i - %t f e ffanklin ffe fttlb ljigblatrt>0 Baconian i 'inx: lib: ssi i ? UUERAL IXDU' i:\liEXT VOL. LXI? NO. 51 FRANKLIN. N C, THI'RSDAY, DEC. 1#, 1946 $2.00 PI CR YEAR *".ISS M. SCOTT. ASSISTANTHOME AGENT. RESIGNS Will Go To Avery Post; Wayne Franklin Named 'Avery County Agent Miss Marie Scott, home dem onstration agent here (or the past year and a half, has re signed to accept a promotion to the position of home agent In Avery county. The resigna tion of Miss Scott, a native of this oounty, is effective Janu ary 1. ' . At the same time It was an nounced that Wayne Franklin, another Macon Couniy native, has been appointed county iarm agent in Avery, startint the first of the year. Thus ivla con- County Is furnishing the extension staff for Avery. Miss Scottfe work here has been chiefly with members of the county's 4-H clubs Th< daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of Bidwell street she was born and reared lr Franklin. She was graduated from Brevard college and Mary ville college at; Maryville, Tenn.. receiving the B. S. degree in home economics from the latter institution. In the summer of 1944 rhe did graduate work at the Woman's college of the Uni versity of North Carolina. ' After a year's teaching at Fontana Dam. she taught vo cational home economics at Old Fort until she came to Frank lin as assistant home agent in the summer of 1945. Mr. Franklin goes to Avery as county agent from work ir Buncombe. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. Jerry Franklin, of Franklin, Route 4. A graduate of N. C. State college, he work ed with the Farm Security ad ministration before entering the extension service. He served as assistant county agent in Chero kee and Haywood counties until he joined the marine corps Since his discharge, he has been in Buncombe county as assistant < TV A farm agent. Veterans New Farm Class To Start Jan. 1st The larm veterans' program, 1 which is under the supervision i of the Franklin High school vocational department, will start a new class January 1, it was announced this week by E. J. Whltmire, vocational teacher. Veteran's who are living on the farm, and are interested . in the farm program, should re port to the Vocational building between the hours of X and 2 o'clock any week day, except during Christmas week. They must register by January 1, in order to start training at that date The third class will not be started until April 1. The veteran must be employ ed full-time on the farm and be willing to put in practice recommendations from his su pervisor on soil conservation, and building and pasture im provement. No veteran need ap ply for training unless he is willing to cairry out improved practices. Sixty-six veterans have been receiving training since last spring Many of these men have purchased farms and are getting established in farming. Six men have been dropped from the program since there' was not sufficient evidence of farming. A man who is interested should have a copy of his dis charge made; if married, a copy of his marriage certifi cate; and if there are any chll<~ dren, copies of their birth cer tificates. No original certificates will be accepted. But the first step is to repor,t to the Vocational building dur ing the designated hours and give location of the farm, so it can be checked. The veterans' farm program Is under the supervision of Mr. Whltmire, the agriculture teacher Oscar Ledford and Slier Slagle as assistants, and Tom Fagg as part-time assistant. Mrs. O. Msrritt Preston and daughter, Lee, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived her* Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Preston's K rants, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Con* ' at their home on Harrison avinus, of (Christmas Alfhouah ffie (JHrisfmas card custom ts onlu a Ittf le-ov^r one V / "j hundred uears old, 1H* symbols "u/e find on the cards eacfj - r ijear arc ricJj in fradtftons as old Christmas itself - - ON CHRISTMA5 EVE. ENGLISH MAIDENS