Watch Thia Fiffurt Grow! THIS WEEK 2,212 Net, Paid -In -Advance Subscribers 2,203 LAST WEEK ?[()? IjigWatibjei Btarouiatt ! PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. Lxil? NO: 8 START PUTTING MACHINES IN AT TEXTILE PLANT Van Raalte Firm Hopes ' To Begin Operation About March IS Installation of approximately 60 machines started Monday at the Van Raalte textile plant in ?ast Franklin, and It is hoped uiat operations can be begun about the middle of March in that section of the plant that has been completed, E. W. Mae bert said this week. A period of three or four weeks Is expected to be requlr ?i ed to Install the machines ? va rious types of sewing machines, all. shaft-driven by electricity. Ffnal touches were put on the section of the building under construction last Saturday, with plumbing, heating, etc., install ed, and work on the remainder of the plant probably will get under way late In the summer, Mr. Maebert said. Approximately 80 women and girls are to be employed in vhe portion of the building Just fin ished, manufacturing fabric, lnseani dress gloves. The glove parts will be cut at the Dun kirk, N. Y., plant of the Van Raalte firm, and tlie gloves will be returned there for steaming, " packing, and distribution, but all the other manufacturing op erations will be performed in the Franklin plant. When the entire plant goes Into operation, Van Raalte of ficials previously explained, the Franklin mill may manufacture gloves or some other Van Raalte item. | Ip addition to the operators of the machines, about 20 per sons will be employed doing hand work. Of the 80 expected to be at work soon, 12 are now employ ed in the small operation under way In the Leach Building. These persons will be trarfs ferred to East Franklin /When operations are begun there. An other 10 were selected last spring and summer. And about 60 are yet to be employed. T. J. Griffis, Van Raalte per sonnel manager, explained that persons who have signed applications will be notified as to the time to appear at the U. S. Employment service In the courthouse here for apti tude tests. On a basis of these preliminary tests, appointments ?111 be made by the USES for applicants to see either Mr. Griffis or Norman Blaine, now in training as a personnel coun sellor, for interviews at ap pointed dates and hours. Only a limited number of in terviews can be conducted each day ? possibly no more than three or four ? Mr. Griffis said. He added that, as far as pos sible, persons will be notified in the order in which their ap plications were filed. Notifica tions should begin reaching those whose applications are al ready on file in about two weeks. All new applications will be taken at the USES office, after it assigns a man here for the ? Continued From Page t Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Mr. J. P. Bradley of Smith Bridge township was in town Saturday looking cheerful over the arrival of a new boy. He named htm after Sheriff Roane. Dr. J. H. Pouts has commenc ed the erection of a dwelling on Iotla street Just below Mr. Shanks' residence on the oppo site side of the street. 10 YEARS AGO Represantatlve Patton of Ma con County delivered a short nddress over the radio from Raleigh Tuesday night at 7:30 In which he discussed the ad vantages and opportunities to be found in Western North Carolina. i The Rev J. A. Flanagan of \ Franklin, was elected stated * clerk at a meeting of the Ashe F vllle Presbytery Tuesday morn ing at the First Presbyterian church in that city. Mr Flan agan succeeds the Rev. W. A. Murray of Black Mountain whose resignation was accepted at the meeting. Released by War Department Public Relations Division A MILITARY POLICEMAN from Greenville, Georgia, Pfc. Harry A. Argroves, converses in sign language near the Seoul, Korea, railroad station with a venerable Korean typical of this country of contrasts, full of the lore and traditions of the Orient and imbued with a determination to rehabilitate and modernize itself. GODSHALL WILL TALK ON ORIENT Second In Series Of Lectures To Be Heard Friday Dr. W. Leon Godshall, of Bethlehem, Penn., the second In the series of four speakers being brought here by the Franklin Rotary club, will be heard at the Franklin Metho dist church at 7:'30 o'clock Fri day evening, At 12:50 in the afternoon be will address stu dents from the Franklin High school at the church. Last week's evening address dealt with the topic, "Getting Together in Europe", and Dr. Oodshall will talk on "Getting Together in the Orient". Tickets for the lectures may be obtained from any member of the Rotary club. Dr. Godshall, who is head of the department of international relatiora