Applications For Farm Buildings To Be Filed With AAA Under the Veteran's housing program,' designed primarily to furnish housing for veterans, restrictions have been placed on the construction of buildings costing more than $400, Robert Fulton, chairman of the Macon County AAA committee, said this week in explaining that the main objective of the re strictions at this time is to get low-cost living units built as rapidly as possible. "Applications for the con struction of all farm buildings in Macon County should be field at the local AAA office," Mr. Fulton said, "and the final approval of the applications rests with the State AAA com mittee in Raleigh. "Data such as materials need ed. total cost of all new mate rials. labor costs, and the ne cessity for the buildinewJU be requested." Mr. Fulton jfJfpTain The AAA chairman pointed , out that approval of the pro posed construction will be based on whether it is essential to increasing or maintaining pro duction of food on the farm; whether present facilities on the farm are being utilized to max imum capacity; and whether the proposed construction will be fully utilized upon completion. The Western North Carolina Shorthorn Breeders association held its annual meeting and farm tour with visits to the following Buncombe County farms: T. C. Luther, Tony Candler, H. G. Glance and Cassius B. Roberson. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. What is the besi means of controlling the cabbage or 'ter rapin" bug? A. James T. Conner, Jr., new extension entomologist at State college, says that the relatively new sabadilla dust in 10 and 20 per cent solutions for applica tion now to cabbage, collard, turnip and other leafy crops is the best controlling agent. The 10 per cent dust is best for in festations by older bugs. The 20 per cent dust for hewer infesta tions. Dusting now will -control the bugs which strike hardest during June, July and August. Q. May home-grown strawber ry plants be used successfully in this state? A. Yes, decidedly. Growers in [ the Chadburn- Wallace area lost more than $100,000 in this year's crop by importing strains of which proved to be sterile but which had been advertised as J "improved" types of established | varieties. Home-grown plants will be highly satisfactory pro vided inspections for the con j trol of disease and insects are ! properly made. Q. Why are North Carolina poultrymen having trouble get ting chicks from the Rice Leg horn farm in Missouri? A. Because that firm does not yet have the proper labels or j pullorum control certificates ? from the Missouri . Livestock Sanitary Board. North Carolina law requires certification that chicks brought into the state | shall have less than two per cent pullorum infection. The same requirements are appli cable to state hatcheries. POLITICAL ADVERTISING To the Democratic Voters of Macon County: As you see in another column of The Franklin Press, I am seeking the nomination for Representative in the next Gen eral Assembly of North Caro lina. Before I decided to make this race I was asked by good citizens of almost every district in the county to make the race. I am 63 years old and for 42 years I have voted and worked for the Democratic Party in . Macon County and anywhere that party felt the need of my service, even two or three trips to Raleigh oil my own pocket book. And as a result of such work and cooperation with the Democratic Party, I have lived to see our good state climb to a much higher place among the other states of the Union. I know and you know that a Representative can do only a limited amount during a session of the Legislature and I have been asked many questions about what I would do should I go. And I feel that it's as much in what I don't do or undo as what I do in new leg islation. My answer to some was that it would be better for my wife to tie me in the chimney corner during the Legislature than to pass some, not all, of the Laws that have been pass ed the last 12 to 15 years. Should I be the successful candidate, I shall feel that I am a servant of the people of Macon County and shall call to gether a representative body of citizens from, every district in the county to the courthouse between the election and the meeting of the assembly that we may discuss .the various needs of the county, that I may know what the people really want, then go to Raleigh with a de termination to pass some of the most needful, constructive laws. I have been asked many times how I stand on the following questions: No. 1. Old Age and Dependent Children's Assistance. Ans. I favor making up bud get to properly care for all on the list, then adding to the budget enough to care for emergency cases that come up between the time of making out the budget. No. 2. In Regard to Sheriff's Pay Should the Office Change Hands. Ans. I had nothing to do with its passing and shall leave it as it is, regardless of who may be elected sheriff. No. 3. The Question of Beer and Wine. Ans. I believe our Governor said he would give us a refer endum on beer and wine six months after, peace was de clared. The terrible guns of war have hushed their roar and I can't see any reason for wait ing longer and I favor a refer endum on beer and wine. Now, not sometime in the far future, let the people say what they want. No. 4. School Bus Drivers. Ans. I am in favor and shall fight tor a school bus driver not to be paid less than $50 per month. That said driver shall be 21 or more years old, of good morals, and a total ab stainer from strong drink. No. 5. Roads. Ans. I shall do all that with in one lies to get a gravel road through all the communities, large and small in Macon Coun ty at the earliest possible time. We all know that the SHC has done wonders in building roads for the last 20 years, or more. Also we know the last four years we all had to give all our attention to the winning of the war, but that is over and these rural roads should have some thing done and done now. ' And leave the highways alone, only the patching crew. The products of our farms and forests are needed; let's have a road