. just like a letter from homfi". i:< ?ri.l \vli?i live in Macon < uiuuy read I Ik- l-'raiiklin I'ress ami The Highlands Macon- j ian e\ er\ work, as a mailer of cotirsc. Bin to Macon Comity folks who arc away from home. it's wi'fHv visits arc douhlv welcome. I . Ami that l?n?ihcr or >ister or a tint or uncle who 1 lives in Louisiana 01 Maine or Texas or l aliioi'ii a. Thev'd enjov ihe home (own pajK-r no cml. I ' A subscription to The I'ress makes an ideal fi'ilt,. am time., hecanse no other yilt brings a message from home 52 times durum the year. ? AT ? BERRY'S FRUIT MARKET You will find one of the largest selections of Gifts of its kind in Macon County Toys 1 ? Of all Descriptions, fcr the Kiddies and Grown-ups i ? Also ? STAMEN WINSAP ? ROME BEAUTY RED AND YELLOW DELICIOUS Apples Other Apples at $1 per bushel Oranges, Tangerines, Grapefruit, Cocoanut, Grapes, Pears Potatoes of both kinds I have NAILS from 4's to 6's. One pcund to 1,000 pounds to each customar, if wanted Banner Year For Hunters, Report Show 1 It's a big year for North Car olina hunters. They're out in large numbers, and reports of kills from all sections of the state indicate that they're get ting something besides the trip out of excursions into the wooas and fields, according to the division of game and inland fisheries. It's been generally the same story as each season rolled around ? more hunters than ever before for squirrel, in Sep tember and October, and for deer and bear, in October. Early reports on individual waterfowl and quail kills were on the smaller side, but the aggregate kill of so many hunters is 1 bound to be tremendous, and the coming of colder weather brought better prospects. At any rate, the pressure from hunters is there. So it looks like a banner year ? one which is living up to ad vance indications and expecta tions that North Carolina's game would be subjected to rec ord hunting pressure Pre-sea son estimates were for an In crease of probably one-third in the number of hunters this year, and sales reports from li cense agents are bearing out these figures. REASON "When the paper says the bride is 24 and the groom 60, it isn't necessary to add that he is considered one of the richest men in his neck of the woods." 3 KINDS OF WOMEN "There are said to be three kinds of women ? the beautiful, the intelligent? and the major ity." PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS REAL VALUES Ladies' House Ceats ' $7.50 to $9.95 Ladies' Slips While and Tea Rose $2.50 to $4.50 Ladies' Scarfs $1.50 to $2.50 Ladies' All Wool Sweater j $3.95 to $8.50 Plastic Hand Bags $2.95 to $4.50 Chenille Bid Spreads 91 x 114 $12.95 Bath Mat Sets $2.95 to $3.95 Throw Rugs $2.95 to $3.75 Emb. Pillow Case*, pr. $3.25 tc $4.50 Luncheon Cloths and Sets $1.95 to $3.95 Pepperell Blankets 72 x 84 $7.50 Cannon Blankets 100% Wool 72 x 90 $12.95 Children's Snow Suits 1, 2 and 3 Piece $5.70 to $10.85 Baby Blankets ? Robes $1.50 to $4.50 Men's Cath Robes $5.50 to $16.50 Lamb Knit Sweaters $3.95 tc $6.95 Men's Travel Kits (All leather) $3.95 to $9.50 Men's Horse Hide Dress Gloves $3.50 to $7.50 Men's Wool and Silk Scarfs $2.50 Men's Wool and Silk Ties $1.00 ? $1.50 Craftsman Bill Folds All Zipper $5.00 and $6.00 Men's "Worth" All Fur Felt Hats $6.50 Men's All WocI Mackinaws $10.50 and $12.95 Beys' Sport Sweaters $3.95 and $4.95 Boys' Mackinaws, all wool $8.50 to $11.95 THE QUALITY SHOP \ WANT ADS MACK SAYS: The ideal Christmas gift is a 6inger sewing1 machine. Come in and see it. We exchange used records. Ten cents each exchange FRANKS RADIO & ELEC. CO. Basement McCoy Bldg. Franklin, N. C. ORDER NOW ? Place your order as soon as convenient for | those famous young-bearing Stark-Burbank fruit trees, vines, j berries, etc. See or write W. V ; Steele at Press olt'fice. D12?46? tin NOTICE ? I file saws to cut so sweet, near Morgan's Caie, where there's plenty to eat. lieo. Johnson. FOR SALE ? Kindling wood by pick-up load. Adareis r rauK Suiesbee, Oito, or phone Frank lin, 1B7-W. Di2 ? 3tp ? D26 FOR SALE ? Nice young cows. Come pick yours out, one or more. 18 to pick from. Also lice purebred O I- C. p js. John C Dills, Cullasaja, N. c. D12 ? 2tp ? D19 PIGS FOR SALE? Duroc. Six weeks of age. L A. Berry, R 4, Franklin, N. C. DI2 ? ltc WANTED ? A tenant farmer, with small family. Workstocn. and all tools lurnished. l'/j miles from Sylva. N. C. Near Maple Springs. Cary Allison. Sylva. D12 ? 