f t . . . 1 g -S NEWS about i PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jones kind two children. Richard and Mar garet, left Wednesday lor La U range. Ga.. where they will , spend the ThanksgiVing holi- , luys with Mrs Jones' family. i Miss Fannie Goodman. a member of the iaculty of West t;n Carolina Teachers collage. Cyiiowhee. is spending Thanks giving here with Mrs Weimai ^ - - - l! J. Mooney is spending tlu I i Thanksgiving holidays on a' hunting trip iiear Rogersville. Tenn ? Mrs. H. S O'Mohundro under went an operation in a Rich mond, Va.. hospital Monday inuiiung. Word lrom Richmond is that the is resting comfort ably. U rover Jamison. Sr , who has been ilj at his home for the pa;t 10 days, is reported im proving. George B Patton spent the first of ' this week in Raleigh on business in connection with i the stale board of elections hearing on the Swain county election dispute Mrs. Joe Setser and two ' daughters. Misses Jane and Margaret Setser, who spent the week-end in Rutlierlordton with their son and brother, Mack Setser and Mrs. Setser, have re turned t j their home on Frank v lin. Route 1. Mrs. Bob S Sloan, and Mr. and Mrs J. Roane Bradley, of Franklin, and W. Neville Sloan, of Atlanta, Ga . will leave Thursday for Chapel Hill. There they will be joined by Bob S. Sloan, attending the Universsity of North Carolina, and Friday morning the party will leave lor Philadelphia. Pa., to attend the Army-Navy football game there Saturday Mrs Herbert E. Church letft Wednesday afternoon for Mary ville, Tenn., to spend UK j Thanksgiving holidays with her I son. H. E. Church, Jr.. Mr.. Church and three daughters. She will return to her home I here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Gailey I and daughter, Leila Jo, have | returned from Clayton, Oa , i where they were called Sunday | on account of the death ol Mrs. [ Gailey's father. Sexton Whit^. who died at his home ab tut six miles from Clayton Sunday aft ernoon at 6:30 O'dlock. Lucvlle Crispe. seven-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Grady Crisp, who underwent an oper ation lor the removal of her appendix at the Angel hospital here Friday night, was reported Wednesday to be doing nicely. Mrs W. G- Wilkie, en route to her home here after a visit ? with her daughters, Mrs. Naylor I and Mrs Ensley, in Astwvilie sufiered a heart attack and wa^ taken off the bus into the home ? of Mr and Mrs. John Burleson in East Franklin. She was ther taken to the Angel hospital foi treatment, where hospital at- ' tendants report- her condition as i satisfactory. She was removed j to her home Wednesday. Mrs. Skyler Led ford has re covered sufficiently to be re moved to her home at Prentiss after undergoing treatment at the Angel hoxpital for several days. The Rev. W C. Pipes, of Franklin, Route 4, is gravely ill at the Angel clinic with a chest infection The Rev. Joe Bishop, of Gay, Jackson county, i.s seriously ill at the Angel clinic, suffering from blood poison Mr. Bishop was formerly pastor of rural Baptist churches in this county The State Hospital farm at Goldsboro will renovate a Dal. lis-Bermuda pasture by fertiliz ing, liming, and seeding Ladino clovers, orchard grass, and les pedeza will be added in late February, following discing. WE ARE NOW BUYING DOGWOOD Cut to the Following Specifications: LENGTHS: 20", 36", 48", and 60" Long. DIAMETER: Must net be less than 4V2" a* the small end. GRADE: Should be straight and 85% clear of diefects. Excessive leaf knots or burls are undesirable. Red heart or doty heart must have 2V2" white wood around it. NOTE: Woods length or pole lengths are not acceptable. Cut only to specified lengths. Highlands Briar, Inc. Franklin, N. C. PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL GIFTS JUST RECEIVED! A New Shipment of Electric And Combination \ RADIO-PHONOGRAPH