at Lehigh university, ' has traveled widely in the Far East, and is well known as a lecturer. He has served as visit ing professor at St. John's uni- ) versity, Shanghai, China, at Lingnan university, Canton, China, and at the University of the Philippines. Dr. Godshall al so has traveled extensively in Russia. He served in the navy during World War 1 and was orientation army lecturer in the last war. He Is the author of three books dealing with the Orient and diplomatic problems. The third in the series of lec tures on international under standing, to be delivered Friday of next week, will be on the topic, "UN, Vehicle of World Cooperation?", while the subject of the fourth and final address March 7 will be "Cooperation or Confusion In Ten-Mile-A-Min ute Travel?" 9-Year Old Boy Is Injured When Struck By T axi Jerry T. Bailey, III, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. (Tom) Bailey, of East Franklin, was Injured when he was struck by a taxi driven by Jeff Angel last Saturday morn ing on West Main street, in front of Duncan Motor com pany, where Mr. Bailey is em ployed as a mechanic. The boy had Just come from the library. It was said, and was more than halfway across the street when the accident oc curred. He was taken by John Bulgin to Angel hospital for treatment of severe shoulder and back bruises and possible internal In juries. He Is now at his home. No charge has been preferred against Mr. Angel. The Business airls' circle of the Presbyterian church has an nounced plans for a rummage ?ale, to be held March 1 on the Public square. Proceed* will go to the church building fund. The Weather High Low Prec. February 13 60 21 February 14 63 19 February 15 54 20 February 16 54 24 February 17 53 28 February 18 67 22 February 19 ...... 57 28 Total rainfall for the year, to | date, 11.81 inches. To date," for the month, .67. 800 Persons Hear Seger In 2 Talks Approximately 800 persons here heard Dr Oerhart Seger, first of four lecturers being brought to Franklin by the local Rotary club, last Friday. The evening address, when his topic wag "Getting Together in Europe", ^attracted 300 or more adults, and in the early afternoon 500 high school stu dents packed tlje Methodist church to give him pin-drop like attention as- he told of nis escape from a concentration camp in the early days of Hit ler, and emphasized that Ger many offers a lesson in the im portance of the American con stitution and bill of rights. In his talk to the adults Fri day evening, Dr. Seger made the point that individual peace treaties will not solve the Euro pean situation, but that "a bold step is needed ? the creation of a United States of Europe", as an entity within the United Nations. The first objections to such a proposal, he said, always is the barrier of language, but he cit ed the history of Switzerland as the answer to that objection. That country, he said is made up of Germans, French, and Italians. Each of the three na tionalities lives in a separate section of Switzerland. Each has held on to its customs and cul ture, and each continues to use its mother tongue. Yet the three nationalities have lived togeth er In peace for more than 000 years The United States of Europe, he said, cannot be created over night, and will have to be ?Continued On Pace Eight Former Franklin Negro Presented High Scout Award A Negro who formerly lived in Franklin is believed to be the first member of his race in the South to be presented with the coveted Silver Beaver, highest award given adult leaders In the Boy Scout movement. He Is the Rev. James T. Ken nedy, archdeacon In the Epis eopal church, and pastor of St. Cyprian's church here. The presentation was made recently in Asheville, where the Negro clergyman lives and where for many years he has been active in Boy Scout work. Many years ago he was a cab inet muter In Franklin. Red Cross To Hold 'Kick-off Drive Dinner 1 uesday The annual "Kick-ofl" dinner for the 1947 Kea Cross tuna campaign for Macon County will be held Tuesday night at Lu cille's dinning room, in Hotel Hearn, at 7 o'clock, according to the Rev. Charles E. Parker, county iund chairman. Mr. Parker also announced" that this year's quota had been set at $2,410. This amount is $1,040 less than the quota for last year. The chairman ex pressed the hope that this goal yvill be easily reached and the campaign completed in a shJit time. All Red Cross workers and persons who wish to assist in the drive this year are invited to attend the dinner. It is re quested, however, that they notify either Mr. Parker or Mrs. Mary Jo Sloan before Monday night. W. D. Dibrell, general field representative of the American Ked