?hf Ifrnitklttt and Che jMitrdttinii Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. LXJ Number seven ' f WEIMAR JONES, Publisher Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C? as second class matter Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by In dividuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be re tarded as advertising and inserted at regular classified advertis ing rates Such notices will be marked "adv." In compliance with the postal regulations. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year -*>00 Six Months ..._ - -... *1 00 Three Months ? 80 single Copy _... 05 Roads Here Unpoliced \17Ul-.X a bodily member isn't used, it tends to atrophv. And something similar occurs with local govern- j mental units when power and responsibility are centralized. A number of years ago the state took over all the highways, and has been responsible for their maintenance and construction ever since. As a re sult. the counties and townships have dismantled . their road organizations. That fact makes im practical a recent proposal that a part of the gaso line tax fund be turned over to the individual coun ties for expenditure for road work. An even more striking example has to do with the police power. In more recent years, the state set up its highway patrol and took over the policing of the highways. And today the counties no longer are organized to police the roacls. Those in Macon County need policing, but the l>est information obtainable indicates they are get ting little attention. Highway patrolmen are sta tioned in neighboring counties, but there is none in this county, and it is only rarely that a patrol man is seen on Macon County highways. The amount of traffic on highways in this county would seem to indicate the need for a patrolman's being stationed here, instantlv available to meet a need. Whether the patrolman is stationed here or somewhere else, however, is a detail for the state authorities to determine. What this newspaper urges is some arrangement for the patroling of Micon county highways. ? ' Having taken over the authority, it's up to the state to assume the responsibility. Will History Repeat? A quarter century ago the South and West, in spired by the spirit of the crusader, and invoking majority rule, forced national prohibition on a wet East. The result is history. The East revolted. Boot legging became a national scandal. And in the end, prohibition, as a national policy, was killed. The ouestion of whether the East was right or wrong on the issue had nothing whatever to do with the result. Todav other sections of the country, inspired by a hoi y zeal, and marching under the banner of ma jority rule, are attempting to force their ideas on questions of race upon the South. And again the question of who is right and who is wrong ? the question of whether the South's "way of life", adopted to meet its peculiar race situation, is de sirable or undesirable ? will not determine the result. Will history repeat itself? It probably will, unless other sections of the country develop some of the tolerance toward the. South that thev demand of Southerners. The South Move? Forward Because we in the South still are inclined to have a feeling of inferiority ? a hold-over from the days when economically we were almost paupers, educa tionally at the bottom of the ladder, spiritually de pressed ? it is good, occasionally, to take a look at our situation today. There's plenty of room for progress yet. but there's no longer any need for any inferiority .com plex. Of course the South's greatest progress has been along non-material lines, but the material develop ment is vital, too, and some interesting facts illu strating how we have moved forward were cited by / President Ernest E. Norris of the Southern Raii wav System in a recent address before the Winston Saletn Traffic club. ' Quoting Oliver Wendell Holmes to the effect that "the great thing in this world in not so much where we are, but in what direction wc are mov ing." Mr. Norris declared "we arc moving in the flffht differ?* (he South, and h?ve hem far I ? ? ? letters ??? I APPRECIATION Dear Editor: Through The Press, I want to think the County Commis sioners, Mr. Charles Nolen and Mr. Earl Harrison (or the pro posed repair of the Court House clock. It will be good to look up at It and to know it Is* keeping time and not just holding its hands motionless before Its face. Its sweet tones will make us know It Is on guard as of old '.hrough the day and the night. When the hands and numbers are painted, we shall feel it restored to its old time usefulness. Cordially yours, ESTHER C. FREAS. Franklin, Feb. 5, 1946. I WONDER . . . I wonder: ? When the road is graveled up Walnut Creek to the mall boxes? 1. Will a milk route be established? 2. Will poultry raising develop? 3. We can raise most excelent vegetables. Will we do it? 4. Will some one erect a garage? a filling station? store? 9. Will lovely summer cottages deck these hillsides someday? a. Will some minister who loves the souls of men come and preach regularly? Rare flowers, singing birds, game birds and animals, water falls, brooks, springs, creeks, mountains, cliffs, hills, ridges, valleys, manifold shade trees, and kind-hearted native people you will find all these, and more, if you come to Walnut Creek? When the road is completed. Very truly yours, Oneiss, N. C. MRS. F. E. MASHBURN February 2, 1946. ? Others' Opinions ? "THE WEIGHTIER MATTERS?" *T*HE most shocking thing about war is not the destruction of * the cities end possessions of men, nor yet the death of the bodies of men, but rather the shrivelling of the minds and spirits of men. A great international journalist, Louis Clair, writes: "We have become very callous indeed in this day of atomic bombs and extermination camps. The human mind can only absorb a certain amount of horror; if it becomes too great we put wax into our ears to be able to continue living. Maybe that is why we hear so little today about the horrible tragedies now . happening in Europe." Speaking