West Virginia ranks fifth among the states in the produc tion of natural gas and first east of the Mississippi. DUNCAN MOTOR CO. SHELL SERVICE STATION i Open Day and Night BATTERIES ? TIRES ? TUBES and many other automotive supplies avai!. b!e >? 24 hours a day ? ' w E are sorry that we can't always give our customers exactly what thsy want the day they want it. We, like you, are doing our best under difficult conditions. We are getting in many Hardware items, however, and we hope to have more and more as time goes on. Usually, if an item is available, you will find it at our store. So come to see us for your Hardware needs. Macon County Supply Co. ? NOTICE TO HOMESEEKERS ? 6 room bungalow ? 2 acres ? 2 miles out ? all conveniences ? beautiful lawn and shrubbery ? a real home ? possession within 30 days ? $5,800.00. 11 rooms ? good ? close to high school ? beautiful large lot ? Price $6,000.00. 5 rooms ? large lot ? close in ? $2,850.00. 5 rooms ? Phillips Strpet ? convenient ? $2,650.00. 90 acres ? buildings ? paved highway ? 3 miles out ? conven ient ? electricity ? a dandy property for subdivision ? tour ist court ? business ? $10,000.00. 130 acres ? buildings ? paved highway ? 2K- miles out ? gravity water? electricity ? beautiful location ? some clear ed ? some timbered ? a first class property for develop ment?summer homes ? $15,000.00. 7 rooms? bath ? stoker heat ? large shaded lot ? $15,000,00. Standard Realty Company (MRS. J. H. STOCKTON, Mgr.) POLITICAL ADVERTISING Vote For Muarae M. Redden Democratic Candidate For CONGRESS Don S. Ellas Executive Director of Station WWNC, Vice-President of the Aiherillc Citiien- Times Co. and District Manager of Mr. Reddens Campaign ? Says: "Without any Ill-will toward any candidate, I feel I can make a contribution to the upbuilding of Western North Carolina by supporting the nomination and election of Monroe Redden to Congress ind have agreed to act as his district manager. "Monroe Redden is a seasoned and successful attorney and business man. His demon strated ability and well known energy and public spirited services to the area and the Democratic party make cer tain that our Interests will be protected and pushed If ho ? In Congress. The people of Western North Carolina are entitled to the mon umpetent, energetic and Intelligent representation tn Congress. i am confident oar people have an awakened understanding of lie urgency of our needs today and will register their desires ky ?omlnating Monro* M. Redden In the Democratic Primary on VUy 25." PRIMARY ELECTION MAT IS. 194* HLAR MONROE RCDDfeN nftjiT*V1"!i'*T JTV NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION AND NEW REGISTRATION IN THE TOWN OF FRANKLIN, NORTH CAROLINA A special election will be held between 6:30 A. M., and 6:30 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, I on Tuesday, June 25, 1946, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of the Town of Franklin the follow ing questions: 1. Shall an ordinance passed May 14. 1946 autharT izing not exceeding $70,000 bonds of the Town of Franklin for extending the waterworks system of said Town, by the installation of , additional water mains and hydrants, and a tax for said j bonds, be approved? 2. Shall an ordinance passed May 14, 1946 author izing not exceeding $20,000 bonds of the Town of Franklin for extending the sanitary sewer system of said Town, by the laying of additional sewer lines, and tax for said bonds, be ap* proved? 3. Shall an ordinance passed May 14, 1946 author izing not exceeding $30,000 bonds of the Town of Franklin for reconstructing the surface of streets in said Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? Each of the three questions hereinabove set forth contains a statement of the purpose for which the bonds are authorized by the ordinance referred to in such question. If said bonds are issued, a tax will be levied for the payment of the principal and interest thereof on all tax able property in the Town of Franklin, A new registration has been ordered and no one will be per mitted to vote unless registered anew. The books for said new registration shall be open for the registration of voters from 9:00 A. M. until sunset on each day, except Sundays and holi days, beginning Saturday, May 25, 1946, and closing Saturday, June 15, 1946. On each Satur urday during said period said books shall remain open at the polling place. Saturday, June 22, 1946, shall be Challenge Day. The polling place and the names of the election officers, subject to change as provided by law, are as follows: Polling Place Courthouse Registrar C. A. Sgtser Judges Geo. Dalrymple John M. Moore By order of the Board of Ald ermen of the Town of Franklin, j E. W. LONG, Town Clerk and Treasurer M16? 2tc? M23 _ .? AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $70,000 WATER BONDS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Franklin: Section 1. That the Town of Franklin issue its bonds, pur suant to The Municipal Finance Act, 1921, as amended, in an amount not exceeding $70,000 for the purpose of extending the waterworks system of said Town, by the installation of additional water mains and hydrants. Section 2. That a tax suffi cient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be ??+??????*?? Timeless tribute . to valor . . . . A9HEVILLE ^TIMELESS tribute to valor ... a bronze Plaque by Oorham Master Craftsmen. We shall be pleased to dis cuss them and fit one to your needs. ASHEVILLE annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the clerlf and is open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect when approved by the voters of the Town at an election as provided by said Acl. The foregoing ordinance; was passed on the 14th day of May, 1946. and was first published oil the 16th day of May, 1946. Any action or. , proceeding questioning the 'validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. E. W. LONG, Town Clerk and 1 Treasurer. M16 ? 2tc? M23 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $'>0,000 SANITARY SEWER BONUS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board ?f Aldermen of the Town of Franklin; Section 1, That the Town of Franklin issue its bonds, pur suant to The Municipal Finance Act, 1921, as amended, in an amount not exceeding $20,000 for the purpose of extending rthe sanitary sewer system of said Town, by the laying of additional sewer lines. Section 2. That a tax suffi cient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. | Section 3, That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspection. Section 4, That this ordinance shall take effect when approved by the voters of the Town at an election as provided by said Act. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 14th day of May, 1946, and was first published on the 16th day of May, 1946. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. E. W. LONG, Town Clerk and \ Treasurer. M16? 2tc? M23 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $30,000 STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Franklin: Section 1. That the Town of Franklin issue its bonds, pur suant to The Municipal Finance Act, 1921, as amended, in an amount not exceeding $30,000 for the purpose of reconstruct ing the surface of streets in said Town. Section 2. That a tax suffi cient to pay the principal and. interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statemept of the debt of the Town has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect when approved by the voters of the Town at an election as provided by said Act. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 14th day of May. 1946. and was first published on the 16th day of May, 1946. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said publication. | ordinance must be commenced 1 within thirty days after its first E W. LONG, , Town Clerk and Treasurer. M 1 6 ? 2tc ? M23 QUICK SERVICE Painting, Body ami Fender Work ESTIMATES GIVEN MACON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Palmer Street POLITICAL ADVERTISING To the Citizens of Macon County: As many of yon undoubtedly know 1 am a candidate for Solir itor o! this I >i st net . , Mr. Queen, the present Solicitor, is not a candidate and his term of office w ill e x ]) i r e this year. If I am fortunate enough to secure the nomination to which 1 aspire I pledge myself to prosecute all viola t ions of the law to the best of my skill and ability, how ever, gua ranteeitiji a lair and impartial T. D. BRYSON, JR. trial to each. an and cer tainly feel that 1 am thoroughly