Watch This Figure Grow ' THIS WECK 2,088 Mel, Paid-in -Advance Subscribers 2,095 LAST WEEK nkltti Hfc anb ?II)f Macoman PROGRESSIVE LIBERA I. 1 XJJh'J' EXDEjYT VOL. LXi? NO. 36 KKANKI.irs. N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1946 REGISTRATION REACHES 3,208 IN FIRST WEEK Figures For Highlands School Not Given In Total The total enrollment for the public schools of Macjn County, exclusive ot the Highlands schools, was 3,208 on August 30, according to u. L. HouK, Macon County superintendent of- pub he education, figures ior the lughlunds schools are omitted since the term does not start there until Thursday, Septembei 12. Figures for the white elemen tary school showed that 2,653 are enrolled there at present with the registration for the Negro public school being 69 . Enr ollment ior tne high schools was 480 white and 8 Negro. Mr. Houk stated that when final figures were obtained, he expeeted the enrollment to be approximately 100 more than last year. Enrollment figures for the various schools, exclusive oi Highlands, are as fallows: Franklin, 640 in the elementary schools and 445 high school; Iotla, 101; Clarks Chapel, 43; Cowee, 342; Salem, 83; Otto, 324; Oakdale, 51; Pine Grove, 70; Mashburn, 19; Gold Mine, 21; Higdonville, 83; Oak Ridge, 43; Watauga, 50; Briartown, 47; Union, 94; Slagle, 149; Allison Watts, 54; Mt. Grove, 17; Holly Springs, 53; Otter Creek, 183; Kyle, 122; Scaly, 57; Chapel, 69 In the elementary and 8 in the high school. Mrs. Gibson Severely Burned By Pressure Cocker Explosion Mrs. Woodrow Gibson, of Cul lasaja, suffered severe burns about the face and body due to the explosion of her pressure caoker while canning last Tues day. ~ Mrs. Gibson received treat ment at the Angel clinic and is still confined there, but her condition was reported as sat isfactory by Dr. Furman Angel on Thursday. r ? ^ Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The Franklin High school opened Monday with an enroll ment of 55 pupils. Others will be in in- a few days and the prospect is flattering for a prosperous session. Two Indian women, one young buck and a little . girl passed through town Wednesday eve ning. Call at the Drug Store and get your Bryan and Sewall badges. Will be on hand in a day or two. U YEARS AGO ELLIJAY ? It has been said that "Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark; you know what you are doing but no one else does." Hlgdonville people ought to take this saying to heart and begin boosting our high school. We can assure those that are interested that excellent quality teaching Is going on at old H. H. S . even If lUtle Is being said about it. BUCK CREEK ? Some officers passed up Buck Creek Saturday afternoon with a large blockade still they had captured in the head of Buck Creek laurel The proprietor wasn't at home. HYEAR8AGO The Macon county post of American Legion, formed in the early post-war days, with only a handful of members who sel dom met, now has a member ship of more than 100 World War veterans, owns a building on West Main street with a well-appointed meeting hall, and Is one of the most active organ izations In the County. August passed with 4.59 Inches of rain This is only slightly be low normal. Much as we have heard of dry weather this sum mer. the rainfall this year up to August 31 had been 43.63 Inches This Is three Inches above the total for the year IMS. Excavation Near* Completion For V an Kaaite r'laut Excavation far the Van Raalte plant soon to be erected here is proceeding very satis laciorly, according to L. L. Mer chant, of the Merchant Con struction company ol' Asheville, j which has the contract for the [ construction of the new plant. The excavation Work was sub let to Howard Stewart of Frank lin. Mr. Stewart has been mov ing dirt for the past two w^eks and expects to be through the latter part of this week. Mr. Merchant states that work on the foundations would be gin as soon, as the excavation is completed. INDIAN MOUND CONTRIBUTIONS REACH 734.00 j j, Twenty-Day Extension Is v Given By W. Roy e Carpenter , ; Contributions to the Nikwasi. i 1 Indian Mound reached a total of $734.00 this past week. Al though contributions are still coming in rather slowly mem bers of the Mound association expressed confidence that they would secure the amount need ed to purchase the property and make a permanent memorial of this historic site. The time limit for reaching the goal of $1,500.00 was ex tended from September 1 to September 20 by W. Roy Car penter, present owner of the property. Additional contributions were received this past week from the following interested parties : Bryant Furniture company, E. 8. Purdam. Jack H. Wilcox, J Bland Monroe, T. B Higdon Mrs. Ellen Kerr, and Burrell Motor company. Any interested persons will please forward or srive contribu tions to J. C. Jacobs, treasurer, 