. six day old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Icenhower, of High lands, Route 1, formerly of the Oak Grove community, died at the Angel clinic Thursday morn ing of last week, at 3 o'clock. | He entered the clinic about j noon on Wednesday, suffering | from pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the Buck Creek Baptist church i Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, ] with the Rev. Frank Reed, of- j I ficlating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Icenhower, of Oak Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hudson, of Highlands, Route 1. Potts funeral directors were in charge of the arrangements. The Weather The official temperature read ings and the amount of rainfall on each of the past seven days, and the low temperature on Thursday, follow: Wednesday 54 44 .58 SEEK SUPPORT FOR SYMPHONY 100 Membership* Will Bring Orchestra To Franklin Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Prec 56 41 .37 48 20 0 50 18 0 59 17 0 51 31 .23 O A 64 32 0 Thursday 30 Letters, asking support of the North Carolina Symphony So ciety, will go out this week-end to approximately 200 civic minded persons and music lov ers in this county, E. J. Car penter, county chairman of the society's membership campaign, announced this week. Membership in the society will entitle the member to at- , tend any concert of the orches tra, and the plan is to raise j $500 in this county, and thus bring the 21 -piece orchestra to Franklin for a concert this spring. In addition to the reg- j ular concert, the symphony group will play at the public school without charge. Memberships are $5 each, and Mr. Carpenter pointed out that persons joining not only will be buying admission to concerts of the orchestra here and at other towns in this region? if they wish to attend other concerts but also will be lending their support to a worth-while cause. The society, because it is recog nized as contributing to the cul tural life of the state, was giv- I en -an appropriation by the leg- j islature. and Gov. R. Gregg Cherry is honorary chairman of the membership campaign. Interested persons not reach- 1 ed by letter are requested to ' forward their memberships to Claude Bolton, treasurer, at Franklin. Commissioners Act On Two Petitions For Highway Work The board of county com- ( missioners, at Monday's meet ing, approved and referred to the State Highway Commission two petitions for road work. One petition asks that the road from the Negro school - house, round the river, and to the Andy Reid station, be hard- ' surfaced The other seeks the re-grad ing of a road leading from the Georgia road, just beyond the Fleming service station, to the Setser road. Bronze Star Medal Holder Discharged From Army Service Pfc. Edward Carpenter, of Dillard, Ga., who won the Bronze Star medal for heroism in action, has been discharged from the army, according to an announcement received here from Port McPherson, Ga. Pfc. Carpenter, who served as a driver in the army service forces, also holds the Good Con duct and Victory medals. < and I his service ribbons reveal that he served in the Asiatic-Pacific, j American, and Philippine liber ation theaters. In civilian life, he was a farmer. Births Outnumber Deaths In County Nearly 4 To 1 Births in Macon county last year outnumbered the deaths by almost (our to one, figures com piled by Lake V. Shope, vital statlstlo registrar, show. A total of 437 births during 1945 were reported from the county's 11 townships, as com pared with 111 deaths. Both births and deaths last year were approximately 22 per cent fewer than the year be fore. The 1944 totals were: Births, 562; deaths, 135. Last year's totals reveal a birth rate for this county of about 29 per thousand popula tion, and a death rate of only 7.5 per thousand. The ireatest ratio of births to deaths was reported by Sugarfork township, where 27 births and only two deaths were recorded. The 1945 figures by townships j follow: Township Births Deaths Franklin 225 65 Millshoal 11 4 Ellijay 18 2 Sugarfork 27 2 Highlands 18 8 Flats 5 1 Smith Bridge 32 5 Cartoogechaye .... 31 7 Nantahala 29 3 Burnlngtown 15 6 Cowee 28 8 Total* 4)7 U1 Four Prisoners Shot In Escape Attempt Daltons To Hold Golden Wedding Celebration Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dalton, well known Macon county couple, will observe their Gold en Wedding anniversary Sunday at their home in the West's J Mill community. Mr. Dalton has ! served as Macon county sur- ? veyor for 35 years. The celebration will be mark ed by the presence of their children and grandchildren, and one great-grandson. During the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton will be at home to friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton were married 50 years ago Wednes day -Feburary 6. 