4 Brother* Togattar Firat Time In 5 Year* Pfc. J. L. Holland, ton of Mr. and Mr* Jerry Holland, of Onelu, has returnad to camp I at Aberdeen, Md , after spend ing a few days with home folks He was accompanied by his wife, the 'ormer Miss Hilda I Smith, of Wilmington, Del. This was the first time the I four Holland brothers had had j the opportunity to all be at home at the s^me time in five years. Charlie has Just return ed from the Pacific, after spend ing three years in the armed forces; Grady and J. L. spent a year in Germany and France; and Dewey, who has Just re turned home, has received his discharge, after three years of j service, all of which was spent j In the United States. Mrs. O. C. Bryant spent the past week-end in Maryvllle, Tenn., with her sister, Mrs. Kenyon Hyde, and Mr. Hyde. LOOK THIS OVER! HARDWARE ITEMS You May Need v. Poultry Wire Chick Feeders Chick Founts Electric Brooders Dazey Churns WHOA! Don't Forget Our Collar Pads "TA-PAT-CO" Sizes, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Sprayers, 1 Qt. Size Pipe Opener Pyre* Ware Single Burner Hat Plates Electric Heaters Aluminum Corn Stick Pans Aluminum Dippers Salt b Pepper Shakers Coping Saws Hack Saws, Frames and Blades , Pulp WooJ Saws X-Cut Sa.ws, Atkins and Simonds Foot Adze Tinner Snips 10-in. and 12-in. 45 Degree Adjustable Wrenches Flash LUht Batteries and Bulbs Sand Paper-Steel Wool White Enamel Ware Auger Bits Nu-Tonr Electric Door Chimes Wood Putty Paints ? Varnishes Enamel ? Oil Wood Stain Swing-Away Can Openers Charred Oak Kegs, 2 & 3 Gal. Wall Dusters Push Hrooms Mandolin and Banjo Strings Ice Picks Fire Place Sets Andirons Mops Steel Clothes Line Posts Wire Stretchers Some Building Mate rials B?ing Produced CALL us every few Days We know the uncertainty that maintains now is dis couraging to builders, and you may feel a hesitancy in continuing to call us about materials received. But we want you to keep In touch with us regularly, with the assurance that we are interested and want to assist you In every way pos sible. Only by keeping in touch with us can we sup ply you with your share as deliveries are received. Franklin Hardware Company Phone 117 Lieut. Burleigh Join* Staff Of Angel Hospital Lt. Bruce Denlel Burleigh, of the medical corps of the navy, now on terminal leave, has join ed Dr. Edgar Angel and Dr. Frank K. Justice as a third member of the staff at Angel hospital. Dr. Burleigh is a grad uate of the University of Geor gia medical school, Augusta, Ga., class of 1942, and since that time has served continu ously in the Navy. For 20 months he served with a motor torpedo boat task group in the Mediterranean area, the latter part of which period he served in the capacity of senior pied ical officer. He has Just com pleted a tour of duty at the U. 8. Naval hospital, Farragut, Idaho, where he did orthopedic surgery. While at Angel hospital, he will engage in both general practice and surgery. Dr. Burleigh plans to move his family to Franklin at the earliest possible date. SO ATTEND DALTONS' ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Approximately 50 friends and a large number of relatives at tended the Golden Wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton at their home in the West's Mill community Feb. 10. The guests included Mrs, Rob ert Bryson, sister of Mrs. Dal ton, who was a member at the wedding party 50 years ago. The dining room table was centered by three-tierred wed ding cake, bearing the inscrip tion "50th Wedding Anniver sary". Cake and coffee were served to the guests. The nine children of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton were present with their families, except for one daughter-in-law and two chil dren. who were unable to at tend due to illness, and the Daltons' only grandson George Cabe Back Home After Three Years' Service George R. Cabe, who has spent approximately three years in the armed forces, 23 months of this time in the European theater, recently received his honorable discharge and has re turned to the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cabe, at Riverside. Mr. Cabe, who held the rank of T-5 when he received his discharge, participated in bat tles in Germany, France, Sar dinia, Corsica and Italy. Jacobs Purchases Shell Station On East Side Of River J. C. Jacobs has purchased the Lakeview Service station, at the intersection of the Asheville and Highlands roads, and his broth ers, R. E. Jacobs and Carroll Jacobs, are operating it, he an nounced. The station, handling Shell products, was bought by Mr. Jacobs from R. L. Gregory, the former owner. Cpl. Mack S. Patton Discharged From Army ? ? Cpl. Mack S. Patton, son or Robert A. Pattern of