Witch Thit Fiffurt Growl THIS wm 2,223 Net, Paid-in-Advance Subscribers 2,212 LAST WEEK Wht ffattpti f # t?? 2Lf)f ifigWanbg JHaconian PROGRESS I VE LIBERAL 1 NDE1' ENDEX T VOL. LXII? NO. 9 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1947 $2.00 PER YEAR RED CROSS DRIVE FOR $2,410 WILL BEGIN SATURDAY r Final Fiaiu Are Made At Dinner Meeting Of Workers Final plans for 1 the 1947 American Red Cross fund drive were made by the local chapter at a dinner held at Lucille s cunning room Tuesday night. March 1 was set as the date to begin the drive. The Rev. Charles E. Parker, fund campaign chairman, point ed out that this year's quota of $2,410 is $1,040 less than last v year's goal. Mr. Parker explain ed that 60 per cent of the money raised will remain in the county, with 40 per cent being sent to the national organiza tion. The Rev. W. Jackson Huney cutt, Macon County chapter . chairman, was the principal speaker for the evening. i Mr. Huneycutt in a short talk urged that every worker do his utmost to give every person an i opportunity to contribute to the i Red Cross, an organization : which he declared "worthy of ' i our best." In stressing the need for the i continuance of Red Cross work, the chapter chairman said that i the organization must continue to carry on the overseas work and placed special emphasis on the disaster preparedness pro gram. In stressing this phase of Red Cross activity, Mr. Huney cutt cited the case of the Wine coff Hotel fire and the excel lent work done there by the Atlanta chapter of the Red Cross. In a brief talk, the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan remarked that two peacetime phases of the Ued Cross program could be greatly expanded In this coun ty. These are the nutrition pro gram and the first aid cam paign. Other local persons who will serve as workers in the coming campaign, attending the dinner, were: Frank Browning, George 1 H. Hill. J. Horner Stockton, Mrs. J Stockton, BUI Sloan, Bob Sloan, Weimar Jones, W. C. Katen brink, the Rev. G. E. Scruggs, Mrs. John Archer, Mrs. Fred Morrison, Mrs. John Bulgin, Mrs. James McCollum, Mrs. J. Ward Long, Mrs. Bob Sloan, Mrs. Hunter Calloway, and Mrs. Martin Angel. 1 Van Raalte Official Inspects Plant Hers E. Carlson, of Buffalo, N. Y., assistant to the vice-president of the Van Raalte company, was here Wednesday and Thursday inspecting the Van Raalte plant being built in East Franklin. He was accompanied to Frank lin and Bryson City by E. W. M; ebert, who will be manager of th? firm's plants here and at Bryson City, as well as of that at Blue Ridge, Oa. 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK " 1 < Dr. Brabson's old horse. Alec, < Is 28 years old now and now on > the superanuate list. The Dr. 1 has rode him for 25 years in his * practice. < The Ashevllle Citizen says I there will be new depots at Dills boro and Sylva soon. Tracks of the Blind Tiger were plainly discernible on our street last Saturday evening. j 25 YEARS AGO I Col. and Mrs. F. S. Johnston ] left last week for Plant City, ( Fla., to spend several weeks with ] their sons, Jack and F. 8., Jr. ' Mr. Johnston has been In poor I health since suffering a stroke several weeks ago and he Is I making a trip to Florida In the i hope that the change of climate I may Improve his condition. They were accompanied by Dr. S. H. Lyle. I#- YEARS AGO Blackburn W. Johnson, pub lisher and editor of The Frank lin Press for the past six years, has accepted a position as editor Of the Farmers Federation News. Price quotations from Farm* ers Federation Market: Chickens, heavy Dreed, hens, lSe. Eggs doz., 18c. Potatoes, No. 1, llifl. 5,000 Are Without Jobs In 4-County Local Area, Employment Service Says Five thousand persons, able and available (or work, are at present unemployed in Macon, Jackson, Swain, and Graham counties, according to Simon P. Davis, manager of the N. C. Employment service oifice at Bryson City, which serves the four-county area. And for at least 4,000 of them, there Is "absolutely no prospect within the foreseeable future" of placing them in job* In this area, Mr. Davis added. Ninety per cent of the sur plus is "good competent labor, approximately 75 per cent be ing male, practically all native born", he said. - The information is contained in the first issue of the Bryson City office's monthly publica tion, "Labor Market Digest', Just published. The unemployment situation exists, says Mr. Davis through the Digest, "in spite of the fact that most all existing employ ers have normal crews and re cent new employers have ab sorbed an additional 500 per sons. "A recent study of one dozen selected employers in this area indicates that they will employ an additional 200 persons with in the next four months. In