POLITICAL ADVERTISING For Representative I want to take this opportun ity to announce to the Demo cratic voters of Macon county, that I will seek the nomination as Macon County Representa tive in the General Assembly ; ot North Carolina, at the pri mary to be held on May 25. 1946. I have never asked the voters for an office before this time, and will appreciate the support of all my friends. If nominated and elected I will do my best to, serve al! the people, and will not Introduce or vote (or any legislation un less I believe it will be (or the best interest o( the majority o( the citizens of Macon County. HERBERT A. McGLAMERY M28 ? 9tc ? Ma23 For Representative i This is to announce to the voters of Macon County that I am a candidate for representa tive in the next general assem bly, subject to the Democratic primary, May 25. I have no axe to grind. If nominated and elected. I will KO to Ralelch as tlx1 represen tative and servant of all the POLITICAL ADVERTISING To the Democratic Voters of Macon County: Before! made niv announcement, as a can didate for Sheriff 1 .gave the matter serious consideration as I know, ihe office is a very important one for Macon County. I11 the first place it needs a man of experience and ma ture judgment as well as one who is not afraid to enforce the law. under Sheriff Charles Ingram for six years I am 46 years old. I served as a deputy and during that time ,was very active in per forming the duties required of me. I can truthfully say that during that time I favored no individual but undertook to carry out my duties impartially and with a view to keep ing d(v)wn criminal offenses. 1 have no hesi tancy to say that I will make every effort possible to continue such efforts if I am elected and I will also use the best judgment possible in selecting deputy sheriffs to serve under me. I have been a lifelong Democrat as have been my people before me. In the event I am elected I shall continue such party affiliation and if I am not successful in securing the nomination I will give all my support to the nominee of my party in the general election. I would like to see and talk to every man and woman in the County but that is impos sible. I will try to see as many as I can and I will be very grateful indeed for your vote in the coming primary to be held Mav 25th. Fred D. Cabe ? I To the Citizens of Macon County: As many of you undoubtedly know I am a candidate for Solic itor of this District. Mr. Queen, the present Solicitor, is hot a candidate and his term of office will -expire this year. If I am fortunate enough to secure the nomination to which 1 aspire I pled ge myself to prosecute all viola tions of the law to the best of my skill and ability, how ever, guaranteeing a fair and impartial trial to each, and t. d. bryson, jr. every defendant. It is my firm conviction that the Solicitor can effect a large saving of taxpayer's money In presenting each matter to the court as speedily as possible and not keeping matters pending on the docket and holding witnesses over from term to term. This. I certainly prom ise to do. I also, feel that the people of each county should have a voice in the management of court affairs and I wholeheartedly invite anv person or group of people, in the event I am elected, to feel free to discuss matters of court interest with me at any time it best suits their convenience. 1 am the eldest son of former Judge T. D. Bryson who is now professor of law and legal advisor at Duke University. I completed my legal education at the University of North Carolina and have been engaged in the general practice of law since February 1925 and cer tainly feel that I am thoroughly qualified to fill the office of Solicitor not only by way of education but also experience. I have lived and maintained my office in Franklin for the past seven years and while niv family is now living in Bryson City on account of housing conditions, I feel that Macon County is my permanent home. , 1 earnestly solicit your vote and support in . the Democratic Primary, May 25th. Thad D. Bryson, Jr. 2 Macon Students Have Rc!es In WCTC Ccmedy J. C. Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cunningham, of Franklin, and Miss Maxie Wright, daughter of Mrs. Helen Wilson, of Highlands, students at Western Carolina Teachers college, Cullowhee, had roles in "Snafu", spring productipn of the Western Carolina players. ! The three-act comedy was pre sented May. 17 at 8 p. m. in the j college auditorium. 3 MEN FROM THIS AREA ENLIST IN REGULAR ARMY Three Southwestern North Carolina youths recently have ' enlisted in the regular army, through the recruiting station here. They are A. C. Gibson, 22, of Dillsboro, William E. Trull, 20. of Canton, and Charles Hig dun. 18, of Tuckeegee. Demand for aviation easol'"? has declined about 75 per cent since the end of the war. people of Macon County. J. M. RABY. M7 ? 12p ? May23 For Representative I hereby announce myself as candidate to the house of rep resentative, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. May 25. Your vote and influence will be greatly appreciated. R. A. (BOB I PATTON M7 ? 