'a Franklin, N C. Angel Clinic To Distribute Medicine In J This Area The Angel Clinic has been chosen as a depot hospital for the distribution of streptomycin, the new drug, to all North Carolina hospitals west of Ashe ville, Dr. Purman Angel has announced. Dr. Angel was notified of the selection of his institution ? designated as Hospital No. 3415 ? In a letter received from the chief of the drug section, che micals division, Civilian Produ catlon administration, Washing ton, D. C? The first allotment of the drug will be 30 grams, which Dr. Angel said represents an investment of about $1,000 It comes to Franklin from Merck and company, Rahway, N. J. Steptomycin is the latest of the "wonder drugs," and has proved effective in cases which refuse to respond either to the sulfa drugs or to penecil lin. It is very effective in the treatment, of tuberculosis, Dr. Angel pointed out. Mrs. Bennett d Taken By Death At Home * Of Son Mrs. Laura Loranlne Bennett, J 85, a native of Haywood county who moved to Macon In 1931, | died Saturday morning at 1 i o'clock at the home of her son, V. B. Bennett, of Franklin, Route 3, with whom she made her home. She had been 111 for about a month Mrs. Bennett was a member of the Cataloochee Baptist church. In Haywood county, and the funeral services, held Sun day afternoon at 1 o'clock, were conducted at the Yarbough cemetery In Haywood. Survivors Include one daugh ter, Mrs M. N. Hall, of Frank lin, Route 3; six sons. George Bennett, of Rabun Gap, Oa.. Robert, Bartley, Eldrldge. Mtlas. and James Bennett; three brother!, R. H. White, James White, and Ebe White; and one sister, Mrs Ellen Fisher. The annual Hlgdon family re union will be held at the old Major Hlgdon place. In the Hltdonvllle community, Sunday, September 18, It has been an nounce, ? LOCAL LEGION OFFERS TO SELL PRESENT HOME Money Will Be Used For Memorial To Deceased World War U Vets At a regular meeting on Sep ember 2 the Macon Post 108 of he American Legion voted inaniinously to sell ihe present ^egion Hall The proceeds from he sale of this building are to >e used for the purpose of milding a home for the care aker of the Charlie Slagle me norial building on the property vhich is being given to the ^egion by A. B. Slagle This areta Iter's home will be dedi ated in ipemory of the deceas d Macon county veterans of Vorld War II. The decision to sell the prop rty came after an announce nent by Mr. Slagle that he /ould deed the building he is recting in memory of his son, ;harlie Slagle, former Macon tost commander, to Post 108 and he local boy scouts. It was the expressed opinion f mony Legionnaires that any noney left over after the erec ion of the caretaker's home /ould be used to develop recre tional facilities for the public n the property Roy Ledford Arrested In Shreveport By F. B. I. Roy W. Ledford was recent y taken into custody by FBI fficials in Shreeveport, La. .edford was charged *rith forg ry. After placing the lormer lacon resident in the Caddo iarrish prison, county officials lere notified of his arrest, iheriff Bradley, accompanied by l. R. Higdon, clerk of the court, >ft immediately and returned rtth the prisoner, placing him l the Macon county jail upon rrival here. Mr. Ledford had recently pre ented a check at the Quality ?hop made out to Roy W. Led ard and signed by Ben McCon el. The check was found to be forgery and the proper harges were instituted at that ime. Veterans 4ay Now Obtain Forms For Terminal Leave Pay The necessary blanks for ch aining terminal leave pay have een received in Macon comnty his past week These forms lay be obtained from either our local post office or from 1111 Bryson at the county vet rans service office. After obtaining the proper ap lication blank, the only other ecessary is either your original ischarge or a certified or pho ostatic copy of same. If a pho ostatic copy is used it must be he same size as the original linature photos of your dis harge will not be accepted, ?pplications must be notrarized. 'he above information was re ;ased by Bill Bryson, Macon ounty veterans service officer Emergency leave and "boot" eave are to be computed as or inary leave. Travel time when specifically tated as such does not count 5 furlough time. Passes not ih excess of three lays do not count in number if days leave taken. baptist Ministers Will -fold Meeting Monday Baptist pastors of Macon bounty will meet at the Oak 3rove Baptist church next Mon lay at 11:30 a. m? it is an lounced by the Rev W. C. 5lpes, secretary-treasurer. Lunch vlll be served by the ladies of .he church. MLLARD FIRM ENTERTAINS tVITH DINNER IN HIGHLANDS H. E Dtllard and W S. Quar *rman, of the Rabun Produce :ompany, Dlllard, Oa., entertain frlends and customers of the rirm with a dinner at "The 3ugout", In Highlands. Tuesday >venlng. The event marked the first jtnnlversary