?? V Highlands Highlights ? MRS. H. G. STORY CHURCH SERVICES IIICHLANDS BAPTIST CHURCH Tliom N. Carter, D.D., Pastor ! 10:00 a. m. ? Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. ? Worship Service. ! 7:00 p. m:? B. T. U. B: 00 p. m.? Evening Warship. 1 Wednesday, 7:00 p. m.? Pray- I er. Praise and Fellowship. METHODIST Highlands Church Every Sunday: 10 a. m Sunday School. 11 a. m. ? Worship service. Cashiers Church First Sunday: 11 a. m. ? Worship service. Flats Church Second Sunday: 3 p. m.? Worship service. Clear Creek Church Fourth Sunday: Norton Church 3 p. m.? Worship service. EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Rev. A. Rul'us Morgan. Rector Every Sunday: 10:00 a. m. ? Church school. 11 a. m. ? Worship service. Second Sunday: ? 11-00 a.m. ? Holy Communion Fourth Sunday: 4:30 p.m. ? Evening prayer and sermon. ? PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I Rev. J. B. Davidson, Minister 10:00 a. m.? Sunday School. MRS. HINES IS HOSTESS TO WEDNESDAY CARD CUTS The first fall meeting of the Wednesday card club was held with Mrs. J A. Hines at Chest nut Burr cottage the past week. A delicious and colorful dessc-n was served by the hostess, pre ceding the three-table game Guest players were Mrs John B. Westbrook, Mrs. Gerald W Cornelious, Mrs A. Rockwell Nail and Miss Rebecca Nail. High score guest prize was won by Miss Nail, and Mrs Corne lius was final winner of the traveling prize. Club members playing in Wed nesday's game were Mrs. Sam Baty. Miss Sara GUder, Mrs. W. H. Cobb, Mrs. Elliot Caziarc, Mrs. C. C. Potts. Mrs. Wade Sut ton, Mrs. O. E Young and Mrs. H. G. Stdry Miss Gilder won high score club prize and Mrs. Sutton was presented with a birthday gift. Bronze and yellow chrysanthemums decorated the living room and dini.ng room MRS. HOLT HONORED WITH TRIP TO SMOKIES Mrs. A C. Hplt was honored recently with an all-day trip to the Smoky Mountains National park by her son and daughter- j in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holt, and Harry, Jr., which in cluded a stop-over in Gatlin U a. m. ? Worship Service. 7:30 p: m. ? Christian En deavor. I burg. Tenii , and -a picnic din ner at Clingmans dome. Others sharing in the jays of ihe autumn ccoloring and the pleasures of the trip were Mr and Mrs W. W. McConnell, Bill Moore and Claude Calloway of {Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1 Stribling of Andrews; Weaver ; Holt of San Francisco. Calif ; ; Mr\ and Mrs. Grady Coffee and son, Tommy, Roy Holt, R. L. ; Beal and Mrs Ruth Beal of Highlands; and Mrs. Beat's son in-law and daughter. Mr. and { Mrs Lester Taylor of Missouri. CHAIRMAN NAMED FOR EPISCOPAL CHURCH BAZAAR At a meeting of the Episcopal : church bazaar committee Tues day afternoon at the home of 1 Mrs. Tudor N. Hall, July 15 of next year was -chosen as the bazaar date, and the following committee chairmen were ap pointed for the various booths: i Mrs. Jack W. Brockway as chairman of the fancy-work j booth; Mrs C. D. S. Clarkson. [ as chairman of the food booth. Miss Rebecca Nail, in charge of the white elephant booth, and ; Mrs E. R. Gilbert as chairman of the refreshment booth. 3 DELEGATES ATTEND DISTRICT AUXILIARY MEET Mrs. C. D S. Clarkson, M'.ss j Rebecca Nail, and Miss Rebecca Bridgers were delegates to the district Woman's auxiliary meet ing at the Church of the Re deemer in Craggy, Thursday Due to this meeting, the October birthday supper meeting of the Episcopal Church of. the Incar nation, scheduled to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson on Thursday night, has been postponed to Friday night of this week. Copr. 1916. Emo Ifcc. No matter how plentiful New Tires get... ONIY AN MIAS DOES THIS! The more kinds of new tires you see, the harder it is to know which to choose. But when you see an Atlas Tire at your Ksso Dealer's, you can be sure of two things. First ? that the Esso Marketers' organization stands squarely behind its fine quality. We stake our reputation on it. We use Atlas Tires on our own fleets of cars and trucks. Second ? that here's a tire with a great record behind it. Over 26 million have been sold to date. Furthermore? every Atlas Tire carries a written warranty of satisfaction that is good on the spot at any of 33,000 dealers in the U. S. and Canada. For safer driving this winter, choose deep-tread Atlas Tiree. You can buy them with confi dence, ride them with