TOBACCO FOLK TO VOTE OCT. 25 ON OUOTA ISSUE Name* Of Those Eligibh To Vote Are Being Compiled Lists of burley tobacco grow ers who ore eligible to vote ip the referendum October 25. to determine whether there shall be quotas on the 1M7 crop, are now being complied by the Ma con county agricultural conser vation committee and are open ior inspection in the county of fice. Quotas will not be in effect for 1947 unless approved by at least two-thirds of the growers voting i.n the referendum. According to Robert Fulton, chairman of the agricultural conservation committee, "any person who has an interest in the 1 (I4ii crop as owner, ten ant, or sharecropper is eligible ) to vote." ' Burley growers are producing more tobacco than is be'.ng consumed and there is a sur plus of burley tobacco, he said. With extremely high yields 'per acre, the past three crops have been larger than was expected -JOIN Bryant Mutual Burial Association ? Oldest and Strongest in the County and have exceeded consumption by approximately 300 mlUion pounds Marketing quotas afford the opportunity to reduce supply in line with demand and to eliminate the present surplus The quotas, together with loans, will protect groweis against low j prices which otherwise could be expected. As in the past, Mr. FUlton pointed out, growers will vote on one of three propositions: 1 1 1 Dj you favor marketing quotas for three years ? 1947-49? (2 1 Do you favor quotas for one year? 1947, but oppose quotas for three years? or, <3 ? Are you opposed to any quotas? If quotas are approved, in dividual (arm acreage allot ments for 1647 will not be less than 80 per cent of the 1948 allotment for any farm which has Brown up to 75 per cent of its allotted acreage in any one Of the past three years The law provides that 1946 allot ments of nine-tenths of an acre or less cjinnot be reduced for 1947. The legislation authorising quotas also provides for loans in 1947 at 90 per cent of the parity price if quotas are ap proved 77!; * t ,t ? State College Hints To Farm Homemakers By Ruth Current N. C. State College When frost comes, the first , vegetables to be harvested for storage are beans, winter squash and pumpkins. These tender vegetables must not remain out of doors in a freezing tempera ture. Tomatoes, peppers, egg plants should also be gathered, but these vegetables cannot be stored for any length of time. Don't be in a hurry to dig and store your root crops. This FOR SALE 88-ACRE FARM Known as the Joshua Shepherd home place, located on the Shepherd Creek. Mostly timber, house, rood spring, orchard. $S00 . See Greeley Shepherd, Franklin, Route 3, or at lotla mine, who will show you place any day after 3 o'clock, or write N. D. Shepherd, Canton, Route 3. To the Voters of Macon County: 1 think that all candidates for public office should make a public statement to the voters, and I take this opportunity to make such a statement as candidate for Clerk of the Su perior Court of Macon County. 1. I am not a veteran and did not lose my arm in the service, but lost it in a hunting accident in my early vouth. It would have been a great honor to me to be able to stand in t'he ranks of those who served our country in the Armed Forces, but I was prevented from doing so by this physical handicap. I seek no votes on the ground that 1 am a veteran nor on the grounds of my physical handicap, and any rumor or impression that you may have heard to this effect is false. I am onlv stating, this to clear up certain propaganda which has been spread to this effect. ? 2. I am of the opinion that the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County is a full-time job. and if I should be elected. I pledge to give my undivided at tention to the ditties of the office. .3. I seek no controversy with any person, regardless of party affiliation. 