to market. No. 6. Teacher Retirement Fund. Ans. While the school teach ers only get a meager living while on active duty in the school room I feel that they should have more than that $1 per day retirement that should read at least $1.50 per day, and $2 would be more like it. No. 7. Board of Education. Ans. The way I feel about this jis: that these five men should I be of our best. They should | know the value of a dollar ] spent in a school, building, roofing, lumber, roads, grading, ! house seats, school supplies, or for any other school purposes j whatsoever, and as they are ' going to have to spend a lot of j time in the next two to four years working out our school I program, I favor paying them for every hour spent on their official duty in behalf of the school children of Macon Coun I ty. We have a big problem be fore us. No one man in the county or out is competent to spend a half million dollars of tax money, but six level heads with the hearty cooperation of the citizens of the county can carry it out to a final and glor ious conclusion that will be a monument to our good county and place us up in rank with other good conties of the State. In closing let me say I will be glad to answer any and all questions and I hope to your satisfaction. In order that you may know my feelings toward North Carolina, I give you the following: Since back in the days of Aycock old Tar Heel has done its best. I hardly think that she's surpassed in North, South, or West With education, health industry, highways, farming. Let's keep her marching on. Here's hoping that all get reg istered properly on the books.' And that you go to the polls and cast your ballot. If for me, I will do my best to serve you to the very best of my ability. You, the voters, prescribe and I will take the medicine, even though it be bitter. (Closed with my theme song) I want to go there, I do. J. M. RABY. IT'S HARD TO TELL which is prouder of this Guernsey heifer, A. B. Slagle, who presented it, or Fred (Bo) Setser, to whom it was presented. Young Setser, 15, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Setser, 'Of Cartoogechaye. The calf, "Belmont View Laddie's Reba", was sired by "Riegael Dale Emory's Laddie", while the dam was "Belmont View Molly". State College Hints To Farm Homemakers By RUTH CURRENT N. C. State College Lost buttons, especially those torn out of garments, add greatly to the burden of family mending in many households. Spring and summer qlothes of thin fabric are likely to suffer most from buttons that pull out, taking some of the fabric underneath with them. A simple way to prevent such damage, clothing specialists suggest, is to stitch tape on the inside of the garment under the button line. The stitched reinforcement does not show when the garment is buttoned and distributes the strain so that the small area of cloth to which the button is attached does not take the full pull. Stitch down each edge of the tape, then sew buttons through the center part of the tape. On rayon clothes such a tape will prevent the damage that often comes from pressing too hard or with too hot an iron under buttons. Rural electrification special ists advise that electric irons always should be disconnected properly after use to keep them in good working order. Pull on the plug that fits into the con venient outlet in the wall, never on the cord. Pulling on the cord may loosen the connections within the plug or even pull out the wires. A loose connec tion may either blow a fuse or cause excessive heat, which in time will ruin the plug. If the iroii cord is detach able, connect and disconnect it at the convenience outlet rath er than at the iron. Disconnect ing the cord from the iron while the current is on may cause sparking. This in time will ' ruin the plug and may require replacing the connector term inals on the iron ? a repair job. rOLITICAL ADVERTISING For Representative I want to take this opportun ity to announce to the Demo cratic voters of Macon County, that I will seek the nomination as Macon County Representa tive in the General Assembly of North Carolina, at the pri-. mary to be held on May 25, 1946. I have never asked the voters for an office before this time, and will appreciate the support of all my friends. If nominated and elected I will do my best to serve al! the people, and will not introduce or vote for any legislation un less I believe it will be for the best interest of the majority of the citizens of Macon County. HERBERT A. McGLAMERY M28 ? 9tc ? Ma23 For Representative This is to announce to the voters of Macon County that I am a candidate for representa tive in the next general assem bly, subject to the Democratic primary, May 25. I have no axe to grind. If nominated and elected, I will go to Raleigh as the represen tative and servant of all the people of Macon County. J. M. RABY. M7 ? 12p ? May23 For Representative I hereby announce myself as candidate to the house of rep resentative, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary, May 25. Your vote and influence will be greatly appreciated. R. A. (BOB) PATTON M7 ? 12tp ? May23 For Sheriff At the request of many friends, I have decided to stand for reelection as sheriff of Ma 1 con County, and hereby an nounce myself as a candidate, subject to the action of the Re publican convention. J. P. BRADLEY A4 ? 4tc ? A25 For Sheriff X am a candidate for sheriff of Macon County. My candidacy, of course, is subject to the Dem ocratic primary May 25. Your vote and your support will be appreciated. PASCHAL NORTON M2 1 ? lOtc ? May23 For Sheriff This is my announcement that I am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Macon Coun ty, subject to the will of the Democratic voters, as expressed in the primary May 25. Your support will be appreciated. BILL BRYSON M21? lOtc ? May23 For Sheriff After careful consideration, I have decided to announce my self as a candidate for Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the coming Democratic primary. If it is the will of the people to elect me, I shall endeavor in every way possible to prove my self worthy of their confidence. I am a native of Macon County and have lived here all my life, and X believe I know the people of this county and know how to serve them. L. B. (SHINE) PHILLIPS F14 ? tfc For Sheriff I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Macon County, sub ject to the Democratic primary May 25. As usual, I will appre ciate every vote I get. C. TOM BRYSON A25 ? 