ad dition to this figure, an estimat ed 500 persons who are not farmers, will be forced to en gage in such work, in the ab sence of anything else to do. "Of the estimated 5,000 avail able persons, approximately one third are World War II veterans presently filing claims for un employment compensation or re adjustment allowances. An ad ditional 225 have completely ex hausted their credits for such claims. Entering into the total is an approximate 1,200 females, some few being in the skilled group but most of whom are semiskilled or completely un skilled Around 600 of the total are non-white. "A survey of our labor sup ply which has just been com pleted indicates that the total Falls roughly into the following classifications by per cents: Professional and managerial, 5.3; clerical and sales, 6.0; serv- ' ce occupations, 10.4; agriculture, forestry, etc., 2.0; skilled 17.3; semi-skilled, 32.4; and unskilled, 18.6 per cent." Macon Folk Put $40,362 In U. S. Bonds In Month Macon County business bouses and individuals in vested $40,36250 in U. S. Savings bonds in January, according to H. W. Cabe, county chairman. This .was more than three times the total for either November or December. Bonds bought in this county in November amounted to $12,190, and the figure for December was $11,694. Of the total for January, $35,362.50 was in "E" bonds, and $5,006 in "G" bonds. Fish Rearing Station Will Be Operated Negotiation* are nearlng com jletion for the division of game tnd inland fisheries, State De jartment of Conservation and development, to take over su jervlslon of the Arrowood fish -earing station in the Nanta lala forest's Wayah Bald Wild lfe rearing station, it was earned Thursday from Raleigh, rhe station has not been In op iratlon since before the war In this station, in the Wayah laid Wildlife Management area >f the Nantahala National for sst, trout will be reared for re ease In streams of the Nanta lala forest. The fish will be ob .alned from the federal hatch :ry at Walhalla. Arrowood will :ontinue to be maintained by ,he U. S. Forest service, which >wns the station, but the pools vlll be operated by the state. Harley Martin, of Cherokee :ounty, recently became state warden on Wayah area, suc :eedlng C. M. Caldwell, who was iropped from the state pay roll ibout two weeks ago, but it is lot known whether Mr. Mar In or someone else will be in :harge of the rearing station. 3abe Named Head .Of Bryant Mutual Burial Association H. W. Cabe was elected presl ient of the Bryant Mutual Bur al association at a meeting of the board of directors Tuesday. He succeeds Lawrence Liner. Charles M. Rogers and Mrs. Hermle B. Bryant were named irlce-presldent and secretary treasurer, respectively. The board session followed the annual meeting of the itockholders, held at the Bryant tuneral home February 18, at which Mr. Cabe, Mr Liner, Mr. Rogers, A B. Slagle, Charles Henderson, E. O. Rlckman, and Carl D. Morgan were reelected directors, and Walter Dean, James L. Hauser, and W. C. fiewton were added to the board. rOSTTOIffi MUSIC CLUB MEET The meeting of the Franklin Junior Music club which was scheduled for Saturday has been postponed for one week, to Sat urday, March I. WORK TO BEGIN ON POWER DAM Queen'* Creek Project Of Nantahala Firm Given Approval Construction of the Nantahala Power and Light company's pro- i posed hydro-electric project on ' Queen's Creek will begin as soon 1 as materials can be assembled, ' J. E. S. Thorpe, president of I the company, said this week. < His announcement followed 1 the Federal Power commission's 1 approval Monday of the Nanta- ( hala firm's application, which 1 was filed several weeks ago. < The project, which will be ' one of the highest head units in Eastern America, will be in I the Winding Stair section of - this county, about 17 miles west i of Franklin. The dam across Queen's Creek, a tributary of the Nan tahala river, will be 65 feet high and 405 feet in length, and will be constructed of rock and earth. It will create a lake slightly more than a mile long. It will be situated at a point about 800 feet upstream from the Queen's Creek falls. The one-unit power house, to be built at Beechertown on the Nantahala river, will consist of a Pelton wheel, directly con nected to an alternating cur rent generator of 2,000 kva. capacity. A 24" steel pipe will convey the water from the res ervoir to the Pelton wheel The water in the reservoir will be 1,005 feet higher than the center line of the Pelton wheel, making it one of the highest head units in the East. The output of this hydro electric unit will be used to sup plement the supply of electric energy to the Nantahala com pany's system, which has en- ( joyed considerable growth dur- i ing the past