^ Highlands Highlights ^ MRS. H. G. STORY MISS YVALLKK, HIGHLANDS (.11(1, WEDS IN WA SHINGTON Announcement has been made , of the marriage of Miss Margie Louise Waller, of Washington, D. C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Waller, of Hignl nids, to Edward Walter Walcavich September 22 in the rectory of the Church of the Nativity n Washington. The bride, who was given in marriage by her mother, ware a gown of ivory satin made with sweetheart neckline and long pointed sleeves. Her finger tip veil of illusion was caught with a coronet of orange bloss oms and she carried a bouquet of white roses showered with' satin streamers. Mrs. Edward Kuchinski, sis ter of the bridegroom, was ma tron of honor. She wore a dress j of pink satin with fitted bodice and full net skirt, and carried ; ? JOIN ? Bryant Mutual ; Burial Association Oldest and Strongest in the County pink roses tied with pink satin ribbon. Pvt Louis Walcavich was his brother's best man. Immediately after the cere mony a ? reception was held at the home of the bridegroom's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walcavich. Fol lowing the receotnn. the couple left for a wedding trip to New York City. For traveling, Mrs. waicavicn wore a tan wool suit with brown accessories Mrs WalcavISh is an honor graduate of the -iignUnds -iigii school and for the past four years has been employed at the Chesapeake asd Potomac Tele phone company in Washington. Mr. and Mrs Walcavich will make their home in Washing ton. where Mr. Walcavich is in the mercantile business. MRS. ALSTAETTER HOSTESS > TO CONGREGATIONAL MEET Mrs. F. W. Altstaetter was hostess to the congregational supper meeting of the Episcopal Church of the IncarnatLonFri day evening at "Rosemary", her summer home on the Dillard road. Matters of church interest were discussed and a bazaar was planned for next summer Appointed on the bazaar com mittee were Mrs. Tudor Hall, Mrs. Jack Brockway, Miss Re Now In Stock . . . \ * 1 and 2 Burner Hotplates * Cory Coffee Makers * Heating Pads * Heaters * Record Players * Pin up Lamps a Table and Desk Lamps * Clocks Martin Electric Company Macon Theatre Bldg. Phone 107 FIHE PREVENTION WEEK &? So Little C are Can Prevent So Much Tragedy Cooperate with this Nation wide drive to reduce fire loss. Make your house safe! STOP FIR ESI FIRE SCREEN Beautifully fin. I i h ? 4 brat* icriid with spark proof fino wlro mash. Has 2>way hinati and carrying handles. $10-50 TRASH BURNER Heavy ? a ?/? ?, w ? I 4 a d virt trash burner with cover. Safer and mora con vaniant. $2-25 FURNACE Pi ft ij/s&sm'* M?k* ?*? ?? <??? W?.k S* 24-inch ^ * Jb,V ' S LINGTH ? ??C b - ? . ?? * i r FURNACE CEMENT #?" ni? , for L ifcpaWh. \Dri?? harA** ?, #' r ** * ?? GARBAGE CANS Ow k?avy |Mft CT, It n?n -matlna? CWMfflftd iWtt 40S. statu $3.00 Metal . Wastebasket Round, MMll ?l*iatt?4 MtcMp r, Vitus*' $1175 ' < ? STOVE BOARDS ? - ? $1.25 FRANKLIN HARDWARE COMPANY On Square Phone 117 ? ? ? i i Highlands Ha* Record Season Fcr Post Cards Highlands must have had a record season in the sale of picture post cards, since 78,300 one-cent stamps were bought at the Higinaitus past office during the months of July, August, and September. Postmaster Charles C. Potts added that other pos tal receipts were heavy, with 27,400? postals sold, ind the three-cent stamps sold for the perijd totaling 01,400. 1 ? : , : j becca Nail and Mrs. C. D. S. | Clarkson. The October meeting ,will be I held on the twenty-fourth at the home of Mr and Mrs. | Clarkson. Personal Mention Richard Thompson, youngest son of Mrs. H. P P. Thompson, is spending the winter In Rob binsville with his brother-in law and sister, the Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Medlin, Jr.. and is attending the Robbinsvllle school, where he is a member of the football team. Mayor and Mrs. W. H. Cobb visited their daughter, iu. s Mama Cobb, Sunday at Fassi fern school in Hendersonville. Miss Sara Gilder will return Thursday from a several days' visit with relatives In Mont gomery and Birmingham, Ala. Frank B. Cook and his daugh ter, Miss Beverly Cook, spent the first of the week in Akron, Ala., with