American interests control 56.4 per cent of the world's known oil reserves. . ' - 1 World crude oil production In 1946 is expected to be about 23 per cent greater than in 1941. GOOD VALUES ? Tcys for the Kiddies ? Fence for the Farm / ? Tire# for the Truck ? Roof for the House Singleton Supply Co. "Everything for a Better Home" DILLARD, GA. Births Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Watkins, of Bidwell street, announce the b'rth of a daughter. Sandra Lee. October 20 at the Angel hos pital Mrs. Watkms is the for mer Miss Rosa Lee Kiser, daughter of Mr and Mrs Theo Kiser. Wade Hampton. Jr., a son, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Childers, of West Franklin, at the Angel hospital October 19. Mrs. Childers is the former Miss Elizabeth Setser i A son was barn to Mr and Mrs. Julian Kiser at the Angel hpspital October 19. Mr and Mrs. George W. Mc Clure, of Atlanta, Ga., have an nounced the birth of a son, Charles Gettys, at the Emory University hospital in Atlanta October 21 Mrs. McClure was I We Have Been Appointed Headquarters r '?* "N > ' ' ' * ' I in This Trade Area for HARVEY RED HED HAMMER MILLS I his appointment confirms the fact that in supplying this community with dependable farm implements, our service to you starts with the selection of the most outstanding farm tools that it is possible for us to offer. HARVEY RED HED HAMMER MILL Svp*r HywIiMl Momentum SpMdt Hi* St*ody Swing ing Hammtn at 3 Mil** a Mlnut*. Delivering 80 to 280 Oraln-Sma thing 12-ton Blow* per Socond. That's fal f**d Grinding. Broth?rl We Invite you to come in soon and see thi* great new Harvey Red Hed Hammer Mill so that we may ?how you how and why it can make more money for you. REEVES HARDWARE CO. Phone 113 Franklin, N. C. THE TWINS' SHOP NOW OPEN On Northeast side of Public Square Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Dresses - Coats - Skirts Sweaters - Blouses Brand New Stcck ? the vpiry latest in styles ? The new, smart coat shown above is just one of the many attractive items you will find at our store. THE TWINS' SHOP J. C. JACOBS, Owner MISS KATE JACOBS, Mgr. Macon Mu'i Wilt Bride Here With FarenAs-ln-Law Mrs. Jessie Jones, of York shire. England, has arrived in Franklin, to join her hu.soaiut. Hie. Marshall Jones, who was returned to the States several weeks ago. and is now stationed at Fort Bragg. Mrs. Jones, while her husband is in service, will spend her time with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Tom Jones, at their home, FraukT.i, Route 1 She finds this a delightful country and is highly pleased with the re ception she has received from the American people since com I nig to the States, she said. Prior to her marriage about a year ago, Mrs Jones was 111 the military service for four years. Pvt. Doyle L. Grant Stationed In Japan (Pvt. Doyle L Grant, son of Lonnle Grant, of Flats, recently has been assigned to C Battery of the 89th field artillery bat talion of the 25th (Troppici In fantry division, stationed in Japan, according to word re ceived here. Pvt Grant eiut. t d the army last January, and left for overseas in August MRS. ALLEN'S MOTHER DIES IN JACKSON Mrs. Martha Jane Deitz Bu chanan. 84, mother of Mrs. De witt Allen, of Franklin, Route 3, j died at her home in Jackson | county, October 20 at 11 a. m ; Funeral services were held at the New Savannah Baptist church, of which she was a member, October 21 at 3 o'clock, with the Rev. C C. Welch, pas tor of the West's Mill commun ity, officiating MISS COX RESIGNS HER CHURCH POSITION HERE Miss Lysbeth Cox, association il missionary of the Macon County Baptist association, has j resigned, and left Franklin sev- | eral days ago. After attending a conference at Blowing Rook, Miss Cox planned to go to her j home ? in Montgomery, Ala., for j a rest before assuming similiai duties in another county. before her marriage Miss Mar tha Gettys, of Camden, S. C., j and Mr. McClure is the son of ; Mrs. Charles McClure and ot , the late Mr McClure, of Frank lin, Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Wallace, of j Franklin, have announced the birth of a daughter. Mary Ann. , at Angel hospital October 24, A son. Owen Regean. was born j to Mr and Mrs Owen Amnions, ' of Franklin. Route 4. Octobei j 24. at Angel hospital. A daughter. Hazel Louise, was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Penland, of Highlands. Octobei 24 at Angel hospital, Mrs. Pen land is the former Miss Ethel Crane. A daughter, Sandra Gale, was born October 28 to Mr. and Mrs Sanford Dills, of the Prentiss community, at Angel hospital. Mrs. Dills before her marriage was Miss Doris Kimsey, of near Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holland, of the Gneiss section, have an nounced the birth of a son at Angel hospital October 30. Mrs. Holland is the former Miss Hazel Simmonds, of Franklin. A son. David Lee. was born to Mr. and Mrs Hugh Burrell. at Physicians Memorial hospital, Indian Head, Md., September 10. Mrs. Burrell is the former Miss Orpha Holbrooks. daughter of Mr and Mrs. James R. Hol brooks, of Franklin, Route 3. Mr. Burrell also is a Macon county native. A new whistling signal will permit the filling of automobile gasolLne tanks at full flow from the pumps without danger of overflowing. The signal whistles as the tank reaches the "full" mark. Vote for Ralph ^enson for register of deeds, the only World War 2 veteran in this campaign. Adv. Coming Soon . . . assortment of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ? CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY WESTERN RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP EDGAR CARTER, Mgr. Main Street Opposite Angel Hospital The United States consumes In the neighborhood at 4.200,000 gallons of lubricating :ils daily. I ...... J- . . ||, I, I, J Exploration for oil Is under way in the Bahamas, although none has as yet been found. ' ? REAL VALUES ? 