Franklin, has been discharged from the army air corps, and arrived in Franklin Friday. He has been in service for three years. He lacked only a few months of graduation from State col lege, and plans to return there for the spring quarter. Singleton, Dillard Buy Store In Rabun Bill (Frank D.J Slhgleton and Jim DiUard, both of Dillard, Ga., have purchased the Dillard Bargain store at Dillard from W. R. Brown, and in future will operate it under the firm name of Singleton Supply company. Mr. Brown, who had stores in both Dillard and Highlands, will continue to operate his High lands store. Mr. Singleton has been in electrical work all his adult life, and during the war was in charge of a crew in specting electrical wiring on Bell bombers. Mr. Dillard, with the Atlas Feed mills before the war, has been in the navy for the past four years as a physic al instructor. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TO OBSERVE HOLIDAY Because of observation of Washington's Birthday, veter ans who are claimants for re adjustment allowances and oth er claimants for unemployment compensation need not report at courthouse in Franklin to sign their claims on Friday of this week. They should report as usual on Friday of fiext week, officials explained. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Dun can and family left last week for a vacation at Fort pierce, Fla. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hedden, ft son, rubmary 10, #t 4nfel ?1lfUe, WANT ADS MACK SAYS: A properly installed antenna Is a lightning protection. We have automatic record changers. Franks Radio & Electric Co. Basement McCoy Bldg. Franklin, N. C. BUILD your home, lire-safe and moisture-proof, with concrete blocks steam-cured for greater strength and durability. For construction details, see W. A. Hayes, below Franklin bridge, j F7? 9tp^-A4 j WANTED ? Hickory, oak, birch, locust, gum, ash. maple, pine, j poplar, and other logs cut 8 j inches and up in diameter, 75% | of logs to be 12 feet long. We j will measure by Doyle log scale and pay $42.00 per 1.000 for No. 1 logs; $25.00 per 1.000 for No. 2 logs; $15.00 per 1.000 j for No. 3 logs, loaded on cars j your nearest shipping point. We i will pay freight to our factory. ! ? Piedmont Wagon & Manufac | turing Company. Hickory, N. C. j F14 ? 8tc ? A4 AUCTION SALE? There will be a sale of horses, cattle, and hogs at J. B. Wetmore's, about six miles from Sylva. on High way No. 23, near the Savannah school building, on Saturday. February 23, at 1:30 p. m. ? Hyatt Brothers. F14? 2tp? F21 FOR SALE ? Two cows, one giv ing plenty milk, the other to be fresh in April. Three years old. One pair horses, young and well broken. See T. J. Ramey, V/j miles from Otto. F14 ? 2tp ? F21 INCOME TAX SAVINGS ? By coming NOW before the rush we can make out your tax re turn at the following prices: Incomes less than $500 75c Incomes $500 to $1,000 $1.00 Incomes $1,000 to $3,000 $1.50 Business or Professional from $5.00 FRANKLIN At CURB MARKET Every Saturday See Us Before Sending in Your W-2 Form 30 Years Tax and Business Experience THE CLOSMAN CO. "We Save You Money" F14 ? tfc WANTED ? Experienced sewing machine fixer to set up and maintain sewing machines on gtove malting. Excellent oppor tunity for the right man in in dustry located in this area. P. O. Box 108, Franklin, N. C. F14 ? 2tc? F21 ? J&J THE LEATHER MAN from Lib erty, S. C., with the biggest bargains in leather, will be in Franklin March 2 from 10 to 4 o'clock. George D. Lovell, the Leather Man. F21 ? 2tc ? F28 FOR SALE ? Three piece old fashioned oak bed room suite. Excellently made. Two or three old trunks. Mrs. L. B. Hayes. See before February 24th at Mrs. Sam Rogers cottage. SEED BED covers, 9 feet wide, 25c yd, 12 feet wide, S2c yd. Basement Store, Belk's Dept. Store. F21 ? tfc FOR SALE ? New five-room house, water, electricity, 35 acres, Two miles from Iotla Bridge, Rose Creek community. Call at Press Office. LOST? Lemon and white spot ted female fox hound, tip of left ear off. Collar, no name. Reward. Finder please notify Georgia Lee Hall, Franklin, N. C. FOR SALE ? One table model electric radio. A good buy. Womack's Radio Shop. PAINTER? I do both inside and outalde painting. Also roof painting. See Henry W. Moss, Route t, Dlllard. Oa, IF PARTY that took my bill fold, containing money and valuable papers, will return, nothing will be said, otherwise the la* will tak$ its course. Gene Love. I AM home now for a few weeks. If you need carpentry, brick block, tile or painting, please call me at Franklin Hwd. ! Co. ? J. L. Sanders. FARM FOR SALE ? Approxi mately 75 acres. Good house, good land, plenty pasture, three-fourths mile from Georgia highway, good gravel road. J. L. Sanders, Prentiss Star Route. WILL SELL good 1936 Ford cab rolet or 1938 Nash, or trade for tractor and plows. J, L. ; Sanders. ' FOR SALE? 1937 Ford Coupe, No. 1 conditions, ? new motor. $400 cash. Silas Jenkins, Gneiss, N. C. FOR SALE? About 2,000 feet of rock lath for ceiling houses. One second-hand mantel piece complete, 4'j feet long. Log j chains, any length. Factory made ladders, real good, 8 and 10 feet, for house and barn use, bargain prices. Crushed stone delivered. ? Jos. Ashear. F21 ? ltc LOGS ? Will buy all species. See Bill Grimm. L. Tippett mill, Franklin. N. C. F21? 4tc? M14 FOR SALE ? One large lot on I Georgia highway, store and service station combined. One four-room dwelling house, one two-room rock building, lights, good well water, out buildings, good garden and patches. Fine location near church and school. Good neighbors. *?/, miles from Franklin. Come see bargain. See Mrs. M. B. Sanders. FOR SALE ? Kitchen range, $37.50. Eight-ton hydraulic jack, house jacks, electric drill In stand, two one-h.p. single phase motors, radial saw with 5-h.p. three-phase motor, pul leys. screens, head motions, channel and angle iron, blow ers, etc. M Higdon at Franklin Hardware Co. WANTED? Several pounds of good clean rags at Sewart's Service Station, back of court house. F21 ? 3tc? M7 COAL HEATROLA for sale. In good condition. See Mrs. George A. Jones. WANTED ? Will pay good prices for: Corn, wheat, rye, syrup, honey, chickens, eggs, cow peas, soy beans, hams, shoulders, and middling meat. See us before selling. ? Ray Grocery and Feed Company. Burningtown Lewis Hall, of Oastonla, vis ited his father, Floyd Hall, last week-end. Wallace and Merle Court, of Palnesvllle, Ohio, were the guests of Orady Duvall last week-end. Miss Annie Burr Hugglns, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Welch left for Pontiac, Mich., last Monday. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator with will annexed of Robert B. Eskrldge, deceased, late of State of Louisiana, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of January, 1947, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This 24th day of January, 1Q4A R, 8. JONES, Administrator With Will Annexed. J31 ? 6tc ? M7 ? JiiJ Sty: "I saw it advertiMd in The PrH?." Tellico The people of the Tellieo community are happy to have their boyg and glrle come marching home from the army and navy. Ford Allen Dehart, son of John Dehart, has been honor ably discharged frim the army and is home after 18 months' service overseas in the Pacific theater. John Lester Cabe has received his discharge from the army and Is here with his wife and chil dren at the home of his father, John Cabe. Miss Virginia Ramsey Sp(C)lc of U. 8. Navy Reserve, Washing ton, D. C., has received an hon orable discharge and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert Ram sey, this week. Jesse Causby and helper, Mr. Penland, were here Monday on business in the interest of Ptrmiri Fkiiratton. Bob Ranuay U with hu fam ily h*r? aftar attanding Mars H1U collage laat samaatar. Mrs. Claude Bradley, of the Otto community, has returned frim Duke hospital. Durham, where she went to be with her husband, who underwent a ser ious operation on Friday. EXECUTOR'8 NOTICE Having qualified as executor of Emma Tallent deceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of January, 1947, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settle ment. This 27th day of January, 1946. ROY F. CUNNINGHAM, J31 ? 6tp ? M7 ATLAS FEEDS Hog Feed ? Laying Mash ? Growing Mash Starter Mash ? Dairy Feeds 7% Elberton Cottonmeal Seed Oats Seed Irish Potatoes Always Plenty of Camel Cigarettes SPECIAL: 50-lb. Sulphurized Salt Bricks, 72c You can find most anything you need in feed and groceries at Dryman Feed & Grocery Franklin, N. C. DELIVERIES NOW! * Eureka and Universal Vacuum Cleaners * Rittenhouse Door Chimes * Fairbanks Morse Pumps NOW ON DISPLAY (Early Deliveries Expected) * The .New Motorola Radio * Kelvinatcr Refrigerators Martin Electric Co. "Serving Western North Carolina Since 1916" Macon Theatre Bldg. Phone 107 MACON THEATRE SUNDAY MATINEE 2:30 ? NIGHT SHOW 9:00 WEEK DAYS 3:15 - 7:15 - 9:15 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, February 24, 25, 26 M-G-M BRINGS YOU 1,000 ROMANTIC THRILLS I r Wednesday and Thursday, February 27 and 28 r ,*t .?0 * ,ol? "to y &'.*?? ?zz,i X*1}** 55 ?iS9? Friday, March lat "FIRST MAN INTO TOKYO" T Also: "JUNGLE RAIDERS", No. 6 Saturday, March 2 ? Double Feature Program Ken Curtis In "SONG OF THE PRAIRIE" And "PAN AMERICAN" Owl Show at 10:30 Ellen Drew In "ISLE OF THE DEAD" . k. l_

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