APORNED THEIR &EPS WITH HOLLy TO KEEP GOBLINS AWAy. amp since bees were said to hum carols AT CHRISTMAS TIME, CHILDREN PLACED HOLLy ON THe Hives to wish the bees a "merr y Christmas? ISTIETOE.... IN NORTHERN COUNTRIES, > IF ENEMIES /WET BENEATH \ MISTLETOE IN TvAE FOREST I THEV LAIP POWN ARMS ANP CALLED A. PAyS TRUCE . LATER. MISTLETOE WAS HUN6 OVER DOORW/tySAT CHRISTMAS, PIEPSIK1S THOSE VJHO ENTERED TO KEEP FRIENDSHIP ANP PEACE (&? DLES AT CHRISTMAS, f=VS 7/ M ENGLISH FARMERS USED T O \i ' C? U6HT CANDLES ANP PRAy SOP ^ TO BLESS THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR FIELDS ANP THEIR LIVESTOCK. AMD CANDLE-MAKERS PRESENTED THEIR CUSTOMERS WITH FREECAKDlES.eVWAy' ? OF WI5HWG "THEM A MERRy CHRISTMAS " ELLS... .. IN EUROPE IT WAS BELIEVED THAT THE DEVIL DIED WHEVJ CHRIST WAS BORN; SO FOR AN HOUR BEFORE MIPNI6HT ON CHRISTMAS EVE BELLS WOULD TOLL THE DEVI 15 DEATH KKlEll. AT MIDNIGHT IT CHANGED TO A JOyOUS PEAL, THE BELLS RIN6INS OUT A . fC TfflgTVlT JOyFUL,MERRy CHRISTMAS ' \^VnP 60 THE CHRI61MAS CARDS WE SENP AREAAORE THAU SREETlNGS ?THEV ARE t AN EXPRESSION OF FRIENDSHIP, A BLESSING, A WISH THAT OTHERS MAy SHARE WITH b US THE HAPPINESS OF THe yULETlDE ,?.."THEy ARE OOP WAV OF PERPETUATING THE SPlRlT ? WHICH CHRISTMAS REPRESENTS. Houk Installed A* New Master Of Junaluskee Lodge Ouy L. Houk was Installed as worshipful master of Junalus kee lodge. A. F. and A. M . at the lodge meeting Tuesday night. Others who took office at the same time are Earl Ward, sen ior warden; R. S. O'Mohundro. junior warden; H. W. Cabe. treasurer; and Claude Bolton, secretary. | Tbe new worshipful master appointed the following r B. L. McOlamery, senior dea con; J. Ward Long, junior dea- , con; Ebb Bullock, -senior stew* ?rd; Ernest Hyde, junior stew ard; James Dryman, tiler; and 'C. Oordon Moore, chaplain. The condition of W. M. Ed wards. of Franklin, Route i, who has been critically 111 at his | Home tor wvertl days, wis rt? ported to be unimproved Wed I neiriay nl|nt. Negro Spiritual* To Be Heard At Legion Meeting At the monthly meeting of the American Legion Saturday night. December 21, at 7:30 o'clock at the Legion hall, the Macon County Spiritual singers i will give a Christmas program , Yul? Progr am Planned Sunday Night At Asbury A Christmas program will be given at the Asbury Methodist church, with the singing of Christmas carols and other spe cial Christmas music, Sunday night at 8 o'clock, it has been announced by Mrs M. D. Hoov er. The public is invited to at tend. O. R. Henson, who has been a patient at the Angel hospital since October SI, suffering from a broken and mangled right arm, received In a motor accident, has recovered suffi ciently to be returned to hl? hom?, Franklin, Route 3. Contest At Sylva Is Won By Franklin Group Of FFA Boy* A team representing the Franklin Future Farmers won the ritual and parliamentary procedure contest held at Sylva Wednesday of last week, and, by virtue of winning, is en titled to enter the district con test at Asheville In April. The Franklin group competed against two teams from Hay wood county, a team from Swain county, and one from Oraham. * The Franklin team was made up of Hayes Gregory, George Crawford, Bobby Tlppett, Hoyt Bryson, and Lewi* Penland, with E. J. Whltmlre as adviser, James Penn, who Is an ?m ploye of a subsidiary of the Aluminum Company of America, located In New Kensington, Pa., la spending two weeks with his ! ?*-ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Penn, at their home on Wfit Main street RECOVER $1,900 OF CASH TAKEN FROM COCHRAN Flats Merchant Critically Injured By Blows; Martin In Jail Weaver W Cochran, 44. is in a critical condition at thi Rhoda-van Gordon clmic m I Andrews, and Carl Thomas Martin. 24, is in jail in Bryson City held without bond, toi- j lowing the hammer assault robbery of Mr. Cochran at his general store in the Flats com munity last Thursday about 1 1 p. m. I Martin has confessed that he struck the Flats merchant on | the head with a hammer and robbed him of $2,100 in cash and an undetermined amount i in checks. Patrolman Pntchard Smith, Jr., one of the investi gating officers, said. All of the cash, except S30t which Martin said he had SP?"