of Mr. Dillard's re turn to the business, after serv ice In the armed forces. About )0 persons were In attendance The firm, organized In 1932, lerves several Western North Carolina counties, ss well as s large section of North Otorgte. Macon County Woman Employed in 1 ruman ? Office Mrs. William Dunn, of Washington, 1). C., who is employed as a stenographer in Piesident Truman's oifice, recently returned to her home. While here she vis ited her sister, Mrs. Jess Miller, of Scaly, and friends. Airs. Dunn was acoompain ed by her husband, William Dunn, also of Washington. While visiting here Mrs. Dunn expressed admiration for President Truman and commented on the fact that the President always had such a nice smile for every one. Mrs. Dunn served in the same capacity in the late President Roosevelt's office. J. T. Roane, 86, Leading Citizen Dies J. Thomas Roane, 86, died at i the home of his granddaughter, I Mrs. Virgie ioiesoee, on upper a uartoogechaye, on Monday R .doming at 10:30 o'clock follow- [n ing a period of illness. Mr. Roane, son oi the late John Roane and Mary Slagle j Roane, was Ijorn on January 7, 1860 He spent most ol his life in the Cartoogechaye commun ity and was a member of Maid en's Chapel Methodist church. His wife, formerly Miss Sallie Nichols, passed away several years ago. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Maiden's Chapel Methodist church, with the Rev. Robert Poindexter, pastor, of ficiating. The burial was in the church cemetery. Pall bearers were Quince Roane, Larry Roane, Curt Roane, Holan Roane, Clyde Roane and Rondell Conley, all grandsons of the deceased. Surviving Mr. Roane are: one J daughter, Mrs Fred Conley, of Franklin, and four sons, George. I Frank, Zeb and Ellis, all of Car- | toogechaye. Arrangements were under the | direction of Bryant's Funeral home. 30 Candidates Report Far First Footbal Practice Aug. 29 Franklin High school held the first practice of the fall football season Thursday, August 29 with more than 30 candidates for the team on hand. Coach Crawford expressed the opinion that the outlook for a successful season was the bright est in several seasons. Although the team faces a hard schedule with 12 lettermen returning from last year's team the "win ning team" spirit is high at this time. A tentative schedule has been announced as follows: September 13, open September 20, Brevard there. September 27. Murphy here. October 4. Bryson City there October 18, open. October 25, Hayesville, here. November 1, open Novem ber 8. Bryson OUy, here. No vember 15, Murphy, there. Thanksgiving. Hayesville. there. (Two games pending with Sylva). Dr. Fisher To Begin General Practic Here Soon Dr Ernest W. Fisher is locat ing in Franklin for the practice of medicine, and will open his offices in the Ashear building as soon as repairs and redecora tion work can be completed. He and Mrs. Fisher have rented Miss Mary Willis' home on Har rison avenue, and moved to Franklin from Bryson City this week. A of Swain county. Dr. Fisher entered the army med ical corps shortly after com pleting his medical education, and was released only recently, after four years' service He did his college work at the University of North Carolina, was graduated from the South Carolina Medical college > at Charleston, and served his in -/I ternship at Watts hospital, in Durham. The best varieties of alfalfa to plant in North Carolina ara Kansas, Oklahoma, and Utah common. Slot Machines Seized In Thursday Raid On 'Dugout L G Appley, of Highlands and rfiami, t iu., was leieased under i200 cash bond following a raid til the Dugout", a nightclub 1 lear Highlands Of which Mr. , Ippley is the owner and oper- i itor. The raid was made about 1 > 1'clock Thursday morning, Sep ember 5, by North Carolina tate highway patrolman P. J. Smith, sheriff J. P. Bradley, and leputy sheriff Walter Dean. Six lot machines which take nick Is. dimes and quarters, were eized in the raid and Mr Ap- ! ?ley was charged with the op ration of slot machines which s illegal in this state. HAYES GREGORY MNS AWARD tlacon Youth Given Trip | To Future Farmers Convention i i Hayes Gregory, son of Mr. , nd Mrs. Parker Gregory of labbit Creek, was recently an- i iounced winner of the farm j rogram contest recently con- , ucted by Chilean Nitrate of j , 'Oda company, lor the fifth . istrict. Young Gregory will re eive a free trip to the Nation- ] 1 Future Farmers of America , onvention to be held jn Kan- , as City, Mo., as a result of , avtng received this singular , onor. j Gregory is the second Macon ] oUnty boy to win this award l the past five years that the ontest has been running. Har y Kinsland. now an outstand lg dairyman in Buncombe < ounty, won the award five ears ago. ^ Phases of the young farmer's 'ork which were judged to be \ articularly outstanding were t roper feeding of beef