assurance. Here's a really fine tire. A truly great value! For safer winter driving get your ATLAS Tires now 8 Extra toughness for extra wear Wide, deep safety-grip tread Performance road-proved over 16 years Broad, written tire-life warranty On-the-spot service by 33,000 dealers Backed by ESSO, a name you can depend on NOTE : If your dealer dees net have the size ATLAS Tire you need, place your order now for future delivery. "IT'S THE TIRE THAT MAKES OOOD ON THE ROAD!" Th* sign of STANDARD OIL COMPANY -Happy Motoring' OF NEW JERSEY \ STEWART'S ESSO SERVICE STATION On the Square Phone 51 RALPH WOMACK'S SERVICE STATION On Atlanta Highway Phone 19 REID'S ESSO STATION Palmer Street Phone 32 > POINDEXTER'S ESSO SERVICE STATION Phone 102 Personal Mention Miss Frances Crunkleton and Miss Mary Lou Hedden. students at Lees-McRae college. Banner Elk. spent the wee^-end with iheir iamilies. Miss Crunkleton s father, Mr Earl Crunkleton, making the trip over for them on Saturday morning. Miss Marguerite Richert, of Atlanta, and her brother. Joe Richart, of Marion, S. C were recent week-end guests of their aunt, Mrs. Grover D. Edwards, at her home on Fifth street The Rev R. F. Brown, of j Asheville, was guest preacher at the Highlands Presbyterian | church Sunday morning in the absence of the Rev Jack B Davidson, pastor, who accepted an invitation to hold Sunday services at the Presbyterian church In Lockhart, S. C. ? Miss Ethel Calloway, of At lanta, has been spending several days at her cottage on Fourth street and has as her guest Miss Edith Morris, also of At lanta. . . i Miss Gertrude Swanson had as her week-end guests at "Greyrock" on Bear Pen moun tain Mr. and Mrs. Clay Cheek, of Griffin. Ga ? Mr and Mrs W. S. Davis and ? Mr. and Mrs. John Calloway vis- i ited members of Mr. Davis fam ily In Commerce. Ga . last week. Col. and Mrs G. S. Brownell are spending some time in Charleston. S. C., with their daughter. Mrs. Claude L Mc- ? Dill, and family. ? Lt. Col and Mrs. H. B. Dear and their two children. Greta and Dick. Jr., have gone on to Washington, D. C., following a week's visit here with Col. Dear s parents and sister. General and Mrs. William R. Dear and Miss Frances Dear at "Yon-Way . the : Dear summer home on the Bre- | vard road The Dears were en route from Hot Springs. Ark.. , and will be stationed in Wash- , ington this winter This was the | , first time the family had been , together since before the war. 1 1 W H. ' Meisel and daughter, ] Ann Louise, who have been vis iting the former's mother. Mrs. ] Orover Edwards, for the nast , three weeks, left Sunday for a short, visit in Hendersonville with Mrs. Meisel's sister. Mrs | , Frank Fleming. Jr.. and family, j before returning to their home , in Princeton, N J. . j i Mrs W. R. Potts and dauah- j ter. Miss Peggy Potts, and Miss jl Caroline Hall spent Friday in , Anderson. & C.. where they at tended the fair. _ Mr. and Mrs. Tudor N. Hall spent the past week-end in , Raleigh with their daughter. Miss Sarah Hall, who is a stu dent at St. Mary's school for glMr and Mrs. Charles J. And- , erson and daughters, the Misses j Ann Mary Deas and Jane And j, erson. spent Friday in Anderson. S C., going down to attend tne fair and to meet Mr and Mrs. Anderson's eldest daughter, Miss Angela Anderson and a group of her classmates from Erskine college, who were also attend ing the fair. Mr and Mrs. Paul B Dickman of Ruskin, Fla.. returned home Saturday after spending 10 days ; at their new home on Bear Pen mountain, coming up at this time for the autumn coloring, j Mr. Dickman has extensive trucking properties in Ruskin j and is interested in summer truck growing in this section Mr. and Mrs Frank B. Cook and their house-guests. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Wideman. of Palm , Beach, Fla., attended the Geor gia-Oklahoma football game m Athens Saturday. The new jeep station wagon belonging to Mr. and Mrs Sam uel L. Stokes has been attract ing considerable attention since it is the first of its kind to be seen on the streets of Highlands. | Mr. and Mrs. Arvis Moore, of Atlanta, are occupying an apart- | ment belonging to Mrs. Moore s i aunt, Mrs. S T. Marett, while their new home is being com li When in Asheville Stop at Hotel Langren Asheville' s Largest ? Enjoy the "talk of the town" food at the Rhododendron Grill > Mill III I li i 1 1' 1 1 Hill sa jpteted at Rabun Gap Ga I where