*' has been recovered, Mr. bmith Mr. Cochran had c.osed his store, Mrs. Cochran told the j officers, when a man came to their home next door and asked to buy some merchandise. When her husband, who accompanied the man into the store, did not , return, she called him and re- j ceived no answer. She went for a neighbor, and when they en- j tered the store, they found him | lying on the floor in a pool of j ^Martin, formerly of the Flats community, but who recently had lived in Asheville, Spaitan burg, and Gastonia, was arrest- | ed at 4 a. m. Saturday at the hdme of his mother-in-law, Mrs. w. C. Bond, in Luia, Ga. | The arresting officers were Mr Smith, Sheriff J. i and Trooper Miller of the Geor- | gia highway police. Martin had gone to Flats Wednesday and spent that night at the home of his grandmoth er Mrs. Martin. When he left the community late Thursday, j he left word with her to for ward his bag to him when he wrote her where he would be. Officers learned of this, broke open the bag, and obtained their first clue as to his probable location when they found in the bag a letter from Martins wife, written from Luia. When they made the ariest Mr. Smith said, the officers in tercepted Mrs. Martin as she at tempted to leave the house She had $1,300 in cash, all in bill, of $50 and $100. Martin later told the officers that he thrown Mr. Cochran's billfold down 'beside the road after taking the $2,100 from it. The rtriuw ?? Ifn it m another compartment, overlooked by the robber in his haMr. Cochran, who several skull fractures ?m the hammer blows, is reported to be gradually regaining r.ess, and physicians beUeve Ws condition is somewhat improved Martin was first broug^tto the jail here, but later Satur day was taken to Bryson City for safe-keeping W. C. Ledbetter Injured When Hit By School Bus W. C. Ledbetter, 70. of Frank lin, Route 2. was struck by a school bus near his home Thurs day morning. He was brought to the Angel hospital where at tendants reported his condition as serious. He suffered a severe cut on the forehead and a con cussion. CUBA CLUB TO HOLD BAZAAR ON SATURDAY The Cuba club, a Srmisl class at the Franklin High school, will hold a bazzar Saturday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock in the office of the Nantahala Power and Light company. A variety of articles suitable for Christmas gifts will be on sale. They ask that pa trons come early before the ar ticles are picked over. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cook, who have been operating a hotel at Eaton ton, Oa., for a number of years, have moved to Franklin, where they formerly operated Trimont inn. They have taken the H. T. Sloan house on West Main street. Mrs. Cook Is the former Miss Nancy Kinnebrew Her sister, Miss Harrtette Kin nebrew, u hire to spend the holidays with the Coots YULE PROGRAMS PLANNED HERE FOR HOLIDAYS Cantata, Church Services, Veterans' Ceremony Scheduled Special services in the churches, a war veterans' pro gram. Sunday school Christmas trees, plays, and parties, and family gatherings will feature the observance of the Christ mas season in this community. The choirs af the four Frank lin churches will present a Christmas cantata Sunday night at 7:30 at the Methodist church, and three of the four churches will stress the Christmas tlieine in music and sermons Sunday morning. The fourth? St. Agnes Episcopal ? will hold a midnight service, as has been its custom At 3 o'clock on Christmas eve the American Legion and th, Veterans of Foreign Wars will join hands to present a pro gram before a decorated Christ mas tree on the public square. Following a talk by the Rev. B Hoyt Evans, Presbyterian pastor, and Christmas carols, the two organizations will place wreaths on the crosses bearing the names of Macon County *.