12tp ? May23 For Sheriff At the request of many friends, I have decided to stand for reelection as sheriff of Ma con County, and hereby an nounce myself as a candidate, subject to the action of the Re publican convention. J. P. BRADLEY A4 ? 4tc ? A25 For Sheriff I am a candidate for sheriff of Macon County. My candidacy, of course, is subject to the Dem ocratic primary May 25. Your vote and your support will be appreciated. , PASCHAL NORTON M21 ? lOtc ? May23 For Sheriff This is my announcement that I am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Macon Coun ty, subject to the will of the Democratic voters, as expressed In the primary May 25. Your support will be appreciated. BILL BRYSON M21 ? lOtc ? May23 For Sheriff After careful consideration, I have decided to announce my self as a candidate for Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the coming Democratic primary. If it is the will of the people' to elect me, I shall endeavor in every way possible to prove my self worthy of their confidence. I am a native of Macon County and have lived here all my life, and I believe I know the people of this county and know how to serve them. L. B. (SHINE) PHILLIPS F14 ? tfc For Sheriff X hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Macon County, sub ject to the Democratic primary May 25. As usual. I will appre ciate every vote I get. C. TOM BRYSON A25 ? 5tp ? M23 For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Ma con County, subject to the Democratic primary of May 25, 1946. If nominated and elected, I will do my utmost to serve the people of Macon County to the best of my ability. FRED D. CABE A4 ? 8tp ? Ma23 For Clerk Superior Court To the Voters of Macon County: After long consideration, and at the request of several friends, I have announced myself as candidate for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary May 25, Should I be elected in the pri mary and general election I will strive to handle the affairs of the office in the best possible manner, and serve each citizen alike. Since it is impossible to see all the people of Macon County, I am writing this to each and every one of you, and offering you the best of qualifications for the job. I will greatly appre ciate your support at the polls. CLINTON BROOKSHIRE For Clerk Superior Court This is my announcement that I rm a candidate for clerk of the superior court of Macon County, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I will appreciate your support at the polls. GILMER L. CRAWFORD M14? llto ? May23 j. B. BLAINE REENUSTS James Bruce Blaine. Sl/c. who received hU honorable discharge from the navy after spending three and one-half years In service, and who has been at home for the past five months with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Blaine, Franklin, has re enlisted in the navy for a pe riod of si* years and is now stationed at Great Lakes, 111. Army Opens Recruiting Station At Murphy Sgt. F. C. Mathieu, who has been In charge of the army re cruiting station here for the past month, left recently to open a new station in Murphy, which will serve Cherokee. Clay, Graham, and Swain counties. The Franklin office, which loses these counties from its district, will continue to serve Macon, Jackson, and Haywood counties, and has Transylvania added. Sgt. Blaine E. Livingston, who has been on 30-day furlough, has returned to take up his duties as head of the local sta tion. For Board of Education I hereby announce my candi dacy for member of the Board of Education subject to the Democratic Primary to be held May 25th. 1946. I believe that my many years of close asso ciation with school systems and my training and experience' as an engineer would qualify me to i eriorm the duties of this of fice, particularly at this time. If elected I will work for the improvement of the Macon County Schools and will assist in every way possible with the wise administration of the new building program. H. H. GNUSE, JR. For Board of Education Believing that at least one member of the County Board of Education should be a veter an, I wish to announce my can didacy for the Macon County Board of Education, subject to the decision of the Democratic primary. If elected I will work to the best of my ability for better schools throughout Ma con County. BOB S. SLOAN. For Chairman, Board of County Commissioners I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Chairman of the Macon County Eoard of Commissioners, subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on May 25, 1946. I will appreciate the sup port of the voters if they think I am qualified for this office. W. E. (Gene I BALDWIN M14 ? lite ? May23 For County Commissioner This is to announce that I am a candidate for member of the board of county commis sioners, subject to the Demo cratic primary to be held on May 25. I will appreciate the support of the voters and if nominated and elected, will en deavor to do my duty for the people of my county. W. C. (BOB I SHEFFIELD All? 7tp? Ma23 For County Commissioner I will be a candidate for the office of member of Board of County Commissioners of Ma acon County, North Carolina, subject to the wishes of the democratic voters in the pri mary to be held on May 25, 1946. ? W. W. EDWARDS. M14 ? lite ? May23 For County Commissioner I want to take this opportun ity to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of member of Board of County Commissioners, of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the primary to be held on May 25, 1946. If nomi nated and elected, I will serve the people of Macon County to the best of my ability. -JOHN W. ROANE M 14 ? 