. PEOPLE . MISS ANNIE FAYE AMMONS WM WALTER S. NEEUIIAM Mr. and Mrs Ralph Amnions, of Ffanklin, Route 3, have an nounced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Annie Faye Am nions, to Walter Smith Need ham. of Pilot Mountain, in a ceremony solemnized August 28 at 11 a. m , at the home of UK bride's parents The Rev. Arvil Swafford. of j Franklin. Route 3, was the of ficiating minister, using the double ring ceremony. The Amnions home was deco rated with mixed fall flowers and the ceremony was perform ed before the huge fireplace in the livlngrjom l or her wedding, the bride choose a suit-dress of powdei blue wool jersey, wi^h black ac cessories. Her corsage was of red rosebuds. Mis. Needham is a graduate of the Franklin High school and for the past year has been em ployed in the office of the P H. Hanes Knitting company In Winston -Salem. Mr. Needham is a son of Mrs Sarah E Needham and the late Frank Needham. of Pilot Moun tain. He attended the schools of Pilot Mountain and is now engaged in agricultural work Immediately following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was held, after which the couple left for a trip through Eastern Tennessee. MRS. CONSTANCE HONORED WITH SHOWER V--s. Rnv R. Cunningham. Mrs. Winnie Rickman and Mrs. Frank Shields entertained with a mis cellaneous shower Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs Cunningham, at Rogers Hall, honoring Mrs W. P Constance, a recent bride, the former Miss Helen Rick man. The house was beautifully decorated with mixed fall flow ers. The honoree was the recipient of a number of attractive and useful gifts from the large number of friends who called The hostesses served delicious refreshments. WEDS AT HOME? Mrs. Walter Smith Needham, the fjrmer Miss Annie Faye Amnions, was married at the home of her parents, Franklin, Route 3, Aug* ist 28. Personal Mention Miss Trula Mae Bryson. who has been employed in Arlington. Va., for the past lew months, recently returned to her home in the Cullasaja community, and has now entered the D. A. R school in Tamassee, S. C Mrs J. B. Stalcup is spend ing several days in Waynesville with relatives and friends. She was joined there Friday by her daughter, Mrs Hyldah Shep herd, who will visit in Waynes ville, Brevard and Asheville be fore they return to their home on Iotla street. Mrs. W A. Christy, of Lake Springs. Va., is spending a few days with her son, Henry Chris ty, and Mrs. Christy at their home. "Mimosa Inn", on the lurphy road. Mrs. R. L. Bryson. Sr., is a i latient at the Emory University hospital in Atlanta, Ga , for an operation on her eyes. Follow ing her recovery, she will go to Troy, Ala., to spend the winter months with her son. R L. Bry son. and Mrs. Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Hoilman and daughter. Jane, have re turned to "their home on Har rison avenue, after spending a week in Winston-Salem visiting relatives and frien ds Thomas A. Tallent, of Culla saja, celebrated his tiOtli birth day anniversary with a dinner Sunday, September 14. A large number of friends enjoyed the occasion and he was the re cipient of many useful gifts. Miss Roberta Enloe, of Ral eigh. arrived Saturday to spenu a fortnight with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Enloe, a. their home. Franklin, Route 1. Weimar Jones spent Thursday ! and Friday of last week in Asheville, attending the meet ing of the North Carolina Pres association. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Berry anu Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berry an J family of Boonville, Yy., speni last week here visiting at tht home of Mr. and Mrs ouue . ,ei - ry and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Teague. They also attended th. Higdon reunion at Higdonvil.e Sunday, returning to their honu in Kentucky Monday. j Mr. and Mrs Ford Mann and family spent last week-end visit ing Mr. and Mrs E. M. Mann and family in Greenville, S C. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bild, who have been spending the season at their summer home, Franklin, Route 1, have returned to their home in Miami. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark and daughter. Jacqueline, have re turned to their home near Pan orama Courts after spending j two weeks at Myrtle Beach, S. C., and Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Ball, of Clayton. Ga? spent the week end visiting Mrs. Ball's parents. Mr and Mrs. Arnold Rogers, at their home near Panorama Courts. