NEWS PEOPLE Ut.l.KN HICKMAN WEDS W. P. CONSTANCE Mrs. Winnie Rickman. of ; Franklin, lias announced tlx marriage of her daughter, Miss Helen Hickman to W P. con stance. also of Franklin, in a candlelight ceremony solemnized on Saturday evening. August 24. at H o'clock, at the Cowee Bap tist church. The Rev. Charles E. Parker, pastor of the bride and groom, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The church was decorated with mountain evergreens, bask ets of hydrangias, and mixed gladioli interspersed with seven branched candelabra holding white tapers which were lighted by Clyde Vance, uncle of the bride, and Roy Rickman, cousin of the bride. The lighted candles in the windows completed the church decorations Tlie wedding music was rend eied by Miss Zena Pearl Kick man, pianist, and Miss Mar> Vance, soloist I Love You Truly" was sung by Miss Vance preceding the ceremony and the wedding march from Lohen grin", was used as the proces sional and Mendelssohn's wed ding march was used lor the recessional. The bride who entered alone, was dressed in a light blue gaberdine suit and black ac cessories Her shoulder corsage was of white rosebuds. The brides only attendant was . Miss Mary Constance, sister of the bridegroom, who served as bridesmaid. She was attired in a light blue suit and black accessories Her corsage was 01 red rosebuds. Vernon Stiles, of Franklin served as best man to the bride groom. The bride's mother was dress ed in a beige suit with which she wore a corsage of red roses. Mrs Constance, only daugh ter of Mrs. Rickman and the late Albert Rickman, is a grad uate of the Franklin High school and of the Franklin Commer cial school For several months she was employed on a defense project at Oak Ridge. Tenn . and for the past year has been employed by the Nantahala Power and Light company here. Mr. Constance is a son of Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs R. S. Jones had as their euests the latter part of last week Mrs. Jones' sister, Mrs. John Green and two daughters, Jo Anne and Melissa, all o( Kershaw, S. C. Mr. and Mrs A M C. Russell, of Palmetto, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fatick, of Brocksville, Fla., were guests last week ol Mrs. J. W. Roper and daughter. Miss Mildred Roper, en route to their homes In Florida. Mrs D W Roquemore, of Wil son, is here as the guest ol Mrs. D. M. Bennett. John M. iSmiley, of Fayette ville, was here last week, vis iting his aunt, Mrs. Nancy Car den, at her home at Leather man. Other guests of Mrs. Car den last week were Mr. and Mrs Jim Shepard, of Belmont, John Shepard, of Sylva, George Beas ley, of Alarka, and Miss Delilah Jlzra Constince, of Hickory, and the late Mrs. Constance, and eceived his education in the Columbus High school, Colum ous, N. C He entered the army air force in 1942 and spent two years in overseas service. Since his discharge Xroai the service he has been employed as linesman by the Nantahala Power and Light company. Immediately following the wedding ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Constance leit on a wedding irip through Eastern Carolina. Upon their return they plan to make their home with Mrs Constance's mother on Iotla street, Franklin Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rickman, uncle and aunt of the bride, entertained at a cake cutting party at their home at West's Mill on Friday night for mem bers of the wedding party and a few close friends. The Rickman home was beau tifully arranged with mixed summer flowers. The dining room table which was covered with a lace cloth was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake, and flanked on either side with double crystal candelabra holding lighted tapers. Mrs. Hansel Bennett, aunt of the bride, presided at the punch bowl. Fertilizer 4-10-6 For all Fall and Winter Crop Uses Alfalfa Seed Borax and Inoculation Red Top, Timothy, Orchard and Rye Grass Vetch, Barley, and Red Clover Wayne Feed We have a complete stock to fill all your needs. Also plenty of Timothy Hay and Feed Oats. Ray Groc. & Feed Co. ? Large Stock of Tin Heaters ? Also Stove Pipe ? Electric Hot Water Heaters ? Electric Heaters ? Portable Grates MACON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. "Your Pioneer Hardware Store" Bradley Reunion to Be Held September 8 The Bradley reunion will be ' held on Sunday, September 8, , at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. t Lawrence Bingham, near Noma f store on the Georgia road. All / ; relatives imd friends and any- [ j one who wishes to attend are , invited. Bring basket lunch. ( v Green, of Greens Creek. i J Mrs J. B. Deal, Ws. L. A. U Berry, and Mrs. Berry s daugn- I ter, Miss Ethel Berry, oi * rauit- I . lin, Route 4, have Oeeii sptnu- , mg a lew days with their sister " and aunt, Mrs. A. J. Cochran, in a Ewing, Va. i Mrs. Nancy Carden, Mrs. Elsit 1 Hurst, and Mrs. Will Amnions amended the Smiley family re union at Cold Springs, in bwain * county, last Sunday. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson anil daughter, Miss Minnie Lee Uib- " son, of Canion, Ohio, have been 11 visiting relatives and mends in 1 Macon county. ' Mrs. Sidney Godwin, the for- s mer Miss Helen Moses, i auo = three children have returned to c f their home in Wilson, alter vis- v iting relatives in iviacon anu s | Transylvania counties. Mrs. God- a I win is a former teacher in the Macon county schools, c The many friends oi John M. 1 ' Archer, III, will bp glad to ! v know that he has recovered sui liclently from his critical illness f ?o be able to go to school. f Chief Petty Officer Joe Pat- t tillo, who is now stationed in v Washington, D. C., spent last 1 week-end here with his wile, 1 the former Miss Mary Evelyn f Moore, t Miss Louise Kincaid and Mrs. ' Edward Stene, of GainesvUle, Kla., spent Tuesday with Mrs S. ? H. Lyle at Trimont Inn. t Jesse Hodgln of Greensboro 1 spent last week at Kelly's Inn. * Miss Merrily Brooks spent sev- r eral days visiting in Atlanta last 1 week. 1 1 Miss Ann Lyle has returned from Gainsville, Fla., where she c visited her aunt, Miss Woodene I f Hendrix a M. Monderer of New York s City, is in town on business. Mr * Monderer is owner of the High- ' lands Briar, Inc. I Miss Mary Willis is expected * ?jack from Florida this week. G. L. Crawford left Monday * lor Chicago, 111., to accept an ' engineering position. 1 Mrs. Frances Tessier and Mrs. I ?' William Smith, who have spent I the last month in Franklin with their mother, Mrs Reby Tessier, have returned to their homes in Baton Rouge, La. Miss Lane Porter has arrived for her wedding which will t^ke place September 10. Mr. and Mrs. James Porter of Dayton, Ohio; Mrs Robert Jerome and children of New Bern and Miss Margaret Bryson of Tucson, Ariz., have also come to attend the wedding of Miss Porter to George Browning Goldsmith Jr of Greenville and Charleston S C. Arthur Marr, of Springfield, 111., is the house guest ot Mrs. Gilmer Crawford. Mrs. Comer Vandiver spent several days in Greensboro last week with her husband, Col. Vandiver, who is stationed there with the Army Air Forces. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bradley have returned from Newport News, Va., where they visited Mrs. Bradley's sister. The Cub Scouts of Franklin held their pack meeting at Camp Lumpkin Saturday night. They were treated to a picnic supper and overnight stay by Cubmaster R. E. McKelvey and assistant Cubmaster H. C. Eriksson. Miss Barbara Stockton has gone to Charlotte where she will be a bride's maid in the wed ding of Miss Frances Sides, a classmate at Brenau college. From Charlotte, she will go to Gainsvllle, Ga.t to enter her sen ior year at Brenau. John W. Edwards, who recent ly underwent an operation at Angel's hospital, has returned to his home on Bidwell street Mr. and Mrs. John Wall, of Elberton, Oa , ware week-end guest* of Mrs. H. O. Cozad Mrs. Blanche Dickson, of Cor* pus Christy, Texas, Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. E 8. Hunnicutt. Mrs. J. B. Cox and daughter, Barbara Dean Cox, of Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. Cox' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Morrison, and her sister, Mrs Nora Scales, in the Oak Grove community. Mrs. H. E Church has recent ly returned from a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. J H. Rainey, who lives in Nashville, Tenn. Went Capel, editor of The Thomasvllle Tribune, Thomas ville, Miss Dorothy Sloan, of Franklin and Thomasvllle, Dane Hoover, of East Lansing, Mich , and Miss Mary Klrkman, Wesley Foundation director at Auburn university, are guests here of Richard Sloan this week-end. Pvt Fred H. Klnsland, son of Mrs. Tom Klnsland, has return ed to his base, San Antonio, Texas, after being called home on account of the death of his father, Tom Klnsland. Cpl. Orady Klnsland, also here because of the death of hla father, Tom Klnaland, has ra Ellijay By HAZEL AMMONS Rev. Paul Morgan of Frank in, Kouie 4. lUiea Kev. Lee ;rawford's preaching service September 1 ai the Eliijay Bap ist church Kev. Lee Crawford and Rev. >ordon Scruggs closed the le ival meeting August IB which hey ran lor two weeks at tne ?llijay Baptist church Ten were laptised. 1 Mrs. Frank Henry -oi Detroit, 4ich., is here visiting he* laughter, Mrs. Lesiey Young ind also her mother, in Jackson urned to Fort Lewis, Wash. W. i> Johnson, toriner pub isher of The Franklin Press, pent several days here visiting elatives this week. Mrs. John Hynie, her mother, ills. A. M. Biyuni, aim two ui Ai;s. Byrne's cliudieii, ilary Margaret Byrne and jmu >yuie, ail ol coiunious, Ua., pent the weeK-enu tie re as Uie ;uests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Freu >iagie. The cymes lived here men the late Mr. Byrne was upervisor oi Naiitaiiaia Waiion il forest. The Kev. W. Jackson Huney utt was called to his home at ilbemarle the latter part ol last .eek on business. Miss Lucy Welch and Miss Catherine Conley, who are em iloyed at the American Enka ilant near Asheville, spent the yeek-end with Miss Welch's nother, Mrs. W. E Welch, ^ranklin, Route 3, and with diss Conley's parents, Mr. and ilrs. George R. Conley, 1- rank in, Route 3. Mr. and Mrs. Auman Hairr, if Fuquay Springs, who went to ilaska immediately after their narrlage two years ago and lave just returned to the States, ecently visited at