Mr Moore's father is a. '' "c?ted with a home develop-" ment company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles du Big are ending a few days fn '?ute u. their home in Miami, following several weeks' I st?y in Wheeling, w. Va 1 Atlanra ^ Mr* KaV Werner. Of Atlanta, were visitors in .h lands over the week-end call ing on Miss Sara Gilder at her Oak street apartment, where San.i^h bee" ,esid",S Whilj her Satulah road residence has ot 11 occupied by summer a" d ' umn guests. Mr. and Mrs. L. T Wick anri son Charles, have returned from a v sit with relatives in Youngs lew 'h h ancl are sending a lew days here looking after the building ol their summer home before returning to West Palm Beach for the winter. Honot Paid Miss Cleaveland On Retirement Miss Eva G. Cleaveland for ?ed'Vf ,Highlands- was hon W ,K S!lqilet K've" recent ly by the First National Bank and Tiust company, of Bridge port, Conn , m connection with Miss Cleaveland s retirement, bank >ears service with the ?"e hundred women members of the banks staff were guests at the banquet, at which tri ? Paid Miss Cleaveland's J nf y. and ability" by thp in" sUtution s president. Miss Cleaveland, who plans considerable travel in future, w 11 spend part of each year 111 Highlands. Her relatives in Ma con County include her ? sister Mrs Henry D. West, of Frank D D Z? sisters-in-law. Mrs H P- P. Thompsoii and Mrs. W M Cleaveland; Mrs! Dewev Hopper I i, niece; and W a Hays' ^Z01'ge. . Cleaveland, Henry cleaveland, Maurice Cleaveland ' ?nd Carletoh Cleaveland all nephews. Miss Cleaveland. who spent tier childhood in Highlands is i past president of the Bridge port Business and Professional Womens club Continuing to I study through the years, she was graduated from the American as 1931 ?f BankinK a'S recentiy f Coltrane To Preach j Sunday At Highlands R ^ J- Coltrane, president of Brevaid college, will be guest ; chu^h6^31 "i8hlands Methodist church Sunday morning at the : will WorshlP hour, and will preach at the Clear Creek , church Sunday afternoon at 3 "M i]ISo"le one from Brevard will fill the regular appoint ln the Hi^hlands charge until a new minister is available ! it was explained. ' | Start Landscaping ? Grounds Ot Baptist Church At Highlands j The Highlands Baptist church has announced that in- ! '! tial work on the landscaping of the church grounds has begun, i Flagstone walks are to be built ' and a rock retaining wall at the ' rear of the church on Oak , j 8 r the fading and in stallation of drains have been completed. , Later it is planned to' plant 1 Highlands Baptists Plan Two-Week Singing School The Highlands Baptist church will hold a two weeks' singing school from October 28 to No vember 10, inclusive, under the direction ol Prof. an?l Mre. W. L. Harmon. All members of the church, whether musically in clined or not. are asked to at tend. Song services will be held each night at 7 o'clock, begin ning Monday. October 4. and all persons in Highlands or vi cinity are invited Highlands P. T. A. Plans Halows'en Fete Noyember 1 Plans are under way lor the annual Hallowe'en carnival and box supper to be presented by Highlands Parent-Teacher asso ciation Friday night, November 1. at the school lunch ro.wn. ac cording to an announcement by the publicity committee Because of the scarcity of sugar this year's plans include a "pie walk" instead of the usual cake walk. J O I N ^ Bryant Mutual Burial Association Oldest and Strongest in the County Our time, thoughts and ef forts are devoted to Electri cal Work, and we endeavor to do that one thing well. 3-1 ii^h Lut its (fiicrtrir (?*. I WADE SUTTON) PHONE 100 ATTENTION Do not worry about your plumbing being ruined this winter due to im proper drainage ? Call HIGHLANDS PLUMBING CO. Carlton Cleaveland Phone 100 Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomnlflon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the sea* of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucoua mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you an to have your money back. CREOMULSION For Coughs, Chast Colds, Bronchitis trees, hedges, flowers and grass to beautify the grounds. JUST RECEIVED Car of Woven Wire Fencing Also Car of Thick Butt Shingles SINGLETON SUPPLY CO. "Everything for a Better Home" DILLARD, GA. ?Uwefinotfw (?tqi tPf02^g3 "7ke, Beat Pcuit of- tke /Heai"

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