Cross, will be the principal speaker of the evening. MRS. M'KEE IS SPEAKERAT PTA Girl Scouts Give Flay, Are Given Awards, Merit Badges A talk by Mrs. E. L. McKee, of Sylva, a Girl Scout play, and the presentation of awards and merit badges to members of the Girl Scout troop marked Mon day night's monthly meeting of the Franklin Parent-Teacher association. Accepting a suggestion of the president, Mrs. Weimar Jones, the association voted to buy 100 song books for use at the meetings and by the school children, and Mrs. J. A. Flana gan, Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Jr., and Mrs. Clinton Johnson- were nam ed a committee to make the purchase. Mrs. JLyie reporiea jji.ou spem by the association tor ihree loads of gravel placed in front of the school building, and County Supt. G. L. Houk an nounced that he had bought electrical equipment suggested by the association for the nome economics department. Treas urer R. S. Jones reported a Dal ance of $366 in the bank. Miss Nora Moody, chairman of the committee in charge, dis cussed the N. C. Symphony con- , cert scheduled here March 21, ' and emphasized that a lot of work must be done if the re quired $750 is to be raised. A number of association members took tickets to sell. Following the Girl Scout play, directed by Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. E. W. Renshaw, awards and merit badges were presented by Mrs. Jones to the following girls: Betty Lou* Constance, Julia Hunnicutt, Elizabeth Jones, Laura Lyle, Janet Parker, Edith Plemmons, Wilma Gay Phillips, Mary Sue Potts, Patty Lou Phillips, Martha Ann Stockton, and Mary Ann Sherrill. Renshaw, who was scheduled \.o receive awards, was ill. Mrs. McKee, who was intro duced by Mr. Houk, discussed | what teachers have a right to expect of parents, and what parents have a right to expect of teachers. "You have just as good a school as you demand", she said, "and if it lsnt good enough, blame yourself. Teachers, she declared, have a right to expect that the child sent them by parents shall be reasonably healthy, well fed, well clothed, self-controlled, honest, trained in the property rights of others, and with the right attitude toward the school. She added that teachers have a right to expect children to come to school regularly and on time. Parents, on the other hand, have a right to expect that a teacher shall have a good edu cation, speak perfect English have a pieasing speaking voice have a character of strict in tegrity, and cooperate as best she can with the parents. The devotional was conduct ed by the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, Mrs. Flanagan led group singing, and the minutes were read by Mrs. John Bulgln. Mexico Club To Hold Bunco Party Friday The Mexico Club of the Franklin High school has an nounced plans for a Bunco party Friday night at 8 o'clock at the Agricultural building. McGlamery Offers Bill To Validate School Bond Vote Says No Law Needed For School Board Members' Pay For Meetings While he was at home last week-end. Representative Her bert A McGlamery said a num ber of persons had suggested to him that he introduce a bill in the general assembly which would pay members of tne cjun ty board of education enougn to keep it from being a sacri fice tor them to meet, as often as the school business might require. inere is a general impression ! that members of the ocxird are | paid a flat $20 a year. Mr. McGlamery said, however, that he had looKed up the law, 1 and that it permits board mem bers pay of $5 per diem, plus five cents a mile to and from meetings, for as many meetings as they find necessary to trans act the business of ihe scnools. While here, Mr. McGlamery addressed a meeting of the teachers and another gathering of state highway employes. He said most persons had express ed approval of measures he has introduced. He cited the law, from the General Statues of North Caro lina, on the school board meet ings and compensation: "Section 115-48. Meetings of the Board. ? The County Board of Education shall meet on the first Monday in January, April, July and October. It may elect to hold regular monthly meet ings, and to meet in special sessions as often as the school business of the county may re quirt. "Section 115-46. Compemsation of Members. ? The Board of Ed ucation may fix the compensa tion of each member at not to exceed five dollars per diem and five cents a mile to and from the place of meeting, and no member of the board shall receive any compensation for any services rendered except the per diem provided in this sec tion for attending meetings of the board and traveling ex penses when attending meetings of the