Mrs. Cook's family, going down for a special meet ! i'ne of the Akron hunting and fishing club and a club banquet on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Colden Stokes, who has been visiting Mrs H. D. Randall at "Billy Cabin", has returned to her home in Daytona Beach. Fla. Mrs. Randall's daughter, Mrs. M. C. Weaver, of Cincin nati, Ohio, arrived Tuesday for J an autumn visit. Dr. and Mrs. B. D Burleigh and their two small sons, who have been occupying the former Jack M Hall cottage on Tth street, left Tuesday to make their home in Blue Ridge, Ga., where Dr Burleigh i.s connected with Dr. Winston Burdine in the Blue Ridge hospital. After spending the past two weeks here making improve ments at their Chestnut street cottage. Qol. and Mrs. W H. Nollman have returned toAshe vvlle for a short stay at their summer home there before go ing on to Florida for the winter. Attending the dedication of St Cyprian's Episcopal church at Franklin Sunday, where the j services were conducted by Bishop Robert E. Gribbin. of Asheville. and Archdeacon James T. Kennedv. were Mrs W. S. Davis. Miss C. B Elliott, j Miss Rebecca Bridgers. Mrs. A C. Holt and Mrs. J A Hines. j from the Highlands Eoiscopal Church of the Incarnation. Mrs. M. C. Rei.lly and her daughter, Mrs. Lucie Pennewill, and two sons left Saturday to j return to Pensacola. Fla.. after 1 spending the season at "Summer Hill", on the Walhalla road. Mr and Mrs Veazey Rainwat er, Jr.. of Beaumont. Texas, ar rived Saturday for an autumn visit with their father and aunt, Chas. V. Rainwater, Sr., and Mrs. M Brown. Edmondson, at 'VZ-T&b. Fac vtC' Mrs. William Melsel ana daughter, Ann Louise, and their uncle, Ed Heacock, of PrincetQn : JancJtion, iN. J., ?ar? riy,e$, last -week for a visit with Mrs Grover Edwards / at her, home on Fifth street. Mrs. Mei zel , is , the , former Miss ? Louise j Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Meizel are making , plans to go to Sweden sometime in the near | future, where Mr. Meizel iwill | represent the R. C. A. Radio Corporation. Ml-; ? and MrS. Louie Ledbetter i of Anderson,1 S. ?&.. Wefe week end guests of Mrs. J. A. Russell at the Russell sumrher home on Mirror lake. , ? i At the Brldgers cottage on , Martha's Lane1 Where she hafc 1 been spending the season. Mrs. ' Robert Hlden <?( Birmingham, ? Ala , has a$ her , guests Mrs William 8. Mudd and Mrs. ^osa ; M. Earle, also of Birmingham. Mrs. J. A. Hints was hostess to the Woman's auxiliary of- the Episcopal church at the Sep tember meeting Thursday after noon at "Chestnut Burr 'Cot tame." .? I- ?> Mrs. Albert Waller has re turned from Washington, D C., where she attended the wedding of her daughter, Margie Louise, to- Edward Walter WalcaVich September 22. ?' Miss Catherine Nollman left Saturday for Tallahassee. Flk.. where she is a senior at the Florida State College for Wom en. Miss Nollman ts majoring In journalism and is a member of Zeta Tau Ajpha sorority. The department of home management and house furnish ings at State college has been expanded with the appointment of Rose Ellwood Bryan and Lorna Langley as assistants to Pauline Oordon. 4 NEW DEACONS ARE ORDAINED AT HIGHLANDS Church And Sunday School Heads For Year Named By Baptists Ordination services were held at the Baptist church *>unciaj lor U. R. McConnell, Charles E. Dorris, T. M. Keener and W A Hays, who have been elect ed to tne board 01 deacons ljr a period of three years. Dr. Thorn carter, pastor, was as sisted in the service by the Kev. C. C. Welch, of Franklin, and the Rev. Krank Reed Other j rrtembers of the board of dea | cons are J. W. Reese, H S. iai j ley, J. L. Hicks, A. B. potts and J. E Hicks. The nine will be installed in a service next Sun day Church officers elected for the church year, starting Oc tober I, are: H. S. Talley, treasurer; M.ss Anne Carter, assistant; 8. d. Potts, clerk; Carlton Cleaveland, associate; Mrs. W. A. Hays, pi anist; Miss Carter, assistant; W. A Hays, musical director; Mrs. J. L\ Hicks, associate; S C. Rus sell, publicity; and Miss Doris Potts, associate. Sunday school officers are; S. C. Russell, superintendent; J. L. Hicks, assistant; Clarence Munger, secretary - treasurer; Sue Hicks, associate; Mrs. W A. Hays, pianist; Mrs. J. L Hicks, , associate; J. W. Reese, choirster; J. L. Hicks, associate; Miss Anne j Carter, and S. C. Russell, pub- | licity; and Miss Sue Hicks, li braian Teachers for the year are: Beginners, Mrs. Tom Gibson and Mrs. R. R. Chaplin; prim- ; ary, Miss Doris foils and Mrs. ,S. E. Potts; junior, Mrs. Louise Beals and Mrs. Charles Dorris; | intermediate, Mrs. J L. Hu:k?