cattle, 1 attening of steers, corn and 1 ay culture and pig raising. : In addition to this. Hayes as isted in making many improve- . lents in the Gregory home f 'hich included the installing of \ anning water. c The National Future Farmers f onvention to which young Iregory won a trip will be held t tie third week in October in \ Dnjunction with the American [ :oyal Livestock show. 1 J.B.Porter 'o Give Orgai> Recital At Methodist Church James Bryson Porter, well nown organist, assisted by his Ife, Mrs. Ellen Jane L. Porter, ianist. will give an organ re Ital at the Franklin Methodist hurch tonight (Thursday) at p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Porter, who make leir home in Dayton, Ohio, are ere visiting Mr Porter's par nts, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter, nd to attend the wedding of lr. Porter's sister, Miss Lane orter, September 10. The program for the recital allow : Prelude and Fugue in E Major the St. Anne i, by J. S Bach; When Thou Art Near", Bach; Sheep May Safely Graze", Bach, organ and piano t; "Blessed Are 'e Faithful Souls". Brahms; My Heart is Filled With Long ig" (second setting i, Brahms; O World. I Now Must Leave "hee", Brahms'. Firework Music -"Overture", "The Rejoicing", The Peace", "Bourree", and Finale" ? G. F. Handel; Prelude 'ugue and Variations. C. Yanck; and Mendelssohn's So lata Number 6 ? Chorale and 'ariations; Fugue; and Andante Bryson Appointed New Veterans Service Officer Upon the resignation of Bob 5. Sloan as County Service Of icer. Bill Bryson, of Franklin, vas appointed by the County Commissioners to fill this posi tion at their last regular meet ng. The new Service Officer stat >d that he would maintain his >ffice in the same location and that the office would be open From 9 a m. until 4 p. m. each week day except Saturday He slans to close at noon Saturday. Mr. Bryson In assuming his new duties, expressed the desire that every Veteran would feel free to call on him for assis tance at any time CAGLES SELL MOTOR COURT TO SANDERS Clyde And Bob Sanders Pay Approximately $47,000.00 II Announcement was made early this week of the purchase ot the property formerly known as Cagie s Motor Court by Clyde and Bob Sanders of Franklin. Purchase was made from A U. and A. H. Cagle, who had only recently completed the con struction of this modern tourist court. The property is located on highway U. S. 23, south, one and one-half mile from frank lin, and consists of 12 modem electrically heated tourist cab ins and cafe. While no purchase price was given by the interested parties, stamps on the deed recorded in the register of deeds office indicated that a consideration Df $47,000.00 was involved in the sale Management of the court was taken over last Saturdey by the Sanders brothers who stated that the name of the establish ment would be changed to Sanders Motor Court. A H Cagle, one of the sel lers. stated that if material ;ould be obtained that the bagle brothers would begin the instruction of another tourist ;ourt as there is a great need for this type of business In sYanklin. Van Raalte Official Well Pleased With Situation The Van Raalte company, which is excavating for a tex ,ile plant in East Franklin, is lighly pleased with the type of abor found in this community, lccordlng to J. W. Crawford. Mr. Crawford, of Paterson, N. F. and New York, who is the irm's chief building supervisor, was here Tuesday and Wednes iay to check on progress at the riant site. Mr. Crawford's remarks about ;he high type of labor here were prompted by the com jany's experience in Us small lose -mending operation, being conducted in the Leach build ng on Main street. At that location 11 Macon bounty young women are being rained to mend Nylon hose lu which there are manufacturing laws. The work, done chiefly jy hand, is under the direction jf Mrs. Edith Wishon. a native )f Ohio who came here from he Van Raalte plant at Blue *idge, Ga. Softball League Three Teams Tied For First Place The Franklin Softball League ?ompleted the season with three .earns tied for first place. The 3ilers Lions club, and Rotary ?lub all tied for first place with 13 wins ond eight losses each. The remainder of the teams in ,he league finished in the fol owing order and these results: American Legion 11-9, Frank lin High school. 10-10, Nanta nala Power and Light company. 10-11, Burrell Motor company, ti-14 Highlands Briar. 6-5. Officials of the league have not reached a decision concern ing a play-off for the league championship. * j SmokeySays: A**ii To-nu-L THt tbutm '*>**>* - Tmr 60T TOO HOT P0? Ml -Juf' U? IT OCT* TOO HOT PC* lTH(4C W*IL 6A0WIN' *JKV>! wrv * pons ma'/ The surface fire creeping through the woodt does more damage th?n you may think. A wild fir* too ?mall to destroy mature tree*, still will kill off seedling growth, the Imn ef tomorrow.