2tc ? D19 FOR SALE ? Philco five-tube electric radio. Mrs. R D. West, Iotla Bridge. PROFITABLE WORK FOR YOUNG MEN IN JAPAN All Expenses r^xil and $90 per Month YOU'VE heard of Uw lighting 1st Cavalry Division? ?.? .st to reach Manila, first in Tokyo. Its men wear Ulst ngaished Unn citations for action on lo., ?c gros, Kwajalein and beyte. Today, they're in Japan, and if you are otherwise quali-fied you can be one of them! Sports, entertainment and travel opportunities are highly developed in this division s area. Luxurious noteis, uitaters, swimming pools, tennis cluos golf courses and ball parks provide more choice of pastime than is enjoyed by the average civilian at home. High overseas pay 120^ above domestic base pay i , excellent nied'cal and dental care, good lood and lodging and a gener ous retirement plan make this opportunity too good to miss. Young men who can meet prescribed standards, and who enlist for 3 years, are entitled to designate the 1st Cavalry j Division i Mechanized i at time of enlistment. Initial training given be. ore departure from U. S. Get full details at Army Re cruiting Station, Asheville D12 ? ltc FOR SALE ? 400-egg electric in cubator. Excellent condition. Gilmer A. Jones. D12 ? tfc WILL EXCHANGE Florida, So. Miami Hts. 75' lot, high and dry, title guaranteed, for small house or highway acreage in Western North Carolina Write details and how reach your place to Kutella, Hendersonville, N. C., Gen. Del., up to December 16 D12? ltc SINGER SEWING machine for sale. In good shape. See Mrs. Lyman Higdon. D12? ltc LOST ? Pair of glasses, celluoid rims. Finder please return to Clinton Brookshire, clerk of court's office. FOR SALE? Fat hog See T J. Carnes. Stiles. N. C. FOUND ? Suitcase ot cloth'ng in ditch on Hunnlcutt hill, off Ashevllle highway Owner can ; r>ave name by Identifying and 1 paying for this advertisement. | Sheriff Bradley. I FOR SALE ? Cleveland "Tropi cair" coal heater. Magazine type. New Never used. Martin Electric Company. FOR SALE ? 1937 Chevrolet coupe. New paLnt job, good tires, heater, in good mechan ical condition. Call 221 or set C. L. Cartledge. D5 ? 2tp? D12 FOR THAT extra good corn meal, bring your corn to Nebo Franklin's mill near the Phillips Bridge. Also for your crushed corn. D5 ? 2tp ? D12 FOR SALE? Blue, five passenger Mercury coupe, 1930. Mrs. Ed ward Pipes, Rabbit Creek road D5 ? 2tp? D12 BRINO YOUR hulled black wal nuts to the Farmers Federa tion Also walnut kernels. N28 ? JtC ? 01} Catholics Plan Mast On Christmas Morning A Catholic holy mass will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wasilik, on Rogers hill, at 10 o'clock Christmas morning, it was announced this week. LIKE A MAN "He took it like a man blam ed it on his wife " BUILD your home, fire-proof and moisture-proof, with concrete blocks ? steam-cured for greatei strength and durability Fcr construction details, see W. A Hays, below Franklin bridge N14 ? tfc WANTED ? Dry, hulled black walnuts. Will pay 4 cents a pound. Ray Groc & Feed Co. D12 ? ltc SIX DESIRABLE LOTS for sale Near Van Raalte plant. J. C. Crisp at Crisp's Studio N28 ? 3tc ? D12 FOR SALE ? 15-acre farm, five room house, all household furnishings. livestock, lights, running water Will sell farm with or without the household furnishings. Located two miles east of Franklin on Highlands road One-third cash down, bal ance easy terms Edgar Hyatt. N21 ? 2tp ? N28 This State Ninth In Job Placement Of Disabled Vet* North Carolina ranked eighth In the nation in placing dis abled veterans in gainful em ployment during the month of October, as a result of the in tensive campaign conducted in connection with the "National Employ the- Handicapped Week", October 6-12, it has been an nounced by Ernest C. McCrack en, director of the North Caro lina state employment service division of the State Unemploy ment Compensation commas. ,n In addition, Mr. McCracken said, this state ranked ninth n the placement 011 jobs of both veteran and non-veteran nandi capped workers. Gregory Initiated Into Agricultural Honor Fraternity Keith E. Oregory. son of and Mrs. Parker Gregory, of Franklin, Roijte 4. is one 01 r.ine students at N. C. St">to college recently initiated into Alpha Zeta, national agricul tural honor fraternity. Mr Gregory, who is a senvir at State, has just returned from Chicago, where he attended the National Livestock 'how, having awarded the trip as the winner of a livestock judging contest. WE ARE NOW BUYING DOGWOOD Cut to the Following Specifications: LENGTHS: 20", 36", 48", and 60" Long. DIAMETER: Must net be less than A1/^' at * the small end. GRADE: Should be straight and 85% clear of defects. Excessive leaf knots or burls are undesirable. Red heart or doty heart must have 2V2" white wood around it. NOTE: Woods length or pole lengths are not acceptable. Cut only to specified lengths. Highlands Briar, Inc. Franklin, N. C. MACON THEATRE WEEK DAYS? Matinee 3:15; night 7:15-9:13. SUNDAY? Matinee 2:15; night 9:00. Sunday, December 15 Dana Andrews In "A WALK IN THE SUN" Monday, Tuesday, December 16, 17 Wednesday, Thursday, December 18, 19 BETTE DAMS ,? WARNS**' >fcf A STOLEN LIFE" if * gilNH fORP PANE ClARK WALTER BRENHAN-CHARLIE RUGGLES ? ? rui r? mimm nmmi . F riday, December 20 Sheila Ryan In "SLIGHTLY SCANDELOUS" Saturday, December 21 ? Double Feature Program Eddie Dean In "SONG OF OLD WYOMING" Also 'THE RED DRAGON" Owl Show at 10:30 ? Out at 12:00 o'clock Car! Esmond In "CATMAN OF PARIS"