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Holcombe. who have been visiting Mrs. Holcombe's father, J. L. Higdon. at his home in the Cullasaja community and other relatives and friends in Macon county left Thursday for their hirr in Klammath Falls, Ore. They were accompanied by Mrs. Pearl Corbin, a sister of Mrs. Hol combe, who plans to spend sev eral weeks in Klammath Falls The Rev. and Mrs J. A. Bry son and their son. Dan Bryson. and his wife, all of Columbia. Mo., have been visiting relatives and friends In Macon county for several days. The elder N?i\ Bry son and Mr. and Mrs Dan Bry son have returned to Columbia. ' Miss Porter Becomes Bride Of Mr. Goldsmith Miss Leona Lane Porter, daughter ol Mr and Mi's l'. W. Porter, of Franklin, became lite untie of Gejrge browning Uoid l siiuUl, Jr., ol ctlafiesUKi, a. C? >011 ot Mrs- Joe U. iMcoa^i, 01 Uieenville, t> C., auu ji Uld .ale George B, Uoluaiuitn, in a ceiemony solemnized at the r ran mm Methodist church Sep tember 10 at 5 p. m. The Rev Robert L. Jerome, Oi New Bern, brother-in-law ol the oride, assisted oy the itev. W. Jackson Honeycutt, pastor ol the church, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The church decorations in jluded a screen ol evergreens A'lth urns 31 gladiolus on tall .'hue pedestals, while a pair of ^even- branched candelabra stood n front of the organ. The nuptial music was pre while Mrs J. A. Bryson will re main for a ? while with her mother, Mrs H. D Dean, and other relatives here. c, Q. M, Frank Leach and Mrs. Leach and young son, ol Miami. Fla., are spending sev eral weeks here with Mr. Leach's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ?Leach, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Higdon, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week end at Higdonville wiih rela tives and friends and attended the Higdon reunion Sunday. W. R. (Bill! Amnions, of Sedro Woolley, Wash , is spending sev eral weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and other rela tives and friends in the Elli jay community. Mr. Ammons, a former resident of that com munity. left Macon County more han 25 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Rose, who have been visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. John Crawford, and Mr. Crawford and little grand son, Johnny, for the past two weeks, have returned to their home in Rogersville, Ala Mr. and Mrs. Mack Fulton of Alexandria. Va., have been called to the home of Mr Ful ton's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton, in the Gold Mine sec tion of Macon County, on ac count of the critical illness of Mrs. Fulton. Total timber losses and prop erty damage from forest fires has amounted to almost 27 mil lion dollars In one year in the U. S. sen ted by James Bryaon Porter, organist and baritone soloist, brother ol the bride, assisted by Mrs. Porter. The program In cluded two vocal solos by Mr. Porter, "When Thou Art Near", 'In Thee Is Joy', by bach; "Triumphant Theme iiom me Huh Symphony , Tachaikowsjty ; "I Love Thee", by Grieg; and 'Marriage Bells", an organ and piano duet composed by Mrs. Porter. "The Introduction to Act Three", (rom Wugner's "Luueu grin", preceded the traditional bridal processional. Mendels sohn's "March" was used us the recessional. The bride was given in mar riage by her lather. William Goldsmith, of Greenville, broth o( the gr?om, was best man, and Mrs. Robert L. Jerome, sis ter of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Porter's only attendant. The ushers were Ricnard Sloan, of Franklin, Richard Kili.s. of Charleston, William Sluxkiey of Greenville, and William Bel ser, of Sumter, S. C. The bride wore her mother's wedding gown ol white organdy, with yoke of lace and satin rib bon, train, and elbow-length veil of Illusion attached to a white coronet headdress. She carried a bouquet of white rose buds, centered with an orchid Her pearl necklace was the gift of the groom. Mrs. Jerome, matron of hon or, was gowned in pink Nylon taffeta, floor length, and car ried a bouquet of pink astern and blue delphinium. The bride's mother wore a gray crepe gown, with black accessories Her cor sage was of pink and blue as ters. The groom's mother was dressed in black crepe with beaded yoke of mousseline Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter, the bride's parents, held a re ception at their home, "Hall of the Pines", immediately aftei the wedding, with Mrs. Richard Jones. Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt. and the Misses Margaret Bry spn, of Tucson. Ariz., cousin of the bride. Dorothv Jones, Doro thy Sloan, and Mildred Roper assisting in receiving Mrs Jess Conley and Mrs. James Porter presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Goldsmith, who for the past year has been field director of Girl Scout work, In Charles ton, S. C., is a graduate of the Franklin High school. Peace Junior college, Raleigh, and Peabody college, Nashville, Tenn. At Peace, she Wfu on the privi leged honor roil, and was a member of the stuuent council at Peabody. Mr. Gouismith hold* a posi tion with the J. C. Penney com pany, Charleston, where the couple will mate tneir home. He was grauuated uom tue Greenville High school and the Citiadel, Charleston. While a student at the later, he was state president ot u. V P. T U. and vice-president of the Y. M. C. A. For her going away costume, the bride donned a suit of beige wool gabardine, with which she wore brown accessor ies and an orchid detached from her wedding boquet. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Joe C. McCall. Mrs Wil liam Goldsmith, Sr., Mr and Mrs. William Goldsmith, Billy Goldsmith, Miss Betty Jane Goldsmith, Mrs. Jessie McCall, Walter Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bob Bryson, William Gold smith, II, Mrs Will Ferrell. Mrs. Alfred T. Smith, and William Shockley, all of Greenville, S. C ; Richard EHis, of Charleston, S. C.; William Belser, of Sumter, 8. C.; Miss Margaret Bryson, of Tucson, Ariz.; the Rev and Mrs. Robert Jerome and Lyle and Jean Gray Jerome, of New Bern; and Mr. and Mrs. James Bryson Porter, of Dayton, Ohio. Just Received . . . ? Electric Clocks ? Battery Radios ? Portable Radios ? Table Lamps ? Travel Irons ? Hotplates ? Toasters ? Electric Churns ? Cory Coffee Makers ? Students' Lamps ? Pin-Up Lamps ? Electric Heaters MARTIN ELEC. CO. Macon Theatre Bldg. Phone 1#7 BELK'S Following Our Regular Policy of advertising only those items which we have sufficient quan tity, Belk's do not mention numerous articles of wh'ch we receive regular allotments from the manufacturers. Hcwever, if you will please check with us every time ycu are in town you will find that we often have the following: Boys' Overall* Mm's Overall* Oil Cloth , Sheets in the following sizes: 72 x 99 81 x 99 Pequot or 72 x 108 Lady Pepperell 81 x 108 90 x 108 Pillow Cases Men's Dress Shirts Men's Fine All-Wool Suits (We have a few on hand now) Men's Dress Pants Sheeting YOUR WINTER COAT It is not necessary to visit some large city to get the latest thing in t Fall and Winter Coat or Suit. Come by and check our collection of Coats, Suits and Dresses. We assure you they are the very best the market affords. Coats from $15.80 to $49.50 Suits from $14.00 to $39.50 Dresses from $4.95 to $24.54 36-In. Check Gingham For suits, dresses, aprons and children's clothes? an unusually heavy quality in green, brown, red and blue checks. 69c yd. Check and Stripe Outing This U yard wide material in heavy quality for winter use. One large table. Full bolts. 35c yd. Glass Ash Tray Set More of these popular 3 piece sets. Sparkling, crys tal clear glass. The com-' plete set 29c Men's Melton Jackets 32-oz. weight all wool Mel ton cloth. Heavy zipper closing. One of the warm est and most durable coats on the market today. Sizes 34 to 46. $7.95 Other food Melton Jackets at ? $4.95 Men's Hats "Merrimac Process" Felts, fine silk lining. Gray, blue, or tan. Dress up for Fall in one of these good Hats. $2.95 Boys' Outing Pajamas 2-Piece stripe Outing Flan nel Pajamas. For beys in sizes 6 to 1$. Buy now while we ha\ your size. $2.48 All Metal Flashlights Nickel plated metal case, complete with two Bright Star Batteries. A 11.25 , value. Only 79c Men's "Melbrotfke" Ties Solid colors of all wool for food looks and durability. New shipment. Get some of thes? long-wearing ties to day. Solid colors of black, blue, wine, green and brown. $1.00 each Boys' Dress Shirts Fine quality stripe broad cloth, in sizes 6 to 14. These are great for school. They are fast color and pre-shrunk. $1.48 Other Boys' Shirts at $1.64 Bed Spread Event Don't miss this outstand ing bay. Solid white, Hob nail Spreads with fringe all around. This rood look ing spread has a seam which is hardly noticeable. It comes in both single and double bed sixes. We only have 90 of these. $4.95 Rayon Panties White and tea rose, in the popular brief style. Really good elastic in waist-band aind with snug fitting legs. 79c and 89c Chatham Blankets For durability and beauty, together with the warmth you desire. See the "Sut tion" by Chatham. $6.30 Boys' School Shoes In sizes 1 to 6. Tan only. Leather uppers. Leather insoles and wie. These shoes hare advanced in price, but we Jiave 62 pairs at the old price of only $3.95 Ladies' Sweaters It it our honest belief that wo have the one you want. There are dosens and doc ens ol thorn on tabUa (or jnnur selection. Also many more that we are not al ways able to put oat for lack of room. Come by and talk It over. All Wool Sweaters? $2.9S to $6.95 Jergens' Special May we call your attention to a real sale in our cos metic department. A 5Se bottle of Jerrens Lotion and a 25c Jar of Jerfena new deoderant. Both for only 39c BELK'S BABY BAZAAR The Infant's Own Store Always Something New Constantly Growing Larger Imported Hand Made Dresse* Lastex Baby Pants John ion's Soap, Powder, Oil and Seta Rattlers and Toys Rubber Sheets and Sheeting Knit Shirts Diaper Bags Laundry Bags Blankets Slips and Gowns Caps and Sweaters Bottles, Caps and Nipples Cups and Feeding gets Baby Books Ws expect to haw some Mapors most any day now. Our Book Dept. Again we invite you to look through this department. We don't Just get a few aad quit? uiaw ones arrive every week. We have a table of the popular 49c Triangle Books and many shelves of fiction, ?d ven ture and reference works, from? , 40c to $3J5 BELK'S DEPARTMENT STORE REMEMBER YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT BELK'S

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