S." ' 3%* ^ightan^ Haconian I'HOGRKSMYE I.IhEKAL I.XDEl'EKDEXTJi VOL. XLI? NO. 7 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY. FEB. 14. 194B 52.00 PER YEAR BRIAR CONCERN BUYS PROPERTY PLANT IS ON Asheville Road Tract Is Bought By Pipe Firm From Mrs. R-id Highlands Briar, Inc., this week purchased the property, on the north side of the Asheville road, a short distance east of the Town Bridge, on which ! its pipe plant is situated. Stamps on the deed Indicated ! the consideration for the 2.13 acres was approximately $6,500. The property fronts 247 feet j on the Asheville road. j Two deals were' Involved. Mrs.1 Cora Reid purchased a part of the old Enloe place from John j Burleson, and then made one deed for that property; plus the acreage she had leased to High lands Briar. The property was conveyed to Milton M. Mon derer, who is president of High lands Briar, Inc. The plant, which is under the management of Marian Perse, was established here in May, 1944, and now employs 94 per sons. During the dry seasons, when large groups are at work in the woods, the number on the pay roll runs as high as 138. The firm utilizes rhododen- I dron and "laurel burle, obtained in this area, to manufacture pipes for smokers. It also uses some imported briar. Dr. Fouts Improving After Majcr Operation Dr. J. H. Fouts, who" recently underwent a serious operation at the Angel hospital, is still in the hospital, but has recovered j ' sufficiently to able to be up fori a short period each day. His son, Dover R. Fouts, of Burns- j ville spent the first at the week i with him. Mrs. R. L. Gregory, of Frank- ! lin, underwent an operation at Angel clinic Wednesday. I Do You 1 Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through / the files of The Press) , ! | 56 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK j January and June ? Will be married this morning at 9 o'clock, the Rev. J. T. Wade, officiating, Maj. W. H. Higdon, of Ellijay, and Miss Charlotte Mathis, of Franklin. The groom is 79 years of age and the bride 25, so we learn. W. R. Johnston, the popular hat drummer, came home Sat urday and is interviewing our merchants. The Nantahala mountains were robed in white last Friday morning. 25 YEARS AGO Taken from the Graded School paper: Officers elected for the S. S. S. Literary society of the Frank lin graded school were: Allen Slier, president: Kate Penland. vice-presiden?; "Speed" Thomp son, secretary and treasurer; Mary McConnel, editor; and Weyman Crawford, assistant ed itor. Miss Dean Is very thoughtful. She keeps her clock alarming all during the day to keep Miss Edwards and the 8th grade awake. For Sale: One set of nth grade school books, in good con dition. Have never been used. Dick Jones. 10 YEARS AGO Charles Slagle and Andrew j Jones, two Franklin boys, re- j reived the highest award in scouting? the Eagle scout badge ? at a meeting of the Smoky Mountain district of the Daniel Boone council, Boy Scouts of America, held on Monday night at the Franklin Presbyterian church. Miss Annie Will Slier, daugh ter of the late Dr, F. L. Siler and of Mrs. Siler, of Franklin, has attracted wide attention as a textile designer In New York, says an article published In the State Magazine. Turner May, of Flats Is un dergoing treatment for anti rabies as the result of ft mad dog bite. The Weather The maximum and minimum temperatures and the amount of rainfall (or each the past seven days, and the minimum temperature and rainfall up to 8 a. m. on Thursday, follow: T*? trace. Rainfall figures cover 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. on day given. Total rainfall for month, to date, 4.57 inches. Total, for year, to date, 12.25 inches. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday High Low Prec 55 30 0 62 20 T 49 40 .10 58 36 3.26 52 28 0 55 19 0 56 32 0 ? 