the home of lay Moses, on their yay back o Fuquay Springs. Lt. (j.g.) Zeb Meadows has ompleted his training at Stand ord university, in California, ind has left the States for over eas duty. His wife has gone to ler home in Brevard, where she vill make her home with her >arents during Lt. Meadows' ab ience. Mrs. J. F Watson and grand son, Peyton Watson, have re urned to their home In Knox ?ille. Tenn., after spending sometime at the Allen house on Main street. County who lc very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moffltt of Franklin, spent the week-end with Mrs. Moffitt's parents, Mr and Mrs. Robert Henry. Mr and Mrs. Kerma Holland and family spent the week-end with Mrs Holland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Young. Several people of this com munity attended the revival meeting which yas being con ducted by Rev. Lee Crawiord and Rev. Gordon Scruggs at the Coweta Baptist church Several persons from this community attended the baptising at the Coweta church Sunday, Sep tember 1. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan attended the Beasley reunion at Green's Creek in Jackson Coun- i ty. Miss Nannie Ammons is vis- . iting her sister, Mrs R. L. Ray, I of Franklin, Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Mash burn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Zane Wood visited Mrs. Mashburn's sister, Mrs. Richard Ammons. of Culiowhee, Sunday. September 1. Mr. and Mrs Zarery Moses of Bakerfield, Calif., who have been visiting friends for several weeks, have returned to their home in Bakerfield. Mr. John C. Henry and some friends of his of Macon, Ga., visited Mr. Henry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry last week-end. Rev. Morrison and Mrs. Mor rison spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mount Wood Mrs. Gorden Evitt vis'led her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvan Bowman of Erastus. in Jack son county, last week. Delegates Attend Future Farmers Convention In Raleigh Hayes Gregory and James Patterson, delegates ol the Franklin school Future Farm ers of America, Lewis Penlaiid and George Crawiord, contes tants, recently attended tne State convention o( the Future Farmers of America. Mr. Penland received ten dol lars as second prize in district public speaking contest. Young Crawford received sev en dollars as runner-up in the district live-stock judging con test. E. J. Whltmire, vocational agriculture teacher at Franklin High school, accompanied the farm delegates and was named chairman of a committee to work out plans to place 42 reg istered Herford bulls In the state. These animals will be purchased by Sears Roebuck company and selected by Mr. Whltmire In addition to this Sears Roe buck is alao putting up $10,000 for North Carolina Future Farmers This money is to be used to help stimulate better pasture and hay crops. Mr. Whitmire Is also chairman of the committee to work out plans for the pasture and hay work. Miss Emely Bishop of Gay in Jackson county, visited her brother, Dan Bishop, and Mrs. Bishop last week-end Press Ads Pay ? HOME OPPORTUNITIES ? 3 new houses in Franklin ? good locations ? conveniences ? prices are reasonable ? preference to Veterans this week. 44 acres ? good house ? 8 rooms ? water and lights ? a dandy home and farm on Cullasaja River ? priced to sell. 2 acres ? new V5 room house ? good road ? few miles out ? $2,250.00. Bargain. We have some of the best farm listings that we have had in a long time. See us for your real estate needs. Standard Realty Company J. H. STOCKTON Attorney CHECK THESE VALUES FOR YOUR FALL SHOPPING For that Fall and Winter Suit or Coat, tee our complete stocks. Many arrive daily. There's always something new at BELKS. Use the Lay- Away Plan in buying your Fall wardrobe if you wish. We will be glad to explain. Galoshes Ball-Band quality. There are all sizes far vau now. Better get yours while we have them. Ladies' sizes. $1.94 Work Shirts MEN, see our Basement Store stock of Peters, Wolverine and Brown-Bilt Work Shoes. There are many styles to select from. $3.95 to $9.30 Books Pleaae cheek our book department the next time you are In the (tare. Over IN new titles added this week. FROM 49c to $3.95 Brunch Coats Good looking print* in all sizes. Pro tect yiour rood dresses with these handy house coats. Specially priced. $2.95 Heavy Plaid Outing 38-inch material for shirts, dresses, etc. This is really an unusual value! 39c yd. Melton Jackets 32-ot. all wool Jackets for men, In sizes 34 to 46. Heavy tippers, navy blue color. $7.95 Bed Pillows 8-4M. Stripe Ticking, size it z 27. Well mode and with bound seams. Filled with crushed chicken feathers. $1.80 Men's Boots 12-in. Boots wKh three leatber soles. Army surplus Well worth Hno times the price. $8.95 Work Gloves Safety cuffs. HoraetiMe palm, (tela forced canvas tack. Man's sloes. 78c Shop Caps Fin stripe. Washable. Bltte only. 25c Army Blankets ALL WOOL. Everybody knows how rood these are. Bay yours while we hare them. $5.95 Monk's Cloth For draperies, slip eoven, etc. This material has unusually long life and always looks tood. Natural cream ooior only. $1.00 yd. BELK'S DEPT. STORE