1896. Since a family reunion was planned for the occasion, however, It was , decided to celebrate on Sun- ! day, when all the members of the family could be present. The Dalton's have nine chil- j dren, 12 grandchildren, and one j great-grandson. The children are Mrs. Frank , Holbrook and Mrs. Ralph Shel ton, both of Asheville; Rogers Dalton and Crawford Dalton, of : Gastonia; Lyman ' Dalton, of | Greenville, S. C.; and Mrs. Rob ert Morgan, Lon Dalton, Carl Dalton. and Joel Dalton, all of I Macon county. Mrs. A.Daves, Macon Native, Is Dead At 95 Funeral services for Mrs. Ad die Daves, 95, who died in Com merce, Ga., Saturday, following a very brief illness, were held at the Burningtown Baptist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. George A. Cloer, pastor, officiated, and in terment followed in the church cemetery. Mrs. Daves, who was the for mer Miss Addie Younce, was born in the Burningtown com munity, on December 22, 1851. Surviving are six children, George Daves and John Daves, of Commerce, Ga., Route 2; Mrs. Maggie Humphries, of New Holland, Ga.; William V. Daves, of Piedmont, S. C.; Joe Daves, 1 of Franklin. Route 4; and Mrs. Meddle Griffin, of Commerce, Ga., Route 2. Also one brother, Joe Younce, of Franklin, Route 4, survives. Plan W. S. C. 5. Meeting Saturday In Bryscn City An officers training day for the officers of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service, of the Methodist churches of the Waynesville district, will be held at the Bryson City Methodist church on Saturday, February 9. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 11 o'clock and to adjourn about 3 o'clock. This important meeting is being held so that both the old and new leaders of the local so cieties may discuss their prob lems and aims with the district leaders, it was explained. Ladies of the hostess church are arranging the lunch at a nominal price, and all leaders in the Macon county churches are being urged to attend. Robert J. Angel, Now On Saipan, Is Given Promotion Robert J. Angel, 19-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Angel of Franklin, who is in the army, stationed on Saipan. has been promoted from the rank of ser geant to staff sergeant, his parents have learned. He is in the ordnance heavy mainte nance. Sgt. Angel, who has been in the service nearly two years, and overseas for six months, recently sent his parents a copy of "Target", tiny dally news paper issued by the army group on Saipan. Sgt. Angel hopes to get back to the States and be discharged In June. Another son of the Angels Pvt. Richard Angel, 18. in the Air Transport Command, U now ?n route to Europe for duty I his parents understand. Officials Believe Pistol Was Smuggled Into Camp By Visitor ' Authorities at the state prison camp here believe a pistol, used by Frank Beach, a prisoner, in an escape attempt Tuesday morning that resulted in the wounding of four prisoners, was smuggled into the camp, per haps by a Sunday visitor. Beach, 26, one of 18 prisoners on a truck, suddenly drew the pistol, leveled it at two guards in a trailer following the truck, and demanded that the guards put up their hands, J. R. Over ton, superintendent of the pris on said. He said that Beach, who fired first, shot four times at the guards, but none of his shots found their mark. The guards, James Sanders, of Franklin, and Clarence Craw ford, of Franklin. Route 3, fired their shotguns into the truck, and Beach and three other pris oners were wounded. The incident occurred on the Murphy road, just outside the city limits, shortly after 8 a. m.. while the prisoners were on their way to work. Officers at the camp suspect James Hackney, about 25, one of the men on the truck,, of be ing implicated in the escape attempt, and evidence indicates that the gun was smuggled to him, it was said. Hackney, they said, entered state prison with a three to five year sentence from an eastern North Carolina county for robbery, and escape attempts and other trouble had added to his term until now he has 35 years ahead of him. Hackney and the four wound ed men have been sent to the state prison in Raleigh. Nick Fezados. the most seriously wounded, was sent Thursday morning. Fezados, 24, given 10 years for robbery in Almance county in 1944, was struck in the right shoulder and right chest, with one of the bullets entering the lung. Dr. Edgar Angel said at the Angel hospital, where the men were taken for treatment. Two of three bullets were re moved by Dr. Angel Wednesday morning. Harold Gunter, 25, also sus pected of being involved in the escape plan, suffered an abdom inal wound. He was serving 10 years from Edgecombe county for larceny. Bobby Cable. 26, sentenced in Cherokee county in 1942 to 10 to 15 years for robbery, suffer ed a wound in the left leg. Beach, serving 11 to 20 years for larceny in Edgecombe coun ty, had the middle finger of his right hand shot off. Authorities said they suspect ed none of the men, except Hackney, Beach, and Gunter, of being involved in the plan to effect an escape. The prison camp here now houses a total of 58 prisoners. Clinics For Horses And Mules To Be Held Next Week Horse and mule clinics will be held in this county Febru ary 13 and 14, it was announc | ed this week by Sam W. Men denhall, county farm agent, with Dr. M. M. Leonard. Ashe ville veterinarian in charge. In. announcing the clinics, Mr. Mendenhall pointed out that farmers who have their work stock treated regularly for worms and Botts report that it is well worth the time and money. He added that there is no charge for the examination, and only a small charge far treatment. Animals to be treat ed should not be fed for .at . least 18 hours before treatment. The schedule for the clinics ' follows : Wednesday: 10 a. m., at Mrs. J.M.McCracken, Rabbit Creek; 2 p. m., Clyde West's, Cowee. Thursday: 10 a. m., R. C. En j loe's Cartoogechaye ; 2 p. m., i Wiley Clark's, Ellijay; and 4 ? p. m., Jess Thomas', Franklin. At the peak training load in the Fourth Service command 10 quartermaster market centers , were established, purchasing ? millions of dollars worth of per ' Uhable foods. Since V-J Day, , that number has been cut to 1 flva.

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