130 acres paved highway -Electricity? Close in A fine development proposition i New House? Near schools- All conveniences Priced to selL STANDARD REALTY COMPANY (Mrs. J. II. Stockton, Owner) ( I 'olitical Advertising; ) The Senator's Column ? ? ? HOLLOW PROMISES National Chairman Robert E. Hannegan has promised die Amei -an voters that "further tax reductions will be made as rapidly as a sound financial policy will permit." What a promise! What a hollow promisei Yes, the New Deal will give the overburdened taxpayers re lief when "a sound financial policy will permit.'' "When a sound financial policy will permit " There is a tintinnabula tion to these words 01 others uttered in previous campaigns. It carries us back to that Democratic convention in Chicago when tried and true men wrote platform pledging "immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abol ishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating depart ments and bureaus an(l eliminating extravagance, to accom plish a saving of not less than 25 per cent in the cost ?>! Federal Government." t There, friends, is the original promise of a political party, which changed its name tp "New Deal Party." made to the American people. Upon this promise the American people ,;ent the Democratic Party to power, but in less time than it takes to tell the story, the Democratic Party platform was blown higher than Gilroy's kite and supplanted with a program ' of deceit and deception plotted by designing schemers drunk with the idea that from that day on the Government of the United States would be their exclusive property The first step in the repudiation of that Chicago convention promise was the President's closing of the banks, all banks, the country over This was three days before Congress came into session and the next move was to make of Congress a rubber stamp. President Roosevelt asked for approval of his banking action and the Congress gave it The Congress made everything legal after the fact. Then Mr. Roosevelt collected up the gold dollars and gold certificates. In return for the gold the people received paper printing press money. He then devalued the dollar. All this was done in the name of "an emergency." But at no time nad the people been forewarned of what was coming up Repudiation followed quickly in which Congress passed an act repudiating the gold redemption clause making payment of Government debts in any sort of money the Government might provide. It went on to make all contracts between individuals and cor porations, calling for settlement in gold, payable in any kind of specie recognized by the Federal Government. From here on out each new Administration-created emer gency called for the creation of a new bureau and the expen diture of millions of dollars. And with each new bureau came the promise that next year the budget would be balanced ;ind the country would be back on a safe and sound financial oasis Then, they told us, would begin the reduction of taxes as "con sistent with a sound financial policy." Such were the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Such were his promises year after year Tor twelve long years. The National debt mounted. It doubled. The people oecame alarmed. Then came the war. Never was the budget balanced. Never were taxes, reduced. They couldn't be reduced because the New Deal was "spending, spending and electing and elect ing," just as Harry Hopkins and the/ scheming braintrusters had planned. Their promises were as hollow as a gourd and as empty of integrity as a Russian agreement The New Dealers never could and can't to this day tell the truth even when the truth would serve their interests best. So, here we are up to the Hannegan promise, "tax reductions will be made as rapidly as a sound financial policy will permit." I wonder if a New Deal politician would recognize a sound financial policy if it were to be laid in his lap? I doubt it. It New Dealers have ever had the slightest idea of what a "sound financial policy" really is they have never so indicated. I think some of them do, but a question of expediency always arises Is it expedient to stop spending? Is it expedient to advocate thrift, work and common honesty, or Is It expedient to create political jobs, pay subsidies and throw tax dollars around with wild abandon? Down to this moment these New Deal politicans have chosen the easy way and deferred the evil day of settle ment. Is it, Mr Hannegan, sound business to sink American tax dollars in payment of subsidies to take food out of the Amer ican people's mouths and clothes. off their backs? This is what is being done at this very moment and you know it. OPA pays the subsidies out of tax dollars. UNRRA ships the food to Tito, et al Is it good, sound business, Mr. Hannegan, to squander $400, 000,000 on salaries, office rents, traveling expenses and sub sidies and not get one single house for a service man and his family? But why go on? It is the same old story all the way from Central American to Canol. It is the history of the New Deal from the 4th of March, 1933, to the moment you read this column. Today Mr Hannegan and his New Deal organization is fight ing for its life. It stated the greed of the CIO-PAC by re establishing the OPA. It did this for the sake al expediency. Now it would be the expedient thing, according to New Deal leaders, to suspend OPA controls on meat until after election. And. the New Deal way is always the expedient way. It is any thing to get the votes If the subsidy dollar will bring in the votes, then subsidy dollars roll. If it is expedient to talk econ omy and practice waste, the New Deal is always long on talk. A New Dealer Is not a Democrat He is not a Republican. He is a hybrid of a thousand unworkable theories and above all he is a jealous zealot with a ruining, ruling complex. His phobia is that some day the American people will rise up and .smite' him to earth. In fear he trades with alien ideologies and works to the end that will bring about the deliverance of his country into the hands of its enemies Thus he hopes to remain m" power. The time has come to elect good Americans to Congress. Men and women who regard a promise as a sacred oath to be kept regardless of political affiliation can be found outside of the New Deal conglomeration. Some of these are good Demo crats, some are Republicans, but always good Americans before they are partisans. You can't vote New Dealers back into power and expect to dodge bankruptcy and slavery. Their return means chaos and utter ruination. In their places, install good men and women who refuse to break their promises. / ? The W. Lee O'Daniel News. This Advertisement Sponsored by the Republican Party in Macon County