North Carolina will have an Ultimate veteran population of more than 442.000. Including more than 301,300 Worlil War II veteran^ More than )142 billions of Na tional Service Llfa Insurance was purchased by servicemen and women from 1940 through 11*45. p ^o{s and jazz# Willie emph'er tm \is season A Minimum To Save Lives ' / Unless foreig n itovrrnmrnts and UNRRA ran buy MINIMUM amounts of wheat, fats and) oil* in the world market immediately to tide them over until thr next harvest, famine,' plague and death will desolate half the world.1 The "have" countries, including the United State*, are the only ones that ean halt death by starvation. Sign the Housewife** Pledge to ?how you are sharing. THE PLEDGE OF THE AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE M ?4 .rfMW I MMI .. ?*> . I?|? ? (? I ?ill J.< mv uimoM to (unwnrt an* and *11 load ?iuft? iK* starving duIIkmi ol tht aorld naad lnll? ?u desjwratrly 2- I *111 but unit tht loud m? limilt KituIlT naaA l?i ii< p'opri nowrtthmant tad health 5' I will neiiSri ?mi not hoard im Jmud *?? ?nul? ot loud is touting a ? u? ? ill >ik mi limilt fiN tht Ivliiw 4- I ??II b? piMHwUfl? ?aichtul in Ifld hit and Iklt tad ??> if) M maki tinaiR that mm a atrip ol Irtad a ?HMd u? I miki iKn? lit lb lacrifkM gladly ?ak t ol I ho** >K* ctWM enpoy my < to li?? and ??? aa an Aiwraia. TS^JTS/. Franklin HARDWARE On Square Company Phone 117 I THIS TKAM of a fine calf and a fine boy is sponsored by Claude Holton, shown in the photo, and John Archer. The boy, nine-year old Jim- Moses, is a member of the Higdonville 4-H club, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. I.. T. Moses, of Cullasaja. The Guernsey heifer, "Hill View Whitie's Judy", is now 15 months :ild. She was sired by "Quail Koost Kminent Lad", and "Hill View Martha's W'hitie" is her dam. Federation To Held Picnic July 20 At Franklin School Tin- Farmers Federation pic nic will hf held at the high school here July 20. beginning ?it 10 a. m. James O. K. McClure, presi dent. will serve as master of ceremonies and all bands, quar tets, dancers" and other enter tainers are invited to take part on the program. Free watermelon and lemon ade will be served. 3 Macon Students At Summer Session Of Brevard College Three Macon County students are attending the summer ses sion of Brevard college, accord ing to a dispatch from Brevard. They are Miss Ruth Bryson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bryson of Cullasaja. Miss Freda Mae Arnold, daughter of Mr. an,'. Mrs. F. M. Arnold ot Franklin, and Miss Betty Sue Tilson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tilson of Gneiss. Miss Arnold and Miss Bryson are members of the pre-college division, and Miss Tilson is tak ing post-graduate work. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp boll. of Asheville, were here last week to visit Mr. Campbell's sister. Mrs. George Dowdle. who was critically ill at her home. Dillard. Ga.. Route 1. SERVING YOU THROUGH SCIENCE y' I mm 1 Millions of motorists put the "L'.S. Royal" name up where it is Unlay. Their satisfaction ...the Ions mileage they always get from Royals . . . the extra safety thev enjoy from Koval's famous block tread ? make them knon Royals as the quality tire. So now that there's a ?r?r L'.S. Royal ? built with rayon ? it's mighty good news. For here's a L'.S. Roval built with strtugtk ru vow r?n/ ? a tire that runs cooler ? a tire that cuts down destructive immrr brat. It's ligktrr ? and slrtmgfr. It gives you fur greater pntectitn against blowouts. It'i a bftter. safer tin.' And. of course, it brings you all the exclusive features of "U.S." construction ? famous Royal block tread. Cords, r rmtilateJ shoulder design, and many more. All the wiv through, it's a quality U.S. Royal! This great new tire is available now in many passenger car sizes.* See it today at your U.S. Tire Dealer's ? find out how soon you can be riding on raym-htill U.S. Royals! ?Pnra mt Gavrmmntt tgulahtmt mtnet al eotiMnteUom to 6:S0 and Imfm. BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Franklin. N. C. Phone 123 UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY TELLS FARMERS' ADVANTAGES OF ALFALFA CROP Those Undecided Urged To Talk To Those Who Grew It By S. W. MENDENHALL (County Agent) Farmers who are undecided as tj whether to seed alfalfa this year or not should visit some of the farms where it is being grown successfully now. Some of these successful growers are George Doster, A. L. Ramsey, A. B. Slagle, E. J. Whitmire, Frank Cabe. Fred Palmer, Charles Nol en, George Stalcup, R. J. Wig gins, and Harley Stewart, Talk to these men and then go back home and sow at least one acre for yourself. Alfalfa produces more tons of high quality hay per acre than any other legume. It can be grown on practically any mod erately heavy, well drained, fer tile. upland soils. Alfalfa will produce three to four cuttings per year, from four to six years, with proper care, without reseeding. Lespedeza or soybeans should be grown on land preceding alfalfa. Th^s should be disked in, leaving a mulch oh the surface to prevent the surface soil from baking. If the land has had no lipie. around three to four tons should be applied. If land has been limed in the past two to three years, enough lime should be applied to bring the total ap plications up to four tons. If manure is available, nothing Is better than a good application of this material. Apply 700 to 1.000 pounds of fertilizer as high in potash as possible. Mix 20 to 30 pounds of agricultural borax with the fertilizer. Sow 25 pounds of Kansas or Oklahoma seed around the last of August. Be siire to inoculate the seed just before seeding. Farmers having plenty of good alfalfa hay and good pas ture need never worry about the feed shortage. State College Hints To Farm Homemakers By Rath Current 1 Retail Product featured On The Rexall Summer Radio Show E-Z-I Sun Goggles 19c to $4.95 0^ VACATION NEEDS KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES A 50c vofue! Choice of Dr. loughron; Tufted Trim; Convex, or 2-Row Profes siono! styfe Klenxo Brush with fomocs Hixon Bristles. A vocotion special? CRITERION TOOTH BRUSHES fin* low priced voluet 50c Ipana 39c (1.00 Cardui f 89c $1.35 Wampole# Prep aration $1.08 50c Pablum 39c 79c Antiseptic Baby Oil 59c hear WWf KIH6 and his **?? all Si *??h, ?#?t tP>? Heat ! Try THERMODIX H#?t it ?ft ?n CMM< by l?M ?* vit?l body ? ?It Rtylat* tall led l*n Ak? *ur??.?W* 59" : ? ?i/ 1000 4rc 'ob*# w*l? A4d*4 Vifmm >nt ?? too C; >N jf? Unlaid Brand quik-bands At ?H? fifti |iqn e| a tfcin break . ? ? '?ody-madt ? AND ' 7J individuollv Spatial 37? ANGEL S DRUG STORE