1 ltc ? May23 For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Register of Deeds of Macon County, North Carolina, subject to the Demo cratic primary of May 25, 1946. Your support will be greatly appreciated. ?LAKE V. SHOPE M14 ? lite ? May23 For Surveyor I hereby announce myself once more as a candidate for county surveyor of Macon Coun ty, subject to the Democratic primary election to be held May 25, 1946. I will appreciate your vote in the coming primary, and if I should be elected, I will continue to serve you as I have In the past. JOHN H. DALTON A18 ? Otc? MJ3 A nationwide 50-clty price tabulation shows the service station price of gasoline to av erage 20.21 cents a gallon, in cluding an average tax of 6 05 cents. POLITICAL ADVERTISING DAN K. MOORE Candidate for Solicitor We think the voters ? and partiiyilarlv the DAN K. MOORE veteran voters ? 01 M a c o 11 (' o it n t' y should know some thin^ about the service record of l)\\ k. MOOUK, one of the candi dales lor Solicitor in the i'oininn j?ri niarv. DAN MOOUK is a married man of forty years of a^e. He had been prac ticing law for six teen years when, about three years afco, not withstand ins the fact that lie was a married man with two children, he vol tint cored for service in the IVS. Army. He spent approximately two yeans in the service as an enlisted man, a large part of ii at the battle front in Ktirope. and has only recentlv returned to his law practice- which he broke up to enter the service of his country. "MR. MOORK is an able lawyer and a gentle man. as his father. Judge Fred Moore, was be fore him. He is the only one of the candidates for solicitor who saw service in this war. lie worked two years for his country on an en listeil man's pay. We felt that when they knew the facts' the people of Macon Count v would want to give a World War II veteran the preference we t hi iik he deserves. This advertisement was not solicited by Mr. Moore. It is sponsored and paid for by Veteran supporters of Macon County. Veteran Supporters of Dan K. Moore A Statement to the Democratic Voters- of Mjacon County ^schools, old a co.fiajlc he vera state-wide, an<l| determ I believe the people a "e entitled to know how a candidate stands. I, therefore, make the fol lowing statement to tin' Democratic voters of Macon County : , , 1. If nominated And elected as Macon Connty representative, 1 \\|ill go to Raleigh as the rep resentative of all tjie pabple of this county, and will Work for wh^t I believe to be to the best interests of the stjtitc and the county. 2. I am now ajid have been in business for myself since Marih, 1946. I am not in any way connected with any other enterprise. If nom inated -and elected, I will to the bast of my ability," represent all of the people of Macon County without! favoritisip or preference for any individual, faction, group, corporation, or business. .JJonesty compels me to say frankly that there are man\j things I might wish to do which I cannof Such matters as highways, assistance, and control of al es are, generally speaking, policies on these matters arc nined notj by one, but -by a 'majority of the members iff the General Assembly. 1 can and. do promisr, however, to work for better secondary roa^s throughout the state. 1 can and do promise to do all in my power for bet ter schools, iit this and every county in the state. I can and do promise to cast my vote for a more liberal ^allowance for old age assistance. And I can and do promise to work for the pro posed referendum oitA alcoholics ? the people have a right to decide. . 4. I am told that questions have been raised about my record at the draft board. That rec ord is 110 secret. 1 was under the draft age in World War 1; Never did I ask the draft board for so much as a day's deferment in World War 2. 1 was classified as 1-A for a long pe riod, and expected and was prepared to go to the armed forces. The only reason 1 did not was that the top age was lowered within a month of the time I would have been drafted, and I was classified as over-age. 5. Whatever the outcome of the Democratic primarv May 25, I will exert every effort to secure the election of every nominee of the Democratic party in the general election. Herbert A. McGlamery

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