GOOD FURNITURE 5 QUALITY JEWELRY ? Either is Ideal as- a Christmas Gift . * See Them at ? SOSSAMON FURNITURE CO. "Everything for Your Home" Franklin, N. C. The Gift That Says "Always Yours" ... Now is the time to come in and let us capture your personality for your Christmas gift-giving. Come in prompt ly ... so we can have your picture ready for Christmas. CRISP S STUDIO /<>*& ?dcafr^a*tta, For the Children * Dolls * Drums * Games * Balls * Trucks * Pianos * Scooters 'Tea Sett * Tricycles * Airplanes * Toy 'Phones * Xmas Tree Lights * Construction Sets For Grown-Ups * Bed Lamps * Pin-up Lamps * Electric Heaters * Electric Heating Pads * Hot Plates * Fountain Pens 0 billfolds Western Auto Asso. Store 12 4-H CLUBS NAME OFFICERS Dates For December Meetings Are . Announced New officers of the 12 4-H clubs in this county were elect ed at club meetings this oionih. and have been announced by (j b Dixon, assistant county ^Dates for the clubs' Decem ber meeting also were an nounced by Mr Dixon, as fol Decembcr 9: Slagle at 9.15 a m.' Otter Creek at 1:30 p. m. December 10: Higdonville at 0;30; Pine Grove, 10.45, Holly Springs, 1:30. December 11: Iotla' 9 3 ' Burning town, 10:45; Cowee 1.30. December 12: Franklin Junior, 8:40; Franklin Senior, 10.15. December 13: Otto, 9.15, Highlands, 2i05. Projects which 4-H ciub mem bcrs may take, tt was explained, include various phases of cr?P?' poultry, livestock, forestiy, and home-making The president, vice-president, secretary, assistant secretary, song leader, assistant song leader, and, for some clubs, pro gram chairman and reporter, are listed, in that order, each club, as follows: Burningtown: Jessie Lee Welch, Betty Childers, Catherine Tal lent, Henderson Huggins Joyce Welch, Catherine Tallent, and Ruth Edwards. Cowee: Luanne Gibson. How ard Cabe, Dorothy Medlin., Bes sie Bell Holland, Annie Lois 5 Welch, Evelyn Dean, Nancy Ramsey, and Jackie Raby_ j Franklin, Jr.: Mary Anne Kil llan. Janet Parker Laura Lyle. Richard Jones, Martha Anne KilUan, Wilma Rlnshaw, Leia , Joe Gailey, and Mahha Anne , Stockton. _ Franklin, Sr.: Virginia Cans- 1 ler Johnny Owens, Billy Ray, Jimmy Conley, Joe Freeman Wi.Ha Gene McGlamery, Jerry Potts, and Billy Ramsey > Highlands: Joyce Burnette. Paul Price, Deloris Vinson, Pat sv Hayes, Kathleen Potts. Paul | Price, James Potis, and Joyce Burnette. _ , Holly Springs: Mildred Corbin, | Fred Deal, Mary Ruth Higdon, | R. L. Cabe, Mildred Corbin, j Grady Corbin, and Maxine Tayl Plne Grove: Samuel Holland, Joyce Holland. Frances Deal, Annie Lee Bolilk, Franies Deal, and Samuel Holland Higdonville : Bernice Gregory. Elizabeth Anne Smith. Howard Mincy. Carolyn Bryson, Annie Laurie Moses. Francis Moses, Annie Laurie Moses, and Eliza beth Anne Smith. Iotla: Martha Penland, Emma Lou Ramsey. Frances Fouts. Ruby DeHart, Frances Fonts Ed Poindexter, Martha Nell Penland, and Emma Lou Ram sev* Otter Creek: Mildred Medford, Dora Lee Bateman, Nell Ycranee. Ruth Cross, Ruby Owenby. Paul Social Security Official To Be Here On Dec. 6 A representative of the Ashe ville field office of the Social Security board will be at the register of deeds' office here . December 6 at 9 a m , It has been announced. State College Hint* To Farm Homemakera By VEKNA STANTON N C. State College Food Value Package: Potatoes : pack good food values under their jackets. They are a good source of vitamin C, contain some B vitamins, iron and other important minerals, and starch Types to Buy: Best potatoes are firm and clean, have shal- 1 low eyes, are free from cuts, j decay, or green sports. There ' are preferences, too, in line j with the recipe followed. Mealy, j flaky varieties are good lor bak ing and mashing. Waxy varie ties that hold their shape are best for salads and for cream ing. If selling potatoes, package