RADIOS! ? OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS I " ' ? Electric Irons ? Toasters ? Heating Pads ? Heaters ? Vacuum Cleaners ? Universal Pressure Cookers * Clocks * Can-O-Mat Openers * West Bend Aluminum Ware * Everhot Roasterettes * Pin-Up Lamps I * Dormeyer Juicers The new Fluorescent Christmas Tree Lights now available Martin Electric Company Macon Theatre Bldg. Phonu 107 WANT ADS MACK SAYS: We again repeal with our large stock of tubes anil repair parts, we can pick up, repair and deliver your raij'-i the :>aini day with very few txception.s. Phone 249 for quick service FRANKS RADIO il ELEC. CO. Basement McCoy Bldg. Franklin, N. C. WHOEVER found d Bible at lotla Methodist church, Sun day, phone 245 or write D i' Grant, Box 453, Franklin. He ward. FOR RENT ? Five-room apart ment, unfurnished or can be furnished, if necessary. No chil dren. The Christy apartmen . one mile out Murphy r,oad. N28 ? ltc $15.00 REWARD far the return or facts leading to the return of a spotted or speckled beagie dog, known as "Shorty v,a. Elbert Angel, phone 5902. N28 ? 2tp ? D5 WANTED? The lady who bor rowed my house jack on Bid \vtill St to please return it ? D P. Grant. WANTED ? Dry, hulled black walnuts, Will pay 4 cents a ; pound. Ray Groc & Feed Co. N28? ltc BRING YOUR hulled black wal "nuts to the Farmers Federa- ! tlon Also walnut kernels. N28? 2tc? D5 SIX DESIRABLE LOTS for sale Near Van Raalte plant. J. C. j Crisp. at Crisp's Studio. N28 ? 3tc ? D12 FOR RENT ? One two-room house with electricity, rarden, and good spring water. Prefer ably ex-service man and wife See Mrs. Bertha Ledforu, 3'.i miles from town on Route 1. FOR SALE? 100 seven months old purebred New Hampshire pullets Fifty laying Write or see Ida Bradley, Dillard. Ga., Route 1. N28? 2tp? D5 WHEN IN NEED , of stave wood, see Lee Mason. Cut to fit your stove Lee Mason. Franklin, Route 3. juoi Kisuciivisu ? anipment ot new and used 100% all-wool blankets, $3 00 to $4.00. Alsp country ham, 50 cents per pound. Most any kind of nails Berry Fruit Market. FOR SALE ? Eight solder irons, wood saws, h. p. electric motor, jacks, vises, pumps, snap on racket wrenches, safety gog gles. etc. M. Higdon, Highlands Road. FOUR ROOM HOUSE ? Seven miles from Franklin on High- j lands road. Close to church, i school and highway. Will sell or , rent Write or see Willard Man- ' ey, Franklin, N. C. FOR SALE ? 15-acre farm, five room house, all household furnishings, livestock, lights, j running water Will sell farm with or without the household furnishings. Located two miles east of Franklin on Highlands road. One-third cash down, bal ance easy terms Edgar Hyatt. N21 ? 2tp ? N28 FOR SALE ? New five-room house, full size basement, large corner lot. T. E. Reed, corner of Phillips and Wayah Streets. N21? 2tp ? N28 FRESH FLORIDA oranges at my stand Cheap. Also Stamen Winesap apples, Golden Delic ious apples, fresh cocoanuts, bananas, grapes, tangerines, lemons, and a variety of fresh vegetables. Also that scarce item, almost impossible to get ? nails. Berry's Fruit Market, next to Glenn Ray's Store. FOR SALE ? One 8-disc. horse drawn harrow. Can be seen at Farmers Federation. Arvey Seay. N21? 2tp? N28 BUILD your home, fire-proof and moisture-proof, with concrete blocks? steam-cured for greater strength and durability For construction details, see W. A Hays, below Franklin bridge. N14 ? tfc . Oar (Great America fy Made AMtncA must rr% FQ*ttT* *oa vlm BEOWSf FOR MOST U?s, THERE ARE HO SATtfFACWV SUHTltmB TOR (WOP. / uses MOftE RURR THAU All OTHB* MAJOR NATIONS OF THE MDftlP COABtwEP? ? V1*lU*U.y AU OF OUR ' fwr coaes moM. ?woop V woop # w coNfmucnoN U4f6 WOM 75CO TD/QOO) ?cvmpFtrroF iu?9c* a r wi > TfCVMOtOMK PHTPICT THAT VWDOP u6 wnw Au. or cu* r e**ni* teoumcunm-* < ? RXX> CX^m?? ANP OfllS FDRMCM ? -2SO.OOO TONS Of RlCt WERE SBOWM IM TW U.4. U?4T VW^ .bF *)H lit omcmt ' ?U? of mm*** ?6 1MCBlOCM or a