> i and Mrs. J. D. Burnette, lor j girls; Doyle Burgess, lor boys; ' young people, Carlton Cleave- i land and Paul Wjilden; Ladies I class, Mrs. W. A. Hays; men's j Fellowship Bible class, W. A. Hays, associate Carl Talley; general and substitute teachers, j Mrs. Carl Zoellner, Mrs* Annie Pierson and Mrs. A B. Potts. i The Sunday school enroll ment at the close of the year was 109, with an average at tendance during the past quar ter of 80. and an average dur ing the year of 65. During the year the church I expended approximately $4,000 on various projects, which in-: elude the moving and remodel ing of the pastor's house, com pleting repairs to basement and providing rooms for beginners' and Men's Fellowship Bible classes, and kitchen facilities for church suppers, finishing the year with no outstanding indebtedness. The initial item on the coming year's program, accord ing to Mr. Russell, is the land- j scaping of the grounds, fellow ing the opening of the road and leveling of the ground adr - jacent to the church, to which the church and the town of Highlands shared the expense. Guy Weaver, G. O. P. Congress Nominee, Visits Franklin Guy Weaver, of Asheville, Re publican nominee for congress from this district, was in Frank rouR ai you* dodo* uxicU it! Yoor? of tlvdy, pracitc* and ox* p^r'nnc* hov? fltt*d your Roxoll H\arm<ttiii far hit profession. Without such a Pharmacist your doctor'* prescription could do you no good. Tho Recall Phor* macist works hand in hand with your doctor, filling his proscrip. tion to tho Utter. Don't gamble with o proscription! USE THf m Angel's Drug Store lin Saturday in the interest ol his candidacy. i Mr. Weaver, a former stall senator from Buncombe county was accompanied on the trip by Lewis W. Hamlin, 01 Brevard chairman of the Republican [ disirict executive c.mi.iiittec i They can.c to 1 raiiilm .1 jm Waynesville. and aftei .eav lg ' here, went to Bryson City ai.e Syha. Tue Extension service at Statf college was recently awarded a blue ribbon for the best syndi cated press service .a .. 1. ed States ATTENTION Do not worry about your plumbing being ruined this winter due to im proper drainage ? Call HIGHLANDS PLUMBING CO. Carlton Cleiveland Phone 100 uur lime, tnougnts and ef- ' forts are devoted to Electri cal Work, and we endeavor to do that one thing well. 31 i ii It hut (Eirrtrir ([it. i i \ i WADE SUTTON) PHONK 100 When in Asheville Stop at Hotel Langren Asheville'* Largest ? Enjoy the "talk of the town" food at the " Rhododendron Grill r Say: "I ?a* it advrrtlird in The Press". Limited Supply Scrap Books 25c and$l All-Metal Flashlights Complete $1.25 Batteries and Bulbs Pencil Sharpeners for School and Office i ' Ink Eradicator Lifetime Parker Pens $8.75 Eagle Fountain Pens $2.41 i * ? / Mechanical Pencils, fi(om 25c to $1 Pencil Lead Gem Safety Razor sets, 39c One Used, Double-bar rel, 12-guage Parker Shotgun Lard Cans Syrup Buckets ... 1 2 V2C 50-gal. Wooden Barrels Liquid and Powd-r Insecticides with DDT 10-quart Baskets 20c W. J. Blaine Franklin, N. C. FOR SALE One 7-room house, hardwood floors, 3'i acres good land. Fishing, grapes and fruit trees. Good out-buildings, garage, winter supply of coal and woad. All city conveniences, 1 H miles from center of Franklin on concrete road. Half cash, balance 1 and 3 years. Sec Zeb Angel, Franklin, N. C. WE HAVE . . . a complete line of the following , felds: DAIRY FEED C. S. MEAL CHICKEN FEED HOG FEED HORSE FEED HAY AND OATS DOG FOOD SEED BARLEY WHEAT & RYE CORN MEAL PLENTY OF GROCERIES Your Business Always Appreciated Dryman Feed & Gro. Phone 170 Main Street

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