of the millions of Austrians, Germans, and Poles who are being systematically exterminated he remarks, "Goeb bels and Hitler predicted that even if the Nazis should be ' beaten their spirit would live on among the victors. Their pre j diction has come true." Another author and foreign correspondent, Louis Fisher, warns: "Something is happening to our civilization. Observe Europe and. Asia, observe the British, the Dutch, the French, the Americans. Barbarism is lowering itself over us like a hood over a man to be hanged. Nobody knows what to do to solve the world's ills." He comments on the Morgenthau "revenge plan" that the ilghteous Allies are following in the conquered countries: Unless we rise above the animal passion of revenge our culture will be lost. Who will kill or starve these Germans and Aus trians? Our own young American, British, French and Russian boys. It will kill their souls and push us farther down toward the abyss. Someone has to stop the disintegration of our civi lization. We must break the vicious circle of an eye-for-an eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye." These men were disturbed by some dismaying facts that worry many thoughtful Americans. They remember the un mitigated horror and condemnation of the Nazis' ruthless re taliatory destruction of Lidice and most of its Inhabitants early In the war. Last month in revenge for the killing of some crashed English flyers the British marched into a village in Java and repeated the ghastly pattern of Lidice. Still the world is indifferent to this later atrocity, and the British sit In judg ment at the Nuernberg trials of the Nazi "butchers of Lidice". We sit in judgment on the Nazi airmen who bombed the town "bf Coventry killing hundreds ? we who dropped atomic bombs on the large cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima killing hundreds of thousands. We try the Nazi leaders who instituted the wartime prison camps with their starved and abused prisoners. Tooay we avert our eyes when we read about thou sands of very young "slave-labor" Austrian and German boys being sent home by the French government because they are worked-out ? loo starved and weak to be good slaves any longer. We Ignore France's greedy plan to import 1,710,000 more youthful slaves Into slave-labor camps. We do not lift a finger to take Into our rich country any of the millions of homeless Jews. Poles, Czechs wandering' in despair about starving Europe. In the words of the Greatest Judge of all, "Woe unto you, scribes. Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye pay tithe and have omit ted the weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy, faith." -Gretchen L. Lamberton in Mother's-Home Life. The world is slowly learning that because two men think differently neither need be wicked. ? Sir Wilfred Grenfell. The sword is always conquered by the spirit. ? Napoleon. lon^ period of years." And he cited the following examples : Our industrial production increased 700 per cent in value from 1900 to 1939, as compared with a 366 per cent increase for all the rest of the United States. In 1900, we made slightly less than 12 per cent of the nation's furniture. By 1939, we were making 25 per cent. Our mineral 'output in 1944 was valued at 48 per cent of the national total; whereas in 1900 It was only seven per cent. In 1900, about 30 per cent of the nation's tobacco prod ucts came from Southern factories. Today, we manufacture about 92 per cent. In 1900, less than 30 per cent of the active cotton spindles were in mills of the South. Today, we have 80 per cent. In 1900, our population was 27U million. Today, It is 46 million. Our banking resources are approximately 126 billion as compared to little more than three billion in 1916. Agriculturally, too, we are making ever-greater strides. We are getttng bigger and better yields per mere through diver sification of crops, rotation and scientific planting and culture. And the many new industrial use* that science is finding for farm products is adding strength to our agricultural economy. Our iloHar income in recent years, according to the De partment of Commerce, has Increased proportionately more than for the country at tare*. And trade barometers, based principally on retail lattt and bank debit*, iltow that ifttoa lift, as i mark* Mr consumer foodi, we hart boon rawM "tor* rapidly than lit mliM as ? wfcfft. FRESH JUICE From FRESH ORANGES EAT MORE FRESH FLORIDA FRUIT It's much easier to eat fresh fruits than to spend your money for medicines. You will find the Fresh juice from Oranges much better for you than canned Juice. So keep a supply of Fresh Oranfes on hand. Order from your neighborhood store. A& for MAC'S BRAND Oranges Rabun Produce Co. Wholesale Distributors ALL SERVICEMEN Whether you are a member or not, you are urged to attend the AMERICAN LEGION MEETINGS First and Third Mondays of Each Month 7:30 p. m. LEGION HALL ? / American Legion Post No. 108 Announcement . . . This is to announce to my friends and former customers that I have taken over The Franklin Service Station at Palmer and Phillips Streets, and am back at my Old Stand. I appreciate your patronage before 1 went to the Army, and invite my friends to bring me their business again. v I HOPE TO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Gulf Products WE OFFER WASHING, GREASING AND TIRE SERVICE Franklin Service Station ERWIN PATTON Phone 111 / It takes a bit of time . . . ? A Message To Our Subscribers ? Please bear in mind that From 10 DAYS to 2 WEEKS it takes to get your name on the mailing list, if you are a new subscriber OR to gat the address of an old subscriber changed SO If you are a new subscriber, please be patient if it is a week or two after you subscribe before you receive your first issue of The Press. < ' And, if you are an old subscriber, please give us at least 10 days' to two weeks' notice of a change of address. That will be a great accommodation to us, AND it will insure you against missing an issue of the paper. Thank you I THE FRANKLIN PRESS