c/fcws? "IMP ?U*4T \ S*6<**0 tlon of nicotine sulphate va the solution This amount will make ' enough to dose 25 mature sheep ; In mixing this solution, they : point out that copper sulphate i Scaly Mrs. Mary Brown, Earl, and Tom Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken, and Mrs. Lewis Burton, of Seneca, S C., spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs Henry Miller. Mr and Mrs Dan Vinson and Steve Vinson spent the past week-end in Florida, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar James have moved to Atlanta, Ga., for the winter, where they are employed. Mrs. Lawton James and Miss Arva Nix were business visitors Saturday in Clayton, Ga. Mrs. G, W. Price of Toccoa Ga, is spending a few days here visiting friends. The Rev. and Mrr,. J. C. Qui.l ltams. of Rabun Gap. Ga . were week-end visitors here. Jess Miller, who has h;\d flu, is much improved. Miss Kate Penland. who is employed at Oak Ridge, Tenn, spent the week-end here visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Penland State College Ar?wers Timely Farm Questions Q. Is DDT effective against the white peach scale? A. No, says Dr. Clyde F. Smith, associate professor of entomology with the N, C Agricultural ex periment station, who reports that In recent tests he has con ducted, a 3 per cent oil spray has been the most effective con trol measure. Th's material should be used in two applica tions, spaced about two weeks apart, during the latter part of November or the early part of December Tests with DDT for the control of this pest have not been as satisfactory as with the 3 per cent oil. Dr. Smith says, but further tests are beinn made with it. Q. Have North Carolina's dain herds been able to maintain their record of freedom from Bang's disease? A. Yes, says Dr. C D. Grin nells, veterinarian with the N C. Agricultural Experiment sta tion, who gives credit for this fact to the close cooperation that has existed between cattle breeders, the veterinary division of the State Department ol Agriculture, and the practicing veterinarians. He points out that in spite of the heavy traffic In dairy cattle that took place during the war years. North Carolina's dairy producers were able to maintain their position of complete freedom from Bang's disease ? a position which they achieved in 1942. North Carolina has been the only state to reach this freedom. Q. Should I dose my sheep flock with Cu-.Nic this winter? A. Yes, by all means, says the extension animal husbandry staff at State college. If you expect the presence of internal parasites in your flock. Thi? treatment should be given about the first of December, the spe cialists say. and they recommend the following mixture: Dissolve one ounce of copper sulphate (blue stone) in three quarts of water, then add three-fourths of an ounce of 40 per cent solu BRICK FOR SALE ANY AMOUNT White or Red ? . SEE JOE ASHEAR ? or the PLANT AT DILLSBORO BRIDGE ? Smoky Mountain Dunbrik Co. Blanket Donated By Belle's To First Aid Room At School Officials of the P. T. A. have expressed appreciation to Belle 'i Department store for donating a beautiful, all-wool blanket to the first aid room at the Frank lin school. Representatives of the P. T. A. said they went to the store to buy a blanket, bat when T H. Callahan. Belk manager, learn ed what it was for, he selected the best blanket in the store and insisted upon giving it. DOYLE GRANT IS SERVING WITH INFANTRY IN JAPAN Pvt. Doyle L. Grant, s.on of Lonnle Grant, of Flats, who is serving in the army in Japan, has been assigned to "C" Bat tery of the 89th Field artillery battalion of the 25th (Trap'? Lightning i infantry division, according to word received from eighth army headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. John Alsup and Family left Wednesday for Bal timore to visit the Alsups' son there. will corrode most metals, fo