board, or such othei traveling expenses as may be incurred while performing du ties imposed upon any member by authority of the board." Francis Tessier Awarded Silver Beaver | For Scout Work Francis M. Tessier, of Baton ' Rouge, La., son of Mrs. Reby S. Tessier, of Franklin, recent ly was presented with the Silver Beaver, highest award given by the Boy Scout organization to an adult. The Baton Rouge newspaper in which the account appeared carried a photograph of the presentation. Waltus H. Gill, who made the award, pointed out that Mr. Tessier has served as assistant scout master, troop committee man, commissioner at large, and scoutmaster for more than 15 years. "His record of service has al ways been in the troop be cause of his great understand ing of boys and his unselfish ability to lead them," Mr. Gill said. "Hundreds of boys have come under his leadership and influence. Many of them have grown into manhood with an intense loyalty and lasting friendship because of his unsel fish service as scoutmaster. "This Scouter served with the armed forces during the recent | war. He has been directly re sponsible for the organization of many new Scout troops and I the recruiting of many leaders to the movement." Sugar Stamp No. 53 To Expire March 31 Spare Ration Stamp No. 53, good for five pounds of sugar, will expire on March 31 instead of on April 30 as originally planned, A. D. Simpson, Jr., OPA regional sugar executive, has announced In Atlanta. A new stamp, good for 10 pounds ; of sugar, will be validated April I}, b? Mid. Would Repeal Old Law Requiring Majority Of Those On Books Representative Herbert A. Mc Glamery today (Thursday! in I troduced- a bill in the general j assembly to validate the county I election held in December, 1945, at which issuance of $400,000 in school bonds was approved, it | was learned here. Mr. McGlamery's bill also would repeal a 1929 law relating to issuance of bonds by Macon County. Acts validating band elections are rather common in the gen eral assembly, and it is antici pated that Mr. McGlamery's bill will be passed as a matter of legislative routine. The 1929 act provided that a majority of all the qualified voters must vote in favor of bonds before they may be is sued. A similar law affected the Town of Franklin bond election, also held in December, 1945, and a second election was held to permit issuance of the town's ; bonds. I Mr. McGlamery's bill, how ever, would validate the county election and permit issuance of the bonds without the expense of a second election. At the same time, it would repeal the old act and bring this county under the state law as regards bond elections. Board Elects Patterson As Coop Manager A. C. (Claude) Patterson was elected general manager of the recently organized Macon Coun ty Farmers Cooperative, at a meeting of the organization's board of directors last Satur day morning. Mr. Patterson, whose home is at Tesenta, previously had been chosen as president of the co operative. He resigned that post to become general manager, and the directors elected Robert Fulton, of the Cullasaja com munity, as president. The general managership is expected to be a full-time posi tion, and Mr. Patterson will begin his new duties about the first of March, it was under stood. Sanders' Store Here Is Purchased By Bowers Firm Sanders' store, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanders for the past 20 years, has been sold to Bowers, a mercantile organ ization which has stores in Asheville, Murphy, Lenoir, and at points in Tennessee and Ken tucky. The deal was closed Satur day, and G. M. Johnson, Bow ers' field manager operating out of Asheville, took charge immediately. Under its new ownership, the store will be managed by T. Y. Angell, of Brevard, who has been with the Bowers organi zation since his discharge from the armed forces about a year ago. Mr. Angell, who has arriv ed here, plans to bring his wife and two sons to Franklin as soon as he can find a house. Mr. Johnson, who was accom panied here by Mrs. Johnson, will return to his Asheville du ties the last of this week. Mr and Mrs. Sanders came to Franklin from Atlanta in 1927. They operated their store in the McCoy building for 16 years, moving to the location in the Bank of Franklin building about four years ago. In an nouncing sale of the business, they expressed appreciation for courtesies shown them by the public. While their plans for the im mediate future are indefinite, they plan to remain in Franklin, they said. They own a home on Harrison avenue. Five out of every 1,000 moth ers die at child birth in North Carolina.

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