5tp ? M23 For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Ma con County, subject to the Democratic primary of May 25, 1946. If nominated and elected, I will do my utmost to serve the people of Macon County to the best of my ability. ? FRED D. CABE A4 ? 8tp ? Ma23 For Clerk Superior Court To the Voters of Macon County: After long consideration, and at the request of several friends, I have announced myself as candidate for the office of Clerk I ol Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary May 25, Should I be elected in the pri mary and general election I will strive to handle the affairs of the office in the best possible manner, and serve each citizen alike. Since it is Impossible to see all the people of Macon County, I am writing this to each and every one of you, and offering you the best of qualifications for the job. I will greatly appre ciate your support at the polls. CLINTON BROOKSHIRE For Clerk Superior Court This i is my announcement that I r.rri a candidate for clerk of the superior court of Macon County, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I will appreciate your support at the polls. GILMER L. CRAWFORD M14 ? lite ? May23 For Board of Education I hereby announce my candi dacy for member of the Board of Education subject to the Democratic Primary to be held May 25th, 1946. I believe that my many years of close asso ciation with scTlool systems and my training and experience as an engineer would qualify me to perform the duties of this of fice, particularly .at this time. If elected I will work for the improvement of the Macon County Schools and will assist in every way possible with the wise administration of the new building program. H. H. GNUSE, JR. For Board of Education Believing that at least one member of the County Board of Education should be a veter an, I wish to announce my can didacy for the Macon County Board of Education, subject to the decision of the Democratic primary. If elected I will work to the best of my ability for better schools throughout Ma con County. BOB S. SLOAN. For Chairman, Board of County Commissioners I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Chairman of the Macon County Board of Commissioners, subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on May 25, 1946. I will appreciate the sup port of the voters if they think I am qualified for this office. W. E. (Gene) BALDWIN M14 ? lite ? May23 F or County Commissioner This is to announce that I am a candidate for member of the board of . county commis sioners, subject to the Demo cratic primary to be held on May 25. I will appreciate the support of the voters and If nominated and elected, will en deavor to do my duty for the people of my county. W. C. (BOB) SHEFFIELD All? 7tp? Ma23 For County Commissioner I will be a candidate for the office of member of Board of County Commissioners of Ma acon County, North Carolina, subject to the wishes of the democratic voters In the pri mary to be held on May 25, 1946. ? - ? W. W. EDWARDS. M14 ? lite ? May23 For County Commissioner I want to take this opportun ity to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of member of Board of County Commissioners, of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the primary to be held on May 25, 1946. If nomi nated and elected, I will serve the people of Macon County to the best of my ability. ?JOHN W. ROANE M14 ? lite ? May23 For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor Register of Deeds of Macon County, North Carolina, subject to the Demo cratic primary of May 25, 1946. Your support will be greatly appreciated. ?LAKE V. SHOPE M14 ? lite ? May23 For Surveyor I hereby announce myself once more as a candidate for county surveyor of Macon Coun ty, subject to the Democratic primary election to be held May 25, 1944 I will appreciate your vote in the coming primary, and if I should be elected, I will continue to serve you as X have* in the past. JOHN H. DALTON A18? 6tC? M23 SGT. HOYT LEDFORD GIVEN HIS DISCHARGE FROM ARMY Sgt. Hoyt Ledford, son of Mrs. R. M. Ledford, of Franklin, re cently received his discharge from the army at Fort Bragg, following 41 months' service. For the past two years he has been chief projectionist at Theater No. 2 at Fort Benning, Ga. He is entitled to wear the Good Conduct medal, American theater campaign ribbon, and the Victory medal. The United States tanker fleet now totals 955 vessels. POLITICAL ADVERTISING DAN K. MOORE Candidate for Solicitor Wc think the voters? and particularly the veteran voters ? or Macon Count y should know some thing about the service record of DAN K. MOORE, one of the candi dates for .'Solicitor in the coining pri mary. DAN MOORE is a married man of forty years of age. He had been prac ticing law for six teen years when, about three years ago, notwithstand DAN K. MOORE JJg ^ ^ ^ he was a married man with two children, he vol unteered for service in the U. S. Army. He spent approximately two years in the service as an enlisted man, a large part of it at the battle front in Europe, and has only recently returned to his law practice which he broke up to enter the service of his country. . MR. MOORE is an able lawyer and a gentle man, as his father, Judge Fred Moore, was be fore him. He is the only one of the candidates for solicitor who saw service in this war. He worked two years for his. country on an en listed man's pay. We felt that when they knew the facts the people of Macon County would want to give a World War II veteran the preference we think he deserves. This advertisement was not solicited by Mr. Moore. It is sponsored and paid for by Veteran supporters of Macon County. Veteran Supporters of Dan K. Moore