year, Mr. Thorpe i said. , | Dixon Re signs As Assistant County Agent G. B. Dixon, assistant county agent here, has resigned, ef fective February 28. Mr. Dixon, who has held his position in I.iaco.i County ior about 11 months, indicates that he will return to his home_ near Kings Mountain, where he" will farm. No successor has yet been chosen, S. W. Mendenhall, county agent, said. Penland Wins In District Public Speaking Contest Lewis Penland, tenth grade student at the Franklin High school, won first place at a pub lic speaking contest held last Wednesday in Waynesville by the western district of the Fu ture Farmers of America. There were six other contestants In the event. The young local Future Farm er member chose &s his topic, "It Takes Farm Minded People to Make a Sucoess of Farming." The Weather High Low Prec. February 20 45 34 1.11 February 21 40 22 T* February 22 ..... 45 21 February 23 42 22 .12 February 24 30 10 February 25 35 18 T* February 26 35 18 * Trace Rainfall (or month to date, 1.90 inches. For year to date, 13.04. SEES NO BASIS FOR SOVIET-U. S. UNDERSTANDING Godshall F avors Long Japan Occupation, Aid To Chink There can be no compromise ? there is no real basis for co operation?between Soviet Rus sia and the United States, the only two great powers in the world today. The sole hope for a peace ful Japan in the future is for United States troops to occupy the islands until today's Japa nese children, educated under American supervision, become the majority in Japan. It will make all the differ ence to America, and to the world, whether China, on the way to becoming a great power, becomes so through the sup port of the United States or through the backing of Soviet Russia. Thos# were the three major points made by Dr. W. Leon Qodshall in his address at the Methodist church here last Fri day night. Dr. Godshall, head 3f the department of interna tional relations at Lehigh uni versity, spoke on "Getting To gether in, the Orient". The see jnd of four speakers being Drought here by the Franklin Rotary club to discuss the gen eral topic of international un derstanding, he addressed an ittenthre audience of high school itudents Friday afternoon. While some of the questions isked at the close of his ad Coers, Next Speaker, Will Be Heard Friday Morris H. Goers, lecturer odist church here Friday in and traveler of Indianapolis, Ind., will speak at the Meth odist chnrch here Friday in the third of t|he series of Rotary lectures. He will ad dress high school students at 12:50 p. m., and an adult audience at 7:30 Friday night. Tickets may be ob tained from any member of the Rotary club. Mr. Coers, former chap lain of the Indiana Boys' school and a former state legislator, served overseas as % Red Cross field director during World War 2. He has traveled extensively, in Europe, the Near East, and North Africa. His topic will be "UN, Ve hicle of World Coopera tion?" iress indicated that some in the audience disagreed with his opinions, there was general igreement that his talk, which was definitely pessimistic, pro voked his hearers to think. Quoting Lenin, patron saint of communism, that the ends of :ommunism should be attained 'by use of any ruse, conceit, sunning, evasion, or trickery" necessary, Dr. Oodshall indicat ed doubt of the sincerity of 3talln when he said recently that Russia and western de mocracy can live side by side In frlndship. The speaker added that there is no possibility of compromising with communism, because the communists are In spired by "a missionary zeal to K invert the world to commun m, by force If necessary." Japan, he said, is "defeated but unchastened". He declared that today there is little human material available upon which to build a nation with which the rest of the world can live at peace,- since the Japanese, too, believe It their religious duty to spread a Japanese "roof" over the whole world. Should America withdraw and "let the Japanese work It out" It would be worked out the wrong way, he declared. The speaker was Introduced by O. L. Houk, chairman of the Rotary club's committee on In ternational affairs. Bill Would Extend Highlands' Limits McGlamery Measure Would Fix Corporate Limits ll/z Miles From Center Of Town; Three Other Bills Offered A bill to extend the corporate limites of the town of High lands is one of four local measures introduced in the general assembly today (Thursday) by Representative Herbert A. Mc Glamery. The other three bills would increase the salary of the Macon County juvenile court judge (the clerk of superior caurti, permit the Highlands town board to levy special assessments for street and sidewalk improvements, and authorize the recording of a copy of the original survey of the town of Highlands. HiahlonHc 1 *4