those of uniform size and grade Send to market only high qual ity potatoes with "eye appeal." Cooking Tips: The best way to save food values is to cook potatoes in their jackets. And of the two ways of cooking them in their jackets, boiling conserves more vitamins than baking. If the potatoes are to be served parslied, 'nashed creamed, hash-browned, or in salad, start them on their way boiled in their jackets When raw potatoes are called for as in a scallop or soup, keep the peelings thin. Peel potatoes just before cooking If allowed' to soak, the potatoes lose some of their nutritional value. If they must be peeled ahead of time, put them in salted water. Serve them quick-cooked and steam ing hot. The longer thev stand exposed to the air. M-.e more vitamin C they lose ? eft-overs should be covered and kept in a cold place until you're ready to use them A simple way to restore the i fresh flavor to canned orange juice or other canned citrus juices is to pour the chilled : juice back and forth from one tumbler to another iust before 1 serving, citrus research chem ists of the U S.D A advise Thi" adds air whV-h 1s naturally present in fresh juice but is re moved during the vacuum can ning process. Much of the "d'.f ! ferent" taste ?*i nronerlv fan ned juice, especially in orange (juice as it ccmes from the con i is actually an airless taste which largely disappears when air is j added. ;ine Smith, and Louise Ow-nbv Otto: Sue Howard, Mildred i I Cunningham Mary Keener, Eu- I ! gene Gray. Bruce Keener. Lois i Slagle. Dudley Conley. and Roy Brown. Slagle: Kenneth Crawford.! Bruce Crawford. Wayne Harrt- i son, Rosemary Huscission. Grace Setser. Sara Ledford, and Con naree itfolen. Urges Farmers To Place Lime Orders At Once Limestone will be furnished to farmers through the 1947 agri cultural conservation progrb.ii on a "first come, first served basis," it was announced this week by Robert Fulton, chair man of the Macon County com mittee, in urging farmers to place their 1947 lime orders im mediately "Only 355,200 tons of lime stone have been offered for dis-' tribution through the 1947 pro gram for the entire state," Mr. Fulton continued. With an In dicated increased demand (or lime during the coming yea,, he pointed out that sufficient lime will not be available to fill all requests and that orders will be filled in the order they are placed with the Macon County Triple A office. Contractors have agreed to furnish lime on a monthly basis. Any month's allotment that Is not requested will be canceled and lost for the entire year, he said. By ordering lime now, farmers are assured of getting it in December of this year, or In January or Febru ary of 1947. Super Rock and Slag Building Blocks Door and Window Lintel* Flue Collars Complete Line Concrete Products SEPTIC TANKS, PLACED ? See ? CHARLES H. DAVIS or Write Box 421 / -rf ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I 111 NEW FEED STORE NOW OPEN In Old S. A. Munday Stand ? WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PURINA FEEDS ? Calf Chow ? Milk Chow ? Goat Chow ? Dog Feed ? Rabbit Feed ? Hog Chow ? Hog Fatena ? Omolene Horse Feed ? Chicken Starter and Laying Mash ? C. S. Meal ? Oats ? Hay ? SEE US FOR YOUR STAPLE GROCERIES Hall & Potts Feed Store Located in Old S. A. Munday Stand MOVING ANNOUNCEMENT The Macon Willys Co. will be in its NEW LOCATION On Palmer Street, Opposite Cagle's Cafe DECEMBER 1 ' ? YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT US THERE Attention, Jeep Owners: We will have a Modern Rspair Shop, and will carry a full line of repair parts. A Good Willys Mechanic Will be on Hand to Handle Repairs ? Farmers, Note: We will have a good line of Farm Machinery in stock as soon as it becomes available. MACON WILLYS CO. W. E. YARBROUGH, Owner