1 stand for sound County Government, which represents all the people of the County. A public officer is a servant of the people, and if I at)i elected it will be my aim to serve all the people to the best of my ability regardless of party affiliation. I will appreciate the support of the people of this county and if elected will endeavor to be worthy of their confidence. Respectfully, Clinton Brookshire, Candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County. applies to beets, carrots, ruta- j bag as and turnips Leave them in the ground until heavy frost, even after the tops have died down, but of course xemove them before the ground freezes hard They keep better after low temperatures have caused the cells to fill up with starch and sugar, while the water coil tent becomes less. A good inch of stem should be left on carrots, beets, tur nips, rutabagas, and onions, when harvesting for storage. Root crops should be stored in a cool, ventilated cellar or storage room; in a garage, if heated, or until freezing weath er arrives; in a cellar window well; in a straw-lined pit In the ground and covered with dirt; in barrels, boxes, or cans sunk into the ground and cov ered with a foot of soil Warn ing: The vegetables must not freeze. '? Parsnips and salsify (oyster i plant) may be left in the ground all winter. In fact, the flavor Is Improved by freezing All members ,(of the cabbage family will stand a good deal of frost. Broccoli will keep on bearing until late autumn ; so will Brussel sprouts. Cabbage and cauliflower are frost resis tant. But cabbage should be stored in a cool place after real freezing weather comes IS YOUR LIVER CRYING FOR HELP because of constipation or faulty dl eeitlon? If you feel bilious, sour, lotted with gas, headachy, blue, grouchy, you may be putting too big a burden on your liver. Retained un dljested food becomes putrefaotive, causes toxins, which overload the liver, keeping It from working prop* crly. Then is the time to relieve your tired liver by letting Calotabs help nature sweep the putrefactive and partially digested matter from your ?stomach^md intestines. Nothing acts Just like good old Calotabs. Use as di rected. 10c and 25c at your druggists. Take CALOTABS JUST RECEIVED Car of Woven Wire Fencing I Also Car of Thick Butt Shingles SINGLETON SUPPLY CO. "Everything for a Better Home" DILLARD, GA. BRICK FOR SALE ? ANY AMOUNT White or Red SEE JOE ASH EAR or the PLANT AT DILLSBORO BRIDGE ? Smoky Mountain Dunbrik Co. Dead Veterans' Kin May Be Due Social Security The families of veterans, who have died since discharge, are eligible for certain social secur ity benefits, it was pointed out this week by Bill Bryson, coun ty veterans service officer. This is true regardless of whether the cause of death was service connected. and even though the veteran had no social security card Details may be obtained from Mr Brysen or from the Social Security office in Ashe ville. Ammonium dynamite, gela tins, and other such explosives should not be used for ditch blasting operations. Only nitro glycerin dynamite is best for ditching jobs, says Howard Ellis of State college. Say: "I Saw it advertised in The Press." lOOXArM???4D?R w/ion you look at home freezers i Deepfreeze v DISCOVER how your family can eat better, enjoy more variety . . . how kitchen time and work are saved . . . how ftfod costs are cut ? with Deepfreeae, the leader in home freezers. Deepfreeze has more units in service than any other home freezer. It is the one home freezer with proved dependability. COLD GOES ROUND AND ROUND In Deepfreeze, food is "wrapped" in a blanket of zero cold. No food is farther than 9 inches from the all-surrounding source of cold. (You defrost twice a year*br less.) Ideal size (more than 9 cubic feet ? every inch for food ? holds more than 320 pounds). See Deepfreeze first ? the one home freezer with already proved dependability. Martin Electric Company Macon Theatre Bldg. Phone 107 , CONDENSED REPORT OF CONDITION At the close of business, September 30, 1946 ASSETS Cash on hand and due from hanks $817,067.0/ United States Government Bonds, direct and guar anteed ; : 3,743,889.49 State and Municipal Bonds 152,496.25 Domestic Stocks ; 200.00 Loans and Discounts 308, 102. o3 Banking House, Furniture & Fixtures 12,440.70 Other Real Estate Owned 100 Other Assets (earned interest on bonds, etc.) 14,112.30 TOTAL ASSETS , $5.048, '309.34 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, Common $50,000.00 Surplus ? ? 50,000.00 Undivided Profits 78.049.46 Other Liabilities (reserves for interest, tatfes, etc.).... 4,818.66 Total Deposits 4,865,441.22 TOTAL LIABILITIES $5.(H8, 309.34 ? THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK Sylva, N. C. : Highlands, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation