PLAN CLINICS DURING WEEK Recommended Schedule Oi Immunizations is Given A scheauie ol clinics vo tx held next week was announced oy mi. >. jusepnuie l, uames, stnior public neuith nuise o? the county health department. Xypnoia ana lmiuumzauuu (against dipntneria, whooping cough, and smallpox) clinics win oe neld Monday at loua, at U:X5 a. m.; at tfurningtown at 11 a. m.; and at Oan Dale at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday a typhoid and Im munization clinic will be heid at Union at 9:30 a m. And a pie-school and immu nization clinic will be held at Highlands Thursday at 10 a. in. Mrs. Gaines also announced the following regular clinics: A general clinic every Tues day from 1:30 to 3:30 p. in. at the health office here, with Dr M. B H. Michal, district health oificer, in charge. Every Fourth Friday from 10 a. m. to 12 noon and lrom 1 1 to 3:30, a mothers' and infants' clinic. Every Saturday from 9:30 a. m. to noon, an immunization clinic. Every third Saturday from 9:30 a. m. to noon, an ortho pedic clinic at the health de partment in the courthouse at Bryson City. And every Monday, from 9 a. m. to noon, a mental hygiene 1 clinic at the city health de partment in Asheville, with Dr. I Thomas Williams in charge. In discussing the clinics, Mrs Gaines pointed out that chil- j dren who enter school for the IN APPRECIATION TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT During the disasterous fire which occured at the storage building and plant, March 21st, 11:30 p. rti., we wish to express our appreciation to the Fire De partment of Franklin, and to all persons who aided in distingu ishing the blaze. There was dif ficulty in getting to water at first but when ample water was secured a wonderful job was ac complished. One washing plant, a tank which contained approx imately 700 gallons of fuel oil, the office, trucks, gas tank of several hundred gallons of gas, the repair shop and shop equip ment was saved from fire. BRADLEY MINING CO., INC. John P. Sole* bee Is Now On Duty In Tokyo Pvt. John P. Solesbee, ot Franklin, who has been overseas I since December, 1M6, Is now serving with the First Cavalry division, stationed in Tokyo, ac cording to an army announce ment received here The sjn of Mrs. A. S. Solesbee, Pvt. Soles bee is a graduate of the Frank lin High school. 10 Negro Students Will Observe Work In Atlanta Schools Ten students at the Chapel (Negro) school will leave Friday morning (or an observation tour of schools in Atlanta. The students, who will pay their own expenses, are making the trip so as to get an insight into the life and work in col- 1 leges and other schools. They will be accompanied by G. L. Hines, Chapel school principal. Half a dozen institutions, in cluding colleges and high schools, will be visited. first time are required to pre- j sent certificates showing that they have been immunized against diphtheria, whooping , cough and smallpox, and added that the State Board of Health ' recommends the following sche dule : At three months of age, the baby should be vaccinated ? for smallpox. At six months, the whooping cough and diphtheria immuni zations should be begun, with a total of three doses given, at intervals of one month. At nine months, plain diph theria toxoid for two or three doses at monthly intervals. At two or two and a half years, booster doses of diph theria and whooping cough tox oids. At the age of five, boosters of the toxoid, with the small pox vaccination repeated. If smallpox vaccination is repeated every five to seven years, she said, a second "take", or scar, is rare. Sometime between the third and sixth years, a series of three shots should be given for typhoid, at intervals of a week or 10 days. To continue typhoid immunity, a dose of typhoid vaccine is recommended each year. Three pulp and paper com panies operate complete plants In North Carolina. Announcing . . . The opening of our New Plant, located at Otto. We are manufacturing a New Product known as CLAMENT BLOCKS AND BRICK Fire-proof and water-proof, for all kinds of building purposes. They are made in the modern popular sizes. .We are accepting 'orders now for spring delivery. We invite your inspection, and will gladly give you a free estimate on your building needs. We also make concrete blocks. Otto Concrete & Clament Products TOM ALLEY, Manager ATTENTION, PLEASE I HAVE FOR SALE, NOW ONE- AND TWO-HORSE WAGONS WIRE ? HAND PUMPS ATOMIC RADIOS ELECTRIC RADIO AND RADIO-PLAYER COMBINATIONS PUMPS Electric Deep and Shallow Well I install your pomps. All pumps and work guaranteed PIPING ? SINKS Also call or write me for your Moving Trips. Friendly and safe drivers. Try my friendly service. Thank you. L.O.HOGSED STAR ROUTE ? HAYESVILLE, N. C. Erom where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Sam Hackney Reports on the U.S.A. Bam Hackney and the mlaraa Juat returned from a trailer trip around the country. They're tired, and (lad to be home, but Mighty impreaaed with what they law. A? Sam report#? arery aectlon haa eomethlng different i a differ* ant way of talking ; different taatea in food and drink j different lawa and cuatoma. But bigger than all theee difference* la the American aplrit of toleranoe that let* ua lira together la united peace. "Of oourae," aaya Sam, "you ran Into MoUraHC* from time to tin*. IndMdaala who erltkifo an othar'a right to (peak hla mlndt enjoy ? glaaa of boar; or work at any trade ho ehooaea. Bat thoee are tho exceptione ? and wa'ro oran tolorant ot them!" From whara I alt, mora of ue ought to mako a trip like tho Hackneys ? to realize firsthand how Amoriea la bigger than lta many dlfferencaa ... how toUrane* of thooo difforencea la tho Tory thing that makes ua atrong. Sugar Stamp No. S3 Will Expire March 31 Housewives are reminded by OPA that Spare Stamp S3, cur lently good for five pounds of sugar, must be "spent" In the next few days or not at all, ' iince it expires March 31, one month earlier than originally intended. The following day. April 1, OPA begins the use of ten pound stamps, with Spare Stamp 11 becoming good for that amount. Army Recruiter To Be Here 2 Days Each Week An army recruiter will be in Franklin today and tomorrow, and on each Thursday and Fri day hereafter, it has been an nounced. Family allowances are still available, for the duration, plus six months, it is explained NEGRO P. T. A. TO MEET The Chapel (Negro) school P. T. A. will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the school. Following the program, refreshments will be served. West's Mill Charles R. Owens, of Ashe ville, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Clara H. Owens, and brother, Johnny. Miss Helen Browning, of Chat tanooga, Tenn., spent the week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rickman and small son, of Brevard, spent the week-end with relatives. J. H. Dills and Frank McClure, of Asheville, spent the week end with home folk. S. A. Shepherd spent last Sunday with his brother, Rich ard, near Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Sheffield and family, of Virginia, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Burdelle Ray, of West Asheville, spent Sunday with home folk. Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Bryson, of Detroit, Mich., are here on business and visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Burnette, of Cisco, Texas, spent several weeks visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnette, re cently. Mrs. L. J. Smith and Mr. and and Mrs. A. H. Wilen and two children, of Cullowhee, were here on business and visiting relatives recently. Mrs. Harry West and two children, of Asheville, spent a recent week-end with relatives here. Miss Zenna Pearl Rickman, of Brevard college, recently spent a few days with home folk. Patronize Your Home Town Merchants and Businesses 1 GOOD FOOD ? CAGLE'S CAFE i ? GOOD SERVICE MORGAN'S CAFE Near the Depot ? Quick Service and Good Food at the Home-Like Cafe USED FURNITURE Bought and Sold ? Lawson Shook Over Rays' Groc. & Feed Co. SWAFFORD'S MARKET ? Groceries Meats Vegetables CLYDE'S CAFE On Main Street WE SPECIALIZE IN Steaks Chops and Fried Chicken CLYDE SANDERS, Mgr. We Appreciate Your Patronage ? Franklin Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 136 A GOOD PLACE TO EAT Excellent Food in a Pleasant Atmosphere LUCILLE'S DINING ROOM Hotel Hearn West's Florist "Flowers for Every Occasion" West Main Street Phoine 234 Macon Dry Cleaners Prompt Efficient Work FOR PICK, CP SERVICE Phone 270 Select Your. MONUMENT At Our Display Yard ? Located at the Foot of Bonny Crest ? Franklin Granite Works E. E. Angel Fire Insurance Macon Insurance Agency Bank of Franklin Bldg. Storm Insurance SO c ?t 9 STEWART'S Electrical Appliance Store Everything Electrical Phone 268 NORTON'S CAFE A Good Place to Eat A/en and women everywhere acclaim THE NEWEST CHEVROLET Setting a new high order of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST You'll find it's bigger-looking ... it's better looking ... it out-styles, out -values, out-saves all other cars in its field ... for it gives you Big-Car quality at lowest prices and at remarkably low cost for gas, oil and up keep I Men and women everywhere ire giving this newest Chevrolet the most enthusiastic welcome any new car has ever received ! And you'll find they are preferring it above all others not only because it is the most beautiful of all low-priced cars ... or the most comfortablt to drive and ride in ... or even the most dependablt performer on street, hill or highway . . . but also because they are convinced it's the one car that combines all these advantages- of BIG-CAR quality at the lowest prices and at such remarkably low cost of operation and upkeep. Come in today! See this car which creates a new high order of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST? this car which is first in production and therefore destined to be first in availability for delivery to you and your family! Place and keep your -order with us for this newest Chevrolet. /CHEVROLET A BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Phone 123 Franklin, N. C.