36 .40 HATCHING EGGS MARKET GOOD Greenville Concern Alone Seeks 100 Cases Weekly In This County Indications are there will be '?r a" the etching be produced in W M.nHUnKy,^his season' Sam Mendenhall, county farm agent, said this week. The Piedmont hatchery in J C- alone wants at least 100 cases of hatching slid whi^ ^ Mendenhan said, while the Farmers Feder ation in Asheville wishes to buy more hatching eggs than it has been obtaining here. hJh.5i!!eKn,0nt hatchery. which wuld^ Hlr?UfIn^ 50016 eggs here, would like to transfer to this county the business it has been it ?g? K^adklnvllle' Provided it can obtain the eggs here from poultrymen who qualify to i?iTn?hThine e**Sto n. $*?dards ? has been buy t?!Lm Ca*es a week Yad W?UW like ? | move his family here at the close of this school year. They have been making their home in Holly Springs, Miss. A son, who is serving overseas, hopes, to obtain his discharge in time to join the family in Franklin in June. _ 16 Boy Scouts On Hcnor Court Promo tion List Sixteen Franklin Boy Scouts were scheduled to receive pro motions at the court of honor held at Bryson City Thursday nlThe Scouts, and their new ^Manuel" Holland first class, Charles Thomas, Frank Henry, III and John M. Archer, Jr., second class; Allen Cartlege, Alvin Stiles, Kermit ^H*rt' Grady Thompson, Claude Mc Falls Jack Reese, Bobbie Potts. , Jimmy Rogers, and Jimmy Co - , lev tenderfoot; and Jim Wal droop? Charles Baldwin, and John Alsup, merit badges. Sloan To Be Speaker At P. T. Meet Monday Bob Sloan will be the guest speaker at the Franklin Parent Teachers association meeting in the school auditorium. Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, it has been announced by the program committee. Mr. Sloan, recently returned from the European theater of war, will compare the educa tional systems of certain Euro pean countries with that in the United States. The Rev. Charles E. Parker, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church will lead the devotional. McClure Will Preach At Highland* Church The Rev. R. McClure. of Ashe vllle, will preach at the High lands Presbyterian church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, It has been announced by the Iter. J, B. Davidson, pastor. 400 Macon V eterans i Drawing Jobless Pay Old Clothes ?f For War-Stricken Still Sought; Drive Will End Feb. 23 "I feel sure a great deal more old clothing will be brought in for tY\e Victory Clothing collec tion", Jos. Ashear. campaign chairman, said tfcis week, adding that many persons have told him they have garments they plan to donate. Meanwhile, the pile of old clothes in the courthouse con tinues to grow, with a large number of the bundles there having been collected by the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Do nations should be taken to the courthouse, if possible, Mr. Ash ear said, or to the neighbor hood Store. What is already on hand will j be shipped shortly, he explain ed, and the balance immediate ly after the drive closes Feb ruary 23. He pointed out that "every housewife is a natural born col lector . . . they have the In stinct to save things for an emergency. Well, that instinct can save millions of lives in an emergency this year. Those stored-away clothes will be god sends to the people In the war destroyed countries. "It is estimated that a hun dred million people in Europe have only the clothes they wear on their backs ? the same clothes they've worn for at least five years". Death Takes Woman, 97, On Tesenta Mrs. Martha A. Brown, 97, died at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Nellie Brown Clouse, in the Tesenta section of Macon County Monday eve ning at 11 o'clock, following an \ illness of 15 years. Death was attributed to the infirmities of , age. Mrs. Brown, who was born in ; Tennessee September 2, 1848, was a daughter of the late William Peek and Elizabeth Mull Peek. She had lived al- | most her entire life in the Smith Bridge township. She was a member of the Dryman Chap el Baptist church. Mrs. Brown was twice mar ried. The first marriage was to a Mr. Buchanan and, following his death, she was married to John Brown, who died a number of years ago. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Dryman Chapel Baptist church, with the Rev. John Baty, of Highlands, officiating. Interment followed in the church , cemetery. Surviving are three children, Mrs. Ernestine Keener and James Buchanan, by the first marriage and Clingman Brown by the latter marriage; 48 grandchildren, a number of great-grandchildren, and great great-grandchildren. The pallbearers were Paul Brown, Jud Howell, Hayes Buch anan, Cecil Brown, Ralph Wood, and John Brown. The funeral arrangements were under the direction of the Potts Funeral home. NEW BAPTIST PASTOR AND FAMILY 'POUNDED' Despite the downpour of rain on Friday evening, approximate ly 50 members of the Franklin Baptist church and invited friends gathered, at the pastor ium on White Oak street to "pound" their new pastor, the Rev. Charles E. Parker, and his family with a large variety of canned goads and various oth er good things to eat. The Parkers also received two new quilts made by members of the Adult class and the Young Ladies' class. Connie Chambers, of Cornelia. Qa., Is a patient at Angel clinic with two fractures of the jaw and a dislocated shoulder, re sulting from an. automobile ac cident on the Cowee mountain, ]ust beyond the Macon county line, last Saturday. His condi tion U satisfactory. Total On Unemployment ? Compensation List Growing Fast Four hundred Macon County veterans are unemployed and drawing veterans' unemploy ment compensation. S. P. Davis; manager of the Bryson City of fice of the U. S. Employment service, said here Wednesday. And the total number of vet erans in this county on the compensation rolls is growing rapidly, he added. The figure is the first official one to throw any definite light on the amount of unemploy ment aimong veterans here. Under the GI Bill of Rights, a veteran of World War 2, if and when he is unable to find "suitable employment", is en titled to unemployment com pensation of $20 a week.v The lunds come from the federal treasury, and are administered in this state by the N. C. Unem ployment Compensation com mission and the U. S. Employ men^ service. niusi icrport weekly To qualify for compensation, the veteran must certify that he is able to work, and is available for work, but is un able to find a suitable job. A suitable job, it was explairied. means one utilizing his skills. To continue to draw compen sation, he must make this Cer tification each week. When he applies for compen sation, it becomes tfie duty of the Employment service to in- v terview him, classify him for employment on a basis of his training and experience, and then refer him to employers who can utilize his skills. A veteran may not be required, however, to accept employment requiring skill less than his own. A skill ed worker, for example, may not be denied compensation be cause he refuses to accept work as a common laborer. A number of veterans here, however, have accepted work, regardless of the skill required, or the amount the jobs paid, with a view to reserving their unemployment compensation rights for a possible period when jobs may be scarcer than they are today, USES officials report. Good lip To 2 Years Under the law, a veteran's unemployment compensation rights continue for a period of two years after the President has proclaimed the end of the war emergency. That is, the veteran may apply for compen sation. if and when he becomes unemployed, at any time during the two years following the President's proclamation, which is yet to be issued. The maximum compensation is 52 weeks. All veterans who have served as much as nine and a half months in the armed forces are entitled to compen sation up to that maximum. Mr. Davis or Mrs. Mary L. Walker, supervising interviewer of the Bryson City office, come to Franklin on Wednesdays and Fridays of each week to inter view unemployed persons and to transact other business of the Employment service: The Bryson City office serves Southwestern North Carolina, from Jackson county west. Boy Scout Group Gives Program At Rotary Meeting Marking Boy Scout week, the Rotary club's Wednesday night meeting was given over to a Scout program. Scout Master John Edwards, introduced three Scouts, each of whom spoke briefly. Frank Henry, III, described a typical troop meeting; John Alsup told the Rotarians what a Scout court of honor is like; and Jim my Waldroop talked on what scouting means to a boy. Scutmaster Edwards listed the local troop's accomplishments during the past year, and dis cussed some of the coming year's objectives. On the program for this year, he said, is a tree planting project, to serve as a memorial to former Bob Scouts who lost their lives in World | War 2. World production of petroleum in 1946 is expected to reach S52.000.000 gallons dally.